Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kal K. Korff EXPOSED like never before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for that cunt Kal to get his comeuppance lads! Our very own Korffer extraordinaire FN has over 7 gigabytes of data pertaining to Kal including 3000 emails, interviews with 100s of people, documents and all will reveal the truth about that Kal K. Korff has been running from for decades now!!! Are you ready to have it all come crashing down around you Kal?????? Gather round soon and witness KAL K. KORFF EXPOSED FOR GOOD!!!! Martina Tycova would be proud! aaahhhahahahahaahahahahaaaahahahh!


  1. I cannot wait.

    All you had to do was stop, "Colonel". All you had to do was stop the lies.

    But you wouldn't listen.

  2. Ab so lut ly Jimmy!

    All Korff had to do was stop, repair and... Well I don't give a shit after that.

    But he couldn't, wouldn't.

    Well, we've come to this.

    Work is coming along nicely.

    And no Korffers, this isn't a ruse like the planned and promised Korff documentary. No, this will ab so lut ly happen.

    The information and truth, as best as I can lay it out and ascertain it, will be posted for all to see.

    The Lies Stop ~ The Truth Wins.

    Behavior is Exposed.


  3. Ab so lut ly Jimmy!

    All Korff had to do was stop, repair and... Well I don't give a shit after that.

    But he couldn't, wouldn't.

    Well, we've come to this.

    Work is coming along nicely.

    And no Korffers, this isn't a ruse like the planned and promised Korff documentary. No, this will ab so lut ly happen.

    The information and truth, as best as I can lay it out and ascertain it, will be posted for all to see.

    The Lies Stop ~ The Truth Wins.

    Behavior is Exposed.


  4. Nothing like being a "public figure" there, eh, Kal? Kal wants attention, I guess he'll get it along with a taste of his own bitter medicine.

  5. I just thought I would mention that my book, Reflections of a UFO Investigator, has been published by Anomalist Books. Not that it will be, not that I am sending chapters out to be "peer" reviewed, but that it is available through Amazon and as a Kindle book (or will be in a matter of hours if not there already).

    I will note here that I have no photographs of me mailing the manuscript because we did everything electronically. I suppose I could post a picture of me hitting the send button on the computer. We even did the copy edited manuscript and the page proofs over the Internet.

    You can look the book up at the Anomalist web site which does not track back to me. You can email the editor who will tell you that the book was published by them. You can even buy a copy from them if you wish.

    Just thought I would make a note of this to show how it happens in the real world and not that of fake colonels and fake international journalists...

    Just saying...

  6. The real world is something that little KalIsrael turned his back on many moons ago, it seems..

  7. Hello MKR,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    We have huge plans for 2012 and you'll be asked to play along, one more time.

    And, I'll be picking up your book.

    We honor you Kevin.


  8. Big Don Ecker's video Little Shit is up to over 800 views now.

    Congrats Big Don.

    God Bless.

  9. Back in the day, Squonkamatic was the man.

    Where are you Squonkamatic?

    Please come back to the fold, we'll need your input in 2012.


  10. sqiuydikghdikgrucJanuary 05, 2012

    Been here all along compadre, keep up the good work!

  11. So there you are.... Glad to see this.


  12. Slowly but surely.

  13. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 06, 2012

    Timeline on Kalvin's Flake Book page must be quite amusing, or will be even if he doesn't want it, it will be enabled for ALL pages soon. All those great lies, put-ons and scam attempts stacked up in descending order for everyone to see whenever they want. They'll never go away, Kal, especially the many lies regarding your Super Duper Services scam with the fake uniform and military badges. If you think nobody gave you a hard time about all those lies just wait. Best advice is to close your account now, just delete it and go hide. Things are about to get very, very bad for you and the rest of us can't fucking wait.

  14. Agreed.

    Korff is evil, and that is not just a figure of speech.

  15. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 06, 2012

    I don't know if I can manage Kallsreal, I don't even understand what that is supposed to mean. Or is it Kal-Israel? If so that's just crazy, but then again his family has been fighting terrorism since the Roman ages and Kalvin himself claims to have been recruited as a lieutenant by Super Duper Services right out of high school (when he was very very very very very very very VERY briefly entrusted with a job as a Wells Fargo bank guard). Not that any of his family or "friends" had ever heard any of that before. Smartly dressed in his assortment of found clothing articles, badges purchased off ebay and lying his way into further trouble with humanitarian agencies, Apple distributors and Flake Book. I wonder who confronted him on how shallow & unconvincing the lie was.

  16. Hi Unknown,

    Actually, I've uncovered that Kalvin has been fighting (in secret) communisum and international terror since Novemeber, 1979; when he was a 16 year old still attending Fremont's JFK High, after he was pulled out of class regarding his JFK solving, and Korff was then asked to join in the fun.

    The site is coming along....

    What a wanker.

  17. So that was before he made the A bomb for the science fair then? And it had to be after he started consulting for Jobs and Woz. Will that time line thing at Facebook have all this stuff sorted out?

  18. It will be on it's own server.

    Can't have Korff bitch and moan to Face Book and have it pulled down, can we... :-)

    The a-bomb episode took place before high school.

    BTW, expect for responding to a post now and then, Korff's been off Flake Book for many days.

    He seems depressed....

  19. October 19, 1973January 07, 2012


  20. Web site Update

    There's a huge amount of material to go over.

    The site will be like a web, based on the web of lies and claims of Kalvin Korff.

    There's little we can do about this because Korff’s core claims and lies weave in and out of all of his stories.

    In the end, people should be able to get a clear idea of our Genuine Idiot in short order when visiting the site.

    I am honored to tell you fellow Korffers that my team and I have been very successful in proving many of Korff’s claims as outright lies. And many more that are based on a nugget of truth and then confabulated into a grand lie, scam and fraud.

    On the surface that might seem an easy task. Not so. Korff is a sneaky little shit and he leaves out just enough information to make it difficult to pin things down. Our attempt is not small in scope.

    We’ve met with and interviewed people from Korff’s past. We have photos, dates, names and other evidence that has made it much easier to prove many claims as lies and base our beliefs on verifiable facts to get to a logical conclusion regarding many of those claims we can’t solve to a similar end.

    Our goal is to lay waste to Korff’s claims and lies with as much “reality-based” facts and evidence as we can present. Korff has made many mistakes in his documents, e-mails and videos.

    We’re confident that we’ll make a clear enough case for chicanery that even the most uneducated Korffer will go away with the same response from the experience.

    Korffer, “That Kalvin Korff is nothing but a fantasist, and ultimately; a liar, a thief and a fraud.”

    We expect to be “on the road” in the near future to shore up our information.

    We expect (and hope) to launch, and to be in Full Throttle Big Don Ecker Mode at the end of the first quarter of 2012.

    Korffing for a Korff-Free Internet

    Korffers Unite

    God Bless Don Ecker

  21. I am hugging myself in anticipation.

    I am curled up on the floor, twitching and making little whimpering noises.

    I. CAN. NOT. WAIT.

    God bless Sir F. Nut.

  22. Keep crowing asshole.

    Kal Korff: I would like to thank everyone again for your kind interest and support in reading the articles I write. There are now over 13,000 hits or views of them on Readership continues to increase, the number of daily reads and weekly reads continues to rise. As a writer and journalist I am truly humbled and grateful, THANKS AGAIN!

  23. Finished up over 100 e-mails (with many interesting images and .PDF’s) Korff sent to the Josephine County Police Department during the years 2007 and 2008, in regards to The Kurious Kase of Kurtis Kern Korff.

    In that information we found many claims and threats made against the department and the local District Attorneys Office.

    Of high interest is the fact that Korff threatened another KPMG audit, 30 law suits, using a different OJ Simpson lawyer and threatening millions of dollars would be used to tear the department a new asshole.

    Thousands of words, hundreds in angry capital letters, and many, many swear words.


  24. Check it Korffer's. Korff tells us he designed (not built) a technically acurate nuclear bomb in 8th grade (1978) and that he's the youngest to ever do that.

    There's ZERO proof of this, so far, and that would be a noted achievement.

    Korff has gone onto state that he's never called himself, or took the credit of that name, The A Bomb Kid.

    Not true, we've found proof that Korff did indeed call himself the A Bomb Kid. This will be on the web site.

    Here's the story of the real A Bomb Kid (a college student).

    Read the story and you'll find a very, very, VERY "similar" story and time period as Korff's claim.

  25. happy red mogul balloon!January 10, 2012

    you shouldn't have tried to lie to so many people, kal!


    ... as you may have suspected by now I did not exactly lead a "normal" life.

    This is a matter of public record, and In have the news clippings, but logically they are not all on the internet, but as you may recall I am the
    "A Bomb Kid" the young bozo who designed a nuclear warhead (a doomwday device) back when I was 14. I got into trouble, especially after I entered
    it into our school's science fair, and one of the judges there had a degree in physics and it scared him. So Dr. Severson was called and then some
    feds came in
    and there was an investigation into how this kid could do this. I told them the truth, that I had figured it out. For me, it was a great
    exercise in physics. Problem was, the design was similar to a then-classified weapon called the neutron bomb. I had no idea.



  26. Two words, Karlton:

    "Stop" and "lying"

  27. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 10, 2012

    Korff tells us he designed (not built) a technically acurate nuclear bomb in 8th grade (1978) and that he's the youngest to ever do that.

    Can you link the source of that? Would be a great demonstration of how KalIsrael can't even keep his lies straight. In the email to Royce Meyers excerpted above he was 14 which would have been 1976 and presumably in the 6th grade. Which is also the version he put on Nationmaster with more elaboration & fanfare:

    Kal Korff first made history in June of 1976 when he was a teenager and became the youngest person ever known to develop a fully functional design for a nuclear "doomsday" weapon. His concentrated Plutonium-based, high vaporization yield atomic bomb project was entered into the local science fair as a "physics experiment", as was his other science project on extraterrestrial life. Both of Korff's entries won. Shortly afterwards, Korff's design was "secured" and he began taking special College Prep or CP classes in high school. Kal Korff finished high school in three years, and returned during his fourth year to graduate with his classmates.

  28. It opens the You Channel.

  29. Korff was 14 in the 8th grade.

    1n 1980, Korff was an 18 year old senior, living in his Mom's garage and losing his manhood to a Freshman in college who then cheated on him.

    Korffing is fun.

  30. We have absolute proof that Korff went to high school in 1980, his senior year.

    Korff did not graduate in 1979, only to return in 1980 to graduate with his fellow students.

    Korff doesn’t merit any special mention in any of his yearbooks regarding academic achievements.

    His senior yearbook “goals met” text reads like a who’s who of self-proclaimed titles (think CTO, CEO, up coming book, etc) with zero reference to any scholastic achievements or milestones.

    Even the 4 years of German Korff claim to have taken, which he did not take for 4 years, is not cited.

    That and more, is proof Korff is lying.

    Korffing is fun.

  31. Korff responds, "It's not true that I designed a nuclear bomb when I was a young boy. I didn't have the raw materials and I wouldn't do that. What I did do is design a nuclear bomb design, engineering, so to speak, and I entered that into a science fair.

  32. What about changing the name of this website to "Kal Korff is worthless, irretrievable vermin"?

  33. ...or Kal Korff is a loathesome kiddie-fiddler...

  34. Daniela AbrahamovaJanuary 11, 2012

    Korff is evil.

  35. But wait! Didn't Korff say that he past out some material to a number of people to "peer review"? But no it seems that "Mel' is one of the few who got anything?

    Interesting. Anyway, the e-mail exchange between Korff and Mel will be on the web site in the Korff Book Section.

    Korff's been off Face Book and off his syndicated reporter job to try and get that tomb done.

    Wonder if anyone will produce it?

    Hey Korff, where's that Occupiers article? Too late now I guess.

    Kal Korff: Work is winding down on my new book series, if all goes well I will have it to the publisher by the end of March/April timeframe. It has been eight years in the making for these six books, several of you have content for peer review from it, thanks for your feedback.

    Kal Korff Thanks, Mel, you are one of them who has some content from it, please keep it confidential :-)

  36. This blog started in June, 2008.

    For 3-1/2 years people have been exposing Korff for his lies, slander, threat's and devious acts.

    Then a Youtube channel was started.

    And now, a Korffing web site is getting set to hit the internet very soon.

    This material will follow you until the end of your days and beyond.

    Kalvin, you've done good, Dorothy would be proud.
