Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kal K. Korff NOT INVITED to elite level conference

I see that there iwll be a large world class conference taking place in Saudi Arabia that is sponsored by the likes of Google and Boeing and it will feature world class speakers all experts in their fields. wow real life CEOs and PIOs and CIOs and the like. Even the CEO for Walt Disney will be there along with lads like Tony Blair and so many other important figures in such things as science and world peace and medicine and and and and...........................
KAL K. KORFF IS NOT INVITED!! Though lads it looks as though some other flying saucer chaps will be thee like Stanton Friedman and Jaques Vallee and Nick Pope. Many thanks for the email about this to from a fellow Korffer.

So how can it be lads that Kal did not get an invite? Someone pointed out that Kal once said he was being financed with millions and millions or dollars by a saudi king or prince or some such. This is true that Kal did sayhe was getting some bonkering sum of money from a Saudi and this is clearly not the case otherwise Kernal Kolon would not have to be selling ipods and the like.

So while Kal is roaming the rails of Prague late at night wondering what happened to his promising future and cooking up more of his ridiculousness it looks like his old pal Stan Friendman will be meeting royalty and will be among some of the finest minds and some of the most influential people in the world.


  1. Love the post, nothing more to say...



  2. Hey Kalvin,

    You really want to stop the madness and start telling the truth?

    Here's your oppertunity:


    Come on Kalvin, be a man of your word.

  3. Korff is beat to the punch again!
    Kal, what is your non profit organization doing?

    Ha ha ha ha
    Reuters is reporting that, at an initial cost of S$135,000 (about US$100,000), a pilot program handing out iPads to 140 students and 10 teachers at Nanyang Girls High School, Tampines Secondary School, Nanhua Primary School and Dunman Secondary School in Singapore aims to replace textbooks and increase interactivity in the classroom.

    Students can connect to the internet, download books and notes, share workbooks and access course materials all from their iPads. In talking to Reuters, 14-year-old student Chloe Chen said, "It's much more convenient. Teachers can just tell us to go a website, and we can immediately go and do our work."

    While the iPad has been used to help feed the hungry and by doctors in surgery, the education world seems to be where it is destined to have the biggest impact. So far, we have seen examples of colleges in the US handing out iPads to students and of textbook publishers like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt testing a full year Algebra course app, so one can imagine just how many places tablet computers will show up once they become even more popular than they already are.

    I have heard from two teacher friends that they would love to have an iPad in their classroom, saying that it would help them stay up-to-date and organized, but neither one of them said they would want the students to have them because it would just be a distraction. However, if for no other reason, iPads in the classroom would help them facilitate paperless courses for students, and that alone could save them a lot of headaches.

  4. i am sure he will try to claim his non profit was involved in this....so sad, so sad

  5. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 19, 2011

    LOL thank God! and don't take this wrong, but why would anyone invite Kalvin Karlton Korff to anything such as a paranormal phenomenon symposium? He's just a washed-up debunker, a childish Phil Klass wannabe who's primary interest is in generating conflicts, personal animosities, jealousy and resentment. You can't get anything done with people like that around. Even if he had anything meaningful to contribute or just an actual printed book to pimp his presence would be defined by whom he is having conflicts with. The flying saucer community has learned its lesson. Better just to have a few nice lecture sessions, sell some real books and get a drink at the bar later. Heck I'd go have a beer with Stanton Friedman if he'd sit with me. Probably gets all the babes too.

  6. Korff's first Face Book post in 5 days. Apple love.... The response is classic. Seems Korff can't post anything and get much of a response at all anymore...

    Kal Korff
    What can I say?


    Rodger Bruce: so do u get paycheck from apple?

  7. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 19, 2011

    Watch Karlton reply, not with a yes/no answer but with a vague sing-songy flimflam routine which suggests that he receives perks of some sort from Apple as a reward for product loyalty, and/or has actually known their top executives for years, considering them to be personal friends. "Jobs and I went for tacos once and this gorgeous surfer chick kept coming over and touching his bald spot", that sort of thing.

    Even better yet would be a statement suggesting that he was offered a position at Apple "years ago" but turned it down to pursue his paid volunteer work as a Super Duper Services SAPSTOE. AND, is still considered "something of a legend" at the Apple campus. Good vague bragging rights to make his commenter eat that reply. Show the ingrate who's boss, Kalvin!

    Bonus points for suggestion that Kalvin Karlton's close relations with Apple brass resulted in his peace org's exclusive access to iPoads, iPhones, and iTouch iPods for his flock of imaginary missionaries. Then maybe a world weary "it's all who you know" kind of wrap up, never actually answering the young man's question.

  8. Unknown, klassic Korffisums throughout. Great job.

    Here's Korff's reply.

    Notice Korff gets slapped down with the TRUTH again. Face Book seems NOT to be Korff's best friend.

    Kal Korff: No, I don't own any stock in the company either, although I wish I had bought some, it would have been a good investment. I admire what they're doing and how they succeed through innovation and pushing the human race forward.

    Rodger Bruce: I agree they are doing well and have the right products but lets not forget Gates saving their bacon :) I wish I had stock also I don't think I would ever have a ipod although ipad looks appealing.

  9. Acknowledge and apologise in full and in public for your treatment of V*jt*ch S*dl*c*k, "Colonel".

    Then I will leave you alone.

  10. could it really be??? dickheads webpage is down???

  11. No, it's still there. No updates, etc.

  12. its funny, when I read so many of Kal's FB posts, he calls others liars, what does he do? Well he lies and lies and lies. He also says he doesn't hate people just because they exist. Sorry, but I read his last few months of emails to Tina, his hatred showed through loud and clear. He claimed to have loved her, yet he spews hatred and kept pushing her away. I think he did this because she started questioning him about his grand promises he made to her. I told her this, yet she was so confused at the time. I spoke with her a few weeks ago and she was coming out og the fog as she said. But for whatever reason that I just don't get, she does not hate him.


  13. Poor Kalvin, working away on his "books".

    No time to brag to his Face Book peeps.

  14. All Korff Kuiet on the Face Book and internet front.

    Just wait for it Korffers.

    As soon as Korff breaks his silence, we release our most damning information.

    Back to enjoying a full and fanciful lift.

    Not a fantasy life, Korff.


  15. I will be attending the MacWorld Expo this week in San Francisco. I will let you know if there are any Korff sightings!

  16. yes....pls do. I would love it if he showed up on MY PORCH!! Oh Kal, I have something for you....

  17. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 24, 2011

    The game is evenly poised, and it's starting to get rather fascinating.

    In the blue corner, Kalvin - who, being Kalvin - is genetically programmed to want to boast and blare and bray his lies to the world.

    In the red corner, F. Nut esq., who has promised to dish the dirt the moment Kalvin opens his stupid, lying trap.

    We all know that Kalvin will break silence soon. The question is, how long will he hold out?

    I am agog.

  18. FN, lad if you can gt an email to me with a nice summary of what you would like to see such as last time for the big one we shall drop upon Kal's head that would be nice. Thanks for the pictures lad!! This is some priceless stuff here chaps!!!

  19. For the Korffers and Kal. A little follow-up on the 'elite conference'.
    Rec'd an email from Stan Friedman earlier today, part of which says:
    Hi from pleasant Riyadh. Another long day. Late dinner because surprise guest showed up to congratulate winning companies. Bill Clinton. Announced today that he will speak here tomorrow at 10AM. I have newspaper interview at noon.

    Just thought I'd rub that in for Kal.


  20. KIAI, I’ll put together a little something for you, although I wouldn’t want it posted yet. We need to see where this silence will take us, in my opinion.

    And here we have some interesting information. I’ve edited it a bit due to the sheer boredom of reading Korff’s self-invective (there’s an antonym joke here Korff) rants on Face Book.

    What’s of interest here is Korff admission that he’s using his iPhone to post on Face Book. Nothing wrong with that on the surface however, Korff no longer updates his web site (expect an update now) and he’s no longer posting videos (expect a video now). Why?

    Because Korff can’t afford to pay for his iPhone service AND an internet service. Off to the internet café with you Kalvin Karlton Korff.

    Kal Korff: .... I refute many other lies this group makes in my new 2,400 six volume series, which my publisher gets this year.

    Kal Korff: I meant agenda, not example, my iPhone autocorrects and it got it wrong this time.

  21. Please post Korff FB posts.

  22. How do you access or read Kal's FB page? I recently became interested in Mr. Korff and his exploits, but the FB page I find doesn't have a wall or postings, etc. I am looking at the "Kal Korff" page. Can any of you Korffers steer me to the right page where I can read up about the Colonels' latest adventures and accomplishments? I just love reading adventure fiction! Thanks

  23. FN, I shall wait to put anything new up until the word go comes down from you. Kal has no idea what this gun is loaded with! ahahahahahhhhaaah!!!

  24. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!January 25, 2011

    You're finished, "Colonel".

    Turn the lights off as you go out.

  25. I was going to say that there's nothing wrong with Korff that a bloody good hiding wouldn't cure.

    But actually, I don't think even that would do the trick.

    You are scum, Korff.

  26. Korff’s been very quiet on Face Book. Obama and Apple posts, maybe two a day, at most. Things are going as planned Korffers.

    A waiting for the other foot to fall.

    Make the announcement Kalvin Karlton Korff.


  27. Fascinating stuff.

    I wonder how long he'll restrain himself before "announcing" his lie.

    The fuse is lit, the clock is ticking.

    Tick, tock, tick, tock...

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