Monday, April 15, 2013

Lad's go to the Korffie Leak web site and see what's been added to the 2013 section!


  1. Say Kalvin ... tell us how it feels to have that huge red target on your ass, knowing that it will stay there for YEARS!! Well? How does it feel?

  2. Korff, you had a choice. No press or BAD Press. I guess Bad Press is better than staying the same insignificant sad sack shit-head you've always been. By the way you sad sack shithead, how is that "nano-dust" op up on the Pakistan border coming along? Hmm?

  3. Nano-dust!! Yeah, right. Wow, almost forgot about that! Well, checking out the new information on the UFO Watchcat site, I dug a little deeper into the lunacy of korff. Hey Karlton, that reminds me. It's been a really long time since any of us have heard about the amazing and super duper Special Secret Services. Is General Ari Dayan still leading this bunch of tireless hunters of Terrorists and UFO frauds? Where are all those threat letters we used to enjoy SO MUCH? No more videos of you wearing that funky Ruski bearskin hat? Where are your Colonel insignia's? Hey Gang, remember this one?

  4. Any surprise that this never happened?

    July 31, 2007 - Kal Korff: " Martina, who will be with me for the filming of the KPMG Randle audit tomorrow, she'll take her own footage."

    August 1, 2007: Kal Korff: "The formal audit of Kevin Randle BEGAN today, I enclose an image from the KPMG announcement at their office and with their blessing that we did.


    We've added some long over due updated info to the Randle page.

    Mr. Randle seemed to take issue with our presentation of some of the information, we couldn't find the info he was talking about but we posted the April 1, 2012 e-mail nonetheless. Why?

    Because Mr. Randle is one of the good guys.

  5. Close down your FB account, Karlton.

    It really is very simple.

  6. You are evil, Kalvin.

  7. Can our Facebook mole tell us if Colonel Kalvin Karlton Korff of the Israeli-based anti-terrorist organisation, the Special Secret Services (or S3), has pronounced on the Boston bombing yet?

  8. No mention, before or after, the Boston event....


  9. Good. Just you keep it that way, Kalvin. Just let this one go, OK?

  10. LOL, you know, looking at the current photograph of Korff in that fucking cowboy hat (and how udderly ridiculous he looks) kind of makes me miss the "old days" of a couple of years ago. I recall looking forward to another "side-splitting" performance by none other than our resident KLOWN ... Kolonel Kalvin Karlton Korff, the S3 SAPSTOE of the Super Secret Israli Founded Special Secret Services. I recall looking forward to hearing about Lt. Martina Tycova, the Ck. super-model, WO Avaim whatever ... and kalvin's trip to Iraq seeking nuclear weapons and to Pakastan to plant "nano dust!"

    Also, lets not forget how S3 was targeting the Oregon County DA and Sheriff over our klown's dirt bag brother, phony lawyers being "hired" to sue "Desperate Don Ecker", warrants and cops out to track down David Biedny. (Remember when Biedny wanted to kick kalvin's flabby ass?) How Kevin Randle was a too cowardly to debate our boy? Oh geeze-us, the good old days ... never to be repeated. In a way, it is kinda sad we shut that fat boy up so effectively. Oh well ...

  11. "In a way, it is kinda sad we shut that fat boy up so effectively. Oh well ..."

    I know what you mean....



  12. If only we could locate him in India.

    By the way, someone in the last thread indicated that Kalvin had admitted that he was forced out of Prague. Is that true? What are our souces for this?

  13. Brit in PragueApril 17, 2013

    You know, just looking at that bovine, gormless (northern English word) face staring out at me from 'neath that preposterous hat makes me want to ...

    Better not say it. There's no call for violence. Well, in this case there is, but ...



  16. Epic Failure
    Constant Lies

    13 Jun 2011


    Hi: this is my first Tweet on Twitter. I have been asked to join Twitter, so I am, I hope to put it to get use and make it informative.

    13 Jun 11


    Aw, those poor Communists! China Lending Unexpectedly Tumbles, Evidence Economy Is Slowing - Bloomberg via @BloombergNow

  17. "I have been asked to join Twitter, so I am, I hope to put it to get use and make it informative."
    --- Kal Korff. English Teacher.


  18. No mention of the Kevin Randall (or was it David Biedney) audit:

    You are lying scum, Korff.

  19. It's so obvious that Korff monitors this site. Want proof?

    Note the wording of this post, any Korffer worth their Korffing status will see the tell-tale signs of a man-child well aware of this blog and the Korffie Leak web site:

    Kal Korff: Yikes! Over 40,000 "hits" or "reads" have now been registered on my page where some 153 of my articles are uploaded.

    I am genuinely humbled and truly grateful for your kind support and interest. I'll be posting more articles in the near future, ones I have not gotten around to posting before on my page, which is of course my fault.

  20. Korff has said ZERO about the issues in Boston. Korff said ZERO before this happened. Korff WILL write an "article" about this and then post this on his channel. Korff WILL NOT post a video on youtube about this.

    A few years back Korff said all of the behavior he is known for, and will forever be known for, was a fake out to bring his "haters" out to play so he could prove that UFO people are just as bad as the two assholes that caused this Boston situation.

    Currently, if asked, Korff would say that he left that part of his behavior behind because the "test" has been completed and when his book or series of books is published, all will be known, etc.

    Korff, show me a UFO or Bigfoot person, or a Meier believer who ever, EVER blew up innocent people or anything close to this kind of behavior.

    You fucking asshole.

    I am so happy the this blog, the web site and the Korffing Syndicate went after you full bore and, best of all, it seems they will never stop as long as you cast a shadow of any sort.

    Again, fuck you Kal K. Korff.

    You are no better than the two pussies who planted those bombs in Boston. In fact you're much worse. At least those two delusional fucks based their actions on some kind of personally held belief system, as backwards as we might think that belief is.

    You've done harm to people for no other reason than to satisfy your inflated ego as you chase that fleeting taste of fame, that slimy left over goo, stuck to your tongue that has been diluted and washed away by your lunatic behavior over the past 15 years.

    You fucking waste of a human being.


  21. computer nerd and college dropout

  22. Korff has started to comment on the Boston situation, and very much so. We'll deal with it later but here's a few snippets to hold you over...

    As always, the Korffing Syndicate hold Korff accountable to his own actions and behavior through the posting of Korff own words.

    The internet will never forget, the Korffing Syndicate will never stop until Korff ceases to cast a shadow over the internet.

    CONSISTENT HYPOCRISY, well said asshole.

    "I predict they won't, because they are two-faced and have double standards."

    "My only point in bringing this up is to point out the CONSISTENT HYPOCRISY of..."

    "I predict that they will essentially downplay it."

    "Similarly, the Obama administration will DOWNPLAY the AQ connection, anything butt tell the inconvenient truth, right?"

  23. what do you want from a college dropout and computer nerd who wore somebody else's glasses to try and appear more intellectual? korff is a failure in life and a loser of the first division

  24. Boston heals, America comes together....

    Kal K. Korff; still a lunatic...

    Afraid to come back to America.

    Afraid to tell people where he ACTUALLY lives.

    Afraid to tell his "friends" where he ACTUALLY works.

    Afraid to name and share photos of his wife and their nuptials or to even tell the TRUE date of their supposed marriage.

    Kal K. Korff; hiding from America and himself.

    Korffing Syndicate

  25. Please don't forget about our youtube channel. It's very informative and very funny.

  26. I'm new to this blog. After reading over this blog, that web site and watching the youtube channel I must ask a question.

    What's the point to keep going? By the looks of it, it looks like this Korff fellow has given up trying to pass off those lies from the past and this group seems to be holding him in check?

    Is keeping him in check the main reason to continue?

    Wonderful work I should add. People like this deserve exactly this type of response to their bullshit.


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  28. We are not interested in link exchanges. We are the Korffing Syndicate and we have only one interest; to rid the internet of the shadow which Kal K. Korff pastes across the otherwise use full internet.

  29. Understood.
