Tuesday, November 21, 2017

McCunttell & Korff / Truth-Free Since 1973


  1. Dr. TheopolisNovember 23, 2017

    "Flying Saucer Expert"

  2. The Internet Doesn't ForgetNovember 23, 2017

    "Dinner With The Troops"

    Remember that one, Kal Korff? Claiming you were going to have Thanksgiving Dinner with US soldiers in 2010, to get "Likes" from three or four pinheads on Fakebook?

    Just for "Likes", you exploited the men and women nobly serving our country in uniform, parted from their families and in harm's way.

    You are a disgrace and owe every one of them an apology.

  3. Now that's a Thanksgiving dream.

  4. Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored and genuinely humbled to report that I have a full page Special in today's issue of Daily World newspaper. This article compares India's military capabilities with other nations and argues that India (despite spending billions on upgrades) continues to lag further behind Communist China. As this article shows, India has been trying for SIX YEARS NOW to make its own 'homegrown' rifle and has failed. THAT, takes "special talent," doesn't it? Now it is partnering with Israel to solve this problem. I hope you enjoy this article, THANKS again for your support.

  5. Kal, you blubbering shit smear, you must getting desperate to fill your tiny space in that fifth rate rag. Kal, you undoubtedly saw a story on it somewhere else and did what you are best at, which is ripping off the works of others. This was covered by the real media MONTHS AGO during the summer. Poor dumb desperate Kal, always a dollar short and a weak late. LMFAO. Yes, indeed, big time want-to-be journalist Kal K. Korff late to the story and plagiarizing the works of others AGAIN. Only a mouth breathing wad of scum like Kal is stupid enough to think people don't see right through him. You're fooling no one, Kal. The Internet is a great place and you, Kal K. Korff, cannot escape it. Try as you might to pay to change web search engine results or otherwise manipulate them, Kal, we have your number and will continue to publicly expose you and your nonsense.

  6. Happy Red Mogul Balloon!! :DNovember 28, 2017

    Hey! How's all that iBOOK WRITING and iBOOK SELLING on iTUNES?? To keep on schedule Kal should be up to about volume sixteen. Let's check his vendor link ....



    OH NOE! its the same six titles which were there two months ago. WHERE'S THIS WRITING AND PRODUCTION MACHINE? and for that matter,

    Don't tell us he MADE IT ALL UP??

    You SUCK, Kal! Oh LOL, what a joke, fifty five years and counting.
    Total dillweed. Stay in India forever, please.


  7. Major Apple security flaw grants admin access on macOS High Sierra without password. Oh how Kal's mighty Apple has fallen. LMAO I bet Kal keeps a picture of Steve Jobs in his wallet for those public bathroom moments.

  8. I'm hoping Santa in a Floppy Hat will get it together this year and belch out a seasonal message.

    He said he was going to whip something up last year, but I suppose the drunken old sot fell asleep.

  9. "Hey Trump haters who took to the streets to protest against Trump for what he said about grabbing women 12 YEARS ago. WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING BY THE MILLIONS AGAINST THE WELL OVER 250 incidents of RAPE, MOLESTING, HARASSMENT, GROPING and other incidents BY LOTS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE NOW? Hypocrites!" The only hypocrite here is YOU, Kal, you bloated wad of filth. You, Kal, are a chauvinistic, misogynistic pig who has a track record of treating women like trash. Send any shower pics lately? Just who is taking that picture of you in bed with what many speculate is a prostitute in Prague? Did you pay her in cheeseburgers? Kal, you have a long history of making tasteless sexual jokes posting pictures of yourself with women, claiming to judge beauty pageants, lying about being married to an Indian princess and always trying to associate yourself with beautiful women. But the truth of it is clear from your immature posts and the pictures you've taken that show you degrading women and using them as objects. Shower pictures? Really? Anthony Weiner Junior you are. It seems you used up several women who are scared to talk about it with anyone and want to forget about you all together. You want to criticize others when it appears you are part of the problem and have been for years.





  10. oddly enough when i look at the daily world facebook page i do not see any posting involving a story kal has written. hmmmmmm.

  11. Dr. TheopolisDecember 01, 2017

    "Summary Dismissal due to Misrepresentation of Character"

  12. Bubble Butt said on the front page of this thread: "One of the things that bothers me about the USA and India are their obsessions with the cult of being a celebrity. No thanks!"

    Korff, you phony lard assed cock-sucker, your whole life for the last 20 plus years was you TRYING TO BE A UFO/CONSPIRACY CELEBRITY! And Tubby, you FAILED ON A MASSIVE SCALE! You, however, did suceed on one level ... you are a WORLD WIDE JOKE ON ANOTHER MASSIVE SCALE! Congrats Knuckle Head, Congrats!

  13. Apple's had a shockingly bad week of software problems the news is reporting. Can you imagine what a shambles that company would be if Kal had fooled them into climbing up the ladder. Glad that his ruse was discovered by the team at Claris and Kal turned tail and quit instead of being fried in disgrace. Kal told them he had a brain tumor and had to quit. ROTFLOL Kal is a life long loser like his convicted felon brother who is in prison again until 2019. Wonder why Kal hasn't used the super duper big time secret special services to bust his brother out? LMAO

  14. hahahahaah look at the burn out convict brother of the mighty kal korff hahahahahaa http://grantspassmugshots.com/profile/853207/kurtis-kern-korff-1/
    the same brother kal fucked over with his shenanigans in court when his bro went to sue the cops and kal cost them the lawsuit with his delusional special services nonsense hahahahahah

  15. Dr TheopolisDecember 04, 2017

    "Vexatious Litigant"

    This is fun!

  16. Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my full page Special article on Ivanka Trump's recent trip to India and my blunt assessment of it. Hope you enjoy it. It's always an honor to be asked to write full page specials, as a journalist it is a privilege and dream come true, while also humbling. As usual, your comments are always welcome.

  17. Kal Korff: Hi everyone. This full page Special was published on November 12, 2017 in Daily World newspaper. Hope you like it and find it informative.

  18. Kal Korff: Hello again. Here's another full page Special article I wrote which was published on November 26, 2017 in Daily World newspaper. I had eight of them published in a row, once each week, which is an honor beyond words. I am now finally posting them thanks to your interest and inquiries.

  19. "Hi everyone. Here's my full page Special article on Ivanka Trump's recent trip to India and my blunt assessment of it. Hope you enjoy it. It's always an honor to be asked to write full page specials, as a journalist it is a privilege and dream come true, while also humbling. As usual, your comments are always welcome." So she's empowering women eh? Unlike Kal who is a misogynist who took every opportunity to exploit women. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rS0x9YWym44/TWDM6Bt0XXI/AAAAAAAAArk/KyyfAMi265M/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/korff-009.jpg If Kal is concerned with empowering women then why is he praising Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump? Because Kal will get in line with whatever is popular for his own greedy needs. Kal is in a country that does not give a shit about women. Gee I wonder why?

  20. It must be humbling to be so honorable.

  21. Ah yes, Kalvin Karlton Korff, the Pillsbury Doughboy's "slow brother". Keep swinging Doughboy, keep swinging.

  22. Wow, 1192 days Past Due on that book or series of books on Terrorism and UFO Frauds there Kalvin. I guess that just won't ever make it out, right? Just more crmsappola flowing outta your Pie Hole. Yea Tubby, we here at the Korffing Syndicate still keeping an eye out for you. After your tantrums back about a decade ago we decided you just won't keep that shit up ANYMORE you DumbAss. We are gonna follow you probably until you shed off that mortal coil. Suck it up you Buttercup.

    Say AssWipe, how is Christmas celebrated in that Third World Shithole you live in? Any snow, candy canes, any sugar plums dancing in your head?

  23. Dr. TheopolisDecember 17, 2017

    "Paintball Warrior"

  24. Colonel Korffs i-Books list on the Apple store. Unchanged since September.


  25. Yep that is the Kal K. Korff everyone knows. Big on promises with his big fat mouth and years late on action if ever at all. I know I'll be enjoying Christmas with my wonderful family and friends while Kal K. Korff wallows in his own mental instability while self medicating on KFC one bucket after another in a country he was forced to because he simply could not keep himself together at the seams. Serves him right.

  26. self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another... self medicating on KFC one bucket after another...

    Merry Christmas Lard Ass

  27. Looks like Kal's beloved Apple got caught trying to FOOL consumers when Apple FINALLY HAD TO ADMIT it had to slow the performance in some iPhones in order to make the subpar battery last longer. Way to go bozos.

  28. hows the inflatable wife korff

  29. Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!

  30. Kal is in a corner laying in the fetal position crying over this: Apple faces multiple lawsuits over iPhone battery speed
    Soon after news emerged that Apple admitted to slowing down iPhone performance as the devices' batteries age, multiple lawsuits have been filed against the company.

    Apple engaged in consumer fraud by conspiring to weaken the performance of its own product while lying to consumers. We all know Kal happily sucks off ans swallows anything Apple. Kal won't even admit that PC sales have been on the rise the last few years. Why? Because no matter what it is if it doesn't fit into the narrow view of Kal and his huberis then it is either inferior or a lie.

  31. kal korf is a human buttplug

  32. Kalvin Karlton Korff, "I love butt plugs!"

  33. McCunttell & Korff haven't been very busy.

    Korff's last "show was 12/5/2017: From Zimbabwe to President Donald Trump and More!

    The total show count is 11 covering 5 months.

    As far as his "books" go.... Same 4 "books" and two Anthologies... and not a single review.

    Let's go to YouTube: In total, Korff's 11 videos received 975 views, if you take out his JFK show (anything JFK gets a lot of hits on Youtube) his total is; 557.

    How about Twitter: Last tweet September 9th. 118 Followers.

    Instagram? No account.

    Linkedin: Now this is interesting. If you go to his page you'll see a very good run down of his claimed employment:


    We screen grabbed it all for future use age.

    2017 in the like of Kalvin Karlton Korff; Embracing the Failure.

  34. From Korff Linkedin profile of lies:

    I am grateful to have a diverse career working in more than one profession simultaneously. I believe that life is too short to do "just one thing," unless that makes you happy of course. My interests are wide: they include everything from arts, literature, political and social issues, science and technology, history and literature, analysis and intelligence, music, education, and of course journalism and media.

  35. Post that LinkedIn profile. Kal already erased it. LMFAO Does the guy who claims to know so much about technology not realize you cannot escape the Internet???

  36. Nah, it's still there, try again.

  37. As I write this post, it is Christmsa Eve, December 24, 2017. Today old Lard Ass is now, and officially, 1200 (THAT IS TWELVE HUNDRED DAYS) Past Due on his "book or series of books" detailing his exciting career in terrorist bashing, A-bomb hunting, Neo-Nazi exposing, KFc EATING, Indian Princess marrying, takikng Mommy to Dubai, Wells Fargo security guarding, et.

    EPIC FUCKING FAIL you delusional Lard Ass. Yea, we are still counting.

    Merry Christmas

  38. What an amazing day I had with my family and friends. Great dinners the last 2 nights, wonderful company and great gifts. A nice week off work all paid. And I did not have to lie to anyone about who I am unlike Kal K. Korff. I wonder how that fool Kal K. Korff spent Christmas this year in a country he doesn't belong in. He probably spent it stuffing his fat ass and staring at his computer all night. What a sad clown Kal K. Korff is.

  39. WAG FaceBook Update

    He's been very quiet; no Christmas posts, no post really...

    Must be writing books and making movies....

  40. "He's been very quiet; no Christmas posts, no post really...

    Must be writing books and making movies...."

    Or eating KFC by the bucket full ...

  41. The fat fuck is back at it again on Facebook sucking Apple's dick like there's no tomorrow. Kal never posts anything bad about Apple because he has uneven standards and is a hypocritical shit pile. Apple will lose those lawsuits over CONSPIRING to DEFRAUD CONSUMERS and LYING to the public. There are far more phone using Android than iOS. Kal should get used to that FACT. Figures that Kal would support a company like Apple that would not help the FBI unlock the iPhone of a TERRORIST! Kal must think radical terrorism is fine so long as it has something to do with Apple. The admin of this blog needs to do a new post.

  42. Korff's last Daily World News Video

    Published on Mar 3, 2017


    Bored I guess....
