Sunday, April 10, 2016

Kalvin Karlton Korff Banned From FaceBook Group!


  1. Ah yes, the "great" rotund one .. making friends and influencing people .. no matter where he goes.

    Nice move there oh great FLABBY One ...

  2. niedermeyerApril 10, 2016

    exactly what most everyone's wanted to do to kal since he was eleven: kick him out for being a loudmouthed braggart, source of petty personal conflicts and compulsive liar

  3. Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot Kal Korff Is An Idiot

  4. The Unknown KorfferApril 12, 2016

    Cat's out of the bag at last.

  5. WAG Update

    First there was the book or series of books (on all manner of subjects), then the radio show, then there was the movie and it's trailers, and now we have this "new" failure...

    It seems that shiny things have taken Kalvin away from another Korff effort to make himself honored and humbled.

    Kalvin started posting "news videos" on the YouTube channel of his Global Media Giants. This effort lasted about two weeks, ending at the close of March 2016. I for one will miss those videos showcasing Kalvin's wife beater t-shirts and his "up and over the triple chin and into his nose" iDevice camera work.

    Kalvin has undertaken dozens of efforts since releasing his last book, last century, only to have every single one, sputter to a stop.

  6. Sherman CarsonApril 15, 2016

    Ahh, so THIS is what Kalvin's "movie" is all about. Trying to cash in on an actual movie with an actual cast, an actual production by actual professionals and to be released into actual theaters. With prominent credit to Stanton Friedman. Now it all makes sense.

    Kal's "movie" - or rather, a "trailer" clip of his never to be actually finished "movie" - is free on YouTube. It shows pictures of his special 8th grade homework assignment mom helped him with and random scenes involving Indian models during a runway show. Then people sit around having conversations while holding their Apple electronic devices. All for unearned praise from people on Facebook.

    So sad.

  7. WAG Facebook Update

    Notice that lying Kalvin Korff can't even tell the truth about his "driver", read taxi cap or scooter cab. Pathologic.

    Reminds me of the last Thank You in the forward of his Billy Meier book, Kalvin thanks his taxi cab driver for talking him where he needed to go. Not his Mother, or his girlfriend or teacher, no, he tanks a taxi cab driver.

    Kal Korff: Good morning everyone. Well, on the way to the newspaper office this morning I had the "pleasure" of listening to, please don't laugh, JUSTIN BIEBER music! The driver who picked me up is a real fan. Doh!

  8. Do we care....

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I admit I have been a slacker lately not posting some of the most recent articles I have had the honor of getting published in the newspaper, Daily World. Here are some of them, hope you find them of interest. Thanks!

  9. Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that I have another full page special in today's issue of Daily World newspaper. This time the article is about India's purchase of French made fighter aircraft and how it will impact things and why the USA lost the tender for this. Hope you find it to be of interest. THANKS!
