Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hey man... Fuck You!

10 books!!!!


  1. Bloody hell! Here we go again with the lunacy! It was only a matter of time lads before Kal K. Korff let his delusions take over again. Now I suspect he shall unleash his mental illness on the unsuspecting and start going back after the wacky flying saucer people and spout on about his imaginary special secret agent nonsense. 10 books???? Rubbish as usual. How long until Kal K. Korff gets kicked out of India or is forced to flee? This has shades of Prague written from top to bottom. The meltdown is about to happen again! Nobody is going to publish Kal and this will be more rubbish about publishing books from Kal where he claims to be doing it but then never delivers. Kal couldn't even self publish his own book if you handed him a completed manuscript and walked him into a copy shop. For fuck's sake Kal, get back on your medication you madman!

  2. "... doubts based on no evidence whatsoever..."

    Ha, ha, ha.

  3. It will be "fall" before you know it, Kal. Then winter.

  4. "... winter is coming...."

  5. "For Raj Reddi, the PC market DECLINED another four percent this year, continuing its trend for several years of shrinking. Apple increased their sales of conventional PCs year over year by seven percent. Microsoft is also releasing a new keyboard cover for the iPad, they want to make money since iPad leads the world in tablet sales." Kal is WRONG ONCE AGAIN on this issue as usual. PC sales are UP for the first time in 5 years due to the explosion in PC based video gaming. Duh. Apple computers do not support many of these games you can only find on a PC. PC sales in the UK have risen significantly and in the US many office stores that only carried laptops are now carrying a wide variety of PCs. A PROVEN FACT is that Android based smart phones have been OUTSELLING iPhones for the last 8 years. Slate tablet sales like the iPad have DROPPED nearly 10%. iPad DOES NOT lead the world in tablet sales. Kal is DEAD WRONG like he usually is.

    Facts don't lie but Kal K. Korff does because of his UNHEALTHY CHILD LIKE OBSESSION with Apple. Kal tried his best to be a big shot at Apple but was only able to achieve being a LOWLY technical phone support operator taking calls from customers with questions. A trained monkey could do that job. Steve Jobs is dead and were he alive he'd never let a LOSER like Kal within a mile of him. In fact Mr. Jobs would laugh and shake his head at Kal's claims and the FACT Kal had to bail out of Claris because the other team members on Hyper Card figured out Kal wasn't qualified to be on the team and had weaseled his way onto the team with his big fat mouth. Kal claimed he had a brain tumor as his reason for suddenly leaving the team at Claris. Reality is that he was about to be exposed and chose to LIE as a way out instead of facing the music. Sound familiar? Kal had to flee Prague too. Looks like the wheels are about to come off of Kal again. Crash and burn. Run. Repeat.

  6. For a guy claiming to be such an expert in technology Kal doesn't know what he's talking about. The above post perfectly shows Kal does not keep up with trends in computing. Gaming PC sales are huge right now!! I think Karl is just too busy licking the asshole of Apple to care about facts.
