Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Never Believe Anything
Korff Ever Says, Period.

Kal Korff ~ July 23, 2012
Hi everyone. Today, I am honored and humbled to report that I have the LEAD STORY story in the newspaper Daily Post. The subject will surprise many of you who usually read my published articles and exposes.

I will be meeting with a key representative today concerning what was found in PepsiCo's product "Nimbooz" as this article exposes. The purpose behind the meeting is to get their version of events and to push for SAFER HYGIENIC BOTTLING of their products for the safety of the public. We are holding the contaminated bottle as evidence.

Here's the image of the article. Daily Post is India's fastest growing English language newspaper. I negotiated the contract with Pepsi along with a colleague of mine that I supervise, to supply our canteen. I have since found several problems with their products and for the benefit of consumers in general will explain the results of our investigation to them. I'll give an update later as is logical.

Before we start, notice, no direct link to the paper...
Always hiding the "media giant" from his Facebook friends.

So what Korff is saying here is that he "negotiated" the deal to bring a Pepsi product into their break room at the “media giant” he insists he works at (but refuses to share any proof of, like a photo from their recent 2nd anniversary launching party) or any photos of any kind. Smart move Korff. In any case, Korff, being the super sleuth that he is, claims to have uncovered some less than hygienic issues with the bottling of this product. You're fucking kidding me! A problem with hygiene in India! Say it ain’t so Fecal-Boy. Remember, which hand did you wipe with, which hand did you eat with… very important.

If you'd like more truth you can go to this site for a run down on this product. Maybe an e-mail to the India Pepsi people is in order to inform them that their product is being besmirched by Kal K. Korff.

E-mail: consumer.feedback@pepsico.com

Developing.... Hat tip to our newest Korffing member for this breaking Korff report.


  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2013

    Article sent and a little note as well....

    To Whom It May Concern,

    We have uncovered a new article Mr. Kal K. Korff has written regarding your product, Nimbooz". We thought we would inform you regarding this issue.

    If you take issue with Mr. Korff slandering your company and product in public, please contact the newspaper here:


    Contacts can be found on their web site.

    If you would like to share with us if this issue is factual, or any information you can legally share with us, you would be assisting us in our quest to keep the world informed to the lies and fraud Mr. Korff has tried to spread for over 15 years.

    Thank You,



  2. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

    Hell, for all we know they found a finger in a bottle, or a dirty bottle with some floaters in it, it happens.

    Of Korff... Korff will never let anything "real" event go un-elaborated to try and boast his non-existent “celebrity” to an even “higher” level of obscurity.

    Good job Korffer's.

  3. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

    The article:
    Now drink, ‘wrapper-flavoured’ Nimbooz from Pepsi

    By Daily PostIndia,

    7/24/2013 10:45:00 AM

    Kal K Korff

    Next time you buy for yourself a soft drink bottle to quench your thirst in these days of hot and humid summer, better watch out for its contents before you decide to gulp it down. For, cold drinks these days are in the news for all the wrong reasons, and their bottles for some unwanted and objectionable contents.

    One sealed bottle of Nimbooz, supplied to the canteen of Daily Post, was found on Tuesday with a used and discarded wrapper of the package of a chewing tobacco product-lookalike floating in the drinkable stuff. The name Vijay Bati is printed on it. What is shocking is that this beverage has been made and sold by Pepsico, a reputed multi-national corporation, in Chandigarh. This bottle bears May 29, 2013 as the date of packaging.

    The manufacturer’s description of Nimbooz on the website, under the section “Hygienic”, says, “It (Nimbooz) is just like home-made nimbu pani. You can enjoy its natural and delicious lemony refreshment anywhere you go.”

    When Daily Post contacted Kulwinder Singh, who works for the company in Chandigarh, he picked up his cell after several failed attempts only to refer us to Anjaali Sharma. When Anjaali was reached over her cell, she asked the reporter on the line to speak to Surinder Gill, who, she said, “handles quality control matters in this region”.

    When told about the discovery, Gill asked, “Is the bottle sealed?”When told it was and was yet to be opened, he said he would call back “in five minutes.” He later said, “We’ll visit your office tomorrow, we have

    to find out why it happened.” “We have very sophisticated systems in our bottling plants, so it could be someone just trying to damage the reputation of the company,” Gill quipped before hanging up.

    There have been several complaints in the recent past of consumers coming across insects and even iron rust residue sitting on top of the rim of the 200ml glass bottles of different soft drinks or just inside the caps.

    This raises a serious quality control problem concerning the bottling of the beverages.
    The article was found on Google, but does not appear anywhere on the paper's web site. If it is there, it is very buried.

    The article writing is typical for what passes for online journalism these days. Hardly objective wording, lots of filler. The second-to-last paragraph is wonderfully vague, pointing out previous problems with bottled soft drinks, without reference to when, or where, or who, or any other specifics.

    -- AnonTB

  4. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

    Thanks very much AnonTB.

    We couldn't find the article on that web site either. Their search option has been "broken" for over a year, etc. And they refuse to answer e-mails, even when they come from non-Korffer's... some media giant.

    In the end, Korff is just trying to make something more than it probably is as well as trying to get himself some press.

    As far as the writing style goes, it's classic Korff.

    Great find, thanks for posting.


  5. AnonymousJuly 25, 2013

    A 250 word "expose" on finding crap in a soda bottle is now a lead story?

  6. AnonymousJuly 25, 2013

    It is in India. Korff could make this kind of "coverage" his new consumer protection racket. Why not? He never followed through with any (ZERO) of his claimed UFO and Paranormal researcher consumer protection threats, claims and scams but here...

    Here he can actually find improperly bottled and canned food everywhere, every day, for the rest of his life...

    It’s a way of life in India to deal with poor hygiene and fecal matter and raw sewage running in the streets.

    Go for it Korff! You’ll have a purpose for the rest of your miserable life.

  7. AnonymousJuly 25, 2013

    This grand statement coming from a man-child with the behavior of a little boy, this behavior fully vetted on a web site made possible because of Korff's child-like behavior.


    We forced Korff to change by taking over his video and web presence, informing not only the public but Korff himself (as he was incapable of seeing the truth because his lunatic behavior had so clouded his view of reality).

    So yes Korff, change can happen, even if a group of people have to take extreme actions and force that change upon a mentally retarded person.

    We’re talking about you Korff.

    Korffing Syndicate

    July 25, 2013

    Kal Korff: First step is to believe change can happen. There's nothing wrong with people in the streets exercising their right to freedom of assembly, democracy. No violence however. Not allowed.

    First there must be serious introspection. People want this thing in a simple recipe, or a pill. It doesn't exist. They also want the solution DELIVERED to them, instead of having to EARN it.
