Thursday, August 23, 2012

Photoshop Korffin

 Have some more fun and send me some of these great pictures! Brilliant!!  ahahahahhhhaaaahahahahhhaaa

Kal can only dream about being 1/100,000,000 as cool as William Shattner or Leonard Nimoy. I'm sure Kal will wank off to these photos for weeks to come.

Kal has the intellectual prowess of a dead fern. Where is the proof Kal said he had about hsi 219 IQ? Maybe it is 219 when he competes in a Star Trek trivia contest.


  1. That Spock mash up is f'ing great!! Ha, ha, ha!!!!!


  2. Hmm, is that a "lard-assed Spock" or simply a "lard-assed korff" maintaining his lard-assed as and his "goofy"look? Hmm, inquiring minds want to know ...

  3. The Federation of Planets, huh? Funny. I checked with them and they never heard of that fat assed Korff. Odd.

  4. And what of your "law suits" Korff.

    Lying liar.

    Kal Korff: CONGRATULATIONS to Apple for WINNING their rightful and just lawsuit against Samsung. A jury found Samsung GUILTY (and there's no question they were) of ripping off Apple's designs and copying them. The jury has awarded ONE BILLION in damages, Samsung is lucky it wasn't more. I will have a lengthy article about this published shortly.

  5. "I will have a lengthy article about this published shortly."

    Oh, is that how it works? Professional newspaper writers generate copy which are submitted to editors for review. Once they have approved of it the piece is then worked into an issue for publishing. The writer does not "publish" anything unless they do it someplace like Scribd, which is a non-professional platform for free document hosting.

  6. Brit_in_PragueAugust 26, 2012

    KIAI - I don't believe you should use more than one photoshop job in one post. Save 'em up and post a new one for each post, is my advice.

    Oh, I've had a marvellous summer, Karlton, thanks for asking. Two weeks in England (the Lake District, followed by the east coast) and then two week in Greece. Weekends at the wife's cottage (swimming in the local duckpond), a few games of cricket.

    How has your summer been, Karlton? How's the Indian princess wife and the genius-level son (snigger)? Have you been spending much time with them?

  7. Kalvin, let me suggest you lay off them 'taters and fried foods boy. You swelling up there boy, swelling up.

    Hows all that martial arts coming along boy? You best get that flabby ass out there and start working. You do be looking a bit flabby there boy!

  8. All of this and more will be posted on the web site but we thought we'd share with you the modifictaion Korff is making to his Face Book page, again....

    History by Year

    2001 Many trips to Budapest

    2000 Moved to Prague

    1996 Started Working at,

    1991 Traveled to Dresden, Germany-Trips to Berlin

    1980 Graduated from John F Kennedy High School Fremont

    1978 Graduated from Various

    Take note: Korff claims to have graduated from JFK High School in 1980, as we proved on the web site, NOT in 1979 as he claimed previously.

    And notice that Korff still claims to have graduated from "various" 3 years earlier, when he was a sophomore in high school.

    Korff text: Class of 1978 · Science Information Technology · Worlds End Creek, South Australia, Australia

    Again, we did research on this Worlds End Creek claim. It's a lie. More to the point, we have proof that Korff never, EVER left the US during the 4 year durantion of his high school education history.

    Korffing Syndicate

  9. Korff Face Book Profile Update

    Korff Text

    I am an Internationally accredited Investigative Journalist and Reporter. Have appeared on/had material published in CNN's Larry King Live!, Discovery Channel, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, NPR, NBC's "Leeza," National Geographic, CBS, Art Bell Show, Jeff Rense Show, SF Examiner, Skeptical Inquirer, Daily Post, Daily Punjabi, Expres, Prague Post, Stanford Daily, Washington Post, Fortean Times, too many magazines, newspapers to cite here.

    Notice: Korff mentions "Daily Post". Korff continues to hide the full name of the web site:

    This "media giant" does post a smattering of Korff's material which Korff himself posts on the vanity site:

    Korff also states that he "writes" for this "paper:

    Check it out and see for yourself.

    Ask yourself, why would Korff continue to hide the full name of his "media giant" from his Face Book friends and the public at large?

    Lastly, that "media giants" web site is very prone to bugs and search failures. We haven't been able to do a Korff word search for many weeks. In any case, over the last 3 months Korff has had 3 "articles" posted on this site.

    Some "media giant", some "syndicated reported".

    Korffing Syndicate

  10. Korffing Face Book Update

    More Korff Face Book Profile Updates.

    Get a load of this....

    Favorite Quotations
    One cannot put a question mark, where God has put a period.

    It takes a long time to understand nothing.

    A slave is he who cannot speak his thoughts.

    The leading cause of death, is life.

    The beginning of wisdom, starts with fearing and loving God.

    Evil can only succeed when "Good" FAILS to do its job.

    There is no "wrong way" when doing what is right. There is no "right way" when doing what is wrong..

    We can add nothing.

    Korffing Syndicate

  11. Sorry Kal but you're lying again and as usual not very well. It must really suck to be stranded in a far away country all alone with zero social skills. One fast food joint after another, sitting by yourself with Facebook on an old iPhone your only companion. Convinced you can't return home and the only way to survive is to keep lying to your family. Thank goodness it's happening to Korff instead of someone worth feeling sorry for. He's a loser & deserves it.

  12. The Unknown KorfferAugust 28, 2012

    It's not just that he lies it's how POORLY he does tells them, how simple and ordinary the lies are. It is almost as if he got "Web Impersonation For Dummies" and keeps picking the most basic, easily to see through lies thinking it's clever. Problem is that Kalvin is apparently so incredibly stupid as to think someone might actually believe he's written for a Punjabi website or been to End of the World Creek College in 1977. What's up with that anyway, trying to keep the same lie in effect for 35 years?

    Kal people don't care about the lies you told them to cover up for flunking in high school or being sent to the remedial class for problem students, or whatever humiliating experience was handed to you for being a pompous little asshole then. But they do care about you lying to them now about having graduated from "various" colleges before you finished high school. That you cannot comprehend this is why we say you need psychiatric help. Perpetuating a really hollow, laughable lie you thought up 35 years ago as an adolescent is an indication of mental illness.

  13. We said Unknown. Clearly Korff knows his goose is cooked and other than to make minor lies to pump himself up (or off), he really can't do much else.

    Even with these minor lies, Korffers jump all over them.

    No videos in over a year, no web site in over a year, no nano-nothing in over a year, no law suit threats in over a year...

    In over a year, it's over.


  14. This website is a force for good.

    God bless FN.

    God bless KIAI.

    God bless the Korffing Syndicate.

    And for what he did to V*jt*ch S*dl*c*k, may God damn "Colonel" "KalIsrael" Karlton Korff to eternal hellfire.

  15. Nobody caught the announcement of this new lie but here’s the lie outcome....

    Kal Korff: I am pleased to report that the speech on leadership and entrepreneurism was a success at the college. Instead of one day, we will do it again tomorrow before a larger group. There were about 300 people today, tomorrow it will be a larger audience somewhere else on campus. We took some video of it on my iPod Touch, might publish it sometime later if it's logical. Otherwise, it's one for the memories....

    I'm honored and humbled to be asked to speak at places like schools, colleges and universities, they're some of my favorite kinds of environments.

    No name, location and "maybe" some video if it's logical... whatever that means? Like posting a photo of your wife, or your work mates, etc.

    Remember that Korff said he tool video of that last talk he gave (the one when he dressed up like Spock) and he would post that as well. Again, no names, photos, etc.


    Gee, I wonder why... "Excuse me, have you asked a Kal Korff to speak at your school? Whould you like to know the truth about this troll before you allow him on the property?"

    Lying liar.

  16. Who showed an interest in Korff's lastest post?

    Just in case you'd like to contact them and clue them in.....

  17. Here's the contact info for Neil Gould:

    he seems unaware of the truth about Korff.

  18. Bless The Beasts And ChildrenAugust 30, 2012

    So when was this new lie made about having given a speech on leadership? Fairly recently I would wager and in response to a prior post here. Thanks for correcting us on using an iPod touch with it's inferior camera as opposed to your obsolete iPhone 3 with it's merely crappy camera, Karlton. That explains why your videos all have the same pathetic amature look to them

  19. Two words, Korff.

    Two simple words:

    Stop lying.

  20. August 25, 2012

    "I will have a lengthy article about this published shortly."

    August 30, 2012

    Still no lengthy article published regarding a story that is now dead.

    October 28, 2011

    Promised to release an Occupiers article in 2011.

    August 30, 2012

    The promised article based on 1200 interviews conducted over Skype and e-mails has never been released. Now that the movement is pretty much over, Kalvin missed his chance but he did follow though with yet another lie to add to his ever growing list of lies.

    Well done Kalvin, well done.

  21. iPads for Peace Scam

  22. The OJ Klaim

  23. We could do this all day, week, month and year.

    Lying Lair

    Korffing Syndicate

  24. Here's the original lie from August 27.

    Without this blog and web site, Korff has nothing.

    BTW Korff, we didn't lie about your last speech, we assumed you we're lying because you will not share with us where these locations are, etc.

    In the end, it doesn't matter.
    You've been neutered Kal; you cannot mention the locations, dates and places, and you can not post any more videos. You know why.

    Ass wipe.

    Kal Korff: I am honored to report that this Thursday I will be speaking at another College in front of several hundred students. The subject will be entrepreneurship in the global economy and what it is like to create a start-up business.

    I wonder if my "kritics" will lie about this (as they have my previous appearances) and claim it isn't true? :-)

    I don't care, we will film as usual and at a date and time of my choosing, publish it if it is logical to do so as with the other lectures and appearances I have done during these past few years at colleges and universities.

    Please remind up, what other lectures? You mean this one? Ha, ha, ha!

  25. In May, 2011, Korff posted a note of his Face Book wall that he was in the final edits of his series of books on terror, etc.

    15 months later.

    Nothing to report.

    We contacted his publisher, again.

    Nothing to report.

    Korffing Syndicate

  26. The Korffie Leak Web Site has been updated.

    Korffing Syndicate

  27. A note for our "Star Fleet" rube ... lay off the Plomeek soup there kal, your belly is really spreading! You duffus rube.

  28. Korff Search

    type in: kal korff science

    first return: Korff's personally authored bio at;

    Pretty clear isn't.

  29. October 19, 1973September 02, 2012

    Good old Nationmaster! That page is always good for some laughs and I'm glad to see someone re-upped Kalvin Karlton Korff (born Steven Thomas, lmao) in his snazzy Super Duper Services SAPSTOE uniform. No it wasn't a costume for a reality TV show, Kalvin was trying to convince his online targets that he was a rank officer in a super serious global organization dedicated to fighting terrorism and UFOs. Colonel Korff liked to walk around Prague in his duck hunting camos flashing his eagle wings and flipping jaunty salutes to anyone in a uniform he encountered. All a fraud, Korff never served anywhere, has no background, got caught by stolen valor vets, the Israelis were notified, Prague police were likely alerted as well and Kal abruptly dropped the ruse. Not to many jackass know it all dipshits from the American west coast hanging around Prague impersonating Israeli intelligence agents by wearing cowboy hats.

    Ask Kal if he still fits into his uniform today and see how he replies. I bet it takes more than just a military style web utility belt with a set of keys fastened to it to suck that flubber belly in these days. Keep pounding down that vindaloo, Kal Baby! Gettin' tubby aren't ya ;D Eventually you'll get so porky they will have to remodel the tables at the web cafe you siphon free wifi from to keep stalking victims otherwise safely out of your reach in North America -- Someplace you do not feel welcome to return to without the "best lawyers in Prague" you bragged about "retaining". LIAR.

  30. Oct 19, 1973

    Wonderful post!


  31. Madman.

    You are wired to the moon, Karlton.


  33. Klassic Korff Lie

    Thursday, December 27, 2007
    Video of Col. Kal Korff Sending Off "Secret Wars" Trilogy to Publisher Coming Next Week



    Mr.Kal Korff, Daily Post
    HR Director

    "Honoured by the opportunity to be key mote speaker. Thank you for the hospitality extended ."

    You can contact this school here to tell them they've been had.

  35. Kalvin Karlton Korff: the face of evil.

  36. Yep. Proof positive of that old phrase, "the banality of evil".

  37. Yes!! Kal against the gorn! Fantastic. I love it. More please, maybe Kal being violated by the gorn..too much?Kal and the Gorn in the shower together..?

  38. "Bilked any overly-trusting elderly philanthropists recently, Korff?"
    ---Well, yes. We could go on and on. But instead, let me simply ask you: where has all this nonsense got you, Karlton? Wouldn't it be simpler and relatively more lucrative simply to get yourself an honest job, like the rest of the world has to do?

    I despise you, Korff. My loathing for you is a physical ache.

  39. Look what I found on Face Book!

    tell everyone you know to join in the fun!

  40. Almost 2 full months and nothing published....

    Gotta love that!

  41. lol French is what???


    Ha, ha, ha,!


    Ha, ha, ha,!

  44. Kals one friend on facebook "Jerry" has figured it out and turned on Kal on most of his posts!

  45. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 06, 2012

    "Kals one friend on facebook "Jerry" has figured it out and turned on Kal on most of his posts!"
    ---could you copy and paste a few examples, please?

  46. They all figure it out. Kal Korff has no friends just alibis. Isn't unfriend, block and make a pompous status update informing the world the usual procedure? The only ones listening are us her, Kal, and we can't wait to hear you lost another victim of your lies.

  47. Where do we think Kalvin is? Has he really re-located to India, and does it look as though he is there permenantly (or at least, for the time being).

    New discussion thread?

  48. Jerry's been mentioned before:

    This is a teacher Korff had in High School. He's a huge lib and is always fighting Korff regarding Korff's stance on most everything.

    Contact him if you'd like to.

    There's really nothing to post here. Korff posts his thoughts on Obama and such and Jerry, in almost every case, comes back with the counter view.

    Jerry visits Korff's Face Book Wall once or twice a month and responds.

    Nothing to report really.

  49. Korff claims he's married... I wonder what his wife would think after finding out that he's "friending" Playboy Playmates.... Korff just added this fine looking lady to his likes:

  50. He's back! One of Korff's teachers while Korff went to JFK High School. Korff did indeed graduate with his class in 1980 after attending for his full Senior year.

    Jerry Lapiroff: I would be very surprised if copies of the Romney tax returns haven't been in circulation somewhere given the fact that he had to share them with the McCain campaign in 2008. We'll see by October. Your slam at the morality of Democrats is disgraceful and not founded on anything factual.

    Jerry Lapiroff: And what do you call voter suppression other than the ends justifying the means on a massive scale - called trying to steal an election. Your views on the parties are amazingly unbalanced.

    Jerry Lapiroff: If you look at the description of what happened in this individual's disgraceful behavior, it has nothing to do with voter ID, and would not be addressed by voter ID laws. If you think that the Voter ID Laws are aimed at anything other than suppressing the vote of groups that tend to vote Democratic, you're living on a different planet.

  51. Bless The Beasts And ChildrenSeptember 08, 2012

    LOL not sure if you guys have made use of this yet. Quite by mistake I typed KAL KORFF into my browser's address field, got taken to my ISP's no website found page, which had suggestions on others to visit instead. One of which was a sidesplitting ZOOMINFO profile created for Critical Thinkers which -- too bad for Kal! -- logged the subject lines and in some cases the text of his last year or so before mom refused to let him use her Discover card number to renew his domain registration (nobody trusts Kal anymore after the Cables & Simms swindle).

    Some of it is golden:

    Kal Korff appears on MSNBC on an all day special honoring and exposing the Roswell UFO crash myth of 1947. Then Lt. Kal Korff appears with Capt. Jim McAndrew

    Secret X Wars is the realityTV incarnation of Colonel Kal Korff's unprecedented six volume series, Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist Plots, which is under contract to be published by Prometheus Books, in 2011. Over seven YEARS in the making and some 2,400 pages, critically acclaimed Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Columnist, Counterterrorism Specialist, Investigative Journalist and Lecturer Kal Korff has written the definitive, sweeping series on this subject.
    Korff has the unique perspective of being an Analyst and Commentator, as well as a PARTICIPANT in the Secret X Wars against Islamofascism, Extremists, Nazism, CONspiracy fanatics and haters. Kal Korff is a Colonel in the Israeli-founded Special Secret Services, which is a private entity. Unprecedented in its depth and breath of Xposes and operations, the Secret X Wars began in 2000, and are now just becoming public through the release of this series and the historic written works to be published by Prometheus Books.

    Get it here -

  52. Removed from class due to being a disruptive presence and refusing to follow the teacher's lessons. Kal transformed that into going to a special college in Australia to explain his absence to classmates wondering what happened to him.

  53. More deep thoughts from a hater of the gays, the over wieght, women, children.....

    Kal Korff: about an hour ago.If Obama is NOT re-elected, Democrats can "blame" themselves, and historians will likely say his whole presidency was a fluke. And if he is not re-elected, I do not think we will see another president who is black for many, many years.

    Racism was absolutely a factor in electing him, including whites who voted for him just to show they were not racists or to get the racist monkey off their backs.

    The MEDIA kept trumpeting how it was "breaking a ceiling" electing a black person. My reaction is who cares what color a person's skin is?

    Skin color is genetic, anything else is racism.

  54. Oh my God, how far this "SLUG" has fallen. From internet sensation .. a Full Bird Colonel in the "Special Secret Services" with an Adj. Aviam, a Lt. Martina, trips to the borders of Pakistan where he plants "nano-dust" to "secret excursions into the wilds of Iraq "hunting for nukes!" to writing 500 book deals to protecting all we consumers from the likes of UFO researchers .. to FUCKING NOTHING! Well flabby ass, looks like this blog, the Korffing Syndicate and the Dark Matters Radio show put the fucking stake into you, didn't they? Just about a year and a half ago the infamous Col. Korff of the Special Secret Services was still riding high ... and look at the Putz now! Look at him? That flabby assed fraud is no where in sight, is he? Matter of strict fact .. who knows where this piece of shit really is? Well, wherever this fucking mental case is ... welcome to him. I just feel bad for his momma .. this total fucking waste and his dirt-bag brother. What a pair to draw a hand to.

  55. Great post!


  57. Let's start a new thread please.


  58. Threads dead.

  59. How about what Kal is doing for a living these days?
    No job, no income.
    So who is paying for his room and board?


  61. The last time Korff had a personal web site?

    Almost 3 years ago.

    The last time Korff posted anything on his vaulted Youtube channel?

    14 months ago.

    The last time Korff posted anything on his channel?

    2 months ago.

    Way to go Korff.

  62. Apparently Korff also worked as a teacher "abroad" for 5 years.

    Again, teachers are under-paid, education is underfunded. The amount is a detail. Same result. If the scores are according to the US Dept of Education, which is supposedly neutral, there's a problem. The pay in other countries is far worse. I know because I taught for over five years abroad. Still doesn't make it right.

  63. Dead thread....

  64. He's full of bars...(chocolate bars )

  65. Sorry that was a bad 2001 space odyssey joke..

  66. Please share:

  67. Field Marshall Sir James DSeptember 13, 2012


    Where is Kal?

    How is Kal surviving?

    Anything (preferably illustrated by a new photoshop portrait)...

  68. The thread is dead.

  69. This is a new show? No it's not. But McConnell is digging it up again.

    The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell Broadcast Schedule for

    Thursday, September 13 2012

    SEGMENT 4 - KAL KORFF - Kal's Korner - This Podcast Is Available at

  70. The thread is dead.

  71. The thread is dead.

  72. The thread is dead.

  73. The thread is dead.

  74. The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.The thread is dead.

    Come on!

  75. Funny thing, under the milestones listed for the San Jose Mercury News, Korff cannot be found...!/mercurynews/info

  76. LOL at Kal spamming this thread

    f1 Racer

  77. You guessed it!

  78. Kal is just angry that his lies and perversions have been exposed for the world to see. he is lashing out like an angry child does when caught doing something bad.

    Poor fat pedophile Kal.

    F1 Racer
    still free

  79. F1 Racer, you will see the outcome I've always promised!

  80. sqipkuhwdk;qwghgSeptember 16, 2012

    Kal Korff is an idiot.

  81. Kal K, Korff; a wasted life.

  82. Poor pedophile Kal. Posting away furiously, emailing fake people using fake personas, all caught up in his demented dreamworld where he actually matters.


    F1 racer
    still free

  83. Well, it looks like KIAI has gone AWOL.

    Any plans for an alternative Kult-of-Kal type blog in the event that he doesn't resurface?

    Maybe Kult of Kal would allow us to take over his old blog. Anyone got a contact to him?

  84. Hi everyone: I was a judge in a major beauty contest last night, it was a blast, really enjoyed it. Of the five female finalists and male finalists, I had picked all of them except one, so I guess I did OK. The event was wonderful, the winners got a cash prize and photo shoots and will get contract work in some productions. I am honored to be asked to have been a judge, I'd do it again in a heartbeat, it was well worth it. The woman and men wore historic costumes, they all looked very nice and sharp, it's definitely one for the memories. :-)

  85. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!September 18, 2012

    "The woman and men wore historic costumes."
    ---"men"? "historic costumes"? In a beauty contest?

    Lying vermin. Lying scum.

  86. What's up with this blog? Is KIAI on vacation? Bored? He asked for Korff image mash-ups and we sent them... Almost a month and no new thread? I'm hopeful that KIAI will respond soon or we may have to start a new blog to turn up the heat on our favorite village idiot.

  87. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 19, 2012

    Maybe KIAI has been taken out by Special Secret Service operatives.

    Martina (a martial arts expert)? Avim (Avimi for short)?

  88. I shall return shortly lads. Rumor of my demise by the special secret services are untrue. After all we could never expect that dumb ass Kal to actually do something now.
