Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Photos and Kal Korff

We've all noticed that Kal Korff doesn't use new photos of himself nor has he ever posted a photo of his “wife.” Korff does use that terrible Photoshop photo from 2000, a video frame grab from the mid 2000's when he "prepared a meal" for some women in the CZ and he is very proud of the frame grab from his appearance on the Larry King Show. Recently he came to this blog, saw the fun we made of him and his photos and replaced the Photoshop photo with this 1993 CNN video frame grab.


Right after we put up this post, Korff posted a never before seen video frame grab of his appearance on the Leeza Show on Facebook as his "new" profile photo. This is further proof that Kal K. Korff visits this blog on a regular basis.

This video frame grab comes from the mid '90's.  It's fascinating...... that Korff refuses to post a current photo of himself, or his wife, or where he lives, or works....

Kal Korff, fuck you, turd.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That "Kal Korff-Asshole" photo is how I always think of ol' Kalvin. No Shit. What an incredible TOOL he is .. was ... and will always be ....

    Korff, give it up dude ... you are not even a "has been" man, you are now and always will be ... A Never Was. You know it, we know it, Martina Knows It!

    Like I said ... what an incredible Tool and Douche-bag ... ya feel me Kalvin?

    douche bag ..

  2. I really, really, really, really, really, really despise you, "Colonel".

  3. Oh, me too. Me too.

    What about S3, Kalvin? What about your work as a Sapstoe in the Israeli-based, Saudi-funded (to the tune of either 50 or 25 million - your claims differed) "meta-organization", the Special Secret Services?

    What about the nanodust on the Pakistan border, or your undercover mission (having first shaved your head) to Oregon to spearhead the defence of your dirtbag brother and "rightfully" jail the lawmen behind his frame-up?

    Why do we never hear about this in the Facebook leaks that our Facebook mole (who is he, Korff? I know, but I ain't tellin') posts on these pages.

    Could it be that your Facebook friends would immediately call you out on such nonsense, whereas when you had your website you could post any screed you wanted, because you didn't allow comments?

    Kudos to the hackers who repeatedly took down that site.

  4. That last post.... WOW!

  5. "You know, I said it before and I will repeat myself..."

    Well, quite.

    I think the last three posts (the second quite likely has the same author as the first; the third definitely has the same author as the first ... like Kalvin, the author has a tendency to print the same two or three keywords IN CAPS) should be quietly deleted.

    Can we try to maintain a few standards? And do we need to make fun of the man's mother?

  6. Some Klassic Korff from 1999.

    Notice, this Delittoso fellow asked Korff about his statement that "film is millions of lines per inch".

    Korff never answers the question.

    In any case, the Korffing Syndicate contacted Delittoso and we asked him if he'd like to write up something to be posted on the blog - web site. He said he would. Sadly, after many attempts to get him to pull the trigger on this, he never did.

  7. "I think the last three posts (the second quite likely has the same author as the first; the third definitely has the same author as the first ... like Kalvin, the author has a tendency to print the same two or three keywords IN CAPS) should be quietly deleted."

    Ooo, were you offended? I was stating his mother is elderly, he is 50 and is still a DOUCHE. A 50 year old depends .. STILL .. for mommy to save his thieving ass. Okay? Cupcake?

  8. I didn't know we were having cupcakes!

  9. Let's not mince words here OKAY!You might not be a Korffer but you are a CUPCAKE! Lets not be polically correct alright.

  10. Oh love-er-ly! I luv cupcakes!! Can I have a chocolate one .. pul-eese?? Oh, and you you want some more WHINE with that cheese? Hmmm??

  11. With the anniversary of the JFK assassination coming I sure haven't seen Kal's name mentioned anywhere as an expert or otherwise associated with any of it. Why is that? Because everyone has figured out how fucking crazy Kal really is.

  12. I was thinking the same thing. In fact, when paying attention one will take notice that Korff's name is never referred to regarding the Roswell or Meier case or, as you say, the JFK case.

    It's as if all of that "hard" work Korff did on those cases and books (much of it claimed to be plagiarized) meant nothing to anyone and has not withstood the test of time.

    Come to think of it Korff's name is never mentioned regarding the OJ case, nano-tech, terrorist, or in fact, any of his claimed achievements of milestones.

    Try to locate a copy of Korff's 1993 JFK appearance on the Larry King show. You can't, not even in the King archives. At least I could not locate a copy on the web in any format.

    Way to go Korff. Your life’s work, but a vapor, a fart.

    Korffing For A korff Free Internet.

    God Bless Don Ecker.

  13. Kalvin Karlton Korff, the never was. I think that is the end of story, right?

  14. Nobody cares Korff. And by the fact that nobody has responded to this post, or pretty much any of your posts, you're reporting to yourself. Kinda like you love life....

    Kal Korff: I have now checked with NASA, NOAA and the Philippine and Indian equivalent of NOAA. ALL of them are saying they CANNOT SAY THAT "Global Warming caused" the terrible typhoon which hit Asia recently. In fact the Philippine agency said that water temps were normal for this time of season near the land regions they hit. This is an almost identical statement they issued last week.

  15. BritinPragueNovember 14, 2013

    F*ckNut: Can we - without being offensive to the memory of JFK - perhaps have a special 22 November edition of this blog?

    Just a suggestion.

  16. That's a great suggestion. What would this cover, presentation, etc?

  17. Brit_in_PragueNovember 15, 2013

    Oh, perhaps just a recap of Kalvin's claims to have solved the JFK murder (boy genius, Larry King) and why in fact he actually didn't. I think it's all online - just needs to be collated.

  18. Understood. And in fact, Korff just posted a rant on Facebook regarding his Larry King claim, etc. We've saved that out as well.

    In the end, it's got to hurt Korff that the King show and any real reference to it can not be found on the web.

    If anyone can find the video or reference to it, please pass it along.
