Friday, August 1, 2008

The countless FAILURES of Kalvin Korff #9

Here we are once again with another FAILURE of Kalvin Korff. Kalvin said that beginning on August 1, 2008 we would be seeing daily videos about this Kevin Randle fellow. Unless Kalvin posts a video in the next hour then August 1 will have passed without Kalvin keeping his word.


  1. What I find even funnier than the above comment is that Korff says the special secret services are going to subpoena Meyers. Obviously Korff has no idea what a subpoena actually is or how the legal process works! You serve the person you're suing with a copy of the complaint and that person has a deadline in which to respond to the complaint. A judge then does a finding of fact to see if the suit has merit. Anyone ever involved in a lawsuit knows these things can take two or three years before anyone actually steps foot in a court. Obviously Korff's 219 IQ doesn't encompass any legal knowledge.

  2. You know that imbecile Kal will say he meant Pacific Standard Time so he can weasel out of having not kept his word again.

  3. For a supposed 'supermodel' this Martina chic sure is rough looking, I'm talking like been stomped on in the gravel rough. Yikes. Like Kal it looks as though Martina's glory days are long gone.
