Saturday, August 9, 2008

More on CONNIVING Kalvin Korff and his being PUBLICLY EXPOSED as a LIAR!

I now have more on this apology Kalvin Korff had to issue to radio host Art Bell after Kalvin was CAUGHT LYING.

The story is that Kalvin was on a flying saucer radio show and made a statement of fact that radio host Art Bell had threatened to pull his program from three radio affiliates because Kalvin Korff was to appear on a radio program to discredit someone Art Bell knew.

Kalvin Korff said on this other radio program that he had spoken directly to managers at these radio stations who, according to Kalvin, told Kalvin Art Bell had indeed called and threatened to pull his show if Kalvin was to appear on any of their radio programming.

Of course this all turned out to be Kalvin Korff LYING and SLANDERING radio host Art Bell. I was sent the audio of Kalvin Korff when he was on Art Bell's radio show to publicly APOLOGIZE for LYING and SLANDERING Art Bell. This never happened and kalvin admits to LYING and SLANDERING. This is what was said.

Art Bell: "For those you not familiar with what is to follow, you may check my website and you will find audio files of the words said by Mr. kal Korff on the Sightings program, a syndiacted radio program that can be hear. I pretty well covered it last night, and as you know I was very, very angry. I believe we have with us tonight Mr. Kal Korff. Uh, Kal, are you there?"

{Kalvin was scheduled to apologize the night before but did not answer his phone when Art Bell called. Art Bell was rather upset about this and likely felt Kalvin was playing games with him.}

CONNIVING Kalvin: "Yes, sir."

Art Bell: "Okay, um, Kal, I was really really angry at you last night and my anger has somewhat abated at this moment. But, um, I believe you've got something you want to say."

CONNIVING Kalvin: "Yes, um, everything I said about Mr. Art Bell was completely untrue and false. I retract everything entirely and further apologize to not only Mr. Bell, but to the CBC radio network and the affiliates mentioned, KFY in Phoenix, KOMO and KVI in Seattle."

Art Bell: "So, your words about me and what I allegedly said were totally false."

CONNIVING Kalvin: "Yes, there's no evidence at all of, none of it held up and, um, you deserve an apology Mr. Bell."

Art Bell: "Alright, thank you., I want to say something to you and it is the following: Words , Mr. Korff, really do have consequences in UFOlogy, something we're both interested in. We've got room for all sorts of people, believers, skeptics, even de-bunkers like yourself. However, if the goal of our debate is the truth, then the reckless disregard for it harms all of us. So please, I would only ask this: the next time you decide to debate with statements of something you call facts, make damn surethat you know them to be facts and not slanderous lies. This method generally, effectively prevents embarassing retractons of the sort you just had to make.
Kalvin Korff:"

After being PUBLICLY HUMILIATED, Kalvin put these apologies up on the Internet. Kalvin of course tries to slither out of bu blaming "sources" and going so far as to imply that someone might be impersonating this Art Bell fellow. But it is clear that Kalvin stated he talked DIRECTLY to managers of these radio stations. So how does self righteous Kalvin expose himself to the public as a conniving slanderer? I thought about giving kudos to Kalvin for apologizing but realize he only did it to avoid being sued in court. You would think Kalvin would have learned from this PAINFUL PUBLIC lesson and the HUMILIATION he must have endured at having to kneel and beg for mercy before the host of a flying saucer radio show.

Welcome to Kal Korff's Web Site

THANK YOU for browsing my new WEB site. The official launch date is will be by the end of this month, August, 1997. In the meantime, there is something VERY important I must post here for the public record for all to see.

My Formal Apology to Mr. Art Bell

August 6, 1997

Dear Mr. Art Bell,

I offer to you, my personal and sincere APOLOGY to you regarding statements I made that you had threatened three radio stations and to pull their affiliations if they put me on their programs. There was NO MALICIOUS INTENT on my part to either libel or slander you, Mr. Bell.

The truth is, Mr. Bell, I BELIEVE YOU when you say you did NOT do this, and in the interest of getting to the truth I am making a point as I mentioned to you of getting all of the documentation to you that proves this was an innocent mistake.

I know, Mr. Bell, that you are respected in your radio broadcast profession. I also respect you as well, and know (based on having listened to you and thoroughly enjoyed, your audio book "The Art of Talk") that you have worked very hard to achieve the phenomenal success that you presently enjoy. I have also heard similar testimonies about you from your professional peers, on whose other radio programs I have appeared over the past years.

I would like to re-emphasize to you, your listeners, and the general public, that there was no malicious intent on my part to either malign, libel, or slander you – I simply reported information I had been told from various sources which proved to be incorrect upon close, careful investigation.

As I have also previously communicated to both your attorney and yourself in our joint phone conversation, my allegations made towards you, which were in error, were the result of a hodgepodge of confusion, INNOCENT confusion, on the part of my sources. To put it simply, my sources, which have proved TOTALLY RELIABLE IN THE PAST AND ON ALL OCCASIONS, accidentally confused (in part) the actions of Jim Dilettoso with you, Mr. Bell.

As the enclosed documentation clearly proves, it was Jim Dilettoso who sent a legal notice through his attorney implying legal action(s) if a certain radio station permitted me. Kal Korff, to come on their shows to talk about my research.

I enclose for your perusal not only a copy of Mr. Dilettoso’s letter to one of these stations written by his attorney, as well as this station’s reply to Mr. Dilettoso.

I sincerely regret any problems this may have caused you, Mr. Bell, and as the last of the documentation continues to come into my office, I will forward all copies of it to you so that you may be assured that this unfortunate mistake was indeed an series of accidental ones, and was and is not deliberately malicious.

I have posted as of several days ago, a public apology on the radio show "Sightings" and will make every effort to make sure that THIS public apology receive as wide a distribution as possible, including the posting of it on my own personal website starting tomorrow for the period of one full calendar year. This apology will be posted on, early tomorrow morning, which is my own personal website.

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Kal K. Korff

Investigative journalist, author and researcher

"SIGHTINGS" is hosted by Mr. Jeff Rense. Below, is a word for word copy of my formal apology to Mr. Art Bell which was posted on the "SIGHTINGS" website as of August 4, 1997.

Kal K. Korff

Monday August 4, 1997 at 4:56 PDT

Dear Mr. Art Bell, I offer my sincere APOLOGIES to you regarding statements I made that you had threatened some radio stations and pull their affiliations if they put me on their program. There was NO MALICIOUS INTENT on my part to either libel or slander you. At present I BELIEVE YOU when you say you did NOT do this, and in the interest of getting to the truth I will make it a point as I mentioned to you of getting all of the documentation to you so you can investigate this. I know you are respected in your radio broadcast profession. You may want to consider the possibility that someone might be out there impersonating you. Looking forward to providing you with the documentation you have asked for and JUSTIFIABLY DESERVE.

Sincerely, Kal Korff


  1. Kal never did follow through with the documents he promised because they don't exist. How does it feel getting caught with your pants down Kal? Is this what Kal would call an "inexcusable mistake" in research? How does that crow taste, Kal? I know Kal had to eat that crow ass first *and* live on the air with Bell's millions of fans listening.

  2. So Korff, how bad did it hurt getting bitch slapped by Art Bell on national radio? Ouch.

  3. Wow. This really is like shooting fish in a barrel. Kal seems to have completely misjudged the information age's ability to bite you in the ass when you least expect it with BS that you thought was safely gone & deleted. It's also funny how the floodgates seem to be opening up here and all this contrary information is sweeping out.

    You might want to run with this "most popular book on Roswell" claim too, something he has been bragging about as long as I've been following this issue. Stanton Friedman & Don Berliner's "Crash At Corona" is the best selling book on Roswell, no contest, and anybody can verify that fact if they want.

  4. Squeal Kal, squeal in one of your videos like you did on Art's nationally syndicated radio show that was at the time broadcast by over 400 affiliates! oink-oink

  5. I'm afraid that it appears that Kalvin has again been deleting certain of his posts from YouTube. Might I reiterate the call for each and every one of his ludicrous postings to be copied. Then, when he deletes one of them, it can be immediately be re-posted. I am pretty sure that that one containing his absurd claim that KPMG has conducted an audit on his behalf cannot remain up much longer. The one of him promising to "nail" OJ Simpson (the one that forms the background to Redstar Films' "Secret Boors" YouTube post) has already gone.

  6. The wording of his apologies, both verbal and written were obviously given to him by Bell's attorney(s). He was definitly under the gun there.

    Now if we could only get Apple to publicly deny that Korff ever worked on (much less invented) hypertext.

  7. This late breaking news just in ! kalvin k korff, armed with an "Astounding" IQ of 219, as determined by the now defunct OMNI Magazine, scourge of terrorists everywhere, recognized scientific genius (he designed a nuclear bomb at only age 14 and has the purple First Prize ribbon to PROVE IT) holder of a 500 book deal, the man who FINALLY SOLVED that vexing question of just Who Killed JFK?, (why he went on Larry King so there!) EXPERT WITNESS at the OJ Simpson murder trial-civil suit, contestant in Bachelor's for Charity (he admitted he had to get some dumb chick to bid on him), inventor of the Apple hypercard (of course folks who worked there when kkk was employed said he only worked about one month and told them he had to quit because he had "fatal brain cancer" now that I think of it .. that could explain a lot!), invitee to the World Affairs Council where he "lays waste to the Soviet delegation!, secret agent for the FBI who infiltrated HAMAS funding scemes, agent provocateur feeding disinformation to Syrian intelligence in the form of non-working A bombs, and survivor of Syrian hit teams, and NOW A COLONEL IN THE SUPER-SECRET ISRAELI SPECIAL SECRET SERVICES,


    Yes all, kal k korff, a genuine legend in his own mind, has been shown to be a genuine liar and raging bull shit artist.

    Last year after foolishly answering an email from someone inquiring if korff worked at Lawrence Livermore Labs, I chimed in stating I doubted it. Knowing what a blowhard this guy was, a true self-serving promoter of his own brand of BS, I suggested this guy look elsewhere. After all, this korff klown was ranting on and on about how he was a Captain in a Israeli spook group of some sort, and bragging about it on the Internet! He had already tried to impugn Dr. Kevin Randle, one of the foremost experts on the Roswell Incident and denigrated him after just coming back from serviing a year in the Iraq theater of operations. And now, here was this insignificant little "wanna-be" trying to slander and liable Randle. I was sickened. I too was a veteran, with service in Viet Nam and I was only too aware of people attempting to "steal valor" by claiming service, awards and decorations they did not earn nor deserve, and kalvin korff was a new prime example of this. He decided to take off after me. At first I responded somewhat, tried to defuse this moron using humor then I simply ignored him. Recently however I decided to strike back.

    Last year radio host Rob McConnell of the X Zone Radio show offered me a chance to confront korff on his (korff's) weekly spot. I told McConnell I had no interest in giving this moron any credibility by my appearing with him. Plus, I had left UFO research well over a year ago now, and had no desire to jump back in. This changed about a week ago.

    Korff, just by being the moron he is continued to try and bait me. Knowing what a braggart and blowhard he is, and how he allows his alligator mouth to overshadow his humming bird ass, I decided to prove it on Rob McConnells show yep, the same spot korff does his weekly spot from Prague. I wrote McConnell and asked if he was interested, and he was. I prepared. You see, I kept the audio clips from the Art Bell C2C show where korff was forced, with the threat of a very expensive law suit hanging over his head, to go on Bell's show and publicly admit he lied about Bell to millions of Bell's audience. Before the show I checked the net' and could not even find anything about this incident. Well now there is, and korff is whining and sniveling and pounding his chest. Ain't that a shame? How do you think he will explain this one?

    Don Ecker

  8. Kal Korff.

    Total Douche.

  9. Ah my weekend is made.

    F1 Racer

  10. I don't care if you want to live in your fantasy world, "Colonel".

    I DO care when you pose as an english language expert, thereby screwing up the progress of thousands of Czech learners of english, who took your daily ramblings as gospel.

    I DO care when you crap on the graves and deeds of genuinely brave men and women with your braying about fictitious acts of derring do.

    I DO care when you enveigle decent people like "Vojtek" into particpating in your pathetic charades.

    Can't you just stop it? Now?

  11. I second that. I remember that it was a happy day for me when Metro took over Metropolitni Expres here in Prague and kicked that friggin kook and his katastrophic kolumn to the kurb. No longer would unsuspecting Czechs have their English confused and brutalised by that stupid little monkey.


  12. Man, was that audio just gold. GOLD, I say!! Mr. Ecker, you have done a service to the world. How will Korff spin this one? I can only imagine how Kal is sweating bullets, trying to figure out what to say on the next "episode" to somehow cover this one. Perhaps "Martina" will make an appearance to impugn Art Bell. Maybe "Avrim" the adjutant will send out several threatening e-mails, all originating from Prague even though he is supposed to be in Israel. It's damn amazing how long good ol' "Avrim" has been "testifying" or "involved in surveillance" in Prague. Come to think of it, maybe the Saudi and Israeli backers of the "Special Secret Service" believe the center of terrorism and UFO Frauds is Prague. What caught me off guard was the fact that the host of the X-Zone talked about the "Special Secret Service" without even a hint of irony in his voice. Surely he knows how full of shit Korff is.

    Maybe this little "reminder" will be what Kal needs to rediscover the real world.

    Then again, maybe Kal's story will get even better. Since he's supposed to be in England this weekend helping Scotland Yard take down Ray Santilli, I'm sure we'll get some crazy ass story of how they botched the whole thing.

    Reality is knocking at your door, Korff. Do us all a favor and answer...

  13. What's this about Korff supposedly being in England helping out Scotland Yard with ray Santilli? Is this a joke or something Korff actually said somewhere?

    Korff has been singing that tired old tune for *years* now and shit hasn't happened. E-mail Scotland yard and they'll tell you they've never heard of Kal K. Korff just like the rest of the entities Korff claims to be associated with.

  14. If Kal is reading this blog, he is blithely ignoring the contents, and I think his attitude is, like the famous Admiral of WW2, 'damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!'

  15. liar-liar-liar-kalvin's pants are on fire!

    Kal Korff likes to claim others are avoiding issues, but it is clear Kal Korff is avoiding the sad truth about himself. Here are some letters Kal, they spell something that fits you liek a glove:


    And let's not forget this one too:


  16. Kal, can you tell us how Art's ass tasted after you applied your lips to it and repeatedly kissed it? bwahahahahaha bwahahaha

  17. Yeah, Korff announced last week on X-Zone that he and the rest of "S3" would be heading to England to help Scotland Yard nab Santilli. He did, of course, leave the door open for his next appearance on the X-Zone when absolutely nothing happens to Santilli by saying that he had "given Scotland Yard all the evidence they needed but it was still their final call on whether to procede". Now he can say he went to England and those idiots at Scotland Yard didn't have the guts to bring Santilli in.

    I just noticed on his site that the new talk show "Martina" is coming up and, to quote Kal, "The release and broadcast of the new show will be timed around the impending publication of Kal Korff's upcoming trilogy book series on terrorism, called "Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist Plots," which is being published by Prometheus Books in New York.".

    Does this mean the show will never air since the book(s) will never be published???

    And I thought "Secret Wars" was a 9 volume set???

    On another note, where did Kal come up with $90K to send Royce some documents (forensic documents, of course).

    "The explosive forensic reports from Forensic Specialist James Pex, which cost more than $90,000 alone, not only PROVE that Deputy Johnson shot Kurtis Korff ILLEGALLY, but that both deputy Jim Geiger and Deputy Johnson, the District Attorney AND JIM GEIGER'S FATHER, THEN ALL CONSPIRED TO COVER UP THIS WRONGFUL SHOOTING."

    Hey, Royce, when you get all those hundreds of pages, can you forward them to this blog?? I mean, you'll of course actually get them because Kal has never promised that documents were coming and then didn't produce them....

    Hey, Kal, I know you're reading this. Can you sue me, too??? Or have the US division of "S3" at least pick me up and question me??

  18. whoa. looks like kal has haters on the home front. gee, i wonder why that is? lol

  19. Could someone PLEASE post a link to the audio clip of the "Colonel" apologising to Mr Bell? Thanks in advance...

  20. I sent the host of this blog four (4) audio clips, the first being korff on the Rense show where he made his allegations, then Art Bell's reaction, 3rd is Bell being very angry when korff didn't show as promised and finally korff's apology. If the host would like to post them here that is just fine and dandy with me, however this incident did not happen in a vacuum. I want korff to know exactly where this information came from. Oh and remember this kernal kal, when you poke and harass a wasp nest don't be too surprised when they swarm out and sting your ass.

    Don Ecker


    Ten years have passed. I still don't see any government documents.

  22. I remember this show. Where can I get a copy?

  23. I think Korff will have to try and ignore all this & just shrug it off, it's too pervasive and threatening to his fantasy creation for him to even respond to what's going on here. More likely he'll do the usual routine of trying to determine the identity + location of the blog's operator and publicly threaten legal action that will never come to fruition. Just threatening that action will be good enough for him, especially if he can determine an identity to include in the resultant video tirade we can expect to see at YouTube when he's ready. I think right now he's been caught with his guard down and isn't sure yet just what to do and is instead actively ignoring it all. Or, he really is in England -- which I find doubtful since we have extradition treaties & legal jourisdiction arrangements with the Brits. Whatever legal issues drove him to Czech Republic would be waiting for him the second he stepped off the airplane so he probably can't actually go there safely.

    I won't visit his website anymore, there was a report from one of his staunchest critics that his website is loaded with malware executables. I had been visiting every week and all of a sudden noticed that I was being bombarded with pornography spam comeons from senders with specifically European domains. The volume of them that I am seeing has dropped considerably since I stopped visiting his websites.

  24. I remember Kal getting his ass handed to him by Art Bell. Hilarious! And Kal never did send anything to Art Bell other than excuses after the on air apology Kal made. What a spank monkey! Did Art's ass warm your lips up Kal? LOL!

  25. there´s nothing wrong with being a flying saucer believer or a listener to Art Bell´s radio show.
    The first thing that warned me about Kal Korff was the stance he put towards UFO´s and UFO believers whose community he terms ´UFO numb´.
    UFO believers and believers in the UFO - ET coverup appear to be hated worldwide because they do not have access to weapons of mass destruction.
    If they did, no one would be messing up with them. There´d be no such thing as a public outcry when people talk of airspace violations or UFO visits to Earth and people would be allowed to voice their opinions on the ET presence on not only planet Earth but all the other planetary bodies in this solar system and beyound.
    Haven´t we all heard that the world´s religious would collapse if the truth about UFO´s became known internationally?
    That´s exactly what happened - and the religion which suffered the most was Judaism, and all other religions who were founded on the nonsense that people are alone.
    Kal Korff promotes idiocity while anti - employment agencies and organizations promote laziness and inactivity or inactivism.
    People have got to stop being so afraid of reality, of inactivism, and of action.
    Kal Korff´s main organization is Such organizations keep spiritual discernment in a hundred plus miles distance from the closed minds and hearts of their spokespersons and hosts, and that is why people are waking up so fast to what they´re all about - lying, cheating and stealing money from the people - especially taxpayer money.
    And never criticizing Israel......

  26. once ready to face inactivism for the fraud it is - people will no longer be afraid of it or of exposing it and that is why so many people are fighting against inactivism in large numbers....
