Monday, March 21, 2016

Korffer Andre WINS!!!!

Cowardly Korff Lashes Out - André Wins Again!

Here's proof that Korff is cutting and pasting much of the "movie" he claims to be "directing". Re-watch the Korff "directed" preview and then watch these videos to see where Korff took much of his material from. Video 1 @ 4:21 / Video 22:48, 3:38, 5:12 and 5:18. The lies and confabulation kontinue. Big thanks to Korffer Andre for bringing this to the Syndicates attention.


  1. How can ol' "Lard Ass" answer Andre when he is comsumed with comsuming his next Large PIZZA? He can juggle two things, you know, like chewing gum while walking. Ain't that right Fat Ass?

  2. The Unknown KorfferMarch 21, 2016

    Sucks having birthdays when your life is a mess. All the hell that is becomes impossible to deny, especially if forced to endure it alone. Best thing to do is lash out at everyone else or better yet hide the fact that it is your birthday and sulk. Which is why I am automatically suspicious of anyone who dislikes birthdays. Usually means they are fucked up, living in denial, and don't like being reminded of it. I love my birthdays. They get better every year and I don't even drink anymore.

    Make sure WAG keeps an eye out for Kalvin's bloated fingers boasting about blocking Andre and lecturing his remaining "friends" to be careful not to question his endless spew of vomit. Which is what that website zeta reticuli website is. A bucket of steaming vomit with nothing useful for anybody except Kal Korff and his psychopath ego.

  3. Great Korffing Andre. Sad to see that you've been banned from Korff's locked down FB wall, but that doesn't seem to have slowed you down much. Good Korffing to you Sir.

  4. niedermeyerMarch 25, 2016

    andre's banishment from korff's flakebook just goes to show how kal can't handle having holes poked in his fantasy world. andre had him on the ropes and still does, though since it seems so few people pay any attention to what kal actually does on there that the incident will pass as just another belch in the flow of meaningless data. likely already forgotten.

    so good work bro! you got somewhere. and in the end kal's existence is lessened by not having such a running dialog. andre likely added some roughage to the slop kal dishes out and may have helped generate some interest. without that banter it will be just kal bragging about this or kal lying about that. which is probably very boring for the few who do take note. only those who pity him interact.

  5. nobody respects kal thats for sure

  6. Kowardly Kunt Korff

  7. Nice koif Korff.


  9. kal = blue balled loser who can't get laid without paying for itMarch 26, 2016

    i doubt kal likes the word very much because he's never done it. or if he has its because he paid for it and was told after that he was inadequate. women require satisfaction or they can get spiteful and micropenis won't cut it without additional external stimuli. use of the word likely only works to remind kal of his inadequacy.

    now he's in India too, sticks out like a sore thumb as not just a foreign caucasian but a butt ugly and grossly obese one, and likely unable to convince even the skankiest of local B-type girls to service his flabby urges. so anyone who reminds him that it's rosie palmer in town for a visit or nothing is likely on his shit list.

    he's also a raving hypocrite, got seriously shown up by Andre and is trying to save face with the six to ten people who take enough pity on him to interact. which was a great point: Who amongst kal's meager active FB friends actually interact with him? those that do surely know he is lying and exaggerating everything he posts. FB already encourages people to be somewhat dishonest about how great their lives are, and if your life SUCKS what can you do? so it's almost a sure bet that those who do leave Kal praise are doing so out of pity, so he doesn't go off and harm himself or worse yet, cause a disruption in his family that might inconvenience others.

    better to humor Kal along with a few likes, encouraging messages or just telling him he is loved. Which is exactly how any of us would relate to a known mental patient we are acquainted with; quiet calm and reassuring positive reinforcement from afar. it's also a sure bet his family is grateful he is somewhere like India, as far away from them as one could possibly be.

  10. WAG FaceBook Update

    Sorry to hear about Andre's banning, he did a wonderful job. I hope he keeps after it.

    I've been monitoring Korff in regards to his "wife". A year later, no mention, in any way.

    Poor Korff; he's so self important that at the same time while he trolls for Likes and humble brags for attention, he can't bring himself to be even a bit human or normal and share something real in his life.

    "I've lost my wife and I'm wrecked over it."

  11. Circa 1980

    Today's High School Reporter report; Senior and UFO Guy, Kalvin Korff, reports that he has another article in the next issue. Way to go Kalvin.

    March 27, 2016

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that I have a full page special in today's Daily World newspaper, the print edition and online via their ePaper. As I have said before, it is always an honor as an investigative journalist and columnist to have a full page anything, especially Specials. This article is about the recent attacks in Brussels, I hope you find it informative. Thanks again!

  12. "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"... "you can't take a half a step past your own ego or crazy"...

    ... rinse and repeat.

  13. Kalvin Korff's efforts at his new Global Media Giant are wildly $$$$$$$ !!!!

    Dailyworld TV -

    Subscribers - 3
    Views Per Korff Videos - 6.5

    New movie preview not released. Movie website not promoted. No new radio show in months.

    The failure kontinues.

  14. Come back to Prague, Karlton. Martina, Milos, Vojtech, and many others would love to meet you down a dark ally.

    You are scum, Korff.

  15. Kal Korff = Failure At LifeApril 02, 2016

    ... I guess I can sort of see how the musings of a disgraced flying saucer expert could be of remote interest to those looking for factual information on a global terror incident. Sure. Almost the same subjects: Flying saucers and terrorism. After all, one involves flying saucers being flown by space aliens and the other involves terrorists committing atrocities for socio-political reasons. I can see how one would regard the two subjects as pretty much intertwined If you sniff enough cleaning solvents or spin around in circles until you get dizzy and pass out. And would agree with Kal Korff that someone who is an expert in one would have likewise knowledge about the other to the point of writing newspaper articles about them for a non-existed global media giant in India which gets 20 page views on a good day.


  16. WAG FaceBook Update

    Look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that I have another full page special in today's edition of Daily World newspaper. This time it is on Obama's nuclear 'security' summit, and how the 'ghosts' of Prague have now come back to haunt him. Remember when he said that the USA's relations with Russia were "reset"? Now Russia will DOUBLE the number of nukes they have, they're breaking the START treaty. Only Obama could call this a "success."

  17. And Again, Nothing About India for this Indian NewspaperApril 03, 2016

    ... I guess I can sort of see how the musings of a disgraced flying saucer expert could be of remote interest to those looking for factual information on international nuclear weapons policy. Sure. Almost the same subjects: Flying saucers and nuclear weapons. After all, one involves flying saucers being flown by space aliens and the other involves strategies for managing nuclear weapons stockpiles. I can see how one would regard the two subjects as pretty much intertwined If you sniff enough cleaning solvents or spin around in circles until you get dizzy and pass out. And would agree with Kal Korff that someone who is an expert in one would have likewise knowledge about the other, to the point of writing newspaper articles about them for a non-existed global media giant in India which gets 20 page views on a good day.

