Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dreaming of new ass... settled for McCunttell


  1. Alec Baldwin: "Hey, look, another greasy twat with a Twitter account begging for attention. "

  2. Kal posted a hilarious article about how Apple was voted number one by.......Millenials. ROFLMFAO!!!!! Kal keeps posting nonsense. Kal's is on about how many new jobs were added and he gives Trump all the credit. I wonder if Kal knows that this the highest it has been in nearly two years. Gosh two years ago was Obama. Only fucking politically motivated idiots cite numbers favorable to their political likes. Other idiots have tried and it was shown that Obama's era had higher numbers. What's this prove? Not a fucking thing and only fucktards post this nonsense as justification to their beliefs.

    Kal's most recent "broadcast" has a whole 4 plays LMFAO!! Kal is also an idiot for being a die hard cheerleader even when he is wrong which is most of the time. If the iPhone X is so superior then why did Apple have to cut production because of poor sales? Then Kal says Google is screwing over consumers by not supporting iPhone headphones from a few years ago. Anyone giving a one sided view and being a cheerleader no matter what for a product, person, political view, or the like is not a critical thinker by any stretch of the imagination. Kal cannot be bothered by facts because his feeble mind is made up. Kal is fucking stupid enough to take an article he finds on the internet and quote it as proof. Kal a journalist? hardly.

  3. So Kal is judging U2 frontman Bono? LMAO Bono has done more for humanitarian causes that Kal will ever do. Bono has more success, fame, and relevance int he world than Kal ever will. Kal doesn't amount to a shit stain on the ass of a U2 roadie.

  4. Kal, please try to come up with something more articulate and original than 'butt of course'. You already look like a big enough ass and these childish phrasing you think to be clever are anything but.

  5. Wow. Kal really is a man child. I don't think I've ever witnessed another adult act like him. Kal's repugnant and his attempts at professional level journalism are abysmal on a good day.

  6. Kal: For all you lovers and apologists for Chinese Communism, this is for you. I look forward to seeing your 'outrage' and mass protests. Didn't think so.

    Kal is the biggest Apple cheerleader of all time and guess what? Apple products are all made in China and Apple allows the Chinese government control over data so Apple can do business in China. Yep. Apple allows the Chinese government backdoor access to iPhones so the Chinese government can spy on its citizens but Apple would not help the FBI get into the iPhone of a known terrorist. Apple supports communist China with billions every year. Kommie Kal is an idiotic hypocrite with clearly uneven standards.

  7. I wonder why Kernal Korff isn't interviewing Hilary Clinton on her trip to India. There's no way the Secret Service would ever let a fucking nut like Kal K. Korff near Hilary Clinton. That's why.

  8. March 13 was Kalvin's birthday... not a single Happy Birthday on his FaceBook wall...

  9. George Clooney and Oprah have more money, talent, and class in a single strand of pubic hair than Kal ever will in a million life times. Both have also done more for humanitarian causes unlike Kal who only steals from humanitarians. So why has big time journalist Kal landed an interview with Hilary Clinton while she's in India? Surely the "accredited journalist" Kal K. Korff and his "media giant" have the king of sway to land such a huge interview. Yeah I didn't think so LOL

  10. Let me get this straight. Known con man and liar Kal K. Korff is calling out people on Facebook for not having morals? LMAO Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

  11. There's a reason Kal K. Korff continues to criticize media outlets like the NY Times. It is because Kal knows he will NEVER have what it takes to be a REAL journalist and he will NEVER work for a major media outlet. Just look at the third rate scribe jobs Kal has had to take. There is no such thing as an "accredited journalist" and the fact that the people Kal works for have not FIRED him over this BOGUS claim proves how low tier they are in the media world. More evidence to this is the people Kal works for have not investigated his past LIES of being a colonel in a fake organization or his RIDICULOUS claim of having a 500 book contract or having written 10,000 articles. The major news organizations have FIRED idiots for lying about less. Kal K. Korff is and will continue to be a complete BOZO.

  12. Kal on Facebook about former FBI director James Comey "I predict you will omit certain facts that already have been proven that you have avoided." Just like Kal has avoided his entire life about facts such as Kal does not speak German fluently, never finished high school early, does not have a PhD, was ever a colonel in any organization, has never been an accredited journalist, never had a 500 book deal, has never been involved in counter terrorism, never had any flying saucer people charged with fraud, lied about his work at Claris and the fact the team discovered Kal was full of shit, has never been a real bureau chief, was not a beauty contest judge as claimed, was forced to flee Prague, was never the A bomb kid, has never written 10,000 articles, has made no actual or verifiable contribution to the tech world, has never had nano tech in his possession, my God this list could go on forever.

  13. If everything Kal comments on after the fact where he always says "sadly predictable" is so obvious then why does he always post about it afterwards? LOL Kal is a clown who needs to come up with some slightly more clever phrases. This is 2018, not 1980 and nobody but Kal's mommy thinks he's clever.

  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAA! All the way back in 1998 Kal K. Korff was giving speeches to imaginary press conferences. HAAAHAHHAAAAA! http://www.rense.com/ufo/kalkorff.htm

  15. So Kal made a promise, had a pretend press conference and then didn't deliver. Yep that's the Kal K. Korff we all know. Nothing has changed in 20 years. #kalkorff
