Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kal K. Korff CYBER LIAR!!

Co op ed piece not on the road, not playing paintball and calling war games in Afghanistan when it is actually in Prague and certainly not hallucinating about being an anti terror agent like that fruitcake Kal Korff.

Well well well now here is the world's biggest pile of scum dishing out the bullshit again.  Poor dumb desperate deluded Kal K. Korff is at it again. This time cyber liar Kal appears to have invented a new charity since he could not keep his own story on the road.  So Kal tries to sell chaps far and wide the idea that he is now a CEO of yet another organization!! ahahahahahaha Kal must be in the Guinness book of records for the man holding the most CEO titles ever. ahahahahahahahahahahahhhhaaa!!!

So I present you to you lads a tale of woes and lies and of a madman as told by one of our very own posters FN exposing cyber liar Kal K. Korff AGAIN!!!! haaahahhhaaahahahaahahaha!! You are your OWN WORST ENEMY Kal!!! ahahahhhaaaaa!! Another Kal K. Korff kon job EXPOSED!!!!!

Face Book poach
Kal Korff:
Waaaaay MegaCool! The new Global Peace Foundation I am the new CEO of which 
will cooperate with the Dayton Center for World Peace in Ohio, (which is a 
true honor) and we will be iPad centric and GIVE iPads away to students who 
will learn English and help promote world peace. Praise YHWH!
Kal Korff:
The name of the new global peace org I'm the new CEO of, too bad for my 
"Kritics" who are haters/xtremeists; is priyamitra.org.
Research into Korff's claims regarding The Dayton Center for World Peace in 
Ohio (DCWP) and the priyamitra.org web site.
First off, the web site is a single page, template site, using the same web 
creation software Korff uses to make his personal template web site. A check 
"date posted" search shows that this single page was put up sometime over 
the last 24 hours (November 30, 2010) Case closed on this one, it's a Korff 
Next up, you'll find the organizations I contacted in the attempt to KONFIRM 
Korff's claims regarding the DCWP.
The City of Dayton, Ohio, and their Chamber of Commerce.
 They've never heard of the Center.
The Ohio Attorney General. 800-282-0515
 They've never heard of the Center and they have no records of a Center 
under that name.
The Ohio Council of Churches, 6230 Busch Blvd # 430, Columbus, OH 43229-1879 
, (614) 885-9590.
They've never heard of the DCWP.
The Peace Chair at Ohio State University and while I was at it, the Peace 
Corp representative as well.
Nothing, absolutely no information about the DCWP. Never heard of it.
The Cleveland Council on World Affairs;
Founded in 1923 to promote world peace, the Cleveland Council on World 
Affairs is Northeast Ohio's most prominent organization that provides the 
public with greater understanding and personal engagement in international 
relations and global issues.
Certainly these people should know something about the DCWP?
Nothing, Zero.
The Dayton Council on World Affairs; 300 College Park Avenue
Dayton, OH 45469-0001 (937)-775-3766
Again, nothing, zero.
Lastly, because this listing is the only listing that comes "close" when you 
search out the Dayton Center for World Peace in Ohio;
(937) 227-3223
I thought, what the hell..
Well, well, well, nothing, zero, nada. In fact, I talked with the head 
person there, I'll leave him out of it, and he tells me that, "this person, 
probably saw that Dayton is famous for the Peace Accord and it looked like a 
good additional to his tall tale."
I couldn't have said it better.
There you have it Korffers, there is no Dayton Center for World Peace in 
Ohio, nor is there any organization (that I can find) who knows about it, 
has heard about it, etc.
When will the lies stop?
I think we already know the answer.


  1. The Unknown KorfferNovember 30, 2010

    SUPERB work! And as a sort of comparison to WhoIs results posted on the other thread when checking this priyamitra.org, here are the results obtained when checking Daytonpeacemuseum.org;

    Domain ID:D104821835-LROR
    Created On:28-Aug-2004 16:43:27 UTC
    Last Updated On:25-Mar-2010 23:01:09 UTC
    Expiration Date:28-Aug-2014 16:43:27 UTC
    Sponsoring Registrar:Melbourne IT, Ltd (R52-LROR)
    Registrant ID:D109370789147828
    Registrant Name:XXX XXXXXXX
    Registrant Organization:Dayton International Peace Museum
    Registrant Street1:208 W. Monument Ave.
    Registrant Street2:
    Registrant Street3:
    Registrant City:Dayton
    Registrant State/Province:OH
    Registrant Postal Code:45402
    Registrant Country:US
    Registrant Phone:XXXXXXXXXXX
    Registrant Phone Ext.:
    Registrant FAX:
    Registrant FAX Ext.:
    Registrant Email:XXXXXXX@gmail.com
    Admin ID:D109370789147825
    Admin Name:XXXX XXXXXXX
    Admin Organization:Dayton International Peace Museum
    Admin Street1:208 W. Monument Ave.
    Admin Street2:
    Admin Street3:
    Admin City:Dayton
    Admin State/Province:OH
    Admin Postal Code:45402
    Admin Country:US
    Admin Phone:+1.XXXXXXXXX
    Admin Phone Ext.:
    Admin FAX:
    Admin FAX Ext.:
    Admin Email:XXXXXXXX@gmail.com
    Tech ID:D109370789147827
    Tech Name:XXXX XXXXXX
    Tech Organization:Dayton International Peace Museum
    Tech Street1:208 W. Monument Ave.
    Tech Street2:
    Tech Street3:
    Tech City:Dayton
    Tech State/Province:OH
    Tech Postal Code:45402
    Tech Country:US

    I X'd out the names and contact info to respect their privacy, but the registrant, admin and tech infos are all for different people with no spoofing or blocking of data. All transparent, on the level, legitimate and apparently well staffed by professionals who administrate the site from a competently run server.

    When you compare that to the results for Kalvin's new meta-organization in the previous threads, all you come up with are dead ends with a deliberate effort to conceal who administrates any of it. And when you dial up the actual priyamitra.org website, all you find is an unfinished amateur web building template parked on a newly registered domain.

    That is the difference between a legitimate organization and one that only exists in a flim-flam singson by a con artist.

  2. Part 1

    Thx Unknown. Yes, the folks from the Peace Museum were very helpful and very friendly and at a lose as to way anyone would do what Korff is doing. They wanted names and such but I told them that he should be considered a cyber stalker and not one to trifle with. They understood and they offered whatever information they could give on any future endeavor, etc.

    A past post which got dropped had to do with Korff absolute failure at getting any UFO person shut down, etc. I think this absolute failure is the reason why he’s moving on to “peace” activities and why his web site has been dead for a few months.

    Korff recognizes that it’s time for a change, for how long can he keep up the same old tired rants before even his Face Book “friends” drop him? Michael Horn is his absolute crowning achievement in failure. Korff knows this and it has bruised him deeply.


  3. Part 2

    Lastly, I will have solid and very telling information soon on Korff. I’ve been working on this for a very, very long time. Making contacts, ensuring secrecy when appropriate, etc. Korff will be very unhappy whom I’ve found and what they have to say about his life’s activities.

    I can’t say anything specific, as its very touch and go because no one really wants to call out a person so unhinged as Korff. Happily, he’s done things so vile that people are ready to roll the dice, or very soon they will be.

    This blog has been and will be indispensable in this final effort to humiliate Korff on a world wide stage.

    Korff, await the flourish of activity coming your way.

    Gesticulate while you have the opportunity.


  4. So far, Korff's pretty quiet on Face Book today.

    Maybe he hasn't read this blog yet....?

  5. The Unknown KorfferDecember 01, 2010

    Kalvin is likely sulking in envy over this Julian Assange guy from WikiLeaks, who is everything in real life that Kalvin wishes he was: Young, important, globe trotting independent web based journalist who's freedom & well-being is now on the line over his .org's exposure of government corruption. It must burn Kalvin's brassiere up to see such a junior journalist getting so much attention and praise. He's at least going to be Time's Person of the Year and will likely get more international fawning global media attention. While Little Kalvin has to make up stories about going to Chiner, being rewarded with CEO gigs at non-existent meta organizations and lying about knowing The Spice Girls.

  6. Kalvin has sent me another friendly email:

    "Hi Jimmy.

    I am running Korff's email account now.

    I work for the police.

    What would you like to discuss, other than your latest threat to harm someone?"

  7. I'd play with him Jimmy. Ask him what you can do for him?


  8. The Unknown KorfferDecember 01, 2010

    I thought Kalvin was in Chiner. Must have a lot of free time on that travel itinerary between ops.

    A genuine law enforcement official would of course either not identify themselves at all or would specify exactly which agency he works for, his official title, and the reason for the contact. Not covering those bases leaves the officer and their agency open to a lawsuit. Fail.

    Just BE QUENT, Kalvin. Sit there and behave yourself, you have been naughty and everybody knows you are lying. SILENCE.

  9. Naughty, bad little Kalvin. Go back to mommy's basement this instant! Hop to it sonny-jim.

  10. Long winded back track.... And, calling out people whom have an interest in UFO's on the same level as Hitler...

    Part 1

    Charles Mclean
    Interesting that you are heading a peace org and yet have such contempt for believers in ufo's etc., which makes up a good percentage of regular folk. Not to mention your wish that Ms Pelosi gets sexually assaulted at the airport. And your pointed remarks about democrats in general. MORONS and other name calling. Are you an ambassador
    of good will towards the differing masses? Am I missing something?
    Just asking Kal. :-)

    Kal Korff:

    Charles, you miss the point. This is not the first time, unfortunately. Your comment re your previous posting over Tina is a fine example.

    Here we go: 1. I have devoted much of my life to furthering peace. Understanding that there are times ...necessary that to preserve the peace, one MUST destroy what can only be called evil.

    Take Hitler: one does NOT "negotiate" with a Hitler. You destroy him. So if I advocate stopping Hitler, this makes me a promoter of peace. Unless you think letting Hitler live is the way to peace, stopping him is peace.

    I NEVER said I wanted Pelosi to be "sexually assaulted" and for the record I desire this of no human being. If you EVER pop off with a half-assed comment like this again, I will refute it and block you since you are not worthy of "discussing things with" since you are NOT engaged in real conversation, but just instead have some other agenda and are attacking people, it happens to be me. Please know I do not take things personally, even when someone makes it personal.

  11. Part 2


    Since I NEVER used the word "sexual assault," your claims to the contrary are a lie. I would submit that YOUR issues with either airport scanners or perhaps Pelosi or maybe even me are what drove you to pop off with this ad hominem and no sequitir, it was not anything I actually said — since I NEVER said it.

    I admit I have never been a "fan" of Pelosi. I knew her from when I lived in the Bay Area for much of my life. She is corrupt, you can google it.

    I would argue that stopping Islamofascism (I do not know if you have ever bothered to do so) is promoting peace, especially when it is done with a deliberate two-road track: direct elimination of said elements, as well as promoting inter-faith discourse and understanding.

    Thus I am doing everything from inventing and spreading the use of nanotechnology to nail the bad guys, without the permission of the US Govt since I do NOT need it, to meeting with Muslim militants and getting them to lay down their arms and not hate Jews and Americans.

  12. Part 3


    WHEN did YOU engage in such activities? Didn't think so. I am not bragging, nothing to brag about. I'm just doing what I think needs to be done and I am not alone and I have many backers, which proves my "kritics" — who you CHOOSE to solicit — are bozos and are extremists and haters.

    UFO CONspiracy nuts ARE haters and extremists. I know this because i get "threats" all the time, just because I don't believe the us govt had little grey leprechauns stuffed away in pickle jars. I am the author of the bestselling Roswell UFO expose of all time, and Meier UFO Cult expose of all time; because UFO CONspiracy nuts ARE extremists and haters, they do NOT care if you solve and prove a case wrong, TRUTH does NOT matter to them.

    Right now I live in a country whose illiteracy rate is 50%!

    You do not.

    Just for the record Kalvin, you RAN AWAY to a country. Yes, I know why. The only way you can prove my FACTS wrong is if you come back to the USA in a very public manner (a book tour maybe, and not bald?), if you have big enough balls?

    I'll publish this later, at a time of my own choosing.

  13. Part 4


    WHAT are YOU doing to fix this? I am here promoting and teaching literacy and computer literacy, and to those who EMBRACE and champion and advocate peace, we are GIVING AWAY IPADS, which promote peace and promote literacy and computer literacy. No one else is doing this that I know of.

    We have partners in USA, Israel, India, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Czech Republic.

    Is there anything else I can prove you wrong on, Charles? :-)


    Now, if you will excuse me, sir, we're trying to figure out WHO to give our first round of iPads to. One lady we expect to reward is Dawnellen, who exposes Islamofascism. That very dynamic promotes peace.

    The idea of promoting peace the way we do, is the result of making sure we do NOT repeat the methods of other "peace" organizations — who share on thing in common. FAILURE.

    You mean like The Dayton Peace Center, which does not and has never existed? You mean that partnership, asshole?

  14. Part 5

    Charles Mclean:

    ‎" give her a FULL cavity/body scan or search and then leak the images to the public" I guess I misconstrued this as sexual assault and stand corrected. It just didn’t fit my image of a uniter of people is all?

    You have an amazing life that most people only dream of. You should write a book.

    As for your old dear friend Tina I am a friend of hers also and misconstrued your comment to her as a sneering condescending put down but you set me right.

    Oh my, Kalvin's face Book friends seem to be seeing through his lies... Nice to see others going the Korffing route.

  15. Part 6

    Kal Korff:

    I think you took it literally, and I never new that full cavity searches were "sexual assault." When law enforcement does them, it is called being thorough.

    When I visit the Israeli embassy, for security reasons, it is common to have to strip down. No machine does it, you do it. Are they "sexually assaulting" me?


    As I always tell the Israelis, I have no objections. Glad they are this thorough. Wish America was.

    I'm not proclaiming to be a "uniter of people," just like I can never be "the message" but only a "messenger" per se.

    I'm trying to do what I can, period. If I am wrong, fine, I try to make adjustments.

    When I call people bozos for example, I mean no insult.I am referring instead to their behavior. I learned the term this way and only this way and mean it only this way, but those who do not work at Apple would never know.

    I applude your "wish" to do good Kalvin, I really do.

    Please comment on one thing you've done to better the world, in any way. Please enlighten us oh great and humble one.

  16. The Unknown KorfferDecember 01, 2010

    Looks like Kalvin's honeymoon with Face Book is over.

    "I think you took it literally, and I never new that full cavity searches were "sexual assault." When law enforcement does them, it is called being thorough."

    Sorry, dude -- The Transportation Safety Administration is part of Homeland Security and is not a law enforcement agency.

  17. Interesting conversation between Kal and this Charles McClean.
    Did Kal do his homework?
    If not, I'll do it for him. Charles McClean is a 16 year old kid from the UK.


  18. Korff, truly you are a cretin.

    The words above are not those of a sane individual. Seriously.

    This is nothing new, I know. I had the misfortune to peruse one or two of your shockingly inept & embarrassing metropolitni expres columns. 'oy vey'indeed!

    Newsflash KKK - YOU NEED HELP. Problem is, is anyone going to give it to you?

  19. The Unknown KorfferDecember 01, 2010

    Charles is certainly holding his own and proving effective if Kalvin feels the need to bring up the prospect of blocking him. Keep up the good work! Taking a 16 year old to task for what he's done with his life is a bit douchebaggerous of a grown adult three times the kid's age. Is Kalvin aware that he has minors on his friend lists? And that certain interactions with minors might be construed as inappropriate? He already chewed out poor Tina's 17 year old daughter for being anti-Semitic. I wonder how long before young Charles finds himself thrown under a similar bus.

    One bit I left out of my little check into the email from Kalvin that Jimmy shared in the prior thread is that the reply had been sent from someone using MacOSX. So some header info from this latest exchange with Officer Friendly would be interesting to examine as a comparison. Since most people use Windows operating systems if the reply from Officer Friendly was also sent from a MacOSX computer it's likely Kalvin, since he is supposedly conducting operations in Chiner at this time. Or is the officer part of his touring entourage of Super Duper Services dignitaries?

  20. I think this blog and the people who are poaching Korff's Face Book material, and the people on Face Book, are getting under Korff's skin:

    Kal Korff Face Book Profile:

    Profile Unavailable
    Sorry, this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly.

    This happened before. If I recall right, he "had it pulled" while the many other Korff fake pages we're pulled down.

    That's okay Kalvin, we'll wait.

  21. False alarm, his Face Book page is back up.


  22. Why arent any of you who can post on Kal's FB challenging him on the paintball wargames?


  23. Not me. I got access to his FB page and I'm not gonna lose that. Sorry. Can't take the chance. Too much info could go to waste.


  24. Part 1

    Kal Korff:

    WHAT?! Obama BROKE ANOTHER PROMISE??? Say it isn't so!! Obviously, this is more CHUMP "change" we can "believe" in.
    Post Carbon - Oil drilling ban to be maintained in key areas, sources say

    Debra Lutje:

    I don't know why everyone'e panties are in a wad Mr. Obama is a politician not unlike all the rest. People need to stop blaming the government if they can't take the time to keep after their elected officials. Voting for the "Messiah" is not enough to get things done! You must hound you representatives - the squeaky wheel gets the oil. You don't like what he's doing tell him so - you better believe some white house flunky is keeping track.

  25. Part 2

    Kal Korff:

    Hi Debbie, you may be pleased in knowing that I have many contacts in Washington DC. I also saw Obama in person in Prague, since I lived there. My only point in posting this stuff is that since I never voted for the guy, because I KNEW better (and MOST Americans now support my stance, since Obama's "popularity" is heading down again towards the 30% level - lower than Bush's), I merely keep posting the TRUTH about Obama and our CONgress (since BOTH parties are corrupt and UNreformable) — it is to try to inform people and wake them up.

    You get what you elect. At least I can say, unlike many Americans, that I was never dumb enough to fall for Obama's hype and the empty suit he wears.

    >>> since I lived there. <<<

    Lived there, lived there... another lie?

  26. Kal Korff:

    Hi everyone, I will be back along the Indian-Pakistani border again soon, doing some more interesting things, this time I will be with the fine soldiers who protect the borders, and I'm honored to be safely escorted into various areas. We'll try to film for the show, assuming we get permission, and post the video.

    What about the last video you said you were going to post a few days ago?

    Oh yeah, another lie.

  27. sasfjshfgxjksfghxfopictiDecember 02, 2010

    I thought the exalted ambassador of world peace was headed to China? Or is that leg of his whirlwind global survey concluded already.

  28. Responding to this blog, again.

    Kal Korff:

    Hi everyone: Sometime today video of the "war games" exercise we did at the Pakistani border will be released, along with an interview with one of the Indian Gold Medal winners in sharpshooting. She comments on the tactics I used and trained them with, which are Israeli of course, "Kidon style" and American. Hope you enjoy it.

  29. Kal Korff :

    Sorry, but this is outright misleading. There IS NO SINGLE CURE FOR CANCER, it DEPENDS on WHAT causes it. If radiation from a nuclear blast hits you, "cancer" and the kind it causes is irrelevant where it concerns a cure. But if you get it ...from the sun or cigarettes, there is a chance. Of course the Phar industry does NOT want people to ever NOT need medicines, in the same way that the oil companies do not want you to ever not use a car. While this is not "right" either, it is dishonest to imply that all forms of cancer can be "cured" — whether by chemicals or not. This is not a comment directed at Stoptherain, but a comment out of and in deference to general principles.

    Stopthetrain Rightnow:

    Of course you are correct. But as a medical professional, I have seen so much dishonesty in this profession, from downright cover-ups of pure mal practice to unnecessary surgery on an almost dead patient for the $$$.
    Kal Korff likes this.

    Kal Korff:

    AGREED, and you are right. As long as BIG MONEY is the only things Democrats and Republicans "focus" on...we are DOOMED as a nation, since the love of money and greed itself always and only lead to self-destruction.

  30. Kalvin sent me his second email less than twenty four hours after the first one. He sent the second one in the guise of a police officer, I would say, to cover his ass in the event of any real computer expert working out from his email headers that he is not in fact in China, or Pakistan, or India ... but back at home in his tiny one bedroom Prague slum dwelling.

  31. The Unknown KorfferDecember 03, 2010

    He sent the second one in the guise of a police officer, I would say, to cover his ass in the event of any real computer expert working out from his email headers that he is not in fact in China, or Pakistan, or India ...

    Ahh OK I get it. The ambassador for world peace left his laptop with Czech police for their investigation into our hate crimes while on his globe-trotting goodwill tour. He also must have allowed them access to his apartment and use of his dialup phone line web connection to better accommodate their fact gathering process. And a quick lookup guide for his writing and grammar patterns so their officers could better mimic his lack of education and sub-par intelligence.

  32. >>> Posting video soon...<<<

    We're waiting, liar.

    Kal Korff:

    Today I am in India "relaxing" per se...China has infinite consumer goods, but obviously many of them are cheapo counterfeit "brands" — there is the HiPhone, which is a total rip off of the iPhone. I could have gotten one for under 200 bucks, but no thanks. I don't believe in supporting "Communist" counterfeiters. Posting video soon...

  33. "Kal Korff:

    Today I am in India "relaxing" per se...China has infinite consumer goods, but obviously many of them are cheapo counterfeit "brands" — there is the HiPhone, which is a total rip off of the iPhone. I could have gotten one for under 200 bucks, but no thanks. I don't believe in supporting "Communist" counterfeiters. Posting video soon..."

    But Kal DOES believe in ripping off people in the Czech republic and taking advantage of their kindness. Apple laptop and iPods ringing any bells Kal??
