Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Korffing like its 2008!

coming soon.... please subscribe.

Kalvin KNOWS the name of his stalker. And yet, the videos, the audio, the images, the Facebook page, the YouTube page, the Twitter page, the Google Plus page, the Blog and the web sites.... kontinue for over 10 years. Who's lying...

Thanks for monitoring our work Kalvin

Korffer's keep sending those images into Korffing Headquarters

For those of you who use Facebook, please check in with Kal Israel's FB page. He's added some amusing material to his page. Friend him if you haven't already.


  1. Poor dumb Kalvin. He removes all his monologs (spelled correctly :-), moved it all to his new media giant headed by the same old media giant and then he lies that his preview got 1500 more view and 280 more likes in one day, on a site with virtually no internet footprint at all.

    This guy really honored and humbled.

  2. So, Kal Korff is once again rearing his raging PIE HOLE and bellowing like a wounded Cow. Okay, once thing I noticed is his denying his fraudulent lawyer letters when he attempted to intimidate Don Ecker and Ecker's radio network. Well I did a bit of "way back" on this claim by Korff and this is what I found. By the way I found the following right here on this blog. Take a moment and read through the following. Korff really is an idiot because he must assume no one will do a bit of research on him. It is there for everyone to see IF THEY ARE WILLING TO LOOK. He is a disgrace, a coward and a thief.

  3. I just took a look at the link that the poster placed just above my note. This is what I saw that proves to me that Korff sent the phony lawyer letter.

    "Don Ecker is a noted LIAR, FRAUDSTER, AND SUPPORTER OF TORTURE. His unhealthy obsession with Colonel Korff has made him commet several ILLEGAL acts on his radio show.
    Ultimately, Cyber Station USA is responsible for the content of Don Ecker's program."

    The above quote along with the post Korff did when Don Ecker interviewed Richard Dolan proves to me Korff wrote this. In his private note to Dolan while Ecker was interviewing Dolan, Korff tried to get Dolan to ask about Ecker's support of "torture." Actually Ecker supported waterboarding not torture but hey .. lets not quibble. Yes Kal, we know it was you no matter how much you deny it. It is kind of amazing Kal, even with all the pounds you have packed on you still are as transparent as a "picture window". Don't you realize Mr. Movie Director .. we got your number.

  4. Absolutely. Point made, point proven, checkmate.

  5. what can be expected from a spoiled brat who never had to go out and find a real job

  6. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff's been off Facebook, off the web, for 4 days.

    In any event... developing...

  7. Chubby little loser. RIP to our spiritual leader:

  8. Expat Life

    Kal's "super model" revealed: Alien

    Read this news article at BBC:

    Remember the mysterious "super model" who assisted Kal K. Korff in his alien investigations..?? Well, now we know the truth! She has changed her name, no doubt. But I assert this is the same super model, genetically engineered, grown in a test tube, and released on the world by a vengeful Korff.

    Obviously, Kaptain Korff is using his Super Special Secret Service technologies to unleash these unnatural beauties on the world. What is the nefarious purpose of these strange and seductive creatures? I think it's time for Expats to tell the world the truth about the Czech super model conspiracy.

    Please, post your warnings to mankind here, now, before it's too late. Mankind thanks you, Epictetus, President and Spokesman, Alarmed Scientists Supporting our Society (ASS'S)

    16:43:37 20.11.2008 epictetus

  9. More:

    And if anyone is still interested in Kal's exploits, you can rely on this crew for the latest ramblings:

    hey Jen - since Kal's an established criminal and a charlatan now, isn't it time for that old 'deleted' discussion thread to come out again? :)

    In the meantime, people - you may want to buy your iPods from anyone but Kal... ;)

    11:35:30 22.09.2008 ShyOfComfortable

  10. and more, from almost 10 years ago. 10 years ago.

    Here's the current location of this link:


    Everyone remember this fellow? He may have left the country, but his name is still mud here. Now with the authorities.

    If you can read Czech, you can read about Kal, the consumer fraudster.

    For everyone else, there's Google Translate:

    09:44:35 22.09.2008 ShyOfComfortable

  11. Korff has passed the 500th day of being PAST DUE on the release of his book or series of books. Just another lie in a lifetime of constant lying.

    Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....

  12. Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE .....Kal K Korff ... a National and International JOKE ..... and repeat.

  13. Ha, funny stuff on that Facebook page. I didn't have to friend Israel to check out the material. Israel has left his page fully open, unlike Kalvin Korff's closed down page.

    There's also new video information up there that I haven't seen anywhere else.

    Check it out Korffer's.

  14. Now it is Five Hundred and One days past due on your book Blubber Butt. Anything to say? .... Nah, didn't think so ..

  15. One of the many issues with Kal K. Korff.

    WAG FAceBook Update

    Korff always screams at his haters that they get it wrong, etc.

    Well Korff, when you're monitored for the rest of your life, you might want to update your lies after you make public statements.

    As Santa might say, "Are you or are you not!"

    Daily Post India: Special Advisor to Owner, Columnist, Investigative Journalist · Chandigarh, India

  16. Nothing to see here.

  17. Care to do a little Korffing

    Korff joined these groups and people should be questioned.

    Alumni of CLARIS Corporation


    K.A.M.I. - Israeli Krav Magen association was embraced by: the Israeli ministry of education, the army, police, "Na'amat" (women's organization) and border control, and was internationally recognized by experts in the field.



  18. Lying about Views and Likes.... oh my.

  19. niedermeyerJanuary 23, 2016

    why do I get the sinking feeling this Manish Tiwari guy is actually just Kal's roommate

  20. Hmm, I vote for "Kal's love interest!"

  21. And the days continue to roll past giving lie to Korff's promise that his book or series of books would be released. As of today, 505 days PAST FUCKING DUE! Nice work there Fat Ass! Nice work ...

  22. Kalvion Korff, continues to hide. name me another Internationally accredited Investigative Journalist who must hide from his "fans"....

    Kal Israel, not hiding from anyone.

    Korff Twitter

    Joined June 2011

    @KalKorff's Tweets are protected.

    Only confirmed followers have access to @KalKorff's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

    Kal Korff: Internationally accredited Investigative Journalist, Columnist, Author, Lecturer, Researcher/Analyst. Has been on CNN, Disc. Channel, FOX, MSNBC, NPR

    TWEETS: 10
    FOLLOWING: 157


    Kal Isreal on twitter


    TWEETS: 35
    LIKES: 1

    Kal Israel
    Exposing Kal K. Korff for the rest of his life.
    Born on March 13, 1962

  23. WAG FaceBook Update

    I notice that Korff posted the latest thing on FaceBook a few days ago. Since that time (Korff has been absent again...), 3 people Liked the post and Andre is the only one to comment.

    You needn't look for any more proof to back up the claims by Korff and his numbers.


  24. Kal hasn't tweeted anything since 3/17/15.
    And that was at Hillary Clinton.

    Hillary, May I ask WHY did you not follow your own State Department Directive which said avoid using private email for Government business?

    Korff on, we are everywhere.

  25. WAG FaceBook Update - January 26, 2015

    If Korff did know who this person(s) was, he wouldn't (couldn't) keep it quiet. Why? Because the material very much worries him; the videos, the audio, the images, Santa, the posts... all of it, he couldn't stop himself from acting out; fully enraged and fueled by emotions only a 12 year old would have.

    I can prove that he doesn't know, but why would I, having him spin in the wind, making false claims about police actions, etc., is way more fun.


    Responding to an Andre post.

    Kal Korff: I was NOT referring to you. I was referring to a cyberstalker nut job who is being investigated by police.

    It is rather revealing (about you) that you thought (it seems) that I was referring to you.

    I wasn't. Otherwise I would have just mentioned your name, it's not like I don't know it! smile emoticon

    I don't mention the name of this nut job cyberstalker only because I am not supposed to go public with it and this whack job "thinks" I do not know who this person is.

    In reality, I have known for a long time now.

    You continue to amaze me, sir.

  26. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 26, 2016

    If there's one person who should be an expert on the police and cyberstalking it would be Kal K. Korff. After all, he stalked and harassed them ruthlessly enough to be sent this.

  27. Ha, ha, ha! That's klassic Korffing right there!

  28. My first visit to this blog. Very interesting. I'll have to spend a bit of time here and give this a once over.

  29. why don't WE grow up?? the email linked above is real, as are all of the communications, documents and transcripts linked here:

    the seriousness of the incident cannot be underplayed or dismissed. kal korff has a well documented history of cyberstalking and this blog + its related exposure site doesn't exist just because he was cheating at Minecraft. get a clue!

    or as the case may be, HI, KAL! HOW'S THE WIFE

    #fucking idiot

  30. get a klue... exactly.

  31. Korff old soundcloud audio files received views / listens into the 10's.

    Kal Israel's last radio appearance rates much, much higher, over 400 and counting:

  32. WAG FaceBook Update

    A rare Korff statement of truth.

    Kal Korff: I'm obviously in the WRONG profession!

  33. Why not subscribe to the new Global Media Giant Korff's claims to write for.

    BTW, Kal's Korner can no longer be accessed using a link on their front page... Gone, no more, vanished. Why to go IT Expert.

    Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.

    Daily World ePaper!

    Thank you for subscribing!

    Sector 8A
    Chandigarh 122001

  34. hey wow Kal! whats up with this police stalking charge? i'd ask you on facebook but your wall is blocked. did the cops really accuse you of harassing them? that guy was a sheriff and it looks like you were seriously disturbed. i would welcome your side of the story.


    Regarding the post starting "Kal Korff: I was NOT referring to you. I was referring to a cyberstalker nut job who is being investigated by police....

    Could we see the whole conversation, please?



  36. Part 1

    Kal Korff: I was NOT referring to you. I was referring to a cyberstalker nut job who is being investigated by police.

    It is rather revealing (about you) that you thought (it seems) that I was referring to you.

    I wasn't. Otherwise I would have just mentioned your name, it's not like I don't know it!

    I don't mention the name of this nut job cyberstalker only because I am not supposed to go public with it and this whack job "thinks" I do not know who this person is.

    In reality, I have known for a long time now.

    You continue to amaze me, sir.

    André Skondras: I was just restating relevant facts from my perspective, that's all! When do the 2nd preview and the new website come out? I noticed this in the end credits of the preview: "Music by Kal Korff". Does this mean that you are the composer ( = a person who writes music) or that you''ll simply be using existing music from other composers? In the latter case, the names of the composers and the performers have to be mentioned in the end credits.

    Chris Gennett: Kal, looking forward to more radio show postings. Keep up the good work brother

  37. whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... whirling.... whirling .... and so on.

  38. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kalvin must really be working hard... on... that "movie" and on his "radio show" files... He's been on Facebook just a few times over the last two weeks. It's nice to have a break from the lunacy of Kalvin Karlton Korff.

    Oh and by the by, Kal Israel got an e-mail from a previously unknown Korffer informing him about a new YouTube page. You might have seen the YouTube clip on the front page:

    Israel told me he has no idea who this person is and he's waiting to see what The Accredited Journalist and The Citizen Reporter uploads to his (or her) YouTube page.

    Udderly Developing....

  39. Look, this Kal Korff person is a well spoken, competent man, with an amazing grasp on the issues effecting our world... ha. ha. ha!

    Check it out:

  40. No new "RADIO SHOW" for what now, weeks? What happened Blubber Butt, you get bored talking to yourself? Hell, you have been talking to yourself for years Tubby. Whats changed? Oh, working on that blockbuster movie I bet! Can't wait to see your big fat ass jumping around waving that toy gun Mr. Tons of Fun. Wave that "roscoe" Kalvin, wave that around!

  41. Kal Korff is no radio show host. It's just BS to get Likes on social media from people who are too gullible to admit to themselves he is full of crap and has been since October 19 1973. The day he went insane after humiliatingly being held to the same standards as his classmates were. Called to the principal's office and sent to the special classes for difficult students, because that's what Kal was.

  42. WAG FaceBook Update

    I heard from a fellow student of Korff's that he was a bully, or as much as he could be, to the younger students. Why doesn't this surprise anyone.

  43. This asshole, Korff, proved to be a bully for years attempting to intimidate people on the web. "I'll SUE you Kevin Randle, I'll SUE you David Biedny, I'll SUE you Don Ecker, I'LL SUE you Michael Horne, I'll SUE you Billy Meier.

    Kalvin, I'll shove an ICE CREAM CONE up your FAT ASS you FUCKING MORON! By now Lard ASS everyone knows what a fucking JOKE you are. A loud mouthed nothing STILL TRYING TO PROVE you are somebody. Well Blubber Butt, you are ... a LOSER that is HIDING OUT in a Third World Hole you Qum Quat.

  44. I heard from a fellow student of Korff's that he was a bully, or as much as he could be, to the younger students.

    Lecturing. The obsession with control over not so willing audiences continues.

  45. Yes. And, Kalvin did have a college aged girl as a girlfriend for a short time so you add that into the minor media fame he achieved and you have what we've come to title;

    Kalvin Karton Korff - Man-Child.
