Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The UTTER BOLLOCKS of Kal K. Korff

So there lads how many can you come up with? This can be inclusive of outright lies and broken promises and utter nonsense Kal has pined on.  I will start this off with the obvious about Kal suing anyone.  Not true and has never happened and never will.  In FACT Kal actually caused a lawsuit to FAIL.  Next.

Share the misadventures of Kernal Kal Klown Korff here.


  1. Shit...

    Where do we start? Okay, I’ll take the lie in which Kalvin told us that he had a video showing him sending off his manuscript for his then 2 or 4 book series on terrorism. It then went to 6 books and guess what?

    Prometheus Books tells us, first hand no less, that he hasn’t turned in shit in, like dude, in forever.



  2. Brit_in_PragueOctober 07, 2010

    Well, Kalvin told me that said video was the property of Martina, and that it was up to her whether and when she chose to release this important historical document for public viewing.

    You are lying scum, Korff.

  3. Brit_in_PragueOctober 07, 2010

    OK, here's my choice of lie (please see the archived page on which I first noted it:

    "Colonel Kal Korff has been chosen to be the Host and official spokesman for a series of upcoming spots on Missile Defense technologies and the proposed Missile Defense Systems which are being constructed as part of a global, international effort.

    Korff was tapped for this high visibility project because he is a popular media figure, has longstanding expertise on the subject dating back to his tenure at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and is a polarizing figure on many popular issues.

    Kal Korff has agreed to do all of the public service announcements for free, in the spirit of true public service."

    Again, I did call Kalvin on this a year or two later via repeated emails. And again, he eventually replied that the audio footage was the property of Martina and it was up to her whether she cared to release it for public consumption on not.

    And again I say, you are lying scum, Korff. For what you did to Mr S*dl*c*k, I loathe you with every fibre of my being.

    One day we will meet. Prague is too small a city for us not to ...

  4. Poached off the Korff Light page:

    Kal Korff: Certain blog owners are going to get a visit from Avim in the near future.


    Ha, ha, ha! Near future!!! What's that mean? A few months, or years, or NEVER!

    Nice to see this "Korff" visits this blog.

    Hey Avim, please come visit. We'll have a spot of tea.

  5. Nah - take it from me, the "Kal light" FB account isn't run by the real Kal. It's just someone messing around...

  6. Another lie:

    Written by Kal Korff - op. ed. on the road
    Thursday, 03 June 2010 00:33

    Dear World,

    As we prepare for our first broadcast next week, I am honored and humbled to have Mr. Philip Mantle on my show as our first esteemed guest.

    This debut episode will take place this coming Monday, June 7th, at 8PM UK time, 9PM Prague Time, 3PM US East Coast Time, 1PM US Pacific Standard Time.

    Each episode will also be featured on Facebook, YouTube, Scribd, many Web sites — we will try to make them as ubiquitous as possible.

    Never happened. In 5 months he hasn't had a single "broadcast".

  7. Lie:

    Written by UFO WatchCat Alerts
    Wednesday, 09 June 2010 08:30

    Both Horn and Meier himself are now under investigation by various officials for everything from consumer fraud, to anti-Semitism.

    You see, Korff lies, always, in one axample after another Korff can't help himself by telling his Dear World that "it" is happening NOW. IT is an easy enough task to go ask Horn NOW if this is happening.

    Korff might say that you'll never know if you're under investigation until they slap the cuffs on you.

    Right.... RMIII and F1 Racer are still waiting.

    Some investigation.

  8. Hi,

    I'm new to this blog. This Korff person seems overly intereted in UFO and certain people involved with UFO's but at the same time he presents himself as some kind of freedom fighter?

    Why would any anti terror org. keep someone on board who, by all accounts, can't keep focused on the task at hand and whom can't keep his mouth shut?

    I do think it's all a ruse. UFO and fighting terror is not the same thing and, really, UFO's are not important at all. It's entertainment.

    Terror is not.

  9. schkwonkomatchsticOctober 07, 2010

    I'll take a stab:

    MR. Korff wants the instant respect and social status that being a soldier brings. He wants to intimidate his opponents by appearing to be part of an organization that can retaliate against anyone anywhere in the world. He wants to look like a tough guy who has dedicated his life to a noble purpose. He wants people to think he is a hero, someone to be admired and spoken of in awe. Since the current big global hot button topic remains the war on terror, MR. Korff decided to come up with a ruse by which he could claim to be an active participant in a manner which nobody can independently verify. The counter-terrorism analyst claims are a sort of maypole dance around making claims of having actually enlisted in someone's armed forces, which can be verified or refuted independently (re: you wouldn't just have to take MR. Korff's word for it).

    The UFO & hunting down paranormal frauds angle is likely a rationalization meant to make his past life seem useful. MR. Korff made his early career (mid 90s) as a debunker of flying saucer cases and made a name for himself by taking on one UFO guru who had risen to international prominence. MR. Korff "secretly" infiltrated the guru's organization and earned the recognition & validation he had sought for his whole life. MR. Korff has written about an unhappy, joyless childhood with UFO picture books as his only enjoyment, and lecturing grown adults on his discoveries while staring at the photos for hours and hours.

    Now as an adult with what is believed to be a sociopathic personality disorder, MR. Korff has equated those long hours indulging his infantile fantasies with intelligence training. His undercover work exposing the UFO guru has become in his mind a heroic gesture on the same level of greatness as a legendary anti-communist or anti-terror operative. It is classic narcissism, and everyone is expected to play along or be smeared as an anti-Semitic hate crime monger after MR. Korff suddenly announced he was Jewish in 2005 or so (his family is not Jewish, though some distant relatives may have been).

    It is all part of a very elaborately constructed fantasy that sounds very much like a middle aged man refusing to accept the fact that much of his life has been a wasted failure and that the validation & acceptance he had known as a younger person is gone forever. Now he has turned to the internet and invented himself big as a global player on a number of fronts and it's all a lie, exaggerations, half-truths, parsed language, and above all a sort of personal contempt for himself that makes him fuck everything up that he tries to do to further this fantasy.

    You are absolutely right about one thing -- It IS entertainment. I've had some of the most fascinating web surfing of the past couple of years related to the madness that is Kal K. Korff. He is either mentally unhinged or an accomplished performance artist + comedian waiting his time to reveal that it was all a put-on.

    Now time for my contribution to Kal K. Korff's lie list: His often referred to thesis project or PHD candidacy. Kal K. Korff has no education beyond basic high school, where he apparently spent the majority of his time lecturing adults on his UFO pictures or other side activities that did not involve academic studies. Kal K. Korff has no Bachelor's degree, no Master's degree, no studies beyond college because he never went to college long enough to earn any meaningful credits or diplomas. Kal K. Korff can write all the "thesis" essays in PDF form he likes but he is not qualified for and is not working on any kind of post-graduate degrees.

  10. The lie which really got the momentum going with the implosion of the Rob McConnell/Kal K. Korff relationship was when Kal cancelled his debate with Kevin Randall at the last minute.

    Why did he cancel? To foil a terrorist plot in Prague.

    How did he announce the cancellation? Posting a YouTube video of him standing in front of the Memorial to the victims of communism.

  11. Dear Schkwonkomatchstic,

    Your missive pretty much sums up what seems to be going here. I've read many of your posts and I've found you and FN (to a lesser extent) to be very adroit and spot on with your observations and comments.

    It seems to me that this Korff character will at some point, make a mistake which he will not be able to recover from, maybe with the press or some kind of paramilitary (or worse) organization?

    He does seem to be going down that road, his mention of being a Kidon Unit Commander seems unwise. I’m ignorant too much of this but I’m under the impression that one should not mess about with Mussad?

    Thank you very much Schkwonkomatchstic, I may have to join this Korffer affair after all.

  12. Squonkamatic (his original name, before he decided to mutate!) is the daddy of all Korffers. Deep, spot on analysis - always.

    FN = more of a terrier...constantly snapping at the "Colonel"'s heels. Equally invaluable to the Korffer kause.

    I salute you both.

  13. So a lowly tech support guy like Kal who was contracted out by a 3rd party to provide basic computer support services like loading software and changing some hardware at Lawrence Livermore National Labs, a guy like Kal who never worked on any missile defense system or other project for LLNL, he somehow has cooked himself up to be an expert on missile defense? Kal barely has a high school diploma. Most experts have verifiable credentials. So where are your credentials Kal? No where because you don't have any. that is unless you pulled a missile expert license out of a box of Cap'n Crunch. Dumbass.

  14. Oh, by the way - to all newbie visitors to this blog.

    This is our theme song (with the Ricky Gervais character filling in for Kal):

    Truly, Kal is a "chubby little loser".

    "See his pugnose face...pug, pug, pug, pug..."

    You are scum, Korff.

  15. Agreed - well said Sq___tic :)

  16. skowownklomothicOctober 08, 2010

    Too kind. FN inspires me, he keeps the fight alive when the tragic sadness that is Kal K. Korff ceases being fun. The real cheers should go to the blog operators KKIA and KOK, as well as the original footsoldiers like Royce Meyers III, Kevin Randle, Don Ecker, David Biedny et al. Kalvin's frustration at not being able to compete with them is what triggers his madness perhaps. Brad Hudson, Digger and Jimmy D. have all been instrumental at keeping us on message: I was too outraged at Korff's exploiting the Holocaust to even reply that day you pointed it out, Jimmy. And don't bother with the ant-Jew baloney with me MR. Korff. But if you're a fan of the efforts here do us a favor and adopt a regular nickname, the more mocking the better. There's too many anonymous' popping about and some don't have our best interests in mind.

    I actually started misspelling my name to see if we could get Kal to made a widget module for me with the nickname misspelled. Now I do it to make sure anyone searching the nick on Google in any professional capacity won't find themselves here. I have gotten some bizarre messages at a couple of the other online human interaction sites I use and want my Korffing activities kept very separated from my actual life. Last thing anyone would ever need is for some hiring board to ask why the Israeli Special Secret Services claim to have a warrant out on you for anti-Semitic comments just for calling the likes of Kalvin K. Korff a botard loser halfwit who should be confined to a mental institution. (Can't wait for the day when the tooth fairy prosecuting attorney suing me for defamation of character on Kal's behalf asks me to define what a BOTARD is, and starts laughing at the answer.)

    Another great Kal K. Korff lie was his promise to launch Mobile English for his former website followers who regarded him as an English tutor. Got them to buy the iPod and install whatever god forsaken content he wasted so much effort promising. From what I could see the end result was two incoherent short videos filmed on the road in Switzerland. How many sales did he sucker by promising the service to Czech citizens who were just looking to brush up on their English?

    ... And speaking of videos, while it's off-topic I love MR. Korff's habit of favoriting his own video uploads on YouTube. In the five years I have been using YouTube I have never seen anyone else "favorite" their own material, since that's not what the favorite function is for. That's what your channel settings for organizing one's uploads are for, or you make playlists and rotate them. Or just feature a different video every week on your channel screen.

    But MR. Korff is so inept & frustrated by life that he cannot even be bothered to learn how to really make use the services he exploits. MR. Korff instead uses them in a manner that makes him look like a narcissistic imbecile and loser. I.E. only a LOSER would favorite their own YouTube videos.

  17. Brit_in_PragueOctober 08, 2010

    "Last thing anyone would ever need is for some hiring board to ask why the Israeli Special Secret Services claim to have a warrant out on you for anti-Semitic comments just for calling the likes of Kalvin K. Korff a botard loser halfwit who should be confined to a mental institution."

    ---Epic, epic, epic!

  18. FN here.

    I would agree that the people who started this blog (who took a big chance back then, not knowing if Korff really would or could, do anything), many of the users of this blog, and those people who Korff "went after" (but really didn't), are team #1...

    Indispensable in our quest to extinguish the smoldering flame which is; Kalvin K. Korff.

    I do like using the blog and Korff as entertainment, but it has morphed into something else as well.

    People like Korff must get paid back for their behavior, in kind.

    I and my small team of sub-Korffers will keep after it.

    It must be working? Korff has gone mostly silent of Face Book, a site I KNOW he was hoping would be his true and lasting foot print and tool in cyberspace; with it’s captive audience and it’s free band width, etc.

    Happily for us, and so sad for Kalvin, it hasn’t worked out this way. For you see Kalvin...

    You can’t go on with the same behavior on a larger stage because that larger audience will shallow you up, whole, and then spit you out after your usefulness has expired.

    Like milk past its use date, your 15 minutes is up Korff.

    Nobodies buying your sour behavior, your bitter view, and your disagreeable and resentful manner.

    Please take your unpleasant nature and the foul that makes you, you, and...

    Fuck off.

    I really can’t add much to what already has been said so succinctly and eloquently.


  19. The Unknown KorfferOctober 08, 2010

    Maybe someone from the Mossad has contacted Kalvin and let him know that they really don't appreciate tublard American wannabees stealing their valor. I would imagine that his visa status is likely up for review again and the possibility of being compelled to return to the United States has arisen. NO FLY LIST STATUS FOR KAL K. KORFF! Who knows what sort of dangerous components and concealed devices he might bring on an aircraft.

    It's also likely that Kalvin's schtick has worn thin on his Face Book buddies, or rather that the few which were feeding his validation orgy have stopped responding. He's also likely been told off by some of his followers who have come to the inevitable conclusion that Kal Korff is a liar. And Kalvin himself has realized that the 600 others he tricked into friending him don't give a shit about his pet obsessions and won't play along with his technique of fostering personal conflicts with those he has never met. They are just there to live their own cyberlives and Kalvin K. Korff's obnoxiously creepy overbearing attempt to occupy their free time with one lie after another has likely become unwelcome.

    Didn't Kalvin claim back in April or May to have pioneered some sort of game design he whipped up "over a few beers with the guys" at a bar (yeah, right) or something to that extent, that the game was in a beta stage & that he was planning to release it soon? NOTHING.

  20. Brit_in_PragueOctober 09, 2010

    I always particularly enjoyed this lie (see

    "After finishing a counter-terrorism raid which netted some al-Quaeda connected suspects, Colonel Korff just recently returned from Oregon where he went undercover, first by shaving his head completely bald, and then by meeting with various lawyers, Federal officials, and key members of the media."

  21. New posts poached from Martina's page made by the Korff Light. Jimmy's right, this ain't Krazy Korff...

    Oh, by the way, Krazy Korff is posting 3 or 4 things on his page per day and that's about it.... Trying to show that all is well I suppose, it isn't Korff, it isn't.

    Mark Center: Hi, I just watched Kal's new video! You're listed in the credits! I can't wait to see your work in the video! Congrats!!!


    Kal Korff: Martina doesnt do anything but hold the camera to be honest. I do all the work.

    Mark Center: Well, she looks great! Thx Kal.


    Kal Korff: Martina, I need you to pick up some nano bots at the S3 office.


    Kal Korff Martina, can you bring my Viagra over?

  22. Face Book, today...

    Martina Týčová:


    and then she clicked the Like button...

    Martina Týčová likes this.

  23. The Unknown KorfferOctober 09, 2010

    Poor Kalvin, busted publicly on Face Book by his own make believe former supermodel girl Friday honeytrap.

    Six years of lies down the drain!

  24. Poached from Face Book.

    Kal Korff:

    Martina you need to know your role and respect my authority as your SUPERIOR in S3. If you dont want to be assigned to Siberia, or have Aivim "talk" to you I suggest you control your mouth,

    Martina Týčová:


    Kal Korff:

    Martina unless you want Avim to take you to that "special room" we have at S3 HQ for "undesireables" then I suggest you calm your skinny ass down. And you are FORBIDDEN to go to and I am seriously considering DEMOTING you in S3 to sandwhich girl. You are borderline comitting consumer fraud with these LIES AND slanders YOU ARE UDDERING, SO ZIP[ IT!

  25. Well, for me his biggest lie (so many from which to choose) was that he was an expert witness in the O.J. Simpson trial.

  26. schkwonkalompachoticOctober 10, 2010

    That exchange between Martina and MR. Korff has to be a put-on. Which one is the real one? Or are they both Lite versions? Confused.

    I still remember MR. Korff trying to claim he was 36 in 2008 on his YouTube channel(s), which he quickly removed soon after the lie was exposed on this blog. The good old days!

  27. That exchange between Kal and Martina is phony. As phony as S3, Kidon commander Korff, etc.). Her command of the English language is much better than that (thanks to Kal's tutoring!).
    Kal's response is not anywhere near his style.
    In that regard, lie #?? -
    Martina is not, and never was, a 'super model', or a model of any sort (unless it might relate to the field of pornography).
    When she first met Kal, she was a nightclub worker, known in the US as a B-girl (i.e., bar girl - a sexy looking young woman who's job it was to 'sidle' up to any man sitting alone and befriend him into buying drinks, lots of drinks, for her and him. Her drinks had little or no alcohol, but his sure did. In Prague, as in many other cities, the next step is an offer, for a fee. to go to bed. Get the picture? Kal fell for it and did, then later gave her a long song and dance about being a famous rich American whatever, and poor Martina fell for that BS,(Hey, I got me a sugar daddy!),hence their follow-up relationship. Of course that all faded when she finally realized she was being taken and used, just as was Ms. Risso. Ms. Kocis, Pamela, and a few others.
    Amazing what a little detailed research can come up with!


  28. Face Book Poach...

    Kal Korff:

    Martina Tycova is a "mole" of the hate website This website promotes HATRED, CONSUMER FRAUD, AND ANTI SEMITISM. Martina was a mole for this hate group, however I KNEW this the enitr time she was with me, and have fed her nothing but falsehoods to thwart her investigation.

  29. Hey Kal. This isn't a website, it's a blog.

  30. Best line of bullshit from Kal was his claim of working on a thesis for his Ph.D. Maybe someone should tell Kal you have to have a 4 year degree, then a Master's and then you can earn a Ph.D.

    Just one more of many lines of bullshit to come out of Kal's big mouth.

    The OJ bit is funny. Somehow Kal is unable to prove any of these claims. How, in the words of Kal, CONvenient is that?

  31. I had no idea the weekly newspaper in Junction City, OR was considered to have "key media" members on its staff. LMAO How embarrassing it must for Kal to have flapped his mouth about having key info on his brother's case only to be the source of it getting tossed out of court.

    Oh and Kal, your brother was FOUND GUILTY! Stop LYING about your FELON brother.

  32. Face Book Status

    Krazy Korff page:

    8 posts so far... He's back.

    Korff Light page:

    Kal Korff Martina: Tycova is an ANTI SEMITE who engages in HATE SPEECH and CONSUMER FRAUD


    Martina has "unfriended" Korff from her FB page.

  33. Latest Korff video Youtube totals:


    135 views divided by 18 days since posting

    = 7.5 views per day



    161 views divided by 38 days since posting

    = 4.2 views per day.


  34. Yippee! Krazy Korff updated his personal template web site!!!!

    AMAZING! — Incredible HAND Dancing! — Youtube Video

    Written by Public Relations
    Monday, 11 October 2010

    Well, somethings better than nothing I guess....?

    Kalvin, what's happend to you and your quest to save the world?

    You've gone silent, or shall I risk it.... covert.

    We miss you Kalvin.

    Micheal Horn laughs at you.

  35. Face Book Update

    29 posts in 11 hours.

    Guess he's back from his covert, nanobot operations....

  36. AMAZING! — Incredible HAND Dancing! — Youtube Video

    Written by Public Relations
    Monday, 11 October 2010

    Yes. We all know that Kal Korff does the famous hand in his own pants dance several times a day.

  37. And so it goes...

    Face Book poach...

    Kal Korff:

    Gotta love Israel. We have an episode in the new show about this called For Our Country, I think it's episode 6 and 7.

    Israeli Rabbi Blesses 'Honeytrap' Sex for Spies

  38. Honey trap. LMAO! I forgot about this one where Kal claims he uses attractive women using sex to get at targets. ROTF!! Kal can't even fool non-English speaking bar whores so what makes him think anyone would believe Kal? Honeytrap. LOL!!!

  39. Kal please start taking your medication again. You are delusional.

  40. Here's my lie. Going WAY WAY back, when Korff re-started his web site, Korff posted a "song". It was an instrumental; probably produce with the help of Garage Band. You could easily download the .mp3 (I did but I can’t find it).

    It was very amateur, nothing much to hear.

    Of interest here is that Korff couldn’t help himself but to promise the world that his full length CD would be released soon. This was around 2006.

    Korff reserved the name for his site in 1997. The site was up for a while and then he moved to CZ. Sometime in 2006 his template site was up and running, such as it is.

    Anyway, I’ll try and find that .mp3.

  41. Another amazing lie....

    Remember when Korff told the world that he would be launching a Martina e-store?

    The Martina link on Korff's template site still links to this e-store.

    Proof Korff. Proof that you lie again and again...

  42. Fuck you Korff.

    Remember the 14 year old you were teaching English to?

    Am I misremembering this?

    And, Korff knows everyone in Hollywood, doesn’t he. Fuck you poser.

    Where's your high IQ son Korff?

    Fucking liar.

    Kal Korff:

    I have never been a "fan" of Morgan Freeman, heard too many stories about him working in LA in productions. Now I am even LESS of one.

    Morgan Freeman Free To Marry Step-Granddaughter
    With his divorce finalized, the actor may head to the altar with a much-younger family member.

  43. skamtamboapticOctober 13, 2010

    He probably heard those stories from the Spice Girls. How about everyone's favorite enabler-severing lie of delivering NANOBOT COMPONENTS to Rob McConnell attached to the back of MR. Korff's "book"?

  44. Yes, those nanbots! And if I remember right, Korff never did have a come back for that lie.

    Korff did tell Rob that you could use a mag glass to inspect them, Rob said the professor at his local college said, no way... too small....

    That's a classic Korff Lie!

  45. Brit_in_PragueOctober 13, 2010

    Well, one lie I found to be exeptionally egregious is his claim that his official, given name is Kal, and not Kalvin.

    I mean, what is the POINT of lying about your own name, "Colonel"?

  46. Korff Youtube video view update


    143 views divided by 23 days =
    6.2 per day.


    162 views divided by 42 days =
    3.8 per day.

    No other way to view this...


    Way bother Korff? At this rate of views, your "message" is not getting out there.

    Must be way you've pretty much given up on Face Book and your template web site is more dead than RMIII "taken" over UFO Watchdog.

    Web Site Stats

    Unique Visitors Monthly Septemeber
    Unique Visitors = 188
    Monthly Change = - 84.48%
    Yearly Change = - 94.89%
    Unique Visitors = 208
    Monthly Change = - 80.99%
    Yearly Change = - 94.80%

    Dead heat in mediocrity.

    Micheal Horn's web site:
    Unique Visitors = 7116
    Monthly Change = + 43/15%
    Yearly Change = - 8.16%

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!

    Micheal Horn laughs at you and your template web site stats.

  47. Those of you who live in Prague will almost certainly have seen the flyers around town advertising lessons in Wing Tsun Kung Fu.

    The little posters carry a photo of a kung fu master executing precisely the same move (elbow to face) as the "Colonel" is executing here:

    So once again - in a very real sense - Kalvin is ripping off someone else's work.

    I loathe you Korff. You are pure vermin.

  48. Oh, by the way - regarding the speculation over this faux KKK Facebook page:!/profile.php?id=100000652692402

    (Please do check it out, by the way. It is hilarious.)

    I am 100 percent certain that this is just some fellow messing with the real KKK's mind; and I am 100 percent certain that the Martina with who he swaps barbs on that page is the *real* Martina. I have had email doings with her in the past - in the course of my Korffing activities - and that is her style of English.

    Oh, and Kalvin - did I mention that I think you are udder scum, and that I loathe and despise you?

    You lying, delusional, bullying, thieving, criminal, pedophile piece of dung.

  49. Gee, thanks for the lesson asshole...

    Kal Korff:

    Antarctica contains 90 percent of the world's ice, 70 percent of its fresh water. Antarctica is covered with ice an average of 7,000 feet thick. If all of it melted, sea levels would rise 61 meters (200 feet). The avg. temp in Antarctica is -37C, there is in no danger of melting.

  50. Poached from the Korff Lite Face Book page...

    Kal Korff:

    the webmaster of, who is now being sued for Consumer Fraud.



    Kal Korff:

    fap fap fap


    Kal Korff:

    nom nom nom

    Jimmy Dee:

    I like this:) I am a pedophile too...


    Kal Korff:

    Legal proceedings have now begun against Martina Tycova for Consumer Fraud and the hate website for anti-Semitism

    Jimmy Dee:

    Nail that Martina! I enquired (several times) a while ago how I could buy one of the SSS thongs advertised on her website, but she never replied to my emails.

  51. Currently, Korff is posting news links about Apple, Obama, and shit like this....

    Kal Korff:
    Did you know that 85% of all men who DIE while having sex, are cheating on their wives?

    Actually, Face Book should be used for posting clap trap like this last post and not telling lies and half truths to your "friends".

    It's been a couple of weeks now that Korff has been very silent on Face Book and his template web site is basically dead, thank God.

    Couple Korff's lose of control over his face Book material, and the pitiful view total of his latest youtube template videos and you cam come to only one conclusion...

    Korff has failed and his Dear World recognizes this FACT.

    This in turn has depressed Korff to the point of losing interest in what is left of his dreadful life.

    It’s about fucking time.

    Get a life Korff.

    Michael Horn laughs at you while he’s waiting to be served his papers.

  52. "Hey Kal. This isn't a website, it's a blog. Dummy!"

    Didn't Kal go off on Paul Kimball for not knowing the difference between a website and a blog?

    Kal is his own worst enemy.

  53. I’ve been thinking about Korff and his current silence. Possible he realized and he’s a bit depressed because he reads his Face Book friends sharing their lives; together.

    Think about it. There we have people talking about movies, music, concerts, baseball, family functions, etc. Living a life, as best as they can, even while all the terror goes on in the world.

    Now switch your gaze over to Korff and you see someone who posts links about Obama, Apple computers, and where he used to crow about his exploits as a terror fighter, freedom for all, etc.

    Never a post talking about Korff doing anything one would call family orientated, or blowing off steam, or enjoying life’s little pleasures.

    No, he posts a pitiful photo of himself in bed with Martina?

    Korff is so self important and so engaged in his fantasy world, so immersed in his cartoon Colonel world that he can’t get out now, even to enjoy a pierogi and a beer with “friends” or post even the simplest mention of something he finds enjoyable which others might find enjoyable.

    Korff, “To hell with a family and enjoying any part of life! I have the world to save, at any cost.”

    At any cost... At the cost of your son Korff? Every parent I know mentions there children often, on Face Book and in life. At the cost of your marriage? No mention. At he cost of your family? No mention. At the cost of your brother getting a proper trial? You fucked that up big-time.

    Korff, “There’s no time for pleasure, for distraction from the issues. Not on my watch.”

    Kalvin K. Korff, trapped in his self-created phony world, self-exiled in CZ to play Colonel, in an attempt to reinvent himself, far away from prying eyes.

    It was working Kalvin, until you gave Face Book a shot and it shot you where it hurts...

    The truth always wins out Kalvin.


  54. Poached from Face Book Kal Korff Lite page.

    And it continues....

    Already posted here

    Kal Korff:

    Legal proceedings have now begun against Martina Tycova for Consumer Fraud and the hate website for anti-Semitism

    Jimmy Dee:

    Nail that Martina! I enquired (several times) a while ago how I could buy one of the SSS thongs advertised on her website, but she never replied to my emails.

    Just added to thread....

    Kal Korff:

    You are also being sued for Consumer Fraud and Anti-Semitism

    Keep after it Kal Lite, you're doing wonders to keep Krazy Korff off Face Book and wondering were it all went wrong...

    Hey Kalvin, maybe Face Book wasn't such a good idea to get involved with?


  55. The Unknown KorfferOctober 19, 2010

    Never a post talking about Korff doing anything one would call family orientated, or blowing off steam, or enjoying life’s little pleasures.

    No, he posts a pitiful photo of himself in bed with Martina?

    I wonder how much Kalvin had to pay his bar girl "supermodel" to agree to sit for that image? It explains why they are so awkwardly posed, and thanks for providing me with that info. What a total 100% fraud!

    There we have people talking about movies, music, concerts, baseball, family functions, etc. Living a life, as best as they can, even while all the terror goes on in the world.

    See that's the thing you can't fake on Face Book: HAVING FRIENDS and doing things with them that end up on Face Book in the form of pictures, links to event announcements, goofy cell phone videos, tags leading back to your friends' profiles etc. You cannot bluff having friends. Sure, Face Book has little activity groups for various pet issues, but those pet issues are not what the users are there for. They are there for each other.

    My guess is that somebody took Kalvin to task over what an absolute boor he had been with his posting frenzies. Not "bore" as in boring, but boor as in a pushy, loud, completely self involved loser who doesn't mind disrupting the couple at the next table or barging in to a conversation & changing it to be what they want to talk about. That's what Kalvin was doing with his 20 wall posts a day: Trying 20 different ways to barge into other people's thoughts and seeing how many responses he got. My call is that somebody got sick of it & told him off. Or asked what he did for a living, having so much time to sit around on Face Book.

    "New" to you Face Book users lose their novelty very quickly too, I have noticed. It's great to encounter that former classmate & catch up, but after that, if you haven't seen or spent time with the person for 20 years, where can you go with it? You have to start renewing that friendship from scratch which is literally something Kal Korff is unable to do in exile over in Prague. I suspect that's why he really hinted on coming to the US for an assignment, to dance around the subject of meeting up & keep his targets hooked.

    His Face Book targets are long over the novelty of Kalvin's presence and are going about their lives without him, which as the brilliant post above states he can watch, in real time. Sitting right there not being a part of it with all the pictures of being out & doing stuff. That's something he can't fake, and it must drive him stark raving mad to see it and know that he can't distract them long enough to change the subject.

  56. Brit_in_PragueOctober 20, 2010

    Kalvin - guess what?

    I have it on good authority that the Czech cops are finally taking you (i.e. your criminal behaviour - not your proposterous claims) seriously and have you in their sights.

  57. Face Book Acitivity

    A few posts on Obama today.


    ... Interesting that all those videos promised weeks ago have not been released.


  58. Face Book poach. Korff Lite is having some fun today.

    Kal Korff: Dakota Fanning having her period.

    Kal Korff: Sen. Orrin Hatch with relative and mentor, Rabbi Korff

    Kal Korff: Noted anti-semite, consumer fraudster, and probable animal abuser Kevin

    Kal Korff: My new protege, Sandra Bell, award winning number one recording artist from the Czech republic, who is now under my guidance.

    Kal Korff: Czech singing sensation Sandra Bell, whom I have just signed an EXCLUSIVE agreement with to advise.

  59. Kal is mad at me. LOL I'm gonna have so much fun with this
