Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What the fuck is wrong with Art Levine?

Levine kontinues to ask Kalvin for his input, etc. ues Art, we know you did an article on Kalvin decades ago ( LINK ) but really... are you still willing to "work" with a proven liar and fraud like Kalvin... I guess you are.

If you haven't seen it, Kalvin did a very, Very, VERY long Skype "interview" with Levine a while back. LINK

BTW, Kalvin never responded to Levine's FaceBook post, at least in public.


  1. Ha, ha, ha! Here we go Korffer's... 20 books, 20 books!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!

    20 books!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Kalvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Raj Reddi: What book series?

    Kal Korff: The six volume series on the Big T I have been working on for years. The second volume is all about the different ideologies, how they overlap and how they are different, so that people understand why it is that these various groups think and act the way they do.

    Tomorrow the video goes up showing the first wave of 10 books coming and what they're about, then it shows the next ten after that.

    Raj Reddi: I thought you were referring to something you had published already.

  2. Promise - Claim - Lie UPDATE

    No videos posted yet. In fact, it's been over two months since any video's have been posted on Kalvin's Media Giant's YT channel:

    This was posted a few days ago:

  3. Kalvin's "Noble World" school website appears to have been turned into an ad site for online Viagra orders:

  4. Nah, you need to clean your computer a little. The template site is still there...

  5. Kalvin finally took down his "extra" education from his FaceBook.... All it says now is:

    Studied Science Information Technology at Various
    Past: John F. Kennedy High School (Fremont)

    This is as truthful as he'll ever get.

  6. BUTT, it's still there in another place... lying prick....

    Class of 1981 · Science Information Technology · Worlds End Creek, South Australia, Australia
    I finished high school in three years, but stayed a fourth year to graduate with my friends and people I knew.

    Hey Kalvin, many (if not most students in the '70's) had enough (or very close to enough) credits to graduate a year early. Many (if not most) students worked a real job everyday during their Senior year. That's the way it was set up. You didn't "stay" you didn't have enough credits to graduate, so you "stayed", filling your time with a few extra credit classes and then you graduated in your 4th year. This is a proven fact. Stop lying.

  7. WAG Update

    No video, no book, no updates from the Bulbous One.

  8. "The main reason I do not use Microsoft products is because as a rule, they suck. I'm not the only one who feels this way, countless millions do. Consumer Reports now refuses to recommend their loser Surface tablet because at least 25% of those who buy it, complain." The main reason Kal doesn't use Microsoft is that he'd rather jerk off while fantasizing about sucking off Steve Jobs then swallowing with a smile. It is clear that Art Levine does not know about Kal's special secret service delusions or his manic activities and lies. There is no book series just like there wasn't before and just like there never will be.

  9. Hey there Art Levine, you might want to have a little talk with Kal K. Korff about mental issues because it is pretty clear Kal is in dire need of serious help where his mental health is concerned. Hopefully Art Levine reads this blog and gets a clue about how delusional Kal really is.

  10. The Syndicate reached out to Levine numerous times. He has signed off on Kalvin's lunatic behavior.

  11. Where was the mighty Kernal Korff and his special secret services when this went down in his own backyard? I thought Kal had the answer to all the problems in the world?
