Thursday, November 2, 2017

McCunttell & Korff - Tuff Question Unanswered


  1. The Apple Thief speaks....

    Kal Korff: I have only had the privilege of seeing two REAL Apple stores, what passes for an "Apple" store here in backwards India is a frigging joke. Boy what a huge DIFFERENCE! I was able to get basic things that I just can't get in India and in Dubai and Abu Dhabi then, no taxes and US prices. What I got would have cost me 50 percent MORE for no VALID reason here in "tolerant" India.

    After my Mom and I got back from the UAE, I went straight to the eCurrents "Apple" dealer and met with one of their managers and told him he should just APE what the REAL Apple stores are doing and carry those products. He gave me a BS excuse that they have a committee that meets ONCE a YEAR to decide what products to carry and what's hot.

    I told him he doesn't get it, and that the items I bought, I had brought them with me and showed him, WERE bestsellers, if he bothered checking and that unless INDIANS are MADE AWARE of what great stuff is out there, they're screwing their customers.

    It was ridiculous. Then he told me I could always order it online. What a frigging bozo, yes, and NOT from his store but a competitor.

    I had been bugging them for MONTHS to purchase a simple omnidirectional mic that is external and connects to the Lightning port on any iOS device. They kept telling me they were out of stock. I never believed them, four months later, nothing. They never carried this item. This wasn't the first time they lied to me.

    Then I went to a REAL Apple store in the UAE and they had exactly what I wanted in stock as a STANDARD item!


  2. This wasn't the first time they lied to me.

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So, Kalvin walks into a 3D version of a movie; the trailers are in 3D, people are wearing and holding the glasses... and he sits down and he watches a 2+ hour 3D movie, apparently with no 3D glasses (or did he pay for them knowing he didn't want to see 3D), in a shitty dark screen (as he states it) and then he complains (on FB) about that AND about the woman not knowing clear enough English (to service Kalvin) in her OWN country... And he still loved the movie.

    Kal Korff: I saw the movie Thor Ragnarok, AWESOME!!! unfortunately I saw it in a shitty dark screen in 3D. I had specifically asked to NOT see the 3D version because of this reason, but the woman at the ticket counter understood HINGLISH when I was speaking English!

    Aman Jaiswal: no one gives a shit sir

    Damon Raider Faulkner: Whats hinglish?

  4. KKK's artwork should be called: "I like big boobies."

  5. lying about being married lol how's the wife kal. nobody ever believed you. not being called out on a lie isn't the same as getting away with fooling everyone. you're a liar and your "art" the masturbation fantasies of a 12 year old. the age you never evolved beyond

  6. kal works in india because he can't get a job in the states outside of working in a place where he has to ask people if they want that super sized. kal's mommy gave him money so he didn't have to work and he lived with her for a while just before running off to prague and mommy paid for that trip too.
