Friday, April 9, 2010

OFFICIALLY SUSPENDED!!! Kal Korff website gets the boot!!

!!!!!!SUSPENEDED!!!! Well well it looks like one of two things have happened here now. That idiot Kal Korff has opened his fat mouth once too often and someone has shut him down or Kal failed to pay his bill. Hard to say which it might be. ahahahahahaaahhhaaa

I am sure this will evolve into some big story Kal will tell us all about how some terrorists got to his site and he had to cancel a debate because of it and he was uncover and you all know how Kal spins this nonsense up.

So where are the big bad special secret services now? ahahahahhhaaahahahaa For a bloke who claims to have all of these connections and this huge iq and all the rest it sure seems odd that someone could just unplug Kal's festering little website. ahahahhhaaaaahahahaha It looks like Internet website terrorist Kal K. Korff will have to rely on facebook now. Perhaps the website is just the beginning and facebook is next? ahahahhhaaaa Where is your secure Isreali Internet website server now? ahahhhaaaahaha

You are a joke Kal.


  1. Oh, Kal's already in full spin mode on Facebook.

    We've gone from his web hosting going through his lawyers and Israel to him finding out he has gone with a reseller and his website using 36 mb of memory while the hosts allow 32 and it caused a script to activate a "suspension" as a safeguard..

    Did you follow all that?

    It's amazing that he can't even remember his lies from a day ago. Looks like Billy Meier must have longer tentacles than even the Israeli government.

    Brad Hudson
    Wishing his "web hoster" would fail

  2. sources tell me that Kal has been using Nicholas Cage's ex-business manager.....perhaps this is the result....

  3. I just received this.
    Don Ecker


    To all concerned,

    KAL KORFF's Web site has once again been removed -- "This Account Has
    Been Suspended" -- this time with the cooperation of two (2) separate
    companies that were involved. While he may find another company to host
    it, it will only be a matter of time before we bring it down again -- at
    least we will if it still contains all of the defamatory, false,
    hateful, threatening, foul material that it did before.

    The greater victory is that now three (3) separate companies --
    completely unrelated to us or our concerns-- have recognized that
    Korff's material is indeed defamatory and -- most importantly -- in
    violation of their own terms of service.

    This is now an indelible record of Korff's complete lack of
    character, truthfulness, credibility, honesty, etc. It's NOT debatable.
    It's NOT negotiable. And, if he resurrects his slimy presence, it will
    only be all the more obvious.

    So, for the pathetic little cowardly, lying bully, who so shamelessly
    and viciously attacked BILLY MEIER and all concerned, it is his own
    false accusations that have come back to him, showing that they were

    Cause and ... effect.

  4. From Kal's Facebook today -
    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, I have some GREAT NEWS, at least in my opinion. WHEN my web site is back up soon, not only will the memory script limit be SOLVED, but the site will have AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE FREE DOWNLOAD, Volume I of my new 32 book series exposing the Meier UFO Cult. We have hundreds of people who are requesting this ...who have emailed us these past weeks, seems this expose series will be popular. Praise YHWH.
    10 hours ago
    Praise YHWH?
    The kid is definitely off his rocker now.

  5. From Kal's Facebook today -
    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, I have some GREAT NEWS, at least in my opinion. WHEN my web site is back up soon, not only will the memory script limit be SOLVED, but the site will have AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE FREE DOWNLOAD, Volume I of my new 32 book series exposing the Meier UFO Cult. We have hundreds of people who are requesting this ...who have emailed us these past weeks, seems this expose series will be popular. Praise YHWH.
    10 hours ago
    Praise YHWH?
    The kid is definitely off his rocker now.
