Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Illusions of Privacy

Sorry to cut the new thread short, amazing image of Korff! We've updated the web site with a few new reports on Korff action:

* Kal K. Korff makes a promise, breaks that promise and ultimately lies and manipulates a person he doesn't even know! LINK

UPDATE: We forgot that Korff has family in Iowa (this girl lives there) and this girls last name is the kind of name that one might see in the CZ. So, Korff might know this girl, Korff might even be related in some way to this girl but, in the end, Korff had no intention of EVER attending her graduation party. So, Korff lied once again.

* Kal K. Korff lives in India, good luck with that. LINK

* Kal K. Korff, only person who LIKES his two (not 50 as claimed) books on Face Book pages. LINK

* And a handful of new Korff Face Book posts.

Lastly, here's Korff's latest "article". Because of the work of the Korffing Syndicate, this blog, the web site and the youtube channel (new info on Korff's youtube activity to be posted soon), Korff has little to no internet privacy either. And that's the way it should be and the way it will stay.

And check out that photo Korff's still using! Ha, ha, ha. What, maybe 15 years old! Fucking moron.


  1. AnonymousJune 12, 2013

    Thanks for stopping by Korff. Korff is posting like a mad-man on Face Book this morning. He posted a reference to his "media giant" and this whopper.

    Kal Korff

    Hi everyone,

    I received this email and I SUPPORT this initiative. This means the NSA will now put me on their "bad guy list" but I don't care. I am already on it because I "dare" to criticize Obama and "dared" to try to use the FOIA to pry loose UFO related documents from NSA and CIA decades ago when I was a teenager.

    I have no objection to the government doing LEGAL things. It is the ILLEGAL activities that bother me. We should either CHANGE the laws and stop the hypocrisy, or stay legal.


    Remember, Korff said in the past that he was "recruited" by the US Government out of high school (lie), graduating a year early (lie), asked to speak at the 1980 World Affairs Council (lie), and then he was off to Moscow in 1981 to start fighting bad guys (lie).

    It now seems Korff is telling the truth; Korff filed Freedom of Information requests for UFO information while Korff was a teenager.

    This I can believe. The FOIA started on July 4, 1966, 10 years later Korff was a Freshman at JFK High School in Fremont, California, and a year before he released his pamphlet on the Billy Meier case.

    More proof that Korff elaborates on a little bit of truth, blowing that fact up to help substantiate claims which are pure fiction.

    Thanks for stopping by Korff.

    Korffing Syndicate

  2. AnonymousJune 12, 2013

    And more...

    Korff is obviously trying to convince people that "it's all true". I worked at Boeing (he did), and I had super secret jobs to do there (lie).

    Kal Korff: In May and June, 1994, Mother Jones magazine exposed Bill Clinton for ordering the CIA to spy on Japanese automakers.

    I remember these issues coming up at Boeing when I worked there.


    Korff, we understand you trying to placate your Face Book friends and trying to ensure in them that everything you say is based in fact (lie).

    Sorry, this cannot be done.

    We will not stop.

  3. AnonymousJune 12, 2013

    More lies.

    Korff states that because he joined this Progressive web site and he gets e-mails from them, this puts him on a "bad-guy list".


    Kal Korff: Hi everyone,

    I received this email and I SUPPORT this initiative. This means the NSA will now put me on their "bad guy list" but I don't care.


    Right. In any case, these two people listed below might like a few e-mails or contact over twitter informing them about Kal K. Korff.

    Twitter: (@ZaidJilani

    Joshua Wolfsun grew up and lives in Amherst, Massachusetts. He began organizing in 2004 by volunteering and advocating (with his two moms) for equal marriage rights in Massachusetts.


    Twitter: @JWolfsun

  4. That photo, by the way: it was used to accompany his crappy English column for the free throwaway newspaper for users of Prague's public transport. So when was that - 2008?

    Anyway, I remember thinking at the time that it was probably contemporaneous, but (inexpertly) photoshopped. Just take a peek: his mug is curiously one-dimensional it looks as though it's made of plasticine, or been botoxed.

  5. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kal Korff Explains First 25 Books of 500 Unprecedented MegaBook Deal

    April 12th, 2007 by Martina Tycova

    Late this evening, Kal Korff sat down with me briefly and explained the first 25 books which are coming out which are part of a historic and unprecented series of publishing arrangements. Here’s some answers to a few quick questions.

    Martina Tycova: Kal, some people, like Mac Tonnies to give you a very real example, and I can’t wait to hear from that man very soon, I expect a formal apology from him and others. Kal, what do you have to say in response to those literally few individuals who refuse to believe that you really have 500 books coming.

    Kal Korff: Well, lets us never forget that people “beliefs” never determine science. Facts are facts, opinions are opinions. While people like David Biedny and others refuse to “believe” this is all happening, like every instance before, this is really all their problem. While they’re “disbelieving” we will be releasing, and in the case of some of these gentlemen, they are in some of these 500 titles that are coming out. And of course it will be in several languages, English is just one of them. We are really doing something unprecedented.

    Martina Tycova: OK, so you told me you have or can now name the first 25 books. What are they?

    Kal Korff: Well, as we already announced earlier, Mr. Philip Mantle gets the first award. It is the least I can do. We will publish his wonderful Alien Autopsy Inquest, but the title will probably be changed and certainly content especially about the upcoming actions against Ray Santilli for consumer fraud, will be added. Mantle’s book will form and DOES form the cornerstone and foundation for all things alien autopsy as far as we are concerned.

    The next books, numbers two through 23, are the historic and unprecedented 22 volume expose series on Billy Meier. Mikey Horn is featured in there in one dedicated volume.

    Book 24 is awarded to Mr. Bob Heironimus. I will be showing exclusively on the X-Zone Radio Show the cover of this new book we are doing together. Bob Heironimus, as you know, is the man who wore the famous “Bigfoot” suit in the Roger Patterson-Bob Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film of 1967. It is an honor to be writing this work with him.

    Now, book 25 is very interesting and we intend to have it out VERY shortly. It is a thorough and complete expose of Colonel Philip Corso from the Roswell UFO crash myth of 1947. We will also be sending that cover to The XZone Radio Show for their exclusive, initial release.

    Martina Tycova: So, you really do have many books coming, and now you have identified the first 25. Congratulations. What will you do next?

    Kal Korff: Continue to hold and expose those who claim this is not true accountable. Believe me, there is plenty going on that we will be coming forward with soon, as well as some amazing cooperative alliances.

    Martina Tycova: Thank you.

    Kal Korff: Thank you, Martina.

  6. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Avim Ashkenazi Appointed to Handle Public Inquiries Regarding Kal Korff

    Written by Public Relations
    Monday, 18 June 2007

    CriticalThinkers announced today that Kal Korff's newly-appointed Adjutant, Avim Ashkenazi, has asked for and has been granted permission to handle all public inquiries concerning Korff and his many formal and volunteer activities.

    "It's nice to be able to have a single point of contact for people, someone who is also familiar with many of the different things that I am involved with," explained Kal Korff. "This synergy will help eliminate any room for possible confusion. Avim will do a good job and engage those who should be engaged.

    "I encourage people to ask away, just contact Avim at our one and only universal email address."

  7. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Ha, ha, ha, ha! Remember when Korff started the ufowatchcat.com web site and now we own it! Ha, ha, ha!

    Introducing the UFOWatchcat.com web site

    Written by Public Relations
    Saturday, 16 June 2007

    Prague, Czech Republic -- Czech Author, Journalist, Media Personality and Supermodel Martina Tycova has opened up a new Web site, UFO Watchcat.com, which is designed to correct the errors and false claims of UFO Watchdog and UFOOlogy, UFODumb and UFOlogy in general. Click here to see new design...

    Tel Aviv, Israel - Prague, Czech Republic

    CriticalThinkers has been given permission to formally announce that Czech Author, Media Personality and Supermodel Miss Martina Tycova has decided to launch a new Web site.

    It is called UFOwatchcat.com

    "Sometimes it takes a woman to make the 'boys' behave. Now that Mr. Royce Myers III has quit the UFO field under less than candid circumstances, it is time to take over and correct ALL of his errors, distortions of logic, his failure to apply basic logic, and to prove to the world that his uneven standards of evidence certainly exist.

  8. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kal Korff CONFIRMS UFO WatchCat WILL Publish Legal Documents Concerning Royce Myers III

    Written by Public Relations
    Sunday, 29 July 2007

    CriticalThinkers.org announced today that they will NOT be publishing any legal documents concerning Mr. Royce Myers III of UFO Watchdog fame.

    "As of now, although we will talk and answer any reasonable questions about the legal actions we have now started against Royce Myers III, we will not, I repeat, we have no plans at this time to publish any of the related documents." explained Kal Korff, the President and CEO.

  9. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    KPMG AUDIT of Roswell Huckster Dr. Kevin Randle's Roswell UFO "Research" Begins in 48 Hours!

    Written by Public Relations
    Sunday, 29 July 2007

    CriticalThinkers.org announced today that the KPMG audit of Dr. Kevin Randle's Roswell "UFO research" claims will begin this week on Wednesday, August 1, 2007.



  10. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kal Korff RECEIVES Invitation to Collect Legal Documents Regarding Ray Santilli

    Written by Jitka Subrtova
    Tuesday, 24 July 2007

    CriticalThinkers.org announced today that its President and CEO, Kal Korff, has received an invitation from Czech Media Personality and Supermodel Miss Martina Tycova to visit her residence this week to "discuss" the recent legal actions she has now begun against Mr. Ray Santilli, creator of the "Alien Autopsy" film fraud.

    "I have received a kind invitation from Martina Tycova to discuss the various legal actions she is now taking against Mr. Ray Santilli. While I have no sympathy for con artists, liars, scammers and individuals who engage in consumer fraud like Ray Santilli does, I will visit Martina and listen to whatever it is that she has to report concerning Mr. Santilli. I will also collect any documentation she cares to give me, and pass it along to the appropriate, responsible parties." explained Korff in a brief statement.


  11. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    LEGAL ACTIONS Against Royce Myers III of UFO Watchdog Begin in 96 Hours

    Written by Public Relations
    Thursday, 12 July 2007

    CriticalThinkers.org announced today that in approximately 96 hours, "numerous" legal proceedings will start to commence against Mr. Royce Myers III of the Web-based UFO Watchdog.com.

  12. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    KPMG AUDIT of Dr. Kevin Randle's Roswell "Crashed UFO" Claims Begins August 1, 2007

  13. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    LAWYERS FINISH First TWO Legal Documents to Send to Royce Myers III/UFO Watchdog

    Written by Public Relations
    Tuesday, 10 July 2007

  14. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    UFO Watchcat CONFIRMS Pending Motion for Class Action Lawsuit Against Ray Santilli & Gary Shoefield

    Written by Administrator
    Wednesday, 04 July 2007

  15. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    EXCLUSIVE! NEW Stills from Reality-based TV Series "Secret Wars" Emerge

    Written by Martina Tycova
    Wednesday, 04 July 2007

    The following are EXCLUSIVE images from the new reality-based TV show Secret Wars, a global production which stars an international cast. Secret Wars takes place and is filmed in Prague, Czech Republic, throughout Europe, as well as in the Middle East and as far as India.

    Secret Wars chronicles the real-life adventures of Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Columnist and Investigative Journalist Colonel Kal Korff, (SAPSTOE) of the Israeli-based Special Secret Services.

  16. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kal Korff Appointed European Bureau Chief of Rob McConnell's "X" Zone Radio Show

    Written by Public Relations
    Tuesday, 03 July 2007

  17. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Ray Santilli, Kevin Randle, David Biedny, Gene Steinberg and UFO Watchdog - EXPOSED in New TV Series

    Written by Public Relations
    Sunday, 01 July 2007

  18. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    UFO WatchCat Gives Don Ecker 48 Hour Ultimatum to Admit Falsehoods or Face MORE Media Exposure

    Written by Public Relations
    Friday, 12 October 2007

  19. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Don Ecker: Prepare to EAT YOUR HAT!

    Written by Kal Korff
    Thursday, 04 October 2007

  20. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    MORE UFOOLogy: Royce Myers III and David Biedny BLOW IT AGAIN - "No Such Hebrew Name as Avim"

    Written by Kal Korff
    Wednesday, 15 August 2007

  21. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kevin Randle Gets AUDITED over FALSE CLAIMS about Roswell!

    Written by Public Relations
    Thursday, 02 August 2007

  22. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    KPMG AUDIT of Kevin Randle NOW BEGINS As Promised! Randle is in TROUBLE Now

    Written by Public Relations
    Thursday, 26 July 2007

  23. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Kevin Randle: A COWARD Who REFUSES to DEBATE

    Written by Kal Korff
    Tuesday, 31 July 2007

    Constitutionally-Protected Op Ed Piece:

    Dear World,

    For the past several months now, Kevin Randle has been challenged by "X" Zone Radio Show host Mr. Rob McConnell to at least ONE debate against me concerning his Roswell UFO "research" -- which, for the record, was exposed as a SCAM more than 10 YEARS AGO in my book The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to Know, which remains the bestselling Roswell expose of all time.

    Unfortunately, Kevin Randle REFUSES to debate!

  24. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Czech Models "X" Pose Royce Myers III! - Meet Royce's Greatest MISHits, Vol. 1

    Written by Public Relations
    Monday, 12 May 2008 02:28

  25. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    .PDF book, remember this wopper of a lie!

    BTW, you can check out the original .PDF "book" here. Because the internet never, EVER forgets Korff.


    Kal Korff's LATEST BOOK • Point Blank: Attempted Murder


  26. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Two years later and Korff is still banging on about RMIII... Crazy is as crazy does.

    Kal Korff Shares New Expose Details on Royce Myers III

    Written by UFO WatchCat staff
    Monday, 26 January 2009 20:35

  27. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Royce Myers III (aka Mr. UFO 'Watchdog") Gets EXPOSED and NAILED!

    Written by UFO WatchCat - Op Ed.
    Monday, 26 January 2009 07:52

  28. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    "F1 Racist"? - The Wit(less) and WhizDumb of "F1 Racer" - Part 1

    Written by Op Ed. - Opinion
    Saturday, 24 January 2009 23:35

  29. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    "F1 Racer" Gets a Date with Czech Police - CONFIRMED!

    Written by UFO WatchCat staff
    Saturday, 24 January 2009 11:45

  30. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    BREAKING NEWS! Billy Meier UFO Cult Spokesman Michael Horn to be ARRESTED as Early as Next Week?

    Written by Public Relations
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010 02:48

  31. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    EXCLUSIVE! Jewish Anti-Defamation League RECEIVES FIRST COMPLAINTS Against Michael Horn, Official Spokesman for theBilly Meier UFO Cult

    Written by UFO WatchCat
    Tuesday, 30 March 2010 02:23

  32. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Last but not least, everything you've ever wanted to know about Korff; all the boasting, all the threats and all the lies, found on this single web page.



  33. AnonymousJune 15, 2013

    Counting the years Korff....?

    August 17, 2010

    Kal Korff

    Interview with BBC re Missile Defense. A web site which LOVES to engage in HATRED against me especially, FALSELY claimed that this interview never took place. Since it was filmed, I ALWAYS said we would air it at a time and place of our choosing and prove these haters wrong and Xpose them before their like-minded peers and the general public. Now we are, the interview scenes are in the new show. My whole life these past years for much of it, has been filmed for eventual broadcast, which is coming shortly around the release of the new 2,400 page six book series on Islamofascism, and my envisioned Ph.D. thesis on hatred, extremism, Islamofascism and the CONspiracy mindset, which nails UFO "Cosmic Watergate" nuts, 911 CONspiracy nuts, and of course, those JFK Conspiracy types. The point is EXTREMISM and a distinct LACK of CriticalThinking. Without Critical Thinking en masse, our species is doomed to extinction. LOGIC MUST control our emotions, we must NEVER let our emotions CONTROL the process of Critical Thinking.

  34. AnonymousJune 17, 2013

    Yes, Korff - you truly are vermin; you truly are scum.

    For all the lies you have told, for all the pain you have caused, I wish you a painful and lingering death.

  35. AnonymousJune 17, 2013

    Wow, read over those Geller claims, very Korffish....

  36. Could I just take this opportunity to reiterate the fact that I loathe you, Korff?

    Thank you so much ...
