Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Internet Never Forgets... No Regerts Kalvin, No... REGERTS... Ha, ha, ha!


  1. Is that him using paintball guns pretending he’s a spy?

  2. Hello fellow Korffers. Holy Shit, who would have believed that site that began all the way back to the year 2008 would still be here banging away at they same lunatic delusional insignificant little stain .. Kal K Korff. He has shown no signs of his mental health improving .. at all. This 60 plus year old ... well I think he is a biological male .. I certainly can not say Man ... still talks, speaks, writes from his eternal age of about 12 years old.. This phony valor stealing stain taking pot shots at actual military veterans is ... very RICH. Men, and women who actually served would beat this phony shit ball in the dirt IF HE EVER ACTUALLY SURFACED. How can this scum bag even look himself in a mirror? Well, when his Mommy passes over ... then he will discover what it means ... when the Shit becomes REAL. Korffy, go fuck yourself with your Indian Princess and genius SON. Lunatic Fuck ..........

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Korffers.

    To me, suddenly, Kalvin's behaviour all seems to make sense.

    I've been listening to old episodes of a BBC radio podcast called "Outlook" while out on my bicycle. The day before yesterday, I listened to one that held me enthralled. I believe that it may explain Karlton's delusional behaviour and actually put a name to his disorder. If you have time, I recommend that you listen to this old BBC podcast that I just stumbled upon. It is a 40-minute listen. You have to listen to round about the 30-minute mark before you get to the punchline:

    If you don't have time, then just have a read of this article:

    Or just Google "Pauline Dakin" and her memoir "Run, Hide, Repeat: A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood"

    Karry on Korffing

  5. Lawrence Liverwurst (Not Larry)September 14, 2023

    How did that 30 day whistleblower warning from August 13 work out?

    Are they continuing with their con jobs?

    Has Art Levine been alerted?

