Sunday, October 21, 2012

Korff off bugger!

Where is the little lone nut these days lads? Where is the bloody little boner? What country is he off tromping and conning his way through? What ever did happen to the special secret services and all those agents from India??  ahahahahhhaaaahahahhahaaahaahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!


  1. Kalvin is in India.

    Which brings me to something that I've often pondered. What does he do when he gets sick? In the Czech Republic, you need to pay into one of several insurance schemes in order to be able to avail yourself of their national health service, and I never credited Karlton with the foresight and common sense (never mind the linguistic ability, given that he lived in the Czech Republic for over a decade without being able to so much as get a haircut by himself).

    But in India? Whoa, boy - I dunno. Perhaps you could try Mother Teresa's organization?

  2. I mean, he might have been able to wing it ("I'll pay you later, doc", or "send the bill to my mother") in Prague. But I wouldn't want to be wandering around India without making damn sure that I was properly covered.

    Ever give that matter any thought, "Colonel", you clueless buffoon?

    Dear God, how I loathe you.

  3. I do think Korff got "married"... some sort of union, in India. I can't prove this, it's just a gut feeling. There are loads of street trolls in India so it's not beyond possibilities that the Village Idiot got "married" and he's lying to and living off those people?


  4. Well, that pretty much sums it up.

  5. Korffing Face Book Update

    Nothing to report on. All Obama all the time, no threats, no lies about giving speeches, no bragging about click totals, etc.

    Of interest is one of the last lies Korff told was one regarding him being accredited as a Military Reporter of some sort. Since that time Korff has written exactly one "article" about the war(s), policy, etc. This lie was made over a year ago. Guess the war has been over and nobody told us about it…

    Lying lair.

    If you get a chance, go to, search out Korff, click one star on some of his “article” ratings and copy and paste some kind of use able info for people to read or follow to clue them into the past of our Village Idiot.


  6. Oops, you can't comment on Korff's scribd "articles", he wont allow it. But you can here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=9c2976b10e94eee6&bpcl=35466521&biw=1012&bih=593



    ---Well, that just gets me to Google's homepage

  9. It should take you to a Google string that shows Korff India Posts posts, page two and so on show many more. You can't do a search for Korff from their crappy site, that stopped working many months ago... anyway, you get the picture....

    Search: kal Korff India Daily Post


  10. happy red mogul balloon!October 28, 2012

    hey kal! halloween party season and the scene chicks are going wild this year. sexy vampires, half naked zombie gals, salma hayek's galore at the three i had time to catch this week. oh the fun a few drinks can bring out. can't wait for some pics of that newsroom halloween party for one! since halloween isn't celebrated in india, meaning you are missing out on all the fun. maybe you can teach your new "colleagues" all about the tradition and share the fun on your flake book. hope the "wife" has found out you lied to her & her family. shame and disgrace upon you kalvin korff! you are the king of the stooges.


  11. Poached from Korff's Face Book Profile

    Kal Korff continues to try and change his history.

    Korff has claimed to have written up to 50 books (and .PDF “books”, Korff uses these terms in an interchangeable fashion). After we published the web site exposing most of his lies;

    Korff started to modify his past in an attempt to clean up the vast array of fabrications and out right lies he’s made over the last 15 years. The following statement is the truth, Korff stating anything more in this regard is a bold face lie.

    Kal Korff: I am the author of The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to Know, and Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story, - two non-fiction books which remain the bestselling exposes on these subjects to date.

  12. Kal, do you really think that you canhide stuff on the internet? We have everything you have put up archived. EVERYTHING.

  13. Karlton, read my lips:



  14. And who would those "people" be Korff? Lying liar.

    Face Book

    Drone Strikes to be Investigated

    Kal Korff: And some people said that I was the only one concerned about this issue? It was never true. Glad to see the UN finally jump in on this, they should have done it years ago.

  15. Face Book Korffing Update

    Korff posted this on his wall today. This is a scam, Korff must not know this FACT yet, and it's not in English so he copy and pasted, of course... Because knows nothing but English.

    We will not stop.


    Chlapec (14) let získal šest ran od svého nevlastního otce, chlapec se snažil ochránit svou 2 letou sestru, před znásilněním. Nic se nestalo, a to díky odvaze jejího bratra. To všechno se stalo, zatímco matka byla v práci, tento odvážný chlapec bojuje o život, ale lékaři říkají, že nepřežije bez oper ace. Operace, která je velmi nákladná, a matka si ji nemůže dovolit. Facebook a společnosti se dohodly, že darují 45 centů za každého, kdo bude tuto zprávu publikovat ve svém profilu, můžete ztratit 2 sekundy zkopírujte a vložte na zeď.Zkuste to nic to nestojí. Pokud mas srdce tak si to tam vložíš a pokud ne tak si to ignoruj dál, ale potom se nediv až se ti něco stane a NIKDO ti nepomůže


    Boy (14) years acquired six shots from his stepfather, the boy was trying to protect her 2-year-old sister from rape. Nothing happened, thanks to the courage of her brother. This all happened while the mother was at work, this brave boy fighting for his life, but doctors say it will not survive without operas
    ace. The operation, which is very expensive, and her mother can not afford. Facebook and the company agreed to donate 45 cents for anyone who will publish this report in your profile, you can lose 2 seconds, copy and paste the zeď.Zkuste's not worth it. If your heart so you put it there and if not then you ignore it on, but then do not be surprised when something happens to you and NOBODY will not help

  16. "I am also a volunteer Analyst, Counterterrorism Advisor and Specialist, who writes and submits reports to various private clients and sometimes also governments."

    Lying liar.

  17. "I am also a volunteer Analyst, Counterterrorism Advisor and Specialist, who writes and submits reports to various private clients and sometimes also governments."


  18. This last posts looks like Big Don Ecker has stopped by to type a bit of truth....

  19. The Unknown KorfferOctober 31, 2012

    The term "volunteer analyst" is beyond pathetic. What is it supposed to mean, anyway? Other than that the analysis isn't worth paying for because he is an udder amature with his glass viles of nanocrap. Dipshit loser wannabe Flake Book fraud.

  20. "...with his glass viles of nanocrap."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha!


  21. I loathe you, Korff. I absolutely despise you.

  22. So let me understand what Korff is talking about here... He doesn’t want to make constant posts on something that is being reported on by many other news outlets.

    And that he has “access to such data”, by which you mean; a computer and internet access, giving you access to the web site.

    There you have it folks, a man-child with internet access, bragging about what 4 billion other people could do as well. Way to go “syndicated reporter”.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, I wish I did not have to make constant reports like this, but in the interests of help spreading the TRUTH about the immoral cover up and disgraceful acts the Obama administration has engaged in re telling us the truth about what really happened in Libya, here's some more awful news.

    Having access to such data, I have told several people about some of the stuff which is going to be released. Here's another nugget, and it isn't pleasant.

    My motives are to try to help insure that mistakes made in the past, are never made again. Basic rules which were supposed to be enforced as per special inquiries from past terrorist attacks were blatantly ignored, in violation of US laws. Those officials responsible, should be prosecuted.

    But they won't be.

    What is additionally disgraceful is the media at large, if this were a REPUBLICAN president they would keep this on the front page and put pressure on the President to come clean and everyone else. But because a DEMOCRAT holds office, one the liberal media WANTS to see re-elected very badly, they are violating their own ethics as "journalists" and like the administration, are stonewalling the facts.

    REMEMBER how the liberal wanker media made a "Big Deal" out of George Bush's drunk driving citation YEARS before he ran for office and made it HEADLINE NEWS for DAYS?

    This is a great example of their bankrupt "moral" standards.

    Obama is keeping this off the map until after the election, and then even after it, should he win, just like the media the conclusions will really be CONclusions, downplayed of course.

    Here ya go...
