Saturday, January 1, 2011

Kal K. Korff caught in ANOTHER LIE!!!!!!

It looks as though the one and only scum pile Kal K. Korff has been outed as a LIAR AGAIN!! Well lads it looks like Kal is up to his usual bollocks about police coming after people and charges and prosecution and the rest of the dog's dinner Kal likes to create. Kernal Krap claims the Czech police have contacted F1 Racer and Jimmy D both of these lads are ace posters here. Both our chaps Jimmy D and F1 racer report they are fine and are still awaiting this police contact Kal has been promising for something like a whole year or so now. But we all know that the police contact is just one more LIE from Kal.

As with all things Kal Korff this police contact is more duff. Kal don't you know that it is a sin to lie you stupid arsehole? Gormless wanking twit you are Kal the police have no interest in your delusions. Now run off and go pet John Thomas your only friend you fat fumbling knocker.

For all just coming here and reading up on the guy likely to be the world's biggest twat.  Kal loves lying about getting people arrested and prosecuted and a lot of other nonsense. I just wish Kal would STOP LYING so much! Just remember Kal that God doesn't liars or assholes so it looks like you are in trouble with the big man twice over. ahahahahahahhhaaa!


  1. Still waiting for the cops to swoop.



  2. That last comment was me, by the way...

  3. By the way, Kalvin. It's nearly a year since you announced the imminent launch of a new daily English langusger newspaper, with your good self as Editor-in-Chief. To debut at the end of January - ah - 2010, you PROMISED.

    Where is it?

  4. I have it on good authority that Kalvin told a person that the paper had to get their “financing together” and “if they ever do” this will happen.

    So, where was this little bit of information posted on the web, Kalvin main platform for releasing all things Kalvin?



    You'll notice that Kalvin is staying off FB while he "follows through" with his threat against F1 and Jimmy D. Kalvin has played this hand before.

    Expect a huge news maker soon... "I did this and I did that".... "This is why you haven't heard from me."


  5. FN here.

    I have a HUGE release to, release, soon.

    Very telling; just how petty and childish Korff really is. More PROFF that Korff will lash out with outrageous lies when cornered in his self-imposed room of deceit, no matter that the lie(s) is so preposterous and so easy to disprove, even a child could, and did, do it.

    I won't release this until Korff releases his new revelation. Korff knows what I’m referring to here.

    I won’t allow Korff to minimize my release with a pre – Korff lie release.

    This is getting to be interesting.

    Did you read that in the states they past a new internet law? You can now be arrested and fined if you impersonate someone on Face Book, etc.

    Of course, this is a US law, and there’s no way in hell that the FBI will get involved (unless it’s a truly egregious event) and there’s no way Korff will be covered while living in the CZ and while making outrageous claims, many of which we’ve exposed as lies.

    Oh, and did you see that if you have less than an once of cannabis in California it’s nothing more than a ticket; no court case and no criminal record.

    Maybe Korff’s brother should move to California? Oh wait, he’s a convict already. Never mind.

  6. Kommand the language Korff, KOMMAND IT!

    My God, your unfinished 2 year college experiance is showing.

    Kal Korff: I am not optimistic the Republicans can truly reform themselves either, but as long as the right things are done for the right reasons, I could and do care less WHICH party it is.

  7. So Kal, what's going on with Priyamitra? Some global organization, one paragraph on a web site. Ha ha ha


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 'I have it on good authority that Kalvin told a person that the paper had to get their “financing together” and “if they ever do” this will happen.'

    ---Reminds me of Kal's website posting claiming that he pulled out of all co-operation with V*jt*ch S*dl*c*k because the "funding didn't come through."

    I am referring here to the cock-and-bull story that Kalvin sold to Mr S*dl*c*k, which involved Kal's stolen mobile phones, the Astrological Clock on Prague's Old Town Square and teaching English (and of course, naive, trusting V*jt*ch). A rip-off scheme that Kalvin dubbed "Mobile English."

    Big mistake on your part, "Colonel", as it was your treatment of this fine gentleman that prompted me to start hounding you.

    I really, really loathe you, Korff.

    Still waiting for the Czech police/FBI to swoop.

    Lying scum.

  10. I still havent been served anything


  11. Kal Korff: Enjoying Prague again, it's a beautiful and very historic city, honestly. The weather is not as cold as I thought it would be this time of year. Guess I've become acclimated. I won't have much time to visit friends, but I'll try. Czech beer is the best in the world, the Czech people are truly great. Staying at a hotel in the historic Vysehrad area, haven't seen this part since attending the IAU meeting years ago.

  12. America bashing once again.

    Kal Korff: This is INCREDIBLE. I enjoyed seeing this when I passed through Dresden, Dresden is one of my favorite historic cities in Germany. I thank my friend Skip for alerting me to this video, since I didn't take any footage myself while I was there. Hope you enjoy it, America has no such equivalent, which is unfortunate.

  13. Kal Korff: Staying at a hotel in the historic Vysehrad area, haven't seen this part since attending the IAU meeting years ago.

    Kal used his EXPIRED media pass to get into this event. His stupid assis listed in a log of media covering the event. Kal had NOTHING to do with the actual meeting but tries to make it out like he did.

  14. Korffers, take notice. Korff is posting very little on FB again; he's keeping it mostly to Obama and Apple this and that.

    Veteran Korffers know what's in store. Korff “now” ALWAYS goes silent after making empty threats and empty boasts, allowing time to pass before moving onto other lies and boasts happily forgetting all about those last lies, threats and boasts.

    Bad for Korff that we’re here, always vigilant, always on the Korff watch.

    His new post makes me wonder; where did he get these items? Did he get these items at all? Didn’t he give his World the impression that he already had all of these items; constantly commenting and reviewing them?

    Does Mac Zone ring any bells Korffers?

    And of course, regardless of the “truth” of this post, notice Korff “gets” all three products. Not just one or two but all three.

    Typical Korff boasting. Typical Korff lie. Show us the video Korff.

    Lastly, why not spend the next few days turning Jimmy D and F1 Racer into the police and the FBI, Korff.

    UPDATE - 25 days of views - 45 views.

    From: secretxwars | December 10, 2010 | 43 views

    Kal Korff: I'm happy to report that I have an iPod Touch, MacBook Pro and an iPad now. Life's great, I'm going to spend the next few days configuring and synching them, I'll be able to use the iPad on really long flights, and it has a standby cycle of 30 days. Praise YHWH!

  15. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 04, 2011

    Really long flights like to where -- Back to his mom's house to set up Super Duper Services North America HQ in her basement?

  16. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 04, 2011

    "Kal Korff: I'm happy to report that I have an iPod Touch, MacBook Pro and an iPad now."
    ---Really? Who did you steal them from?

  17. someone should post this link on his fb page:

    still not served

  18. I have read the emails between Tina and Kal and I must say, he really is out there. He contradicts himself so much I can see why Tina was having confusion issues. He talks about tolerence, well I must say, that is all it is. TALK. He spewed hatred all over Tina and her child via email. He needs to learn how to practice what he preaches. I have spent quite a bit of time with Tina over the years and I must say she is a very generous, sensitive giving person who has opened her home to her friends. She even has taken the time to teach computer skills and lent the usage of her computer to friends to get their business of the ground. So to see the intolerence he spewed about her was just insane.


  19. FN, when do I post the other info and pictures?

  20. KIAI,

    You have my e-mail, let’s talk about which and what and well put together a plan.

    I'm all for a roll-out of everything I have.

    I'd just like to do it right and in a manner which punches the Fuck Nut in the gut and hurts him the most, with what we have.

    Nothing less than a full assault, an internet hammering and world wide humiliation on a grand scale will due.

    I’d like the time I (and we) put in to pay-off, once and for all.

    Let’s get this done and move on.


  21. Kal Korff: I was just told that tomorrow is the last day I will have to see Prague Castle while I am here, so I am going to go do that tomorrow instead, then spend the rest of the short trip here with lawyers, investigative officials and of course be in continued contact with police. Prague castle is way cool, I have always enjoyed it. Then I am off to Cesky Krumlov, it's beautiful.

  22. FN,

    Just send me what you want to do and I will reply here with only yes and no.

  23. >>> He spewed hatred all over Tina and her child via email. He needs to learn how to practice what he preaches. <<<

    Kal Korff: Oh great, just what we need....another wife beater and child abuser, (just listen to one of many audio tapes circulating which have captured his priceless attacks on his ex-wife and child) to "represent" us in the U.S. government. Naturally, he's going to be either a Democrat or a Liberal.

  24. KIAI,

    Post whatever you want.


  25. Still not served

  26. Still waiting to be served, turd worm.
    Jimmy D

  27. Expect a "comic book of our own" threat from Kalvin Karlton Korff in response to this new Michael Horn production.

    Got to hand it to Horn, he stays the course and just continues on, very focused dude.

    ...unlike Korff.

    Michael Horn laughs at you.

  28. Michael Horn Update

    Thanks FN,

    You have a good New Year too!

    I have nothing new to report on Korff.

    And I have a feeling that there really won't be much more of any interest either.



  29. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 07, 2011

    Let's see if that reverse Face Book Snow Job plug-in can show us what Kalvin is likely really saying ...

    Kal Korff: I was just told that tomorrow is the last day I will have to see Prague Castle while I am here, so I am going to go do that tomorrow instead, then spend the rest of the short trip here with lawyers, investigative officials and of course be in continued contact with police.

    TRANSLATION: I was evicted again and have taken up residence with a new sucker in Germany. They believe I am a counter-terrorism consultant & offered to help, thinking they were doing some good in the world. I have until Thursday to get the rest of my stuff from the storage space I rented in Prague after being evicted or they will change the lock and I will have to pay them money to get my few meager possessions back. I wish I could stay in Prague to re-live all the old scams I pulled but the van is due back by Monday or my new sucker will get charged for another week, which I cannot afford to compensate them for. Having to admit not being able to pay them back could possibly expose my lying to manipulate them into helping me, so I don't have time to make up a grand fictional adventure right now.

    Prague castle is way cool, I have always enjoyed it. Then I am off to Cesky Krumlov, it's beautiful.

    TRANSLATION: I wasted nearly a whole decade in Czech Replublic trying to bullshit people using the internet and am just realizing that I'll actually miss being there & getting away with my scams. I am bitter about having to leave but am in more trouble than I can lie my way out of this time. I am humiliated to not be in control of my own life and wish I wasn't such a fucking worthless failure.

    Yep! still works.

  30. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 07, 2011

    All quiet on the KKK front. Both Korffers and Korff circling, waiting, probing for a weakness.

    Classic stuff. Great times in which to be a Korffer!

    Rot in hell, toerag.

  31. still not served!

    on another note, for any of u Linux heads out there. i just installed an ubuntu based os called ultimate 2.8 on my old laptop. damn thing runs like a porsche now! i might toss this windows based dektop


  32. Morning Korffers,

    Korff's been very, very quiet on FB this week, as expected. Korff knows we're going to release some interesting information, soon.

    I'm waiting to do this because, well, just read over this post and you'll see why.

    Korff is trying to bait us to release the info so he can state otherwise.

    I'll wait it out.

    As you can see, he'll post videos later, always later. And everything in his life is "incredible and historic".

    Right... Like a view per day, give or take...

    From: secretxwars | December 10, 2010 | 45 views

    Udderly historic.

    Face Book Post

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I'm up in the mountains where the snow is, enjoying nature. I'll record some video soon and post it, the air is fresh and these past few weeks have been incredible and historic for me, details later.

  33. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 08, 2011

    Well, I'm just back from a day's skiing up in the Krkonose (in the north of the Czech Republic) and I can report that it was p*ssing with rain all day.

  34. >>> Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I'm up in the mountains where the snow is <<<

    But it's raining...?

    Yet another lie?

  35. FN, bring on the information lad!

  36. Korff, still very quiet on Face Book, and why not? He’s made a lot of claims, promises and threats on Face Book and ZERO have come through. As I’ve said before, Face Book is not Korff’s friend. Face Book is very “in the minute” and “what have you posted lately” based. Korff, as expected, started out slow and after Michael Horn tried to get him pulled, and a few Korffers started sending out “watch out for Korff” FB messages, Korff pounced and we see what we have now; nothing. Reap what you sew Korff.

  37. I'm waiting Korff out. Korff WILL make a grand announcement, soon. It’s better that I (we) wait him out. This also allows me time to concentrate on other things, not Korff related, while still Korffing and getting ready for the roll-out.


  38. FN, I will await to release anything I have now. The tide is building lads!

  39. Yes, we must wait, and so patience. This will drive Korff mad. I’m thinking, well, why should I say in public?

    Korff, you do your thing and we Korffers will do ours.

    Be careful Korff, you’ve already said too much and that will come back at you:

    Dayton Center for Peace

    Police action (again) against Jimmy D and F1 racer, etc.

    All of this will pale in comparison with what I (we) have in store for you.


  40. Part One

    The deep words and philosophy of Kalvin Kwai Khang Kaine Karlton Korff.

    “Those damn UFO nuts are just as bad as those damn terrorists who blow people up!”

    Kalvin Korff: I argue that abandoning morals and principals creates the toxic environment. I am also the repeated victim of conspiracy nuts, and I write books which expose extremists, hatred and paranormal frauds and hoaxes. My publisher is the largest publisher of such non-fiction works. There's nothing "toxic" about it, since truth is never toxic. As my new series on terrorism proves, our lack of sticking to our oft professed morals and principles is literally imploding this country.

  41. Part Two

    >>> I shun such labels, and know that individual responsibility is first and foremost <<<

    Words to live bny Kalvin, words to live by.

    Kalvin Korff: I'm also the new co founder and CEO of a global peace org, it's about dialog, not labeling other parties as "evil" such as when Obama said the Republicans are evil. No they are not, and neither are the democrats. Slandering people by claiming they are evil, is an outright lie and more antics, at the expense of the truth. I did not us the term Blue Democrat, another person did. I shun such labels, and know that individual responsibility is first and foremost, while others blame "the party" or anyone else but the guilty party. It reminds me of the excuse used in school: the dog ate my homework. Let us say the dog did, then keep your homework away from the dog. The dog is not guilty, it's owner is.

  42. Giving away free iPads by way of his fake web site and organization....

    BTW Korff, maybe a quick trip the the tech show in Vegas and you'd learn about what's new and up coming in the etch world? Ignorant Apple zombie.

    Kal Korff: Enjoying the heck out of the new iPad and IPod touch, soon we'll be giving some away to our new peace workers. There's nothing like them made by any company but Apple. Apple is a true testament to American innovation, daring and brilliance.

  43. Tick tock, "Colonel".

    Tick tock.

    Hope you're enjoying the rain and howling wind that has prevailed in the Czech mountains for the past few days.


  44. Can we have a new posting please, KIAI?

  45. Please read the current post(s). KIAI is waiting Korff out. Mark our words, Korff will be making an announcement soon.

    We have more to post but, we have to allow Korff his time to shout out whatever (I know what it will be) it is that he needs to.

    Remember, the reason for this blog, as I understand it, is to get Korff to shut up, stop making threats and stop lying about his fantasy world; to go away.

    At some point this will happen. When Korff goes silent, we tend to go silent as well and take a wait and see stance.


  46. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 11, 2011

    Amen, brother.

    Your move, Korff.

  47. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 11, 2011

    By the way - Kult of Kal ... are you still alive and kicking? Haven't heard from you for ages.

  48. Yes, it's his move. Korff's been posting things about space, etc. very little, on Face Book.

    So nice to see... nothing, from this man.

    It won't last, it can't. Korff hasn't been "outted" enough yet.

    Our "information magazine" is full Kalvin, make a move so we can pull the trigger.

    We dare you.

  49. J. Allen HynekJanuary 11, 2011

