Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Wonder Why's of Kalvin Karlton Korff

Kalvin appears on another major media outlet show... NOT!


  1. Kal posted this on Facebook: "Famed Nuclear Physicist Stanton T. Friedman, with myself (Kal Korff) at my home when I was in high school. Friedman and I were holding a press event, the media captured perfectly the "look" on my face when Friedman started making all kinds of claims passing them off as "facts" when they were anything but. This article has never appeared on the Internet until I shared it, it continues to be ignored by pro-Friedman apologists and UFO "researchers" who blindly ape Friedman and can't even use the word "Debunker" properly."

    Wonder why it took Kal decades to rail against Friedman. Kal has a bad habit of doing this when people are dead. Kal loves making claims involving people that are conveniently dead and can't give their side of it.

    Kal is so desperate for attention he's resorted to dragging the dead through the mud. Has anyone contacted the Skeptical Inquirer and advised them of Kal's false claims about his background and his valor stealing nonsense?

  2. Fuck Your Apple BlazerNovember 08, 2019

    Because he deserves the ridicule. For stuff like lying about working "security" for Apple in his official blazer, its Apple patch awaiting carbon dating along with his science fair ribbon and 8th grade book report. Stuff only a loser would lie about, and to people who are allegedly his "friends", family members etc.

    The accepted story (pretty sure it's on the exposure site) is that korff was contracted very briefly to provide phone support for Apple's failed Claris division, which had nothing to do with designing Hypercard and likely would not have brought him into direct contact with Jobs, Wozniak, or any of the other Macintosh pioneers (nobody "debuted" Lisa to him in private). And according to the mole who outed the truth about the misadventure, upon becoming frustrated by only being trusted with the limited access available to an outsider assigned to such an entry level position quit abruptly with a jerk-off sob story about having been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Fucking liar.



  4. Kal Korff: I forgot to mention this. When I was in Fourth grade, one of the Apollo Astronauts visited our school in Danville, and brought wit him a Moon rock. It was in a sealed container where we could look at it under a magnifier. It was a rock which had almost every color you could imagine in it when looked at closely, reminded me a bit like some granite I have seen but more complex granary and more colors in subtleties. It was neat to see.

    Kal Korff: I "psychically" predict that Kamala Harris will drop out of the race soon, then she will lie and spin her failure as being along the lines of something like, "The American people are not ready to elect a woman of color for President yet..." or some other bullschlachen, ANYTHING but just admit that she sucks and that most people who want to vote for President do NOT want her.

  5. So Kal nad his mommy moved to Reno? Does this mean his mommy's boyfriend closed down his auto repair shop in Oregon and went with them or did Kal's mommy choose her crazy little boy instead? What a bunch of loony people. Can you imagine being in that family of morons? LMFAO You've got the convicted felon brother who got shot in the head and who did time in prison and got shot in the head. You've got the other moron of the family Kal Korff who makes shit up all the time and relies on his mommy for everything. Then you've got the mom who appears to enable this sort of shit by letting her nutty son Kal live out whatever delusion he's on about instead of smacking him in the head and telling him to grown up.

  6. He has a perfectly normal sister who managed to marry a perfectly normal man and live a perfectly normal life with him and their perfectly normal children in their perfectly normal home.

  7. Kal Korff - BREAKING NEWS:

    Hi everyone. Tomorrow I will be recording a two hour show as the guest on Steve Cambian's Midnight Hour. I will be showing content from the REAL UFO Disclosure event of Oct 19th, weeks ago; plus previewing the new Annie Jacobsen and Betty Hill UFO "alien star map" expose books which are part of the new UFOlogy or UFOOLogy series. Also TTSA, AATIP, Art's Parts, Roswell, Exposing UFO Disclosure BS, this will be fun.

  8. He did post some screen grabs from a Power Point presentation. We have them, just haven't cared to do anything with them yet.

    It looks like Kalvin's radio / YouTube appearance presents this information as well.

    Those shows haven't been posted yet....
