Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kal K. Korff gets EXPOSED again!!!!

Look what some nice lad sent me.  By the way Kal you will be EXPOSED here and on the official Kal Is An IDIOT youtube channel

By the way Kal this picture was taken TODAY and this chap tells me the personnel management department for Boeing is open Monday for anyone to drop by and have a check.


  1. Does this have to do with something I remember about Kal supposedly beign a "lead designer" at Boeing?


  2. Great!!!!!!! The heat is on!

  3. Kalvin Karlton Korff; fake American, fake reporter.

    Banging out those news, Apple and Obama postings on Face Book like a mad man.

    Kal Korff

    This is for my friend Stephanie and others, if they have an interest in this kind of thing. I do, and all Americans should....

    ... I find engagement to be only empowering. I wish more would engage the issues, instead of just complain about them.

    ... Well the intel report I got proved to be true, I was worried per se that it would either not make the news, or it would be days before it did. Most of them I get and read are true, but usually do not cover Libya. I am glad word of this is leaking out.

    .... Please prove that are ARE, Peter. Please post your info here and I'll send it to the NYT and Washington Post and elsewhere.

    ... @Stephanie, I am just now getting the intel from the Israeli group I do work for, as an analyst and counterterrorism advisor, that UFO CONspiracy nuts deny exists. :-)

    And so closes another day in the life of world laughing stock Kalvin Karlton Korff.

    Where's the video Kalvin?

    Where's the legal action against... anyone.

    Michael Horn luaghs at you.

    Don Ecker wont even waste the breath.

    You lose.

    We win.

  4. >>> but it won't change the fact that you are a failure. <<<

    That about sums it up Unknown.

  5. Hey Kalvin,

    Prove any of this, you fuck.

    Provide a photo, another person who actually exists, to back up your claims. You can't you lying asshole.

    Why don't you post that video by Monday and THEN go to train some fantasy Kondidate?

    And what about that template web site Korff? Where is it? You pulled it down. Why? Liar.

    Kal Korff: We train more peace worker candidates this Tues. After they finish their training they'll be sent to parts of the world to make a positive difference. After more training in their destination country, they'll receive a free Apple iPad or Peace Pad. I'm enjoying being the CEO of this new global peace org, I'm honored to work with great people like Lonnie Franks. Some haters/extremists said this wasn't true. Oh well:-)

    .... Fisk has had some good journalism over the years, sometimes he gets it right, sometimes he does not. This story, however, is accurate as far as I have been able to confirm, I expect more confirmation tomorrow when some people I know in Wash DC who are upset with Obama over this will be getting back to me. They are loyal democrats, but not for much longer.

  6. It's great that he's such a humanitarian. Not only can these poor people receive I pads but they can also download Kal's secret x wars from padnet. Another nonexistent company created for Kal's fantasy world.

  7. Brit_in_PragueMarch 07, 2011

    You're finished, "KalIsrael".

    Turn the lights out before you blow your brains out.

  8. Just a quick note but korff has never answered my invitation to come on DMR for a response to the expose shows I conducted. Of course I never expected he would.

    Don Ecker

  9. Good news about the Czech newspapers finally sitting up and taking notice. Once they start writing about Karlton's disgraceful activities then the cops will have no option but to track the bastard down.

    Soon, Karlton. Soon...

  10. Laughing my a__! off - there is something wrong with him - he is totally just out there!

  11. @ Jimmy_D

    That would be great if he still lived there.

  12. The Unknown KorfferMarch 07, 2011

    Do you have specific current information on where young Kalvin is? If you know something we don't speak up. He may not be in Prague anymore but is there any singular reason to conclude he is not in Czech Republic at all? And never mind what Kalvin has to say about it, other than possibly construing the reverse of any claim. That guy will tell you its raining out while standing there on a warm sunny day. Nothing he reports about himself should be regarded as credible or accurate. I.E. If he maintains he is in CR that's a good enough reason to conclude he isn't. Kal Korff is a compulsive, habitual, shameless liar. And wherever in the world he is it sucks for his just being there.

  13. New video:

  14. I told Don this already, this anon emailer gives Kal a built in defense mechanism. Because its shredded and cant be traced, Kal can claim it wasnt him, all the while sending them out as more of an annoyance than anything.


  15. I guess that's the reason why they put that disclaimer at the end of the new video?

  16. Daniela_AbrahamovaMarch 08, 2011

    Still playing your games, I see, "KalIsrael".

    Nothing changes. You are pure evil.

  17. The Unknown KorfferMarch 08, 2011

    Kalvin Korff is definitely a force of evil in the world. Nothing he touches can ever come to any good. Everything he does ends up being a manipulation or lie of one sort or another. He should also be threatening to sue Charlie Sheen for plagiarism -- "Sheen's Korner" with a disheveled, raving idiot making a horse's ass out of himself on video for the whole world to watch with their jaws hanging open in disbelief. The difference being that Sheen gets 2 million hits overnight & Kalvin about twelve to twenty over the course of three years. Rank amateur all the way but equally sick and whoever is enabling it should be ashamed.

    Which in itself might be an avenue to consider -- What is Dot Joss or whoever funds Kalvin's life getting out of this? Other than rejoicing in his absence. Whoever is bankrolling Kalvin's existence is the real problem. Korff is obviously insane & unable to control his actions, that much is easy to discern. But somebody is funding his madness, and they should be the first ones on the airplane to go bring him home to get psychiatric help. That they have not almost suggests they have something to gain by NOT forcing Kal to get help. The whole family might be just as evil, despicable, and unbelievably lame.

  18. Oh, he's evil, all right. Just think of all the people he has hurt.

    Worthless, irredeemable scum.

  19. New videos posted:

    New to non Korffers I guess?

    More to come soon.

    Also, a very telling Face Book message from Kalvin to a woman...

  20. Kalvin Karlton Korff, the truth exposed.

    #287 - Most Subscribed (This Week)

    #105 - Most Subscribed (This
    Week) - Reporters

    #8 - Most Subscribed (This Week) -
    Czech Republic

    #287 - Most Subscribed (This Week)

    #105 - Most Subscribed (This
    Week) - Reporters

    #8 - Most Subscribed (This Week) -
    Czech Republic

    #2 - Most Subscribed (This Week) -
    Reporters - Czech Republic

    #82 - Most Subscribed (This
    Month) - Czech Republic

    #4 - Most Subscribed (This Month) -
    Reporters - Czech Republic

    #21 - Most Viewed (Today) -
    Reporters - Czech Republic

    #24 - Most Viewed (This Week) -
    Reporters - Czech Republic

  21. Kal Korff: Here's an update re my new show, it has many segments: Chump Change We Can Believe In, which Xposes Obama & his broken "promises" and the games Republicans and Democrats play in Wash DC; FAKEships of the Pleiades, Desperate Don, Is It REALLY True?, Final Verdict: JFK's Murder Solved, Scandals of Kevin Randle, Secret X Wars. It's enough to keep me busy, :-), shows are being uploaded now, web URLs will be posted soon.

  22. Korff's site was down last night.

    NY police, tracking down Russian kids messing with a server, Right... Liar.

    Kal Korff: are my web hosts, who are being attacked. They are in New York. NY police have been great in helping out tracking the guilty parties. Even attempts to hide the ip addresses has not worked. These bozos "think" they are smarter than police, they could not be more mistaken. On OTHER web sites, as I have said, new exposes will appear shortly. Stay tuned....

  23. lair.

    Kal Korff: I just learned that charges against a key member of the Billy Meier UFO Cult, get filed by the END of March, praise YHWH. Oh wait, according to Meier, YHWH doesn't exist, all religions are backwards, the Koran was faked by a guy named "Omar" - the Bible and Torah are forgeries. I'll start asking Muslims now what they "think" of Meier's claim about the Koran. I'll publish their answers on the new web sites.

  24. Still a blank site.


  25. Korff's site is down again.

    How's this popularity thing working for you Kalvin?

    Popular for all the wrong reasons.

    New videos posted on the KIAI youtube channel.

    Check it out Korffers.

  26. The Unknown KorfferMarch 09, 2011

    Err ... Muslim wife? Twins?? He's going for broke. Must be jealous about all the attention that upstart Charlie Sheen is getting on "Sheen's Korner".

    Kal Korff: are my web hosts, who are being attacked. They are in New York. NY police have been great in helping out tracking the guilty parties. Even attempts to hide the ip addresses has not worked.

    Sigh ...

    WHOIS information for :

    [Redirected to]

    Registration Service Provided By: Enom, Inc

    Domain name:

    Registrant Contact:
    Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
    Whois Agent ()

    PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1
    Bellevue, WA 98007 <---*

    Administrative Contact:
    Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
    Whois Agent (
    Fax: +1.4259744730
    PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1
    Bellevue, WA 98007

    Technical Contact:
    Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
    Whois Agent (
    Fax: +1.4259744730
    PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1
    Bellevue, WA 98007

    Status: Locked

    Name Servers:

    Creation date: 08 Dec 1999 22:07:57
    Expiration date: 08 Dec 2016 22:07:00

    Anything else you'd like to lie about, Kal? It won't work.

  27. The Unknown KorfferMarch 09, 2011

    Interesting watching the March 7 video upload for the KIAI Youtube channel, specifically Kalvin K. Karlton Korff's charge that Dave B. had "Stolen Valor". The claim is spurious and doesn't deserve any iota of discussion.

    But it DOES prove that the Stolen Valor charge against Kalvin Korff has struck home in him. He was hurt by it, mostly because he knows the charge is true and that he is guilty of stealing valor from the men & women of all nations fighting the war against terror. Instead of owning up to the charge Little Kalvin has done what all good narcissistic sociopaths do, namely deflection of attention away from them by blaming somebody else for the same infraction. Just like he has accused others of stalking, cybercrimes including impersonation & identity theft. Its the first thing that they do.

    And proof that Kalvin is following our continued exposure of his life of fraud here is that he is now making reference to IP address spoofing, which he of course did when impersonating the lawyer Coviello and the "Brigadier General" in Haifa. Truth is Kalvin that's pretty simple-simon bullshit and if I were to get one of your messages & feel like putting my mind to it I would be able to trace it to whatever hovel your ill-gotten laptop is being concealed in. Or, at least the WiFi router you are leeching your internet service from. Don could do it to, or rather put someone onto it who could prove it was you, and then hopefully recommend that Coviello try to bring charges against Dot Joss for being an accessory to your identity theft. After all, somebody is funding your existence, and since we can't go after you, we should be going after them for enabling it.

    Must be a pretty low down scumbag who'd leave his own MOM out to dry like that after she's scrimped and saved to fund your bullshit fraudulent existence.

  28. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!March 09, 2011

    I've never loathed anyone I've never met quite as much as I loathe you, "Colonel".

    I wholeheartedly agree with a previous poster: you are the essence of evil.

    Rot in hell.

  29. More videos posted. Kult of Kal remixes, etc.

  30. Kal Korff: In my new Internet-based show, the Obama Xposes which unmask the lies, broken "promises" of Republicans and Democrats, is called Chump Change We Can Believe In.

    I'm pleased to report that the phony Astrologer FAILED his test. Not only was he wrong about everything, he could NOT have been more wrong. Three people were there, it was not necessary for me to even bother with my phony test questions about having a "Muslim" wife. :-) The guy could not even say where Jupiter was, it's the lowest planet over the horizon from where his office was, it's easily trackable on an iPad!

    The "Astrologer" had "certificates" on his wall. They were from an "Astrology Camp" he attended and paid for. There were THREE of them, TWO were color PHOTOCOPIES of the SAME certificate! Quite often in these scams, people receive a "certificate" after they pay money for a class. It helps make them feel better about themselves, as if they have "achieved" something. The fact that he had the same certificate copied three times and posted on two walls, is a very funny farce.

    Meier says there is NO GOD, but "only creation" and that religion is backwards. Meier also claims to be the "Last true prophet after Moses, Jesus and Mohamnad," - as is obvious, Cult leader Billy Meier is a "humble" guy.

  31. Yeah, just like Kal's phony ribbon for designing a neutron bomb, his phony rank of Colonel in a phony SSS 'organization', his phony trips all over Europe and Asia, his phony 6 book series on terrorism, his phony lavish apartment, his phony marriage to an Indian princess,...etc., etc., and on and on.
    Why would anyone even bother to visit an astrologist just to prove that he's a phony? Better that Kal had visited a psychiatrist to see who the real phony is!


  32. Did that girl guide ribbon he recieved ever get carbon dated!

    Lovin the Kult of Kal remixes. Good Korffing.

  33. Freaks of a feather should flock together.

    Seems that Korff has attempted to ride on the coat tails of a dime-a-dozen crackpot UFO cult leader for years. Fecking hell, talk about a bacterium leeching off an amoeba.

    Why not just chuck it all in KALISRAEL - throw up your hands and say "oh well, what-everrr" and join the commune in the Swiss mountains! Ye shall renounce all things that are Apple, template website and Faccebook based and yea verily, shall go forth unto yonder mountain top and mission the true word of YHWH to the UFO star children!!



  34. Ooooohh! Commander McBragg busts an astrologer! What scourge will our courageous paintball-gun-packing "journalist" take on next?

    I'd call his whole idiotic "enterprise" a flea circus, but that would be an insult to both fleas and circuses.

    Come on Kal, a genius like you can do better than that claptrap.

  35. H, great post! Ha, ha, ha!!!


  36. Once again I sent korff an email to both addresses I have. Following this .. is the note I sent him. I do not expect this "kraven koward" to respond.

    Don Ecker

    To: Kalvin K Korff
    From: Don Ecker-Host
    Dark Matters Radio

    After waiting another week in reference to my offer for you to appear on Dark Matters Radio, and with the two week period almost over, I am going to announce to the world that you are too cowardly to even answer me on my offer for you to come on my radio program.

    Everyone now knows what a blowhard and liar you are Kalvin K Korff, everyone knows. I will now make it known to all those that don't know you how cowardly you are, and still living in the "Ozone Layer".

    Don Ecker
    Dark Matters Radio

    PS Did you notice that I signed my name and didn't try to BS you that I was someone else? Turd.

  37. Korff's going nuts on FB... NOT responding to Don Ecker.

    He's posted 9 messages in 30 minutes going from; "I will appear but only if Ecker does this and that" to "I will not appear...."

    Also, Korff stated that he hasn't "heard" Don's radio show.

    Ha! He's not lying Korffers, he's seen it!!!!

    All messages sent to admin and Ecker.


  38. Outted a fraud, Takes one to know one.

    Kal Korff: Here's the name of the phony "psychic" Astrologer who couldn't tell us where Jupiter was in the sky today. His name is Vinod Bharwaj. When you ad the title "Swami" to it, those who "think" uncritically or are New Agey woo woo types, they "think" they're credible. He also bills himself as a "Stone Specialist" who can tell YOU what stone is "best." I thought women solved this riddle eons ago: Diamonds, isn't it? :-)
