Friday, February 2, 2024

This Could Get Interesting...


  1. Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay . BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. I can't tell you how swamped things have been, but today and tomorrow I have remote FINAL LAST ROUND pow wows with intellectual property experts and legal entities IN WASHINGTON DC to FINISH protecting ALL of my THOUSANDS of images, story boards, whistleblower reports, those total over 12,500 slides alone, etc., I created over 1,100 AVATAR CHARACTERS, MANY BASED ON REAL PEOPLE, REAL TARGETS, EXTREMISTS, POLITICIANS who are being exposed. THESE are TWO REAL OFFICIAL LEGAL EXHIBITS, They show UFO "Oversight" CON JOB Politicians and extremists, Government types, all exposed. The next image is a close up from the imminent Saucer City and UFOlitics shows and thesis project on extremists and nut jobs, James Comer is James Boner, because he just refuses to get things right; Congressman Tim Burchett is Tim Bullchett, and Matt Gaetz is Mad Gobble Gaetz. The inspiration for this actually came from STEVE JOBS, I vividly remember when Steve would LISTEN and after he GOT BORED and didn't want to hear whatever anymore, he would interrupt the person and say GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE so my mind flashed back to this. Playing on the word Gobbledygook, I never got GOBBLED by Steve, saw him do this to others, but he DID ALMOST FIRE ME in front a John Scully for the CRIME of DOING WHAT HE ASKED ME THE DAY BEFORE, and he FORGOT until Scully spoke up, I found that ironic. These and other true stories are in my autobio. Other characters here are CONgresswoman Anna Pistolina Lunatic, CONgressman Jared Moskowitz now has a first name of JIHAD, and CIA/DIA's Dr. Ron Scamdolfi, who in REAL LIFE, is married to a TIME TRAVELING PAKISTANI PRINCESS, who ARRIVED ON EARTH IN A SPACE POD! Just ASK Robert Kiviat about this, his partner, and Pandolfi yourself. Attempts to SCRUB the Internet removing this info have been well underway, and it won't matter. In fact ASK THE CIA about Pandolfi's claims about his wife being an ALIEN, he only has a super duper top secret need to know security clearance. As I write to CIA's Legal Counsel, either Pandolfi is acting under ORDERS, or he is deceiving the public and committing crimes being involved in technoscams like with Joe Firmage, and CIA either knows about this, or does NOT. Either way, this is wrong and is being exposed. It's also now being legally protected BEYOND just whistleblower protections, that is THE REASONS for the meetings today and tomorrow with parties in DC.


  2. Kal is his own worse enemy. His narcissistic personality has given him nothing but a life of made up fantasies.


    = confessing to cyberstalking and creating creepy AI simulations of actual individuals for the purpose of harassment

    1. He’s as creepy as they come.

  4. Surely Facebook could be informed. That FB profile of his "girlfriend" is likely based on a real person who may not have any idea of what he is up to.

  5. Nobody gives a shit Kalvin....

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. Unless snow interferes, or the Pleiaidians stop this, tomorrow this should be explained in detail in a video.


  6. In court... IN COURT I SAY!

    Kal Korff

    Notice that still years later NO CRASHED ALIENS at Roswell.

    Unless the new Roswell exposes FAIL, there’s a very good chance that they will nail people like FAKE Dr Kevin Randle in court.

    This and other legal cases will be tried for the first time in UFOlogy history, this year.
    Details TOMORROW…

  7. the unknown korfferFebruary 05, 2024

    it must torment kal to know that he cannot buy for the life of him the distinctions that Col. Randle earned through a life of hard work, that it's too late to do the same now, that he won't be allowed to start over, and can't get away with faking it

  8. Yes! The lunacy continues!

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. As many of you know, after working away on this project for years and producing some 50 deliverables, one of which is my imminent PhD thesis on UFO CONspiracy nuts, extremists, haters, cyberstalkers, terrorists, etc. Several of you have been sent a steady stream of my stuff for years now in various forms; I have also collaborated with others in the past on some of this, from legally protected and officially submitted UFO Whistleblower reports against UFO scammers to government and other entities, to real intel reports as an Analyst and doing undercover work exposing politicians and UFO scammers, frauds, a few of these items are linked to in Art Levine's seminal expose article, Spaceships of Fools, which appears in the Washington Post.

    Now, I am honored to report that THIS STARTS SHIPPING IN A FEW HOURS, which means sometime tomorrow.

    It is the FIRST of a series of new products, this line are called My Kalendars, I am going to call my girlfriend Katherine Begay and then after we speak and get caught up on our day, I'm going into my studio to do my interviews with Testiclese, PLEIADORA will also be there, each My Kalendar exposes specific topics, this one NAILS ALL TOP UFO FRAUDS, PRESSTITIUTES, ENABLERS, UFOLITICIANS, corrupt producers, govt UFO disinfo personnel, etc. Nothing is held back, it is part of my two online shows UFOlitics and Saucer City. As I continue harmonizing everything, this My Kalendar can be used to STAY UP TO DATE on its contents as new developments take place, since this incorporates DYNAMIC DATA, images, video and info.

    This means point your smartphone or tablet at each page and "magic" happens in various ways. 🙂
    After this launches, here come videos and long promised books. I have to send Dr. Robert W. Gross our upcoming joint expose book exposing Leslie Kean, and all top Roswell researchers like FAKE "Dr." Kevin Scandal Randle, Don Bullschmitt, others.

    There's new material, ALL NEW BOOKS FOR MY NEXT 12 TITLES are harmonized since they are all separate stand alone titles as well as part of a larger family of books separating real UFOlogy (which is an honorable cause) from exposing UFOOLogy, which is also an honorable task and sorely needed in todays world bereft of Critical Thinking.

    I haven't run for over 20 YEARS NOW for no reason, and REMEMBER, NOTHING exists, just for the fuck of it.

    The new web site gets updated AFTER this My Kalendar ships tomorrow. Meanwhile, FREE registration still works, will also on the new one. The My Kalendar is FREE, will be downloadable.


  9. Oh man. Sorry me one big mad on Facebook right now. HAHAHAHHAAAAH

  10. Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. I wish to now CONFESS the FACT that since last year, a criminal, psychotic even one can argue, cyberstalker, hater and extremist has been hunting me, harassing others who know me, etc. I ADMIT I posted stuff in collusion with OTHERS, to SMOKE OUT AND IDENTIFY this individual, specifically to file formal police complaints, and to prosecute where possible.

    NOW THAT THIS MILESTONE HAS BEEN ACHIEVED, this is my updated web site for now as I begin TONIGHT starting to upload what has long been promised, the public will get to track and see these criminals and frauds hunted down, when that part of the new web site is active, just go to

    Now that my security Avatars are in place and have set up their protective perimeter to upload the exposes, recordings, files, etc., I will post more after the first batch is up and published.


    1. He’s so crazy. He hasn’t posted anything in collusion. More like in delusion.

  11. eBay item 1486291833755

    Uzbekistan Doctorate Express University print your own Phd award at home, downloadable PDF format works great with Apple Macintosh and iPhone, no questions asked, any degree offered (see list) or invent your own - fool your family and friends on Facebook, lots of laughs at the holidays etc - $300 or Make An Offer

    Add to cart.

  12. (lousy timing above, sry didn't see the new update so let's repost it)

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. I wish to now CONFESS the FACT that since last year, a criminal, psychotic even one can argue, cyberstalker, hater and extremist has been hunting me, harassing others who know me, etc. I ADMIT I posted stuff in collusion with OTHERS, to SMOKE OUT AND IDENTIFY this individual, specifically to file formal police complaints, and to prosecute where possible.

    NOW THAT THIS MILESTONE HAS BEEN ACHIEVED, this is my updated web site for now as I begin TONIGHT starting to upload what has long been promised, the public will get to track and see these criminals and frauds hunted down, when that part of the new web site is active, just go to

    Now that my security Avatars are in place and have set up their protective perimeter to upload the exposes, recordings, files, etc., I will post more after the first batch is up and published.


  13. Yep, first thing any lawyer would do is advise Kal to post all that to Facebook immediately. Good strategy 👍🏼
