Friday, November 13, 2020

But Mom, I'm an author, and secret agent!


  1. Where is the "internationally accredited" journalist Kal K. Korff and his coverage of the election? No where to be found as usual and he will write something about it all after he's had enough time to read what everyone else is saying so he can parrot it back.

  2. Kal is trying now to take advantage of Trump losing the election. Kal supported Trump in the beginning and voted for him but Kal always toed the line in public by posting stuff for "Trump haters." Now that Trump is out Kal is displaying his hypocrisy for all to see. Nobody is buying your lame ass bullshit Kal. No big media are letting you slither onto tv shows. Your time was over a long time ago Kal.

  3. How I despise you, Karlton.

  4. Kal on facebook "I kept trying to tell Trump supporters she's a lying, delusional asswipe, on a good day, but they would not listen. They kept telling me "But she's a prosecutor..."
    So WHAT??!!
    She earned what's happened to her. Let's see how Tucker Carlson tries to spin this now, since he hyped her and other lying frauds." Kal is talking about Sidney Powell now that the news is out but poor dumb Kal is late to the party with no evidence of his claims again.

  5. Kal on facebook "Fucking DUMBoCrats, sorry. Both he and Newsome are in a fake Alpha Male CONtest to see which one of them will be Kamala Harris’ “bitch” and get on her ticket as VP. Cuomo has already penned a book praising his handling of the pandemic and he’s likely getting an Emmy for not being Trump like on TV. Your move Newsome, let Nancy Pelosi your relative work the smoky rooms for you." Kal just wishing he had some sort of real power in the world when he knows he does not. Kal will be anybody's bitch for the right amount of money.

  6. Let's see one post from Kal where he was actually trying to tell anyone about Sidney Powell. Just one. You'll never see it because Kal Korff is full of shit and an after the fact credit claimer.

    so it looks like Wednesday 7pm that kal korff will be on some show with someone named steve cambian. looks like a great opportunity to say hi to kal live and hit him with some hard questions. i hope this steve cambian fellow knows what a nut job he is involved with.

  8. Kal says "Hi everyone. This is real, taking no prisoners." BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAA! Ok there Kal you loser.

  9. Doesn't Kal with his mom??????? How old is he????????? lmfao
