Monday, February 21, 2011

Kal K. Korff giving the little general a spank?

Dekko here if you dare lads!! Fancying his own knob? A little hanky panky with the little general? The only thing I know is that I am psychologically damaged for life now. Even the bravest ofthe brave venturing into this territory will be wishing they could dig their own eyes out with a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. All I can say is what the fuck?!?! Is there any brain surgery that will remove that image from my mind? I think I will have to sue the admin here now for damages lol!

  2. Kal, YHWH would not be amused.

  3. Korff says that this photo is - was to be used in his reality TV series, all about him and his life, to be sold to the US market when he comes back home during his book tour.

    The story behind this is that Korff lost a bunch of weight because he got off his American food and so on.

    Oh, sorry Kalvin, have I blown the secret?

    But, the real story is, he used to send Tina Skype grabs all the time. This was one of them.

    Admin has more to come.


  4. More Face Books lies based on what we post on this blog (it's not a web site Kalvin).

    Notice the wording Kalvin uses here; that he's only posting it now because it's no public, but it wasn't two weeks ago when he learned about it.

    Not a chance.

    Kalvin is posting it in this way because we called him out on a previous, "Look at me, I know more than you" posting, as a lie.

    You have no inside source Kalvin.

    If you did, you'd have this blog shut down and you'd know who the posters are.

    You can't and you don't.

    Kal Korff: No "surprise" here, I'm posting this now only because it has become public info. I first learned of this about two weeks ago after it was obvious he did NOT have diplomatic immunity and that John Kerry was being dispatched with predictable failure to succeed in getting him out. Seems he is guilty of committing a crime, the forensic reports do NOT support his story of "self-defense."

  5. The Unknown KorfferFebruary 21, 2011



    F1 RACER

  7. so i guess this makes Tina an anti-Semitic extremist stalker engaged in hate crimes now too. disappear quick, kal! it's going to get worse, and your facebooking buddies now about us now.

  8. >>> and your facebooking buddies now about us now. <<<

    He, he, he...


  9. Skyping the dirty pictures now are we, Kal? I'm sure that little gem sealed the deal with Tina and she ran as fast as she could and far away from you. At least her daughter is safe from you.

  10. Skype any of those pictures to Tina's kid, you sicko?

  11. Kalvin Karlton Korff used to like Judas Priest, until he found out their lead singer was gay. It's true, just ask him...

    Kal Korff: This is INSANE, typical for San Francisco. In SF you can ALWAYS find 7,000 bozos who will support anything, I hope this fails, but since its sponsors and backers are gay Jew haters, they'll try again. They should be sued for hate crimes. Circumcision is a choice, it reduces the spread of STDs. Getting it done as an adult inflicts needless pain and suffering.

  12. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 22, 2011

    "Kal Korff: No "surprise" here, I'm posting this now only because it has become public info."
    ---What is he referring to here, can someone tell me, please?

  13. Interesting:

    I wonder if Karlton showed signs of being a complete psychopath at the age of three...

  14. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 22, 2011

    Has KalIsrael pronounced yet on the predicament of his fellow Colonel in Libya?

  15. Kal Korff: Now that Davis' cover has been blown by the US Govt as a CIA ex and Blackwater operative, predator drone strikes have resumed. There was a lull for many weeks. Isn't it reassuring that the quest to fight terrorists is subject to politics instead of pure morals?

  16. Leather EnthusiastFebruary 22, 2011

    Say, Kolonol, do you work out?

  17. >>> Leather Enthusiast said...
    Say, Kolonol, do you work out? <<<

    Ha, ha, ha!

    Say, Kalvin, do you like gladitor movies?

  18. the Indian princess looks exactly like the woman in the bed from a few blog posts ago.


  19. The Unknown KorfferFebruary 22, 2011

    Yeah F1 that's definitely the same pathetic creature, who should be regarded as another victim of Kalvin K. Karlton Korff. The term "load burping road whore" comes to mind with that rug-burn face, but she's still a victim and has been used by Kalvin. Likely paid very well by him too -- Does Dot Joss know this is where her money was going? To support a prostitute? Is that supposed to be the fairy Indian Princess from the land of make-believe?

    So Kalvin! ... check the blog here lately? You can stop copy pasting news stories for your buddies and pretending to be a web based correspondent, they go to the same news sites anyway which is why they don't reply to you. More pressing matters here. You've been caught with your pants down and your hand where it shouldn't be. Sucks hard to be you right now, I would call this supreme humiliation and first-rate Korffing. No damage control can repair this blow. Kalvin K. Korff is an internet sex pervert, but no surprises there really. I would also be very very concerned about his interactions with Tina's still underaged daughter and what sort of "messages" he sent to her when mom wasn't looking.

  20. An interesting response to Korff?

    Not sure if it's pro Korff, anti Korff, or what?

    Funny in any case.

    Kal Korff: Isn't science great? :-)

    Kevin McGarry: Great for people who want to understand the human condition, though challenging for those in the thrall of delusion.

  21. Kal does seem to have an affinity for young 14-16 yr old females doesn't he.
    On the flip side, he has to resort to finding a back street 'super model' to impress with his grandiose fame, toss her a few monies, ply her with booze until she can't see straight, then...well, you know how it goes.

  22. >>> The Unknown Korffer said...<<<

    Yeah F1 that's definitely the same pathetic creature, who should be regarded as another victim of Kalvin K. Karlton Korff. The term "load burping road whore" comes to mind with that rug-burn face, but she's still a victim and has been used by Kalvin. Likely paid very well by him too -- Does Dot Joss know this is where her money was going? To support a prostitute? Is that supposed to be the fairy Indian Princess from the land of make-believe?


    Unknown - hilarious and sadly - true. :)))


  23. sqwqdgqjghtirttihyivcugyiutyFebruary 22, 2011

    The fairy tale princess is just MR. Korff's latest version of the invented supermodel honey trap warrant officer TV producing lust-thang sidekick. The more revealing aspect of the exchange is that while this woman was being straight up with Kal K. Korff about herself he was playing a retarded little game with zero consideration by the effect it might have.

    Screw that, he even went out of his way to create a little ruse specifically designed to intentionally hurt her, which he acknowledges in the engagement notice message. It backfired and he comes off like a sniveling little horse's ass for the effort, but it should be taken as ample evidence that he seriously has zero ethical standards (echo Kevin Randle) even when it comes to interpersonal relations. It's also exactly the kind of retarded pathetic lie that a 12 - 14 year old might tell, ages which figure heavily into MR. Korff's curriculum vitae.

    Working on the Viking Lander, inventing neutron bombs + nanobot components, having Thanksgiving dinner with the troops, being proposed to by a fairy tale princess -- same thing!

  24. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!February 23, 2011

    You are vermin, KalIsrael. Irredeemable filth. I want to hurt you so bad....

  25. How the fuck long has Kal Korff been talking the same shit now? I was doing a search and found this like where it looks like Kal all the way back in 2006 was pulling his old 'consumer fraud' stunt.

  26. Lot of politco stuff on FB this morning... Blah.

    Let's post the good stuff.

    If Korff is in Switz land, boy is he fast... at doing what he said he did, already, many times.

    Remember that he was over their a year ago, doing the EXACT same thing...


    Kal Korff: I'm finishing my work in Switzerland to have Billy Meier and his UFO Cult prosecuted, things have gone perfectly. Then I'm heading back to Prague, to start Phase II of this and other actions. Details will be released to the public on my new show, Feb 28th.

    Angelia Joiner: Prosecuted?

  27. Expect to see more FAKE documents soon. I'll send an old one to admin if they missed it.

    I'd like to get a document with the term "supermodel" on it!

    It worked for Karltons brother! Ha, ha, ha!

    Oh, by the way, Kalvin's site will not host his new show because Karlton doesn't know HOW to publish a web site that hosts video (he does now how to post You Tube links, you go Kalvin) and, Kalvin couldn’t afford to pay for the band width AND...

    His web site host is a free service, not willing to host that kind of band use age.

    Now go update that crappy template site Kalvin.

    You liar. You lie.

    The next wave is coming Karlton.

    Kal Korff: I'll be redoing my web site in time for the launch of my new show, which is the 28th of February. I will mostly keep it OFFLINE until then. The site will not host my new show, another more robust one will, I'll post the links later once I know them. Lots to do until the new show launches, can't wait to show the first police prosecution Docs.

  28. Korffer's,

    Face Book is Korff's new and worst friend.

    Behind the scenes, many of Korff's friends are coming out and speaking out against their "friend".

    We told you Karlton, Face Book was a bad idea for you.

    "Normal" people use and love Face Book. It can be fun and cool to catch up with friends and family.

    You have neither.

    Face Book isn't a tool for self promotion and spreading Walter Mitty lies.

    Its coming Kalvin; your unearthing, your comeuppance, the tide has turned on you.


  29. Think about Korff’s life.

    Banging out ENDLESS e-mails and FB messages and posts, all in the hope to support his unsupportable lies, all for not.

    Empty, banal... a fully solitary life, hoping above all hopes to regain the modicum of celebrity he once had.

    Michael Horn laughs at you.

    F1 Racer and JimmyD are free as birds.

    It’s all lies Korff.

    Live your delusions Korff.

  30. Another Korff enemy tells me that they received zero legal paperwork from Kal Korff; from any associate, male or female.

    I can’t tell you who this is, but that’s not really important.

    What is important is that we have another person, on the record, telling us that Korff, once again, followed through with zero threats and legal action.

    Zero... Korff, just like you.


  31. Soon Kalvin, very very soon.

    Shock and awe Kalvin, shock and awe.

    Wait for it.

  32. The Unknown KorfferFebruary 23, 2011

    Angelia very correctly questions Kalvin K. Karlton Korff's claim that he will have the Billy Meier hippies "prosecuted". Individuals may press charges, but ultimately any "prosecution" of a subject is undertaken in a court of law by a controlling legal authority. What Angelia is realizing is that Kalvin K. Karlton Korff considers himself to be a controlling legal authority in Switzerland. Which he obviously isn't.

    And yeah, this has been little Kalvin K. Karlton Korff's big modus since 2004 at least, the idea that HE can prosecute others for what he refers to as consumer fraud -- a concept that does not cover the written word. People should be free to write & publish anything they choose, or has Kalvin K. Karlton Korff forgotten why he had to go to 1st for a "web hoster"? It was because somebody was trying to silence his "free speech".

    It's all just bullshit though from a toad who lives an imaginary life on the internet. All he has left is lying to people on Face Book.

  33. And time is fast ending for the imaginary life of Kolonel Kalvin K Korff. Just recall this KKK, Shock and Awe

    Oh yes, Shock and Awe Kolonel Krackers.

    Wait for it ............

  34. News Flash!

    A new image is being sent to the admin for immediate posting.

    Shock and Awe indeed.


  35. Look at me - look at me - you want me don't you!!!

  36. Another Korff enemy tells me that they received zero legal paperwork from Kal Korff; from any associate, male or female. I can’t tell you who this is, but that’s not really important. What is important is that we have another person, on the record, telling us that Korff, once again, followed through with zero threats and legal action. Zero... Korff, just like you. FN

  37. Think about Korff’s life. Banging out ENDLESS e-mails and FB messages and posts, all in the hope to support his unsupportable lies, all for not. Empty, banal... a fully solitary life, hoping above all hopes to regain the modicum of celebrity he once had. Michael Horn laughs at you. F1 Racer and JimmyD are free as birds. It’s all lies Korff. Live your delusions Korff.
