Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Gender-less Korff ~ Gobble Gobble


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2019

    Nice boobs Kalvin.

  2. AnonymousMay 07, 2019

    Kal Korff: Bullschlachen! Hate speech is not protected by the Constitution. Fire those “educators” at the University who think wrongly on this, after giving them one chance to get s clue.

    Kalvin is on record: Hate speech is not protected by the Constitution.


    Kalvin is a mental midget.

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2019


  4. AnonymousMay 11, 2019

    Kal changed his facebook status but I cannot see it. Did he and his mommy finally tie the knot?

  5. AnonymousMay 11, 2019

    Just took a look, if he did it wasn't anything big... maybe a new lie... no relationship up date that I could see.

  6. AnonymousMay 12, 2019

    Kal on facebook "Iran-Contra era "hero" Lt. Col. Oliver North likely had a role in leaking these. He lost a coup recently at the NRA and is now out. Some of this material was apparently being used to pressure Wayne LaPierre to resign." Kal said he delivered weapons directly to Oliver North for him to smuggle to rebels. lmfao What a load of horseshit. More delusions and lies from Kal Korff.

  7. AnonymousMay 12, 2019

    The master of failure Kal K. Korff strikes again! No Annie Jacobson book as promised. I mean to say no Annie Jacobson pdf. hahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahha

  8. AnonymousMay 13, 2019

    https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/13/tech/apple-app-store-supreme-court/index.html Kal must be in a corner in the fetal position crying and pissing himself

  9. AnonymousMay 13, 2019

    Kal on facebook "Been saying and reporting this for years, including how both Obama and Kerry outright lied about it." Wonder if this is one of the 10,000 articles Kal said he wrote? lmfao Kal wouldn't cut it as a janitor in a newsroom

  10. AnonymousMay 15, 2019

    Kal Korff
    9 hrs ·
    Hi everyone. It is with sadness that I must report that one of my longtime friends and former mentors, a man who was a profound influence on me when I was a young boy, has passed away, his name is Stanton Friedman, the “Father of Roswell.” He was a well known UFO researcher and Nuclear Physicist.

    If it were not for Stanton Friedman I would likely never have started lecturing when I was age 13. My father took me to see and meet him when I was a young boy, I started lecturing right after that 😉 Some of my high school teachers seeing this may REMEMBER this, since I was their student of course. I invited Stan to lecture with me four years later at a fundraiser for JFK High School. About 350 people showed up.

    Friedman took me under his wing and I am forever grateful. I'll be posting stuff this year showing what Friedman and I did together that you won't see on the Internet. He helped me do a LOT of research, I am forever grateful. Stan, if there's ANY way you can see this, I will ALWAYS love you!

  11. niedermeyerMay 15, 2019

    "helped me do a lot of research" = "did not sue me for plagiarizing him"

    korff makes twenty references to himself in that post. I count five complete sentences (and two fragments), making that an average of four self references per sentence.

    that is the work of a callously insufferable buttermilk-sucking asshole and just the latest in a long list of sadly deceased individuals of merit whom korff leeches onto for unearned attention. best part is the warning that more self-centered drivel exploiting friedman's fame should be expected.

  12. AnonymousMay 15, 2019

    Kal Korff
    19 mins ·

    By popular request, here's another article from when Stanton Friedman and I had our press conference and lectured together. The details of how we did this are in a recent posting. I am forever grateful to have been under his wing for years in my youth.

  13. AnonymousMay 15, 2019

    Popular request my ass! Kal doing what he has always done and that is ride the coattails of others because he can't have an original thought or idea of his own. Stan Friedman knew what kind of a sick slime ball Kal is. Kal has no shame and he's a nobody in all circles now and he is so desperate for anyone to give him the time of day he has turned back to the flying saucer people and it looks as though they largely ignore him.

  14. AnonymousMay 16, 2019

    LMFAO Kal is now so desperate for attention he's threatening to "expose" Bob Lazar of ufo fame. Kal wrote "It’s too bad you continue to promote this hoaxer. I worked at KMI and know Lazar is not telling the truth. He’s being exposed later this year, it will be interesting as the public watches your views on this. Think of how Billy Meier was exposed." You see friends this George Knapp fella is an actual journalist and Kal would not amount to a pimple on cat's dick compared to George Knapp. Kal is an expert on not telling the truth considering how many lies he has told. Right "colonel" Korff? LMFAO

  15. AnonymousMay 16, 2019

    so Kal when are you going on the Joe Rogan show? Never. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VoVIpIzj_c&fbclid=IwAR34hb0NAkzXP8O9afJlDKW7QSx4U6uoe30C1rpkSi0zHTCxg1NjYm91Q78

  16. AnonymousMay 17, 2019

    Kal Korff
    42 mins ·

    Hi everyone. Here's another article featuring Stanton T. Friedman and I when we lectured together for the fundraiser for my former high school, JFK. Like other "old school" articles this is also NOT on the Internet. I have to shake my head at bozos who said this was not true. That's what they get for being Internet "researchers."

  17. AnonymousMay 18, 2019

    I see Kal is still trying to ride Stan's coattails in a desperate attempt for some kind of attention. Did mommy save that article for her little man? Did mommy also save this article? https://www.theparacast.com/forum/threads/kal-korff-the-san-jose-mercury-news.890/ lmfao "Korff said he is a Christian but rejects further labels." lolololol
