Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who is Michaela Kocis?

I've discovered reference made to a woman named Micahela Kocis who once was associated with Kalvin Korff. Reportedly Kalvin and Ms. Kocis were romantically involved, but I have yet to establish this and find it hard to believe once I took a look at a picture of Ms. Kocis. How a beautiful and seemingly intelligent woman ever got tangled up with a freak like Kalvin is beyond me. A message I received indicates that Ms. Kocis is not at all fond of Kalvin and I will find out more.

Odd that Ms. Kocis is not the first Czech woman who was an "author/journalist" to be tied to Kalvin. There are some other things about Kalvin's association with Czech women that I will reveal on this blog shortly. I know Kalvin reads this blog. Got anything you'd like to say Kalvin before it goes live here?


  1. AnonymousJune 25, 2008

    This is gold dust.

    Nail the bastard.

  2. AnonymousJune 25, 2008

    We are doing a service to mankind by exposing this con artist to the world.

    How does it feel to be the one exposed Kal?

    F1 Racer

  3. In 2006, Korff claimed that he would be releasing to the general public a videotape of an agitated Bob Gimlin approaching Ms. Kocis during her investigation into the Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot film. Not suprisingly, Korff has yet to release that video footage.

    If memory serves, Korff also lists Ms. Kocis as a "supermodel." At least Ms. Kocis was enough of an investigator to be interviewed by the Skeptical Inquirer in regards to the Patterson/Gimlin film.


  4. AnonymousJune 25, 2008

    Fact #1:
    The site, no longer exists.
    Fact #2:
    That domain name is still registered and owned by...
    Kal K. Korff

  5. Classic. Not only has Machaela run to the hills to escape the creator of the Atomic Bomb, but she has seemingly abandoned her quest for the "truth" regarding the Patterson/Gimlin film. I can't wait to read the next blog.


  6. The following link contains another photograph of Michaela Kocis.


  7. AnonymousJune 27, 2008

    Kal Korff doesn't have much luck with women. Maybe they can smell the mental coming off him.
