Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where art thou Kolonel Krust???????

It looks like our dear old idiot and ego maniac Kal K. Korff has made like a ghost and disappeared!! Kernal Kolon has also made his facebook profile disappear as some have noted here. Did Kernel Kornflakes get tossed from facebook as he had from his own website server? Has Kernal Klump finally flipped out completely? Where is Kernal KooKooKooKoo? Does anyone really care? Likely not outside of the entertainment provided by Kal and his lunatic ramblings.

A few interesting rumors are floating around including Kal has been deported or has been locked away in the loony bin after running around naked in the streets of Prague screaming "I AM A COLONEL!!! MY NEW BOOK ON TERRORISM IS COMING!!!!" Of course now these are just rumors but I find it rather odd Kal has just fallen from the face of the World Wide Web without so much as a fart.

And there is of course Kal announcing that his website would be back in full swing but in keeping with Kal's usual arse to face operations Kal has fallen short on delivering yet another promise. Who knows what has happened to Kal and it would not surprise if the barmy dolt has gone right off the deep end.


  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2010

    Can anyone confirm this information? Can someone check with the consulate's office? We need to know if this wacko is heading back home to the United States. I wonder how many lawsuits are going to be waiting for him. :-)

  2. AnonymousMay 16, 2010

    Checking now with that poster...


  3. AnonymousMay 16, 2010

    Could the end be in sight?

    Could we Korffers' long, lonely campaign be finally at an end?

    Is this loathesome creature finally about to face the justice and retribution he has courted for so long?

    Do you know - I rather think not. But we shall soon see.

    Either way, I hope you rot in hell, you piece of dung.

  4. AnonymousMay 16, 2010

    How hilarious will it be if Kal got his dumb ass tossed out of his refuge? Kal knows if he is returned to the United States that he will not be allowed to run about like some lunatic and his lies are known far and wide here. So how is it that the big bag terrorism colonel got the boot from Prague? Won't the mighty S3 pull some strings and take care of Kal? Guess not. LMFAO!! Kind of hard hiding from lawsuits and stalking orders in the US. Just deserts for a wretched little man.

  5. Daniela_AbrahamovaMay 17, 2010

    Oh, please let it be true!

    Oh, PLEASE let it be true!!!

    OH, ***PLEASE*** LET IT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!

  6. AnonymousMay 17, 2010 now reads:

    "Now FINISHING FINAL UPLOADS....Almost Ready! :-)"

    I knew it. The retard is still active ...

  7. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!May 17, 2010

    ...sorry, meant "freeze" not "free"...

  8. The Unknown KorfferMay 17, 2010

    That final uploads message has been on Kalvin's Joomla thing since Friday and possibly even as early as Thursday evening. He isn't finalizing jack shit, he just routinely posts information like that to shine on those who have committed to his fraud and want to know where their return is going to come from.

  9. AnonymousMay 17, 2010

    So has Colonel Crackpot been given the boot or not? F1Racer needs to chime in here! There has to be somebody that can go and check this info out in Prague!

  10. AnonymousMay 17, 2010


    Maybe someone could drop him a line...?

  11. I think I have F1's email someplace....

    Let me see if I can drop him a line.


  12. A DIFFERENT email address. I just realized someone might have been confused since an email for him was given elsewhere.

    Sheesh, I'm thick....


  13. AnonymousMay 17, 2010

    All I know is that my friend that works for the city police told me an American "con artist" who had been in Prague for a while had finally been kicked out of the country. He cant and wont reveal the name (which is understandable) but I did get him to say it was a Male, Caucasian, near 40 years old, and was shipped off to california.

    BTW KIAI could you please remove all mentions of my friends name? Thanks!

    F1 racer
    never arrested as Kal promised
