Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kal Korff is a fucking idiot

Kal Korff is a fucking idiot. The chap really is one of the most moronic and biggest bags of bullshit I have run across in my lifetime. Instead of promised material exposing everyone from Kevin Randle to Steven Spielberg, Kal keeps putting up these stupid you tube video clips to his Internet website and all without rhyme nor reason other than Kal is obviously easily entertained.

The thing I did notice is that fruitcake asshole Kal just CANNOT do anything without somehow using his twisted obsession to mention Kevin Randle and Royce Meyers in a 3 Stooges you tube video clip no less. Kal also is so screwy and so far over the edge that he CANNOT HELP HIMSELF at passing up on just about any and every opportunity to mention Kevin Randle, Paul Kimball, David Bieedney, Don Eker, Royce Meyers and a few others. Kal should have figured it out by now that there are easier ways to get a date if that is what he really wants.

What happened to the big time complaints to the Pentagon against Kevin Randle and wasn't Royce Meyers supposed to get "nailed" by now? Didn't Kal promise and-or threaten to sue Paul Kimball? Where are these news papers Kal claims make mention of and-or expose Don Eker? The way Kal boasts and squeals you would reason that by now with all his big tough guy talk that Kal would be dancing in the streets. While Kal certainly does march to his own little drummer boy Kal has FAILED and FAILED over and over AGAIN to keep his word about a many thing. Where I come from this is called a lie and I think most average ordinary people would agree that when you state something as fact and it does not occur or isn't true that this would be called a lie.

Is Kal so sick that he cannot do anything else but obsess over how he is going to get his twisted little revenge on a few people he thinks are evil because they all called Kal for the NUTJOB he is???? Obsessions can be rather un-healthy Kal and certainly bad on the old sanity though I suspect you really do not have too much of that left if any at all at this point.

So where are all the lawsuits and complains and arrests and features exposing all these people??? WHERE?????? Just as everyone knows they are no where to be found except in the imagination of a pathetic little man named Kal K. Korff who runs around wearing a cowboy hat pretending to be someone important.

You're a pathetic tub of bullshit Kal. PATHETIC.


  1. Thx for posting another thread. That last one sort of took the wind out of us...

    Ecker came by and he left gold!

    Thx Don.

    I would assume that Kalvin is working on his Mikey material but, Mikey tells me he's hip deep working on his own, new DVD, not UFO related.

    I know Mikey a little and other than the fact that he's a little tyrant when he's on a Meier rant, he's not one to let Kalvin and his kind run amuck with his baby...

    This should be interesting.

    Fuck Nut

  2. Kalvin has posted another old Kalvin Rant Youtube video today… Ho, hum.

    In any case, in this repeat of an old “Is It True” webisode, Kalvin asks this question, of himself:

    “Q: "Why are you so controversial?"
    Kal easily answers this question, and proves that he is NOT "controversial."

    Well, let’s look at the meaning of the word controversial shant we…

    That’s an interesting read isn’t it?

    Kalvin prides himself and indeed surrounds himself in endeavors and behavior in subject matter which is controversial by its very nature.

    The latest example of this is the proposed Korff – Horn debate, regarding one of the most controversial cases in the history of ufology.

    One can not immerse themselves in controversial waters without being drenched in the waters of yes, controversy, Kalvin.

    And a few replacement words for controversial:

    Contentious – Notorious - Divisive

    Kalvin? Can you NOT be truthful “even” with yourself, while asking yourself question on video?

    Oh Kalvin, you sad little gelatinous man.

    Udderly ri-dick-ulous

    Fuck Nut

  3. I went to that youtube page:

    Every bit as good as KKK's bull.

  4. In case you Korffers want to record Kalvin and listen later, fast forwarding, etc, I use Replay AV 8.

    You can record many streams at once, etc.

    The only draw back is that you have to convert everything but poscasts to .mp3's after the fact.

    Cool program, good search functions, etc.

    Get your copy off before that site is gone.

    Gee Willikers
