Monday, December 16, 2013

Thanks for stopping by Korff. 

Check how Korff hits all his lives high marks; UFO's JKF, the release of his book, or series of books, being invited into the homes of people he doesn't know, and so on.

As Santa in a Floppy Hat said, there is a clear reason why Korff stopped releasing lunatic videos and making claims and threats like he did in 2010.

Stay tuned indeed.

Facebook, December 16, 2013.

Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that yesterday I was on an Author's panel at a Literary fest in Panchkula, India. In today's papers both locally and nationwide, there is coverage of this event, featuring some of the other authors and also of us on stage getting an award.

I gave a short speech, and am happy to report it was well received. I have been asked to be a guest at other events because of it, and also have been invited to several people's homes for dinner, which I have happily accepted. These are important people in the region and famous authors and poets, I am truly humbled and honored by this.

As I sat yesterday talking with various media and also people who attended the event, it amazed me to be able to sit down with Indians and talk about everything from JFK's assassination, to Roswell, Obama, you name it. Their knowledge of these subjects was very impressive.

It was a great, real life reminder that it is truly a global community we live in today, so interconnected, it was humbling to meet people from India who have read my books and articles and gave me feedback on them and passed along leeds for future projects and stories.

I shared the details at this event of the contents of my upcoming books, you know, the ones my "kritics" have lied about for years and claim don't exist, (even though they're in no position to really know this, they're not involved, etc., and my publishers don't disclose their future plans so much in advance), -- I also showed the nearly complete final release candidates of these books since they should finally be out next year, after many years of work.

Seeing the reactions yesterday gave me a new burst of energy, I forget as a journalist and author at times that published works really do influence people, it's just something that I don't keep in mind that much, and yesterday was a vivid reminder of this basic truism I just don't think about that often, which is my fault.

There's more coming than just my six book series on Islamofascist driven terrorism, which I started in Prague and finished in India.

I sincerely thank all of you for your continued interest and support of my efforts, it means the world to me.

Facebook Update

What's it like to live in India? This video frame grab pretty well sums it up. This is the set up to power a public address system in India. You must run AC and DC because the AC power most surely will go out.


  1. Sounds like Korff's publisher needs to receive a new batch of phone calls and e-mails (many posing as media people) to ask about our Village Idiot's soon to be released book or series of books.

    Prometheus Books
    Pyr, an imprint of Prometheus Books
    Humanity Books
    (716) 691-0133 x207

  2. I checked on this Korff post. In 10 hours, 3 people Liked it. The same 3 people who Like most everything Korff posts.

    Way to set your Facebook wall on fire Korff.

    Lying Liar

  3. No Likes, no response.

    Lying Liar

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Several of you have asked where you can get the "short" version of my article on Kennedy's assassination. Here it is. THANKS! :-)

    Final Verdict - JFK's Murder SOLVED!

  4. I always maintained that Korff was a cheesy piece of shit, and a coward to boot. His FB page is locked down so tight that nobody can see what the ass clown posts. What a way to live. So, counting the days until Santa in a Floppy Hat makes his appearance.

    Hey Korff, are you getting in the Christmas Spirit? Lots of tinsel and holly where you are at? Sliver Bells ringing on every street corner? Gonna have some turkey and pumpkin pie? Gonna steal anything from any humanitarians?

    FYYPOS ...

  5. FYYPOS, well said.

  6. Speaking of which, I bumped into Milos "Fuck You" Bartu the other day, Korff. Remember him? The guy whose Apple goods you ripped off by telling him to send the bill to V*jtech. Mr S*dlac*k's shop is just around the corner from my work, Korff. Neither of those gentelemen have forgotten you - oh no.

    Mr Bartu was on your trail, wasn't he, Kalvin? You had to skip town quick ...

  7. Would be grand to have an in depth report on what went down JimmyD?


  8. I'm guessing that Korff hoped that if he did not publicly respond to this blog site that eventually we would all go away and forget him. I mean it has been a couple of years since he has done anything in public. Videos, threats, all that stuff that the stumble-bum was doing a couple or so years ago. Well guess what Kal, Fat Fucking Chance!

  9. I'm guessing that Korff hoped that if he did not publicly respond to this blog site that eventually we would all go away and forget him. I mean it has been a couple of years since he has done anything in public. Videos, threats, all that stuff that the stumble-bum was doing a couple or so years ago. Well guess what Kal, Fat Fucking Chance!

  10. Very simple.

    Kalvin offered V*t*ch S*dl*c*k [can we always pls maintain his anonymity - he's still really hurting from what he sees as his public humiliation at the hands of the Colonel] that he would serve as an external, freelance English teacher to Mr. S*dl*c*k's staff.

    Korff insisted on some kind of piece of paper recording the deal ... in English. As no-one at Mr. S.'s establishment spoke much English (that's why they needed lessons!) Korff typed up something that made him sound much grander and more permenant than he actually was. He then got S*dl*c*k to sign and stamp it.

    To make things seem even more official, he videotaped himself and Mr. S. signing this piece of paper and posted it on YouTube. (One of my abiding regrets is that no Korffer thought to make a copy before Korff pulled it down.)

    I don't know the exact title he awarded himself ... but if you trawl back through his boasts over the years it was probably something like "Chief Operating Officer" or "Chief Technical Officer ... terms he has thrown around in the past - Google them, together with "Kal Korff" and, for example, "Prague Post").

    Armed with this official-seeming piece of paper, he then went to Milos "Fuck You" Bartu's Apple outlet, helped himself to various items, and told them to send the bill to Mr. S. (on whose company's behalf he claimed to be acting).

    Korff then used his crappy newspaper language column to peddle the stolen goods by presenting himself as some kind of dynamic Robin Hood entrepreneur who was able to undercut official Apple outlets (like "Fuck You" Bartu's).

    As you will recall, he actually had one of his stooges (Avi?) record his meetings on street corners and in McDonalds at which he would fence these stolen goods.

    Mr. Bartu wrote somewhere on the net that this was the first time he'd ever been taken in by such a scam. (His post attracted replies from other native-born Czech citizens of Prague recounting stories of moonlight flits from trashed apartments , loans never repaid, etc.)

    Mr. Bartu wouldn't dream of going after Mr. S. (a very well-known and respected philanthropist here ... and someone who simply radiates kindness and goodness) for the money, even if he had a case under law. So instead he tried the stir the Czech police into action. Fat chance.

  11. It was this incident that finally persuaded me that KKK is not simply a blundering oaf, seedy little loser, pathetic fantasist, etc.

    He is all of those things, of course.

    But in addition, he is positively evil. Not enough people really realise that.

    He is bad news. He is the absolute antithesis of someone like Mr. S*dl*c*k. He will fuck over anyone and everyone who comes into contact with him. And the kinder and gentler a person is, the more danger they are in of being taken in by him.

    This is why this blog is so valuable. This is why we should keep it going until we have proof positive that he has shuffled off his mortal coil and is no longer a threat to anyone.

    Santa in a Floppy Hat - I await your annual Christmas address.
