Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kult of Kal part 2

Kult of Kal 2 video

Kult of Kal 1 video

Kal K. Korff is a tool

Classic stuff here!


  1. I sent the URL's out to everyone I know! Great material!

    BTW, I've asked Rob for a reponse in regards to the nanobot material. Rob has always responded in the past. Nothing, over two weeks of e-mails, nothing.

    Doesn't bode well......

  2. I'm of two minds as I view those videos.

    On one hand, they are just flat-out hilarious, especially the claim about being a colonel in the "Israeli Special Secret Services" or whatever. I can't help but wonder if Kal is like the late comedian Andy Kaufmann; it's all a big put-on and the joke is really on us for thinking he really believes what he's saying.

    On the other hand, I get this awful feeling Kal isn't joking and is absolutely serious in what he's saying and doing. If that's the case, then I know, beyond any doubt, the strange saga of Kal Korff is not going to have a happy ending.

  3. ....after viewing... I find that poor Martina is actually attractive...

    ...the REAL investigative breakthrough would be an uncensored interview with her...

    I will post it on 5 Noviember...

  4. hey harry,

    Many of us from Kal's former lives (Oregon, California, Prague, etc...) can all assure you that Kal is 100% serious. He genuinely believes it all -- all "titles"... all his claims to fame ...and that we're all out to bring him down.

    Kal - sue me, please. I would love to demonstrate in court that a "defamation of character" lawsuit only holds water when someone has real character.

  5. I disagree. If you held the "Colonel" down and tickled him, he would eventually admit that he is making it all up to make himself appear more interesting and exotic than he actually is. Many people exaggerate their accomplishments or even tell fibs in order to - for example - impress a girl (I know I have). This is simply taking matters to extremes. See:

  6. Jesus Christ. The idea of someone holding Kal down and 'tickling' him just made me physically sick.

  7. I wonder where he is? Switzerland?

    And how is he surviving?

  8. That is funny how Kal K. Korff had the two other guys "step down" so that he appeared taller than his presumed five foot four inch height. The guy just cannot be completely honest about who & what he is regardless of subject, be it personal statistics (age, height) occupation or background. Good work, Kult Of Korff!!

    I agree that Martina is something of a babe, and has shown her taste & intelligence by apparently distancing herself from Kal K. Korff. The last time she appeared in one of his productions was in a video posted on May 15 2008, if I recall correctly. Kal K. Korff has addressed her in a couple of his more recent video productions and of course she is all over his web postings -- writing with Kal's distinctive style, no less -- but has not physically graced any of his productions in a manner that can be independently verified for seven months now. This in spite of the fact that Kal K. Korff did promise in one of his video pieces from September which I believe has since been deleted, that Martina would directly address the audience and set the record straight. She has not, so it is logical to conclude that they probably aren't in direct contact with each other anymore.

    I also keep thinking of how important YouTube was for Kal K. Korff to have a public platform for his video rantings, and how he has apparently abandoned it since this Cables & Simms scandal broke. Sure a nice, operable video camera can set you back a couple three hundred bucks. But here in the states at any rate you can go to any Walgreen's or Rite Aid or other such local pharmacy/retail store and get a USB ready digital camera for under $40 that would provide at least webcam quality digital video using freeware software that will work with an Apple laptop such as iMovie.

    I am also confident that places like Prague and Switzerland and the majority of Germany are technologically up to date with our corner Rite Aid here and if Kal K. Korff really wanted to he could cobble together a substitute digital video setup that would at least allow him to keep his eager public up-to-date with his latest projects. That he has not suggests that there's something else keeping him from doing such, and since he is apparently updating his web postings at his site(s) it's not just that he has lost web access.

    As for Rob McConnell and the nantobot components issue I agree with the sentiment that the conclusion about just what the things were was unfavorable enough to be a liability and we will probably never hear about them ever again.

  9. " As for Rob McConnell and the nantobot components issue I agree with the sentiment that the conclusion about just what the things were was unfavorable enough to be a liability and we will probably never hear about them ever again. "

    So why not come clean, call a Kal a Kal?

    Kal can't be bringing in any money through his apperances, so, gulp, other than being Kal's friend, why not back up your assertion that you are a reporter and call Kal out on his rubbish?

    Come on Rob, stand up and let the chips fall.

  10. And lose an hour of air time filled by a realiable lunatic like Kal? Rob will never give that up and doesn't care what it does to his reputation.

    The video is hilarious and shows just how ego centered Kal really is with having the guy step down for the picture. Martina's taller than Kal.

    As for her being a "babe", uh, she looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet. Really, she has a good body, but that face looks pretty rough.

  11. Did Kal actually admit on that video that he lied about something? How about this then?

    From the Xzone radio show archives, dated 06/01/2007:
    "KAL KORFF - Armed with an IQ of 219, according to the Omni Magazine World's Hardest IQ Test..."

    From Kal's website, dated 10/26/2008:

    Both of the above are Kal's exact words.


  12. "I will post it on 5 November..."
    ---whoah! You're going to post an interview you did with Martina T? Really?????

  13. Anyone else notice that on, in the classified section, there are a LOT of Apple Ipods and such being advertised for sale by people who do not participate in the site at all?

    Bit...suspicious dont you think?

    F1 Racer
    aka Francis Underwood

  14. About the scene with Kal posing with the two dudes, where Kal says "you'll be taking a step down"...

    The dude on the right just stares at his friend (or Kal) for a few long seconds, as if to say "What the ....? Why??"

  15. So Kal K. Korff is a short little turd instead of a tall one? Makes sense. Napolean complex. I predict that after the election Kal will again focus his stark raving attention on to those poor ufo people. Why? Because Kal has no life.

  16. Kal doesn't seem to have any websites operating today.
    Wonder why?

  17. Probably can't afford his bill.

  18. Watch out for Kal's website! I just cleared off a ton of tracking cookies and some malware that originated from his website.

    As for being obsessed with Kal, it would be your sense of truth and justice leading you to badly do the right thing by exposing Kal's rubbish. And it is okay to want to smack that clown Kal, assholes generally incite a violent response from decent honorable people.

  19. Kal's site won't load at all, I keep getting a misconfiguration message. I always clean my system after visiting his ridiculous looking and unorganized site. For someone who says they worked on computers, Kal's webmastering skills need some very serious help. His site is a confabulated pile of junk.

  20. martina tycova is butt ugly and here is the conclusive proof showing her greasy hair and bow-wow face

  21. ...look closely at what remains of Kal's eyebrows in the previous video....

    ...I think he plucks them like a 14 year-old girl..... attempting to remove the gray......

  22. Kal K. Korff is to UFOs as Richard C. Hoagland is to Ancient Astronauts/Mars Faces....

    BOTH had extremely brief experiences as US Network TV 'experts'....
