Tuesday, November 3, 2015

WAG FaceBook Update

The Korffing Syndicate just wanted to throw some love out to our own WAG. Thanks for helping us monitor this lunatic.

November 3, 2015 - WAG FaceBook Update

Another book, or series of books release promise.

Kal Korff:  The latest version of Mac OS X, El Capitan, let's me watch video and enjoy this concert while I get my work done, which is the final read and sign off of my NEXT EXPOSE BOOK which should be out in 14 days or so.

WAG FaceBook Update

Is Kal K. Korff "still" married? This frame grab from Novemeber 5, 2015 calls this into question... This did say married just a few weeks ago. Say it ain't so bunky!

The only job Kal K. Korff is qualified to... handle.


  1. So Kalvin, how is that shit picking up detail working out?

    So Kalvin, how is your You Tube Video crapola working out?

    So Kalvin, how is the release date on your book or series of books working out?

    So Kalvin, how is your genius level son working out?

    So Kalvin, how is your Indian Princess Bride working out?

    Do you ever feel that life is kind of kicking you in the ass? And, if so, who do you blame for it? Do you blame your Kritics or do you blame your own lazy ass for being a fricken' dufus? Hmmm??

  2. So what now, Kalvin...

  3. No longer married... what to think... oh, it's a matter of public record.

  4. Humble bragging anyone...

    Kal Korff: Skeptical Inquirer, one of my favorite magazines. I have had lead stories published in it before and even on the cover. Kudos to them for nailing this nut job who LEADS the Republican race over The Donald.

  5. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff meets his black kettle... I'm always entertained by Korff calling people out for acting out just like he does. Sweet karma.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! This is for Jerry Lapiroff (Korff's high school teacher) and others who see through Dr. Ben Carson's nonsense.

    Article: Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship Carson's campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described. POLITICO.COM

  6. WAG FaceBook Update


    Wood Sprite: Why is only "Christianity" your target?

    Kal Korff: Why do you say it is? It's not. In fact I don't think I have "targets" at all, I comment on a wide variety of issues and things I believe I can competently do so on. Right now I am working on a long expose piece on intolerance in India and the nonsense behind that. Christianity is not involved, Hinduism and politics are and celebrity authors and filmmakers and their hypocrisy.

  7. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored and humbled to report that I have the top, lead story in today's issue of Daily Post India, it's on the front page. I hope to do a follow up story soon on this amazing technology and the field of transparent metals.

  8. "
    Kal Israel said...
    No longer married... what to think... oh, it's a matter of public record
    ---Is this on his Facebook profile, or what? How did you find out, KI?

  9. That's a frame grab from his Facebook page. Might be a FB mistake, a Korff mistake, or....

  10. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: I have been asked by several people what I am doing for the Indian holiday of Diwali. Other than wishing everyone a Happy Diwali, I plan to blow off some really loud fireworks from last year's Diwali I did not get to use, these are called "atomic bombs" -- hate the name but love the noise and power of their explosions, then finish getting my book ready to be out in just a few more days. The first of many to come I hope... Since everyone is blowing off fireworks for this holiday, no one's going to complain. They're like the American made M80s, gotta love them!

  11. My oh my, our "dim bulb" also known as our "Village Idiot" is going to observe Diwali or the Hindu festival of lights. Hey Kalvin, be sure to light up your light up diyas and candles. Oh yes, before I forget moron, when you light up your "a-bomb" fireworks don't blow off your fingers or put out your eye. Always a possibility when you aren't really very competent.

    Can't wait for your book chubby. Really looking forward to reading that. As it stands currently you are almost (at least if we don't count all the years you've promised it) 430 days past due on your last promise. We await with baited breath Colonel, we await. Oh do we ....

  12. Ah yes.. the hard-on of hate continues. This stuff truly is comedy gold.

    You were a member of the Billy Meier cult weren't you?


  13. On this celebration of Veteran's Day in the United States I salute all the men and women who have worn this nations uniform.

    Korff who stole their honor by pretending to be a soldier deserves all the contempt we throw at him. Korff, you disgust me and anyone who honors the military's sacrifice. You are despicable beyond belief.

  14. Korff you are despicable beyond belief.

    Right on, right on, right on.

  15. WAG FaceBook Update

    Humble bragging, because no one else will... Korff kontinues to use the Photoshop mug shop from 20 years ago....

    Kal Korff: HI everyone. I am honored to report that I have another OpEd piece in today's Daily Post India. The subject is India's 'beef' with beef. I hope you find it interesting. As usual I mince no words and am blunt, that's my "style" -- or lack of, depending on your view.

  16. Say Kalvin what does your S 3 have to say about what went down in Paris? Are you on your way to "slap" the handcuffs on those Jihadi's yourself? Are you getting ready to "outrun machinegun toting assassins" all by yourself? Wow, to live the life you've led hunting for a-bombs, Neo-nazi's, Billy Meir fanatics, ducking Roswell debates, other radio shows and the like. And to think that now you are cleaning up shit from the streets of India .. not to mention getting your book or series of books ready to publish! Right Bozo??


    Kal Korff is against terrorism.... developing.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored and humbled to report that I have a full page Special in today's Daily Post India newspaper. This story is about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. While I did not enjoy writing it, because I am against terrorism, as usual I mince no words and am very blunt. There's no room to be "political correct" concerning this subject. I hope you find the piece to be of interest and will consider the points it makes. THANKS!

  18. "Armed with an IQ of 219, according to the Omni Magazine's World's Hardest IQ Test"


    Kal Korff: Against the advice of his senior advisers, Obama didn't listen. If Bush could see this and anyone with an IQ of over 50, Obama has no excuse.

  19. Kal Korff talks about the behavior of others... oh, and he's living the cause of effect of his own behavior.

    Kal Korff: So Charlie Sheen has AIDS apparently. I don't mean anything cruel by my remarks about this, but what does he expect? He had EVERYTHING, then slept around with dozens of porno stars and bragged about it. Now he's paying the price for stupid behavior. Cause and effect. I just hope he hasn't given it to anyone else, although that seems a very real possibility.

  20. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal K. Korff posting; BREAKING NEWS!!! over and over again on his locked down Face Book wall. Problem is... none of the information links are breaking news.

  21. He had EVERYTHING, then slept around with dozens of porno stars and bragged about it.

    Like you did with the B-Girl in Prague? Ew.
