Friday, September 19, 2008

Kal Korff a wanted man in Prague?

Is Kal K. Korff a "dodger", or as they say in the Czech republic a "neplatič"? One of the regulars here that comments here has sent to me a very very interesting piece appearing on the Czech language version of the Internet website MacZone.

If you speak Czech fluently and can translate this please do write it up in a comment here for all to read. Here is what I have been told about it. Details are sketchy and I do not know if this is wholly accurate or not and am only sharing this as information only. I have been told that the Internet website piece says that Kal purchased ipods in Prague and did not pay for any of the ipods but instead is alleged to have had the bill sent to none other than Mr. Vojtek Sedlacek!

I have also been informed that Mr. Sedlacek is claiming to know noting about this bill and that Kal WAS NEVER employed as a chief information officer for Mr. Sedlacek but was contracted as a freelancer to teach English to employees!!!

The piece on the Internet website MacZone also indicates that the Czech POLICE are involved and that anyone having bought ipods from Kal with certain serial numbers have been asked to contact someone through email. The serial numbers of the ipods are listed.

Is Kal K. Korff a thief and a fugitive from justice now? Or is Kal as inncoent as he says his brother is? Anyone living in Prague that is abletodo some following up on this story I ask you to please leave details here in the comments section so we can all get to the bottom of this.

If the charges are correct and Kal has dared to steal from Mr. Sedlacek thenb Kal WOULD BE GUILTY of COMMITTING FRAUD!!!! I think Kal should be publicly flogged for STEALING from Mr. Sedlacek if the charges prove to be true.

And Rob McConeel of Xzone is having Kal back onhis show where people can call in and ask that baffoon questions. I have to put in my two-cents here and ask what in the hell good is that going to do? This sort of format gives kal every opportunity to simply give whatver answer suits him and does not place him in a position to have to provide solid proof of his claims. Xzone host Rob McConnel claims he is acting like a journalist in this matter so I would ask Rob McConnel to share all of his findings and proof with the listeners. Surely Rob McConnel took the necessary and important and ethical steps of obtaining solid documentation of Kal's claims and such?

I hope Rob asks Kal about this latest development with the allegation that Kal is a thief and has committed fraud.


  1. Tonight: Friday, September 19, 2008on The ‘X’ Zone with Rob McConnell. – Kal Korff on for last two hours of tonight’s show

    To The Members of The ‘X’ Zone Nation – Re: Kal Korff:

    Kal Korff is going to be my guest for the last two hours of tonight’s broadcast and I know that many of you have questions that you have always wanted to ask Kal so here is your chance – the opportunity that many of you have been asking for.

    Please send the questions that you have for Kal to me here at and I will ask Kal – point blank – the questions that you send.

    During the show, which will be up at, you will be able to ask your questions for Kal to our chat moderator Rob, and he will relay the questions to the studio and they will be asked to Kal.

    Kal will NOT be seeing or hearing the questions prior to the broadcast, and the first and only time he will hear the question is when I ask them on air, live, during the show.

    Once again, please send your Kal Korff questions to me at

    Also on tonight show:-

    22:00 – 23:00 HRS EDT / 19:00 – 20:00 HRS PDT

    HOWARD SMITH - Could Israel Swap Nuclear Bombs for Battle-Ready Robots?

    23:00 – 24:00 HRS EDT / 20:00 – 21:00 HRS PDT

    GIL HOWARD - The Chaos Chip

    00:01 - 02:00 HRS EDT / 21:00 – 23:00 HRS PDT

    KAL KORFF – “FOR THE RECORD” - You Ask The Questions - Kal will answer them - send your Questions to

    Have a Great Weekend ‘X’ Zone Nation!

    Rob McConnell,

    Host & Executive Producer,

    The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show

    Distributed By REL-MAR Broadcast Network

    Divisions of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company,

    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

    Office: (905) 575-5916

    Studio: 1-877-528-8255

  2. Varování: Kal Korff – neplatič?

    12.09. 2008 | Cables ans Simms s.r.o.

    Poprvé v patnáctileté historii firmy Cables and Simms s.r.o. upozorňujeme na možné nekalé praktiky jednoho zákazníka . Jeho jméno je : Kal Korff .

    Kal Korff (američan , novinář ) se představil jako spolupracovník firmy Agentura ProVás s.r.o. Nejprve 22.4.2008 odebral zboží mizivé hodnoty a zaplatil ho hotovosti, doklad byl vystaven na jeho žádost na společnost Agentura ProVás s.r.o. Podruhé , 22.5.2008 odebral větší dodávku za 47250 CZK , opět s dokladem na stejnou společnost , tentokráte na splatnost, kterou však nikdy , ani po mnoha urgencích nezaplatil .

    Kontaktovali jsme zástupce firmy Agetura ProVás s.r.o. pana Vojtěcha Sedláčka v domění , že je to oprávněná osoba k splacení pohledávky . Pan Sedláček nám však potvrdil naše podezření – Kal Korff není a nikdy nebyl jejich spolupracovníkem, pouze v minulosti v agentuře prováděl externí výuku angličtiny.

    Konforntovali jsme pana Kala Korffa s těmito skutečnostmi a varováním, že uvedené skutečnosti uveřejníme . Neustále docházelo k posouvání termínu platby (či vrácení nezaplaceného zboží ) , až se nakonec pan Korff dostal k výhrůžkám na naši adresu – od udání na Finanční úřad, Policii ČR , americkou amabasádu , strašení známými právníky až po hrozby od údajného spolupracovníka z izraelských tajných služeb.

    Při zkoumání kauzy jsme nabyli přesvědčení , že je velmi pravděpodobné , že podobné “problémy” s panem Kalem Korffem může mít v ČR více subjektů . Pokud máte potřebu nebo zájem věc řešit společně s námi , neváhejte nás kontaktovat .

    Kauza Cables and Simms s.r.o. versus Kal Korff má striktně jediný důvod – upozornit na možného neplatiče a donutit ho k urovnání závazků nebo vrácení zboží . Jakékoliv jiné aktivity tohoto pána nás NAPROSTO nezajímají

    . Zároveň uvádíme seznam zboží a jejich sériová čísla , které je stále v majetku společnosti Cables and Simms s.r.o. a které bude nahlášeno na Policii ČR a do servisní databáze Apple, aby mohlo být identifikováno.

    Apple iPod TOUCH 1st gen 32GB sn : S9C809A8W0JW

    Apple iPod TOUCH 1st gen 16GB sn : S1B747EV0W4T

    Apple MacBook 13" BLK 2.2GHz C2D sn : W880104KZ67

  3. I don't read Czech well at all but it looks like it says that the police are investigating Kal and that the American embassy has been informed of this. It looks like Vojtek's business is quoted as knowing nothing about any sort of threat and it also mention's Kal's claim of him being in an Israeli organization.

  4. Shit!! Somebody needs to get a translation of this and forward it to Rob McConnell before they go on the air tonight! I tried BabelFish but they have no Czech to English translation.

    This makes me think that the package that was being held up in New Jersey that Kal claimed was info on his brother (and that was sent to Mr.Sedlacek! Kal made a point to say that Mr. Sedlacek signed for it!) was the batch of hot I-Pods! Another thing: as had been pointed out in numerous places: Rob McConnell was in business with Kal SELLING I-PODS!!

    Rob, I hope you stop in here and read the blog and comments prior to air time. If this is true, Kal Korff has led you into becoming involved in a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. Are your ratings with Kal worth at worst some jail time and at best a VERY expensive legal bill and the embarrassment of being a journalist and not looking far enough into the background of someone you are IN BUSINESS WITH!! It's always best to do your due diligence with ANYONE you do business with, more so with someone who has a reputation like Kal!! How many people in the UFO field have told you directly about Kal not following through on anything and being a KNOWN LIAR!

    Rob, I sincerely hope that should this be true that Kal did not do anything that would get you in legal trouble.

    I think what disgusts me the most about these allegations is that Kal USED someone like Vojtek Sedlacek, someone who has done nothing but give back to his country and who is such an upstanding citizen. Kal used Mr. Sedlacek's reputation to further his own criminal enterprise, then FLED THE COUNTRY!

    I hope Kal Korff gets brought to justice in the Czech Republic and spends some quality time in prison. I'm sure the Czechs hace some fantastic Soviet era prisons that Kal would be most comfortable in.

    If these allegations are true then Kal Korff has now added "criminal" to "liar" as adjectives that can follow his name.

    Let's make sure this story hits every esoteric message board we can find. We owe it to Dr. Kevin Randle, Don Ecker, Royce Myers III, Loren Coleman, Paul Kimball, and anyone else Kal libeled, slandered, or stole research from. We also owe it to the people Kal offended by using a monument to the struggle against Communism to lend the video of him telling a COMPLETE LIE in order to duck out of his Roswell debate.

    Kal has "had it coming" for some time, and now we can put the bully to bed, so to speak.

    I only hope that Paul Kimball has enough budget left on his Kal project top be able to film the reading of the verdict against Kal when that day comes. Oh, what a joy that scene would be!!

    Brad Hudson
    Former Kal Korff lawsuit target
    Dallas, Texas

  5. I don't read Czech, but my loose interpretation of this is that Kal bought the iPods AND a laptop from the retailer, Cables and Simms, and had them charged to Agentura ProVas (Mr. Sedlacek's Company). The store has now sued Agentura ProVas for non-payment, citing Kal as a party to the transaction. Kal panicked and split, leaving Mr.Sedlacek 'holding the bag'. As a result, the police are now looking for Kal, 'whereabouts unknown'. Hence the involvement with the American Embassy.
    re Rob McConnell: if he received an iPod from Kal, as Kal said, Rob is now in possession of stolen property. Whoa!


    p.s. - Paul Kimball has more than adequate funding to cover Kal's upcoming trial.

  6. Digger _


    Brad Hudson
    K4 (Katch Kal Korff Klub)
    Dallas based, Papau New Guinea Funded

  7. This is a very rough translation and I cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of it. I also want to make it clear that these charges at this point are allegations and Kal has not been arrested or charged with a crime at this point, but the firm Cables and Simms has filed a lawsuit against Vojtek's company and has also named Kal as a defendant in the lawsuit.

    For the first time in history the firm Cables and Simms has been the subject of unfair practices by a consumer and his name is Kal Korff. Kal Korff (an American journalist) represented himself as an employee of Agentura ProVás initially on April 22, 2008 taking merchandise of value at 47,250CZK and leaving without paying claiming that the bill should be sent to Agentura ProVas and again on May 5, 2008. However, the bill went into default. Vojtek was contacted about the bill and corroborated to Cables and Simms their suspicion that Vojtek did not authorize the purchase and that Kal Korff was not and never has been an employee of Vojtek and was only contracted on a freelance basis to teach English.

    Something about the facts being a wake-up call or warning about Kal Korff misrepresenting facts and avoiding payments or returning or making good on an account payable. Something about Kal having to leave because of a threat. It mentions the Czech police and US embassy being asked and both saying they knew nothing about Kal working for Israel or doing any sort of classified work and they knew nothing about any threat.

    An inquiry caused them to have problems believing Kal’s claims. Something about anyone seing Kal to contact the firm Cables and Simms immediately. The firm Cables and Simms has filed legal charges against Kal Korff to compel him to pay the company or return their stolen property.

    The firm Cables and Simms are stating the serial numbers of the ipods have been reported to the Czecvh police and have been entered into both the Czech police database and the Apple database for identification.

  8. I've made Rob McConnell aware of this.

    Let's see how he handles this.

  9. 47,250 Czech Koruna = 2,792.20 USD

    So Kal stiffed Vojteck for almost $3,000 American money?

    Listening to X-zone right now and Kal won't answer his phone!! LOL!! Rob said "what does this guy keep running from?" Kal just answered his phone and says he is traveling to Berlin and is right now in Europe.

    Let's see where this go and hope Rob surprises us all.

  10. Kal is saying this is the first time he's heard about the stolen iPods - well, I'm sure it is because he probably didn't think he was going to get caught. Kal is also saying he has to return to Prague because he is having tax problems and needs to 'clear' it up. Suuuurrrreeeee.

  11. Well, that was some hard hitting "journalism". Rob asked about the stolen Ipods and said, and I quote, "Is this just another bunch of crap?".

    In journalism we were taught to get the facts and not put our personal opinion on them. That's called "editorializing", not "journalism".

    I'll have to listen to the rest of this sometime later as the internet connection is so bad I can barely hear all the lies Kal is telling....

    Brad Hudson
    Dallas, Texas

  12. As I listen live I notice that ol'Rob the 'honest host' just mentioned that his call in live line to ask questions was (not surprisingly) NOT working due to 'x zone growing pains' or some such.....

    why am I not surprised....?

  13. Kal says S3 opened an office in Prague. If this is the case then they would need to have a business license issued to them and it would be on file.

    Kal is getting frustrated at being asked all of these questions by Rob McConnell and Kal is tripping all ove rhimself.

    Kal has already tried an age old trick of acting upset and apologizing to Rob for being angry. This is an old sympathy tactic used when confronted with the truth. It ain't working Kal! LOL!

    And someone really should tell Kal that being a security guard is not the same thing as being in law enforcement. This is like saying that an apple is the same thing as a stick of celery.

    Still listening to Kal starting to gradually get angry at these questions and interrupting Rob McConnell trying to spin some damage control because Rob is actually asking questions that require real answers.

  14. I'm hoping Rob surprises us all and has something big he's going to share that exposes Korff. I would have cut this nonsense off long ago after hearing Korff blaming KPMG for the audit not coming out. This isn't how audits work. You order the audit, it gets done, you pay for the work and the results are released to you. It really is that simple. If Korff had actually arranged an audit, he would have had the results by now and this is absolutely bullshit about waiting for someone at KPMG to sign off on it.

    Rob, this is the lamest pile of crap I've ever been subjected to. Common sense needs to prevail here and common sense says that Korff is full of shit.

    There has been a lawsuit filed against Korff in Prague by Cables and Simms! this is a verifiable fact easy checked on by contacting the company and the courts in Prague. Why doesn't Rob contact this Vojtekk guy and ask what's up?


  16. Now Kal is trying to blame his mistake on the now deceased Karl Pflock saying that the claim Kal made about there being no black sergeants at Roswell was an "editorial" mistake. No it wasn't Kal and you know it. This X Zone show is a fucking joke and so is this interview. this isn't journalism, it's puff and low grade late night entertainment at best.

  17. Breaking news, so it seems. Kal ordering stuff and billing it to an unsuspected (humanitarian) company. What a low play. Criminality seems to run in the family.
    And from what I can gather Korff wasn't a CEO or any other kind of fancy title at Vojtek. Korff's a hustler, a conman and a lying exagerating fraud.
    I hope Korff ends up exactly like his brother. Maybe he can write a new book in prison called "Why am I a dick?."

  18. Vojtek DENIES knwoing about any threat. Rob, cut this clown off the air and stop wasting your time with him. there are far more IMPORTANT people you could be having on your show for the public to get good info from. Kal is so obviously full of it with these pathetically convenient answers. Do your listeners a service Rob and dump this fool from your show. Not only is he making an ass out of himself he's pining the tail on yours.

    Kal claims to have announced this on Rob's show and Rob doesn't recall Kal ever saying this. This is a trick Kal has tried to pull tons of times with people by saying "you might recall" or "you probably remember when I" and so on. If this happened Rob would have remembered and I hope Rob pulls up the shows where Kal claims to have said this because he will find Kal never said it.

    The fact that there is NO record of Kal being married in the Czech republic kills this claim.

  19. I said this a month ago, and I'll say it again: Kal is a textbook psychopath. Unlike what everyone believes a psychopath to be (a blood-crazed nut, killing everyone and reveling in their deaths), a psychopath truly has no empathy. Kal does not form relationships like the rest of us do. Each and every person Kal meets is sized up and Kal determines what he can get that peson to do to better Kal's life. Everyne is a potential victim to a psychpath, and they truly don't consider the other person's feelings. Kal saw Sedlacek merely as a means to an end: he could use his good name and reputation in order to enrich himself. Now that the cat is out of the bag, Kal has no guilt, nor can he even imagine how his victim feels. It is completely beyond his comprehension. Once Kal is caught he may attempt to express some type of remorse in an effort to fool everyone else that he has "learned his lesson" and won't do it again, but Kal will merely be saying the words he thinks will be extracting him from the situation so he can go on to his next victim.

    There is no current treatment for the true psychopath. If Kal was committed to an institution he will merely act the part of "getting better". He will say whatever needs to be said to be let out, and once he is out he will go right back to behavior that is "normal" to him, finding new people who he can use to achieve his goals.

    I hate to say it, but no matter how many times he is caught in his lies he won't change, ever.

    Brad Hudson
    Son of a psychologist
    Dallas, Texas

  20. I can't believe I am up listening to this bullshit artist Kal K. Korff. If you believe any of these answers Rob then you insult real journalists everywhere by calling yourself a journalist.

    This isn't an interview that any true investigative journalist would perform. This is a dog and pony show where you can say "see? I asked him and he answered!" This is the biggest joke I've ever listened to.

  21. Sadly, Rob has just spent 2 hours on the phone with a criminal, and one who has lied to Rob in the past and even caused Rob to look like an ass when Kal bailed on a debate that had been hyped for moths.

    Why this continues I have no idea.

    All we can do is wait for Paul Kimball's movie to come out.

    Brad Hudson
    Patiently Waiting until Spring '09
    Dallas, Texas

  22. Kal sure has an excuse for everything, don't he? My five-year old is more convincing than Kal even when my kid gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  23. kal's at a phone booth!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    i hope that no one is seriously giving any credibility to kal for these lameass answers he's puling out of his ass.

    rob mcconnell is losing some serious face over this and have less than zero believability in my eyes.

  24. I'm getting sick from the overwhelming smell of bullshit Kal is putting out.

  25. How is he at a phone booth when he had Rob call him???? He gave Rob the number of a phone booth???

  26. Rob McConnell is the farthest thing from any real investigative journalist. Rob, I have some stock in China I'd love to sell you and a few lovely bridges you'll want to buy. Can you spell gullible?

    I won't be tuning into crackpot zone anymore. what a load of sheer nonsense.

  27. Started a thread on the Paracast Forums about this subject. I bet Gene Steinberg and David Biedney will enjoy it.

  28. I amazed and shocked after having tuned in to this Rob McConnell's show. Amazed at how McConnell would ever allow Korff back on the air after having to endure the endless stream of piss Korff called answers. Shocked that McConnell has his own radio show and calls himself a journalist of any sort.

    This Korff character sure has an answer for everything. Korff can announce to the world where he'll be but can't say what school he's supposedly getting a Phd through? Pure balderdash.

    One thing is certain: Kal Korff loves being in the center of any sort of controversy he can create. This would be because Korff is an attention whore of the worst kind. I for one won;t be coming back to the blog because by giving Korff this amount of attention we have all played right into his stubby little hands and he is soaking this all up.

    Korff has secured his spot on McConnell's pathetic little radio program with McConnell essentially giving Korff permission to continue his fantasy life. You should never encourage people who appear to be mentally ill.

  29. It is true that Cables and Simms has filed a lawsuit and Kal K. Korff is named in the suit. There is a lawsuit filed and word is that the media in Prague are going to be all over this story in the coming week.

  30. What I don't get is the radio host knowing about Kal and this i-pod thing and coming right off asking if it is just more crap. that to me says the host is biased and has already made his mind up. the host sure seems very gullible to believe all that just on Kal's word. real journalists ask for proof.

  31. My last night on the trail of crazy Kal Korff. I don't care if the guy goes completely nuts tomorrow or not. After hearing him tonight it became clear to me he is going to continue with this fantasy stuff and he now has someone stupid enough to give him attention on a radio show.

  32. Rob,

    You have to be kidding me here with this Q and A with Kal. The guy stumbled all over himself. His answer to the audit and the bogus 'terror threat' alone were enough to convince me how full of it Kal is.

    Phil Mantle has even said Kal is full of it and doesn't deliver. Phil is a total gentleman and one of the most honest guys I know in the UFO field.

    How about a straight answer here, Rob. Do you believe Kal's claims, yes or no? If not, then why waste time giving him a stage to play out his fantasies on?

    I also noted the anger in your voice when you tried to call Kal initially and there was no answer. You responded by saying something along the lines of 'what is this guy running from?' This says a lot right here.

    Rob, I won't waste my time listening to your show knowing that you are willing to promote the likes of Kal. I simply won't support it nor will I support you in any fashion. At times your show has very fascinating people on and some very useful information. But I just can't bring myself to listen knowing you're willingly promoting trash like Kal K. Korff. You're doing an incredible disservice to people.

    I frankly have to say that I find it insulting to the people really waging the war on terrorism to listen to Kal's poppycock when he says he is involved in doing terrorist round ups and the like. It is a patent absurdity when Kal makes those sort of fantastic claims.

    I further find it insulting to terror victims around the world and disgusting that you would allow Kal to soil the memories of those who have paid the ultimate price defending the world against terror. You should be ashamed for allowing this to happen.

    I'm also going to write a letter to your radio network and let them know how I feel about this and why I won't be listening anymore.

  33. Shame on you, McConnell.

  34. What a disgraceful display on x zone tonight. McConnell has lost all of his credibility over wanting to stir some controversy. Shame on you indeed McConnell. I'll never listen to your show again.

  35. Someone grab those videos off youtube of Kal delivering those Ipods, the police might need them as evidence!

    F1 Racer
    Francis Underwood

  36. So Krackhead is the "official" X-Zoned representative in Europe, as stated more than once on the X-Zoned site and Krackhead's online circus. McConnell is therefore an accomplice in KKK's fraud crimes, and if he's got one of this ipods, he's in possession of stolen goods. Robbie gives Krackhead a platform from which to spew more lies and slander, and has shown that he's more than happy to stir up the shit, as long as it means that he get get someone to listen to his "show". Robbies knows full well that Krackhead is a liar, he's known it all along.

    If you want to let the Talkstar radio network know how you feel about McConnell and his cooperation with a slanderous lunatic and newly-confirmed thief, here's the info:

    Contact: Victor Ives, CEO & Head Cheese
    Phone: (503)638-4839 PST

    Business & Legal
    Contact: Bob Laman, COO
    Phone: (503)695-3242
    Fax: (503)695-6742

    Also, you should contact ANY advertiser you see on the X-Zoned site, and let them know what's going on, and your disgust at the situation. URGE them to pull their advertising from the show. Hit McConnell where it hurts.

  37. Kal has some hilarious BS on his webpage regarding last nights X Zone show.

    F1 Racer
    Francis Underwood

  38. Greetings all. This note is primarily directed to X-Zone radio host Rob McConnell (and I am sending this to his email) however I am posting it here since this site is dedicated to exposing the moron that kal k korff has shown himself to be.

    First, I did not stay up to listen to the broadcast that McConnell conducted with korff. My hour interview I did with Rob McConnell gave me a lot of insight into McConnell and his "MO" on the air and yesterday McConnell wrote me an angry email note taking several personal shots at me. Okay, hell I've sprinkled those things on my cereal for years, but one thing he said bears repeating before I go on.

    "I believe by bringing Kal back onto the show and allowing listeners to send in their question for Kal, he will be given the opportunity to answer the questions that people like yourself claim to want to ask but are not given the opportunity to do so. Tonight is that opportunity for one and all. This is what real radio journalism is about Don getting to the three sides of any story his, hers and the truth."

    Real radio journalism? Rob, if you believe you are a real "journalist", then Pal, you are playing with yourself. At the risk of you accusing me of promoting my legend, I WAS A REAL JOURNALIST WITH 20 YEARS ON THE JOB. The name of the publication was UFO Magazine. I WAS A REAL COP WITH OVER 10 YEARS ON THE JOB. So, lets start from there. Here Rob, just for you is a short primer (and a free one) on how to INVESTIGATE SOMETHING.

    The latest is that kkk de-frauded a Ck. businessman out of several thousand American dollars. The gentlemen's name is Vojtek Sedlacek and the alleged fraud involves I-Pods. Sound familiar Rob? So Mr. radio journalist, call Mr. Sedlacek's company, I am sure they have a public affairs department, and question the spokesperson. You know, questions like "Well sir, back in June korff claimed on his website that he signed a 5 year deal with Mr. Sedlacek where Mr. Sedlacek appointed korff "chief information officer & chief technical officer" for the company. Is that true? Also, is it true that korff bought $3,000.00 worth of I-Pods and billed them to Mr. Sedlacek's company without authorization? Instead of .... yeah Rob, I read the comments of people that did hear your show, "gee kal, is this another bunch of crap?" Then Rob, you call the police department in Prague and tell them you are a "JOURNALIST" working on this story and find out what they have to say. (Keeping up?) Then you take what you found out so far (remember Rob, at least two sources) and YOU FREAKEN REPORT it on your show. You know, now I am wondering if YOU have some type of business deal with korff? Okay Rob, here is my question ... are you now or have you ever in the past conducted any type of business deal with kal k korff where currency exchanged hands? Other than ratings Rob, do you have any other vested interest with korff? Are you korff's shill Rob? Or are you simply to "simple" to see that korff is a total fu*king fraud?

    Don Ecker

  39. Oh yeah, one more thing I wanted to mention ... in the immortal words of "The Duke" or John Wayne ...

    ''Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.''

    Don Ecker

  40. KIAI - Is it possible to get that article properly translated? Also, is it worth taking a screenshot of the article (just in case it suddenly disappears for some reason). I agree it would be worth downloading those videos of the Great Man wandering around with those iPods.


  41. Congratulation Don Ecker on being added to The 'X' Zone Order of Woo Woos! LOL - LOL - this is priceless! LOL

  42. Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone, but as I mentioned in my note here, I sent the exact same note to Rob McConnell's X-Zone address. You may wish to refresh your memory of what I said to McConnell (for example who to call in Prague to check out the korff story, also do you have any type of business arrangement with korff, etc. if you have a question I suggest you re-read it.) but McConnell wrote me back and totally ignored everthing I asked. Here is his answer in total.

    "Don – get a life – instead of living your want to be life through others. Maybe there are a few people who are actually interested in what you say – but I am not one of them.

    Rob McConnell,
    Host & Executive Producer,
    The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show
    Distributed By REL-MAR Broadcast Network
    Divisions of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company,
    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
    Office: (905) 575-5916
    Studio: 1-877-528-8255"

    Atta boy Rob! I am now convinced you are a radio .......Journalist!

    Don Ecker

  43. I am completely uninterested in the UFO field. I am not interested in your internecine feuds.

    But you, McConnell, are a disgrace ... in that you have given this malicious, unhinged individual a platform on which to spout his bile, his hate, his nonsense - pretty much unchallenged - for so long.

  44. Kal said he sent one of those Ipods to Rob McConnell.
    Therefore, Rob is in possession of stolen property.

    I think I will let the appropriate people know.

    F1 Racer
    Francis Underwood

  45. Don: My hat is off to you, sir. Fact is fact and when it cuts this deep, it can't be overcome by hype. Rob is clearly attempting to appease people on this blog, while garnering what he believes to be increased ratings at the expense of the truth. Serious researchers do not engage in this kind of nonsense. Rob would rather be the P.T. Barnum to Korff's Elephant Man.

  46. Rob, there are more than just a few people interested in what Don has to say. I find it's generally true that you are just like "the company that you keep". It seems to me that you are interested in keeping Kal around. Whatever the reason, in my opinion it's not worth it. I realize that the few of us in here who have taken the time to e-mail the CEO and COO of TalkStar Radio probably won't make much of a difference, but at least I feel as if I've at least tried to do something.

    I don't personally have anything against you or Kal, but I have a problem with how Kal operates, how he threatens anyone who disagrees with him, and his double standards as far as evidence is concerned. You claimed that last night was an opportunity to ask Kal questions, and you did ask questions, but you never took the next step that any journalist (which you fancy yourself to be) would take: getting proof. Journalists dig around and find out the real story.

    Hey, if all you're interested in is entertainment, then fine, but don't claim to be anything but entertainment. Hey, even George Noory has, from time to time, asked guests for proof. Tom Biscardi is no longer allowed on C2C because he flat out lied to George. Even though I think Tom Biscardi is a lying piece of crap, he never stiffed C2C on a show, so he is one up on Kal at this point.

    Hey, if Kal is worth that 1/1000th of a rating point to you, then have at him, just don't be surprised when people start to question YOUR credibility.

    Finall, Rob, I know I'm not in radio, I don't have a show, I just have my sandbox where I recreate UFO crashes, but I do have some journalism education to my credit, and with what I learned there I'd never have Kal Korff on any show that purported to be trying to egt to the truth.

    Brad Hudson
    Writer of Complaint letters to TalkStar Radio and sponsors of the X-Zone
    Dallas, Texas

    PS - The thing that's most sad is that, had you played this right and nailed Kal to the wall, the increase in listeners would have been more than enough to offset the 4 people who would have stopped listening because you were tough on Kal Korff.

  47. Oh, please. Rob McConnell is not interested in the subject matter. He's certainly not an Investigative Journalist! All he is interested in is The Show.

    For the internet stream crowd, during commercial breaks we could hear Rob asking his producer, "How are we sounding?" The question referred to the overall quality of the sound of The Show. "Am I *up* enough? Does the subject matter sound interesting enough? Is the back-and-forth good?" Rob and Bill kept commenting that the two hours was going really quickly, meaning that regardless of what Kal was saying, it was coming off well.

    Remember, Rob was not running the show for me and you - he was gearing it toward the non-choir: those who may not know anything about Kal Korff. And he had to make The Show interesting for them.

    And let's face it, Rob and Kal are obviously friends. Despite Rob's pretense of objectivity, he was clearly pandering to Kal, letting him easily off the hook with those evasive non-answers.

    So we learned nothing new or substantive. Well, check that- we learned that Kal Korff doesn't even own a cellphone, and had to have Rob call him at a phone booth! LOL - which possibly explains the delay at the beginning of the show; somebody else was using the phone booth!

    And so it goes...

  48. Don't be too hard on McConnell. Let's be real, ufology is not a science, just entertainment. This site alone is Korff ratings. Why stop? I would bet Korff has quite a X-Zone fan following; people who are impressed and probably don't know about this blog.

    I agree with some here, McConnell should be more nuetral. But I would miss Korff's spot and the impending effect at this blog.

    Korff can't be taken seriously, he's a laugh. Unless you believe in comic book characters. And the mighty "Superman" might be Korff Kent!

    And Korff might be secretly somebody special. Maybe McConnell knows something we don't know?

  49. Don't forget that this Cables & Simms store has also been defrauded by Kal K. Korff as well as Mr. Sadlacek. They are out of the goods, which is a shame though now we know where Kal K. Korff got the money for an Apple laptop with wifi now. I usually wouldn't correct our hard working blog host but he is missing something -- If Kal K. Korff did pull this swindle, he's not guilty of consumer fraud so much as just a petty crook, and should be henceforth regarded as such by the UFO/Paranormal Studies community.

    What it sounds like is that in about April or May Kal K. Korff may have known that his welcome in Prague was wearing thin and realized he needed an easy mark for some travel money. He advertised his services as a freelance English teacher and Vojtek Sadlacek answered the ad. Kal K. Korff staged the signing ceremony and filmed it so he could put a spin on the reality of what was going on and make himself sound like a big shot.

    Convinced that he was above questioning, Kal K. Korff then went to Cable & Simms and posed as the new Chief Technical Officer for Vojtek's company and negotiated a "bill of sale" purchase for these iPods and the Macbook, and awaited delivery of the Macbook through the summer while putting off Vojtek's queries as to what was going on with the due bills for the purchases with more bullshit, or just outright ignoring him. Cables & Simms then served Vojtek with a past due accounts bill and threatened legal action if the balance was not paid in full, and Vojtek told them to talk to Kal K. Korff about it since he knew nothing.

    Bill collectors then began to hound Kal K. Korff and might have even visited his residence, which was when he decided it was getting hot and time to leave town. He then came up with the idea of a "terrorist threat" against him as a cover story when summoned to the U.S. Embassy, who had been alerted to the fraud and wanted his side of the story while they figured out what to do with him. Kal K. Korff was probably given a choice of paying Cables & Simms for their goods or facing jail time and instead packed up and left, shooting a series of videos in advance that he loaded onto his ill-gotten Macbook to upload as he was able to find wifi bandwidth to glom onto. He then departs for Switzerland suddenly and without informing the U.S. Embassy in advance to crash with whomever he can find shelter with while avoiding Czech authorities, all the while dressed up like the Frito Bandito in his vest and hat.

    Rob McConnell isn't just an enabler, he's an accessory to a fraud at this point, as is YouTube to a certain extent since that's where Kal K. Korff posts his videos that are an essential part of his scam operation. He isn't interested in paranormal studies, he's a con artist who has a background in the subject and knows how to play the system to his advantage even when it's obvious to even a complete mental retard that he is lying through his teeth everytime he opens his mouth. Rob McConnell knows that Kal K. Korff is lying and the person who commented that all Rob cares about is the show is 100% correct. He could care less about what anybody thinks about his conduct just the same way that Kal K. Korff could care less: They are both con artists at heart and are very well suited for each other.

    Let him continue to have Kal K. Korff on his show, phoning in from whatever phone booth or jailhouse payphone that Kal K. Korff may have access too. In the end it's Rob McConnell who is going to be screwed the most by this once Czech authorities get to the bottom of this iPod swindle. If those allegations turn out to be true Rob is aiding & abetting a criminal, to a degree. How else did Kal K. Korff convince Vojtek to hire him freelance other than by boasting of his weekly spot on the X-Zone & lying about being an Israeli intelligence operative, having a 500 book deal and collaborating with a Czech supermodel on a reality TV series? The guy has no verifiable past or credentials, only this ongoing make-believe involving the internet, digital videos, iPods, cowboy hats, his website, and whoever he can manipulate into aiding him.

    This is really a dark, dismal day for UFO/Paranormal Studies and the enthusiasts who follow it. Here are two of their star players turning out to be common crooks. The UFOs and Bigfoot stop being important once people start being screwed and swindled. Don't give Kal K. Korff a second thought, he's just a thief and apparently a pretty stupid one at that since Apple will be able to trace that laptop wherever he uses it. The serial number and computer identity are permanent, you can't erase them and every time he connects to the internet it will be logged in Apple's database.

    He's in a lot of trouble, including with the US Embassy system which won't take kindly to being lied to about intelligence work and Israeli espionage agencies that don't exist. Wait until the Israelis find out about it too -- they might not take kindly to having someone impersonate an officer in one of their intelligence services in an effort to swindle a Czech humanitarian aid organization.


  50. I read on Kal Korff's silly little website about this shooting and Royce Myers supposedly being "wrong". Someone might want to point out to Kal and his "219 IQ" that Royce was *right* and that Kurtis Korff is *guilty* and was found *guilty* of trying run over a police officer with a car. Kal Korff is *wrong* but will never admit it.

    Let's review:

    Royce said Kurtis Korff was guilty.

    Kal says Royce is wrong.

    Kurtis Korff is found guilty.

    Kurtis Korff is sent to prison.

    Royce was right.

    Kal was wrong.

    It doesn't get any simpler.

    End of story.

  51. One more thing: If Royce only had the initial discovery (Kal's own words) and this forensic analysis came out later, then how could Royce ever make any kind of informed decision without having all the available facts?

    You'd think someone supposedly as intelligent and supposedly as fair as Kal would have figured this out. Guess not.

    Anyone know what Royce thinks about this?

  52. So let me get this straight. An "investigative journalist" whose guests include tarot card readers and ladies who talk to angels devotes two hours of his show (not just once, but on a regular basis) rapping straight-faced over the phone with some guy in a phone booth somewhere in Central Europe about said guy's fight - under the aegis of a shadowy Israeli-based intelligence organisation - against al Quaeda, clad all the while in an outsized Texas cowboy hat and reporter's vest to make himself look "inconspicuous".

    I don't know who are the bigger jerks - "Colonel" Korff, McConnell, McConnell's employers, McConnell's advertizers, or the people who tune in to listen to such garbage.

    Shame on them all!

  53. Well Kal took down all the videos from You Tube of him delivering the stolen Ipods.

    That wont help you Kal. Actually, in the eyes of the police it will make you appear MORE guilty.

    Also, Rob McConnell is in possession of stolen property, one of the Ipods. I took the liberty of notifying the Czech Police through my contact at the Ministry and Cables and Simms as well.

    We warned you Rob, you didn't listen. Now its your turn.

    F1 Racer
    Francis Underwood

  54. Apple's Macintosh identity database will have logged the session where Kal K. Korff connected to the internet with his stolen Macbook. Since he's also using wifi/airport technology to steal other people's bandwidth there's a chance that whenever he even turns the thing on it's status is reported to Apple. If he is reading this the wisest thing he can do is throw the thing into a fucking river at this point, he is going to be found and arrested. Since he crossed international borders this is now a matter for Interpol as well. He is also probably of the opinion that he can go back to Prague and talk his way out of this somehow, explain that it was all a misunderstanding and blame Vojtek Sadlacek for having misled him on just what the terms of his employment were. In any case this will turn out to not be Kal K. Korff's fault and we can expect an "Is It Really True?" segment denying it all -- IF he isn't brought to justice first.

    Kal K. Korff is a common crook who saw a mark in a generous man who runs a humanitarian aid company. He is beneath contempt and as far as I am concerned the "fun" is over. $3k US is also a huge hit for a retail store to take, and Rob McConnell helped to make it all possible by giving Kal K. Korff legitimacy that he wouldn't otherwise have had -- his radio audience is also being misled and like someone pointed out the vast majority of them have probably never heard of any of this, visited this blog, seen Kal K. Korff's website, know who Royce Meyers III is, and don't care.

    Speaking of which that stiff, jerky, silent, meaningless "animation" of the Kurtis K. Korff shooting is absolutely devoid of any context and looks like shit to boot. My 8 year old neighbor could probably have made a more convincing looking animation and would at least have had the good sense to add narration and explain to viewers what the fuck it was supposed to be showing. Not only is it unconvincing and poorly made, it's about eight months too late. Nobody in Oregon is ever going to watch it let alone take it seriously, it isn't "evidence" it's WANKAGE created for or by a wanker who's now just a common crook, on the lam from the police and running out of time. Europe isn't big enough for Kal K. Korff to hide in, especially when connecting to the internet with a stolen Macbook laptop like a complete fucktard.

    And sorry about my profanity but the party is over, this isn't fun anymore.

  55. Goddam. If only someone had downloaded and stored that pathetic video of Kal spouting off in about KPMG.

  56. For a "proper" translation, try Google Translate page.

    Here's the article through Google Translate:For the first time in fifteen-year-old history Cables and Simms Ltd. note the possible collusion of one customer. His name is Kal Korff.

    Kal Korff (American, a journalist) are presented as a business associate of ProVás Agency Ltd. First off 22.4.2008 scant value of the goods and paid him cash, the document was issued at his request, the company ProVás Agency Ltd. Second, 22.5.2008 went for a greater supply of 47,250 USD, again with evidence of the same company, this time to maturity, but never, even after several reminders, failed to pay.
    We contacted a representative of the company Agetura ProVás Ltd. Mr Adalbert farming in the domain that this is the person entitled to repayment of debts. Mr. Sedlacek However, we confirm our suspicions - Kal Korff is not and has never been their colleague, only in the past, the agency conducted outside the teaching of English.
    We Konforntovali Mr Kala Korffa with these facts and warning that the fact we. Were constantly pushing the date of payment (or repayment of outstanding goods), and finally, Mr. Korff came to threats to our address - from giving to the Tax Office, Police of the Czech Republic, U.S. amabasádu, scaring known lawyers to threats from an alleged associate of the Israeli secret services .
    In examining cases we have acquired the belief that it is very likely that similar "problems" with Mr. Kale Korffem may be more bodies in the Czech Republic. If you need or interest to address the matter jointly with us, please do not hesitate to contact us
    Case Cables and Simms Co. vs. Kal Korff is strictly one reason - to draw attention to potential defaulters and force him to settle obligations or returned goods. Any other activities of the master us not ENTIRELY
    . At the same time, the list of goods and their serial numbers, which is still in assets Cables and Simms Ltd. and which will be reported to the Police of the Czech Republic and in the Apple database service that could be identified.

  57. Sorry, but the translation I pasted in in wrong in the "USD" amount. It should read 47,250 Czech Koruna (~$3,050)


  58. Good work! What a sad article. A real man would drop whatever they were doing and return to Prague immediately to settle this matter. Instead, Kal K. Korff has removed any and all video references on YouTube to iPods, iPhones, and Vojtek Sadlacek. His travelogue videos of Prague are also gone, almost as if to suggest he is cutting his ties to the city and denying that he ever spent any time there.

    But the REAL reason I think he took them down has to do with YouTube's terms of service rules which state that no videos glorifying any criminal activity shall be posted to their service. Since the iPods were all obtained illegally all footage of him showing them off would be in violation of their terms of service, which could have resulted in an instant suspension of his account.

    Without YouTube Kal K. Korff has no multi-media platform with which he can continue lying to and deceiving those people who visit his website. He is a crook and a liar and like crooks & liars is very carefully covering his tracks, cutting off connections and pretending as though none of this ever happened. He also deleted the two videos filmed with Vojtek, so he must have absolutely no plans to try and settle the score with Mr. Sadlacek either. Everybody gets screwed, and yeah if Kal K. Korff had in fact mailed one of his iPods to Rob McConnell then Canadian authorities will probably have to become involved as well.

    For a person who "got his start in law enforcement", Kal K. Korff has a pretty cavalier attitude about creating a mound of work for all these various police agencies to have to undertake. Even if he returns to Prague and throws himself on the mercy of authorities they still have weeks of paperwork ahead of them, as well as the resultant use of public resources to prosecute & hopefully incarcerate Kal K. Korff so he can repay his debt to society by serving time in a correctional institution. Where, by the way, he would be subjected to psychological evaluation, and probably found to be mentally incompetent.

  59. If your are so innocent Kal then why do you not just go back to Prague and settle the matter by appearing in court? Kal, if your are the upfront and honest person you claim to be then you should have no problem facing these charges in Prague.

    Your failure to return is as bad as vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin's refusal to respond ot a legally issued subpoena.

    Kal is either the champion of consumers he claims to be or he is a perpetrator of consumer fraud. This is a perfect opportunity for him to prove it to the world.

    Stand up like a man Kal and stop running.

    And jus tot let you know Kal, everyone sees right through this next excuse you're setting up to get out of all of this, not that it would work any way: Your talk about writing a thesis for a doctorate degree in human behavior. I know this is one excuse you are plotting to use to wash your hands of all the despicable threats and accusations you've made, claiming it all to be some sort of experiment.

    Only Kal would be stupid enough to think it would work in whole or part.

    So what will it be, Kal? Return to Prague and face the charges amde against you like any law abiding person would do, or keep running while offering your balderdash excuses that rob Mcconnell will eat with a spoon and ask for seconds?

  60. WANTED:


    The Prague Police Department is seeking information on the whereabouts of the above named individual on charges of;

    1. Fraud

    2. Acquiring goods under false pretense

    3. Transporting stolen property across International borders

    4. Flight across International borders to avoid prosecution

    Anyone having information on the subject person is asked to contact the Prague Police at

    261451510 or

  61. re: Don Ecker

    Thanks much Don for sharing your communique with Rob McConnell with us. My what a difference six weeks can make, last time we knew you, Rob and the rest of us were sharing some good laughs over the Art Bell Apology Tapes, which Mr. McConnell seems to have conveniently forgotten about in his eagerness to get Kal K. Korff back on the air. Now he has told you (and us, vicariously) to "get a life" and apparently sided with Kal K. Korff in the interest of ratings. Sadly as someone points out, the vast majority of his listeners are probably unaware of this blog or the months/years of drama surrounding Kal K. Korff's ongoing conflict with the entire civilized world. Just like the visitors who subscribe to Kal K. Korff's website, McConnell's own listeners are being duped and McConnell has loaned his name to give Kal K. Korff legitimacy that he wouldn't otherwise have. The person who pointed out that McConnell may know something about Korff that the rest of us don't is probably right on the money, though I doubt that Rob knew he would end up aiding & abetting an alleged elaborate shoplifting scam that victimized a humanitarian aid organization.

    I've also been dwelling on how the serial number and computer identity of Kal K. Korff's allegedly stolen Macbook laptop but the same technology that could be used to trace that Apple product is also applicable to the iPods. I am not sure if the iTouch design also relies upon iTunes to transfer multimedia files to it's internal drive but the basic principal by which the managing software maintains and updates the iTouch would essentially be the same.

    With iPod at least you need to use iTunes to manage it, and the first time you connect it to a new computer iTunes essentially registers that iPod's unique identity with it's database to help the owner keep it's operating system software up to date. That information is then exchanged between Apple and the iPod every time you plug it in while connected to the internet and if new software for it's functions are available the user is given a prompt to download & install it. A log of which iPods have been connected to the computer is also kept to make sure that the proprietary license for whatever files may have been purchased from the iTunes store is being adhered to. I.E. if you send a song file purchased from iTunes to someone else who didn't pay for the license to play it the song won't work, and the only way that can happen is if iTunes can identify that iPod as not being owned by the person registered to use that song file. And the only way it can do that is by comparing the purchase history of the file against the information logged on their database. iTunes is itself an internet application, though you can use it without being connected to the internet.

    What this means in regards to the stolen iPods is that whenever anyone connects them to a computer that is connected to the internet, Apple's database is notified and the connection along with it's IP location will be logged. So the only way that those in possession of the iPods allegedly stolen from Cables & Simms can be used without being traced is by their owners to NEVER CONNECT THEM TO THE INTERNET EVER AGAIN, and never add additional content since whatever managing software is being used to update them will inform Apple that the update is taking place. Which means that Kal K. Korff's "Mobile English" project is probably over and done with before it even started, especially if he plans to use an allegedly stolen Macbook to transmit his "updates" to the Kal's Corner Online readers who have subscribed to it. Even if he reformats the drive from scratch that unique identity of the Macbook is still the same, which goes for the iPods too. They are now worthless to anyone wishing to evade being tracked down for their use of them.

    In a tangentional related issue, hasn't Kal K. Korff been boasting for years of his dedication to Apple and their products? Well in order to be selling new iPods the chances are that Cables & Simms is an AUTHORIZED APPLE OUTLET, meaning that Kal K. Korff hasn't just allegedly screwed them out of stock, he has screwed Apple out of their sales of the iPods and Macbook as well. So we can shitcan this idea of Kal K. Korff being a "lifetime devotee" of Apple. He screwed everybody if these allegations turn out to be true, including the subscribers to his Kal's Corner Online service since now all the bother & cost they went through to also obtain iTouch iPods that would display his updates will be for naught. They still have nice iTouch iPods, but who'd want that Kal's Corner Online theme stuck on it forever without any new information to consume on it? They'll have to reboot them and start from scratch, unless Kal K. Korff continues to transmit updates. And every time he does Apple will know exactly where he is and be able to share that information with authorities. Checkmate.

    I also did some thinking about the YouTube angle. The real reason Kal K. Korff had to remove any reference to the iPods and his interaction with Vojtek Sadlacek is that YouTube has a very strict rule in their terms of service agreement that forbids uploading ANY videos that glorify criminal activity. The result would be an instant suspension of the account of the user, and without YouTube to host his videos Kal K. Korff won't have that multimedia platform anymore by which to further his activities. I also just checked and indeed every video concerning iPods & Vojtek have been removed, including the infamous signing ceremony where he started his lie about being Chief Technical Officer for Vojtek's company.

  62. Oh, and this just in, now I am apparently behind the "lie" and rumor that Kal K. Korff received stolen property and am being threatened by "CT" for exposure by UFO Watchcat:

    reply regarding Kal Korff laptop, it is not "stolen" - why do you lie?
    Sep 21, 2008
    Kal Korff's Mac laptop is NOT "stolen" and neither is anything else he owns. Clearly you are behind on the rumors you all too easily believe. You cannot prove it is stolen because it is not. Will you correct your statement, or do we send it onto UFO WatchCat for exposure as being a lie, since it is?

    Your choice, this is a chance for you to correct your mistake and admit you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with admitting one is wrong, as long as it is the truth.


  63. Kal korff WAS NEVER in law enforcement. Security guards do not enforce criminal laws. It is a well known FACT among anyone who has ever worked in the private security field that security guards only do something known as "observe and report."

    Security guards do not generally take people into custody. They usually call the police to take care of that due to the high liability it represents to the private security firm.

    Private security guards have only the same authority granted by the law to citizens, also known as a citizen's arrest.

    Private security is just that, a private enterprise taken on for money. Private security guards cannot engage in vehicle pursuits because they have ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY granting them power to break traffic laws.

    Police officers on the other hand are given that authority. Kal K. Korff HAS NEVER BEEN IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. His claim to this is disingenuous at best. Look up what a law enforcement officer means in any state and you will find that it does not list private security guards.

    Kal was a private security guard who drove around making sure doors were locked on private businesses.

    If a private security guard gets sued during the course of his job, he has to hire his own private attorney. If a police officer gets sued during the course of his/her job, and they are acting under color of law, they are represented by the state attorney general's office.

    Kal K. Korff in law enforcement? Kal K. Korff wouldn't amount to a pimple on his convicted felon brother's ass.

    Kal K. Korff DID NOT get his start in "law enforcement" and HAS NEVER been an official law enforcement officer and HAS NEVER worked in law enforcement.

    Just reading Kal's nonsense about his brother getting shot, it is clear to aynone with even the most basic law enforcement experience that Kal doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

    Kal, another thing real law enforcement officers do is they report the facts in a case. You seem to keep leaving out the fact your brother was convicted of attempted felony assault by a jury selected by both attorneys in the case. Both sides presented their evidence. Your brother was found not guilty on one count, buy decidedly found guilty on the other.

    Kal, you have NEVER worked in law enforcement and were likely one of the many want-a-be security gurads that dream of becoming a cop but never make it. Ever apply anywhere to be a cop, Kal? If so, where and what happened?

    By the way, you have to pass a psychological exam to be a police officer, Kal, just in case no one told you.

    Kal, you can prove me dead wrong by telling what law enforcement agency you worked for and when you were employed there.

  64. There is nothing wrong with admitting one is wrong, as long as it is the truth.

    "CT" (aka Kal) ought to take his own advice and start fessin' up!

  65. I did just post the following on the secretxwars channel comments:

    Just a by the way: it was incorrect for me or anyone else to refer to anything as being stolen until the allegations against Kal K. Korff have been legally settled by the relevant authorities.

    Not because I am intimidated but because it is technically not correct to refer to the allegations as anything but allegations for the time being.

  66. I never would have pictured Korff as being a thief.

    Being full of shit is one thing, being a thief is something else.

    What floors me, is that Sedlacek is on the hook for what Korff has done, and he never knew Korff was doing anything in his name.

    Even worse, is that Mr. Selacek was the subject of one of Korff's entries about he was working as his representative for 5 years as per a contract.

    I wonder if that was how Korff conned those people out of all that hardware?

    Oh how mighty Korff has fallen. Then again, who really knows the truth? I mean can anyone really know the truth about Korff and his crazy world?

  67. I know it's been over a decade on this posting, however, better late than never.
    Here's a rough translation of the letter.

    For the first time in the fifteen-year history of Cables and Simms s.r.o., we are calling attention to possible unfair practices by a customer. His name is Kal Korff.

    Kal Korff (American, journalist) has introduced himself as an associate of the company Agentura ProVás s.r.o. Firstly, on 22.4.2008 he took goods of little value and paid in cash, the receipt was issued at his request to the company Agentura ProVás s.r.o. The second time, on 22.5.2008, he took a larger delivery for 47250 CZK, again with a receipt for the same company, this time for the due amount, which he never paid, even after many urgings.

    We contacted the representative of Agetura ProVás s.r.o., Mr. Vojtech Sedlacek, thinking that he was the person entitled to repay the debt. However, Mr. Sedlacek confirmed our suspicions - Kal Korff is not and has never been their co-worker, only in the past he has done external English teaching in the agency.

    We have contacted Mr. Kal Korff with these facts and a warning that we will publish these facts. There was a constant postponement of the date of payment (or return of unpaid goods) until finally Mr. Korff got to the point of threatening us - from reporting to the Tax Office, the Police of the Czech Republic, the American Amabassad, intimidation by known lawyers to threats from an alleged collaborator from the Israeli secret services.

    While investigating the case, we have become convinced that it is very likely that more than one entity in the Czech Republic may have similar "problems" with Mr. Kale Korff. If you have a need or interest in resolving the matter with us, please contact us at .

    The case of Cables and Simms s.r.o. versus Kal Korff is strictly for one reason - to draw attention to a possible defaulter and force him to settle his liabilities or return the goods. Any other activities of this gentleman are of no interest to us.

    We also list the goods and their serial numbers , which are still in the possession of Cables and Simms Ltd. and which will be reported to the Czech Police and the Apple service database so that they can be identified.
