Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kal K. Korff and the art of counting

Check out the picture I took of Kal's website today. Must be secret code for the super duper extra special secret services. A top 25 list with only 18 entries. Nice work Kal, you imbecile.


  1. The guy can't deliver on all of these UFO fraud lawsuits, what makes anyone think he can count?

  2. Exactly. He is a complete doofus and a liar. Good work!

  3. Can't see the picture of Kal's site on my computer...

  4. His total is wrong because he's using a special calculator with a chiph designed...

  5. The guy is so far out in left field now, he's not even in the ballpark! Today he posted Episode 14 of Kevin Randle after having already posted Episode 22!
    I had to laugh the other night when Rob McConnell of the xzone radio show referred to him as 'Sir Kala'. Also have to wonder why there is no longer any mention of the 'Great Debate' of Korff vs. Randle, supposedly to be broadcast next week.


  6. Kevin Randle would be wise not to encourage Korff's delusions by engaging Korff in a debate. Korff made it sound like there would be sponsors and charities and the like involved (a stolen page out of Paul Kimball's Roswell debate invitation to Korff that Korff tucked tail and ran the other way on). Korff will undoubtedly say that the debate did not happen because of some doing on Randle's end and Korff will try to make it look as though Randle isthe bad guy because these unknown charities would suffer.

  7. Like Jf Darke is your real name.

    If we used our real names, we'd all be harassed by Kaptain Kockbite.

  8. JF Darke: Duyyahhh, welcome to the Internet??


  9. So, if you'd like to since you are so much more brave than everyone here, post your name and address including your telephone number and e-mail address or shut your hole.

    I won;t put my name here because the last thing I want is Captain Crazy Kal K. Korff stalking me.

  10. Yeah, you just "stumbled" onto this blog......sure ya' did. If you're a member of kal's cult you can turn right around and go drink some Kal-Aid.

  11. John F. Darke
    1607 Bon Air Dr.
    Lexington, KY

    John F. Darke
    2617 Marcia Blvd.
    Cuyahoga Falls, OH

    John F. Darke
    150 Deerfield Farm Rd.
    Dover, TN

    Close enough?


  12. So a guy claiming to have a 219 IQ can't figure out that you need 25 items for a top 25 list? Hilarious and frightening at once. If Korff actually worked on the Star Wars program, I think we should all hope his job involved a mop and not numbers.

  13. Proof Kal Korff reads this blog: Shortly after this piece was published, Kal quickly added enough videos to make it 25. This would explain his haste in adding videos out of order.

  14. jf darke = kal k korff

    such a loser

  15. Speaking of numbers, here are a few:
    Kal has posted 60 'reality based TV' shows on YouTube the past 90 days.
    Total number of views was 5841, or an average of 98 each. Doing the math, that equates to less than 1.1 views per day for each.
    Not exactly a world-wide audience!
    Hell, Paul Kimball's little spoof of 'Secret Boors' got more than double that!

