Friday, March 23, 2012

Kal K. Korff FAILS to respond to BEING EXPOSED!!


In a blistering no holds barred website by none other than regular commentator and Santa in a floppy hat our very own FN has THOROUGHLY EXPOSED the fantasy life Kal K. Korff dished up to people on the internet, in an article in a free paper published in the Czech Republic, on Facebook and in you tube videos and on internet radio shows. For well over 2 decades now Kal K. Korff has represented himself and claimed to be a computer expert, a ranking officer in an anti terrorism unit, an author with a 500 book deal, a chap with a genius level IQ, a nanobot assassin producer, a CIA operative and oh so too much to list here lads.

It looks like Kal K. Korff has MISLEAD CONSUMERS and MISLEAD THE PUBLIC with his inflated or OUTRIGHT FALSE CLAIMS. So far Kal K. Korff has FAILED TO RESPOND to the website and is RUNNING AWAY instead of addressing it directly as he has always claimed to do. Tables are now turned Kal and I ask what are you going to do? Kal will probably just curl up into a ball roll into some crevasse for a while and reemerge with the usual lawsuit threats and other nonsense. I wonder how many lawyers will have their names falsely used this time around? I wonder how many fake agents are being dispatched to greet JimmyD or F1 Racer or Santa in a floppy hat? haahahahahahahhhaaahahaaha!!! The game is up Kal! Come out from under the rock you snaked under and own up chap.


  1. Pull your head out of the pillow Korff and look into the mirror. It's over.

    Search you name on the internet Korff. It's over.

  2. This is the e-mail for one of Korff's teachers from JFK High School in Fremont.

    He calls Korff out on his Facebook comments and posts.

    He's very liberal. Somebody send him the Korffie site link....

  3. Awwwwww...."poor Kal" -- sore loser.

    Own up, Kal. Stop lying to consumers! I think we need to bring a class action lawsuit for consumer fraud against Kal!

  4. Is it not more than obvious that Korff has no sense of self worth, self respect and he totally lacks any semblance of common sense? Any normal human being that has had his chicanery exposed like this blog has done or the new Korff expose site built by this blog user FN, would run away screaming in shame. Not a peep from Korff since the new Korff website has been unveiled.

    What needs to be done is that all the users of this blog must promote the site in every venue they go to. Sites like Above Top Secret, Open Minds Forum, Reality Uncovered, UFO Updates and so on. We really must spread the word by all to assist. Let us make the web and Face Book too hot for Korff to inhabit. We must make an effort to enlist the public in exposing this fraud, faker, and scam artist to the public in whole. Lets show this guy how to really go forth and expose a bull shit artist. What do you say?

    Korffing for a Korff free internet.

  5. I agree....


  6. Posting like a mad man on Facebook. Zero reference to the web site, to nanodust, to being a syndicated whatever. Korff's boasting about his forthcoming book, over and over again.

    Run away KAL, run away.

  7. I repeat my challenge of a few days ago, Karlton:

    Buy the latest edition of the daily newspaper "The Times of India" (a national paper, sold throughout India), have yourself photographed holding it with the front page clearly visible, and then post that photo - ON THE SAME DAY ON WHICH IT WAS TAKEN - on your FB page.

    Otherwise I will conclude that you are lying (once again) and are still in Prague.

  8. Well,Kalvin? We're waiting...

  9. Any help you people could give to pass the web site around would go a long way into helping get the word out.

    UFO and bigfoot sites, blogs and forums. Anyone on Facebook, etc.

    Korff has no idea how to deal with this. Let's help him figure that out.

  10. FN - do you have an account on Maybe you could post the new site there?

  11. Sorry, I meant:

    "F1 Racer - do you have an account on Maybe you could post the new site there?"

  12. That photo of you - shaven headed and in camoflage gear - with that woman in the woods is incredibly creepy.

    How could you not see that when you originally posted it, Korff?

  13. He looks like a hooting chimp.

    Or some kind of survival freak about to slaughter his dinner.

    Madman. How I despise him.

  14. I am banned from expats for daring to not kiss the ass of the former editor of the prague post after he died.

    F1 Racer

  15. A "hooting chimp?" Yeah, I can see that but hows about simply a "fat assed looser" looking for his next free-be Big Mac?

    Hey Korff, how does it feel to have your fully explained delusional life on parade? Hmm, Kolonel Kolon? Hmmm?

  16. Poor little Kalvin. Spent all his life making up stories to impress people and now it turns out he's spent so much time doing that, he has no real life whatsoever. There is a very valuable lesson to be learned here but unfortunately Kal is so lost to his delusions he won't even see it. It's a sad place for any human being to end up in but it's the natural law of cause and effect and Kal has effected so many people in a negative way that he's now in a very bad place. A big scary face with a sad little boy behind it who never grew up only grew to hate everyone who he couldn't be friends with. Mainly because he's a twat.

  17. October 19, 1973March 29, 2012

    Kal Korff - Hi everybody! Some great news and as usual it's all about me, my favorite subject :-) I'm very humbled and honored to announce that a brand new internet-based website has been made exposing me for the fraud, liar and abusive manipulator I really am! Nearly 200 thoroughly researched pages, much of it in my own words and all of it so damning that I won't dare ever mention it lest one of you stumble upon it. There's stuff on there even I forgot about, all sorts of wild exaggerations and half-truths I've slimed out over the years to get people who would otherwise shun me. And this website spells out exactly why! Including the bizarre sexual predilections, my history as a stalker, professional careers I have disrupted out of spiteful jealousy and of course, tons of Youtube clips that I thought were good & deleted years ago. It's all there to haunt me now! probably for the rest of our lives too seeing as how Google cache's everything. And as always if anyone dare question me on these claims I'll make a public announcement of unfriending you, then drag your name through the manure like I do everyone else on the planet who realizes that I'm actually a dangerous predator who exists to waste people's time. The website also spells out in no uncertain terms that I have not been published since 1999 when I ripped off some guy's bigfoot research. Had it published without even bothering to read it too, and wrote the forward which like everything else was all about me. Take a look at and remember, it's all true. Bye for now and thanks once more for all the love and support. Without it I'd have nothing. Nothing at all, actually."

  18. October 19, 1973March 29, 2012

    Err, my joke < parody > < / parody> tags in the above post got absorbed. That's just a parody. To my knowledge Kalvin Korff has yet admitted to his Facebooking friends that he is a sloppy chaotic unimaginative fraud. Wouldn't it be nice!

  19. 1973, that's klassic! I love it!


  20. Please help promote anywhere you can think of.

  21. You are utter dross, Korff.

  22. Korffing Facebook Update

    Kal Korff: This guy is right about Obama. I warned the Israelis years ago about the same thing and the US govt later bitched me out for it as I prove in my new book, citing names of officials, etc.

  23. The Daily Post India Update

    Korff's posted 4 articles on this web site this month, in total.

    Korff, "I'm in print everyday in various newspapers, sometimes with more than one article each day."

    Lying Liar.

    Weasel. Fraud. Loser. Ignorant Prick. Impotent. Little Man. Runner Awayer from Debates and Challenges. Pussy. Come out and play liar. Sue somebody. File suit please.

    Run away Kalvin.

  24. Korff's still quiet on all fronts. Notice that Korff doesn't tell his Facebook friends where this quote came from. Stealing once again....

    This book, or series of books, will be 10 years in the making before it sees (if it sees) the light of day.

    Kal Korff: This is one of the quotes I open with in my new six volume book series on terrorism. It has been 8.5 years in the making and I have traveled all over the world to do the research. Looks like I will be done with it next month or thereabouts and send it off to the publisher. Each chapter has several quotes under the title, here's one of my favorite ones, hope you the message and play on words here.


    “This is a story about four people we ALL know, their names are: everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody. There was an important job to be done, fighting and guarding against terrorism, and everybody was asked to do it.

    Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it.

    Somebody got angry with that, because it was everybody's job.
    Everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it.

    It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. Another terrorist attack was successful, and more innocent people were killed.”

  25. Kal Korff: Friedman and Randle always stress the "number of witnesses" and how many people they've spoken to. It's nonsense. Just like bragging about visiting archives. The trips are worthless of you cannot do decent archival research.

  26. Kudos on the new Korffer website. It's good to have a database on colonel Krapper.

  27. Expect an update to the Korffie Leak site soon. Korff's been making note worthy and wonderfully lame statements over the last month.

    You might want to know what Korff has said about the Korffie Leak site, nano-dust, syndicated reporter, suing anyone, etc.? Nothing.

    Run away Litle Man.

    Korff does promise his book manuscript, or series of books, will be sent off to the publisher soon.

    We hope it is.

    Can you imagine the e-mails and phone calls that will be made in response?

    Ship it off Korff, God yes, please ship it off.

    Korffing for a Korff-Free Internet

    The Korffing Syndicate
