Friday, December 10, 2010

Kal Korff paintball commando



  1. I'm loving KR! Great blog post.


  2. Just went through the agony of watching Kal's India paintball video on Youtube. What a crudely put together piece of crap! About the worst I've ever seen. Strictly amateur all the way.
    But I guess if Kal gets his kicks out of playing kid's games, that's OK. After all, he is still a kid.


  3. Suck it Korff.

    Saturday, December 11 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

    SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
    DON ECKER - Unidentified Flying Objects - Don Ecker is a writer / researcher / commentator currently living in the Los Angeles area. Serving as the former Director of Research and Media Liaison for UFO Magazine, Ecker is an internationally renowned investigator of the UFO phenomenon. A former law enforcement officer and criminal investigator with over 10 years experience, he brought legitimacy to a field that has for years suffered being painted with a fringe brush. He has written numerous articles for the definitive UFO publication, UFO Magazine, as well as articles for international publications, the United Kingdom's Fortean Times, Omni, the Compuserve System, and the ParaNet Computer Data Base.

  4. Face Book, turning on Korff.

    Kal Korff:

    It's so heartwarming and comforting to see our President be so incredibly humble. Any comments about this Obama heads? Your silence is deafening.

    Obama honors Nobel winner with statement about himself | Washington Examiner

    Mary Halloran:

    Once again Kal....separate issues from your original post... and if Obama had declined the award (as you suggest he should have), I am POSITIVE there would have been a bunch of criticism for that. Human nature tends to go looking for fault when we do not like someone, and look mostly at the good when we do like someone. I believe we both err on these two sides to some extent. :-)

    Debra Lutje:

    You tell em Mary! I liked Kal better when he was more thoughtful and less frothy!

    Kal Korff:

    Debbie, whatever, to each his own. Your comment is VOID of facts and evidence...which is where I like to focus. Facts are facts, just because we don't like them, doesn't mean we ignore them.

    You may take comfort that I like you the same, re...gardless, despite the fact that you support someone MOST (hello, MOST!) Americans no longer support.

    Are YOU "better off" now, two years after Obama has been in office than you were before he took office, Debbie?

    And are your friends also better off now?

    NO! MOST Americans are NOT "better off" and this is a fact...but of course it isn't Obama's fault. The buck doesn't stop with this President....instead it gets spent, after first being borrowed from CHINA!

    Google it.

  5. Remember this promise? Where is this Korff. WHEE IS THIS SERIES????

    These are the actual pages from the debut of my REVISED Billy Meier UFO Cult Xpose which will be shown during the special THREE HOURE PREVIEW of my new show this Friday. I am co-authoring this 35 volume set with Phil Langdon, who has done a GREAT JOB RECREATING ALL OF BILLY MEIER'S MAJOR, KEY, "PLEIADIAN" HOAX PHONY UFO PHOTOS. The first volume is written by me because it is REVISED TEXT from my previous Xpose, Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story. Due to the untimely passing of Wendelle Stevens, these excerpts ADDRESS and XPOSE various "concerns" several people in the UFOlogy have over Stevens. Since I was the first journalist to Xpose Wendelle Stevens, including BREAKING THE STORY that he was arrested and charged on SIXTEEN COUNTS OF FELONY CHILD MOLESTATION, taking pictures of underage girls and giving them porn, and how Stevens VOLUNTARILY PLED GUILTY TO MOLESTING THREE GIRLS, Stevens CALLED GREG LONG (no relation to Greg Long, the author of the Xpose book The Making of Bigfoot which I helped get published and wrote the foreword for) and MYSELF, AND ASKED US TO HELP HIM OUT, STEVENS WRONGLY "THOUGHT" WE WERE "CIA" AND HE "THREATENED" TO REVEAL "UFO SECRETS" IF WE DID NOT HELP HIM. WE PLAYED ALONG, ASKED HIM TO "GO AHEAD" AND STEVENS ADMITTED HE HAD NONE. I REFUSED TO HELP "GET HIM OFF" FROM THE CRIMES HE COMMITTED, BECAUSE THEY WERE WRONG AND CAN NEVER BE RIGHT. WENDELLE STEVENS WOULD THEN SERVE SEVEN YEARS IN PRISON, AND OF COURSE NO ONE BUT THE "EVIL KAL KORFF" EVER XPOSED HIM FOR THIS, AND TO MANY IN THE UFO "FIELD" HE IS A HERO. Stevens was a UFO HUCKSTER who no one with any morals would "trust" with young females, and rightly so. The girls he molested were neighbors he would always invite to his swimming pool. These hard hitting book excerpts are AGAIN, just a SMALL PORTION of the numerous devastating Xposes of everyone from Barack Obama to Billy Meier, to debut in the three hour new series premiere, this Friday unless the Illuminati interferes. :-)

  6. Kal Korff:

    I will be TESTING and VERIFYING publicly, and legally, Eric Holder's "promise" to be fair and balanced and agressively prosecute HATE CRIMES when the FBI gets back to me about cyberstalkers "JimmyD" and his partners in hatred and extremism (some of whom are UFO CONspiracy nuts and are part of the woo woo crowd).

    As everyone knows I reported Michael Horn to the FBI, and forwarded JimmyD's letters mocking the police (a

  7. Oh, now I get what he means about "mocking the police."

    Back in April, the "Colonel" claimed my Prague residence was under surveillance (never mind that I was at that time actually living in Poland). All I did on a couple of occasions subsequently was to enquire politely as to when they were going to swoop.

    You're a liar, Korff. You are scum.

  8. Part 1

    Ha, ha, ha!!! Try as you might Korff, we all KNOW that this is your web site, your work and that you're behind all of this.

    BUT, you told the world that you were asked to JOINED in with this organization, and THEY hired you on as CEO.

    You're a liar. God, when will it ever stop??????

    Kal Korff:

    Waaaaay MegaCool! The new Global Peace Foundation I am the new CEO of which will cooperate with the Dayton Center for World Peace in Ohio, (which is a true honor) and we will be iPad centric and GIVE iPads away to students who will learn English and help promote world peace. Praise YHWH!

    Kal Korff:

    The name of the new global peace org I'm the new CEO of, too bad for my "Kritics" who are haters/xtremeists; is

    Read the blog Korffers, the Dayton Center for World Peace DOES NOT EXIST. IT NEVER DID. It’s a fake, proven here, by we Korffers.

    >>> Working with fellow peace partners in what is truly a GLOBAL ALLIANCE worldwide, <<<

    From Korff website, since pulled; is a meta organization with global alliances worldwide... blah, blah, blah...

  9. One wonders, will an iPad work "everywhere"? No matter, this is a fake, bullshit, Korff wannabe ploy for attention. Nothing more.

    The truth will win out Korff.
    The truth is coming Korff.
    The ever cresting wave of truth.

    Part 2

    Anyway, the NEW Korff template web site has been updated. Read on Korffers.

    About PriyaMitra,org
    Written by Public Relations
    Saturday, 11 December 2010 14:34 is a Non Government Organization (NGO) dedicated to furthering world peace by giving away Apple iPads and promoting English literacy, computer literacy, and furthering cross-cultural understanding and critical thinking.

    Working with fellow peace partners in what is truly a GLOBAL ALLIANCE worldwide, has affiliate offices and partners in several countries: India, Israel, United States, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Yemen, Lebanon, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Canada.

    By giving away FREE iPads, we promote peace and help improve people's lives through the incredible power of Apple's iPad, and the inherent greatness of human interaction, cultural exchange, and mutual achievement. PriyaMitra's Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives are always a "win-win" for everyone, except for those who do not want peace, and engage in hatred and violence. is literally helping change the world one person at a time — like the great inventions by Apple, we are also helping push the human race forwards.

    Last Updated on Saturday, 11 December 2010 14:57

  10. Yes, PriyaMitra is everywhere. But on the Net. Hey Kal, I want to donate a large sum of money to your organization. What is your 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation number? Give me that and I will donate. Or better yet, your tax ID number? How can I donate to something I can't see.

    What a d-bag.

  11. Gotta hand it to Steve Jobs. Solving world peace one iPad at a time. F-ing genius. Kal go make love to your Macintosh. You put the Oh in Oh S X.

  12. I wonder why this ass hat hasn't been deported. Not that I want him back here, but I'm sure he has done plenty of harm to the image of Americans in the places he has infested. If nothing else, I'm sure a lot of people are wondering why we don't take better care of our mentally ill citizens.

    OK, I have to admit it would be fun (for a while) to follow his legal mess if he ever gets shipped home. Imaginary lawyers wouldn't do him any good at all. He would just end up being a sponge on the system here, wandering the streets muttering to Allah or Elvis or whoever he might be following at the time.

  13. I just did an anagram on PriyaMitra. Here are some interesting words I found.Amir Pray It, Airy Arm Pit, Pair Ma I Try,Army Rat I Pi.
    I think we are on to something here!

  14. Where is

    Do a search Korffers. You won't find it.

    It's made up. It's fake. A fraud.

    Read up on what Korff thinks he's getting away with:

    Look at Funding.

    Yes Korff, phone calls and e-mails are being made and sent.

    Just like your fake Dayton Center for World Peace, we will suss this fruad out as well and tell the world the truth.

    The wave, the wave.

  15. Sorry, one more. I just did an anagram on SAPSTOE. Here are the highlights. A Pest So, Ass Poet.

  16. I think Apple needs to know about this iPad give away.


  17. I just love to see how dumb and crazy korff is, in the future we will know were to put your korff I promise

  18. Oh my, another Bartu it seems.... And, nobody on face Book has any idea who or what a Jimmy D or F1 racer is.

    Kal Korff:

    I have some AWESOME NEWS, please do NOT tell my "kritics," especially haters and extremists like "JimmyD" and "F1 Racer" :-) Dr. Chander Parkash has been appointed by me to be the Director of Operations, Worldwide, for, the new NGO I am the CEO of. I will announce more partners soon, after my "kritics" LIE and deny this latest development. Since they "live to hate," — I'm spreading peace. Shalom!

  19. Part One

    Kal Korff Here is Dr. Chander Parkash's Official Bio. Please don't tell my lying, hate-filled, extremist "kritics" and members of the woo woo and CONspiracy crowd :-)

    Dr. Chander Parkash - Biography
    My name is Chander Parkash, I am the Director of Oper...ations for

    I was born in the state of Punjab, in northern India. I attended St. Thomas School in Ludhiana and SDP School. At age 13, I began studying Martial Arts and earned a Black Belt, Third Degree, in Karate five years later, after winning many medals and honor awards. I have trained numerous students in colleges and various schools in Karate, usually for free, or for a fee which covers only my costs. I believe that teaching innocent people, especially women, how to defend themselves, is vital in today’s world.

    I love teaching and empowering people to help them to be their best.

  20. Part 2

    During my Martial Arts training, I also did bodybuilding and studied at Arya College, and earned my graduation degree. Next, I earned a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Pennsylvania University.

    After graduating, I opened my own fitness and nutrition center, to help people and improve their lives and well being. More-over, I also earned a MBBS in Alternative Medicine and I have focused on helping the poor improve their lives.

    My position is clear and simple: Without peace, no society can exist for very long. Peace is the basic, universal requirement for the development of the human mind and body.

    In today’s world, peace is of the utmost importance. Without peace, the human race will not thrive, it will not survive.

    Every government, and every citizen, must work to ensure that there never is a nuclear holocaust. Peace is the only weapon which can save the human race from extinction, this is a scientific fact.

    As the Director of Operations for, I am committed to making this organization succeed. You have our promise on this. We will not fail, which means we will spread peace.

    I would even give my last drop of blood for the success of this organization. I willingly renounce anything which would interfere with this objective. I am devoting my very being and soul to furthering and promoting world peace. We will not fail — which means everyone wins.

  21. Ha, Korff, You just can't win can you?

    Korffers, do any search you'd like using the following names:

    Dr. Chander Parkash and

    Go ahead, try it out. Mix and match, etc. See what you can come up with.

  22. For a good laugh, I send you this. From a Ms. Priya Mitra, a 21-yr old college student -

    Apparently killing people on battlefield is more interesting than me trying to instigate sex by deep throating a banana
    8:55 PM Oct 30th via MySpace...
    I had such NVLD moment, this creepy guy was staring at me on the bus and I didn't notice until the driver said something
    7:28 PM Oct 28th via MySpace...
    I need a drink!
    7:24 PM Oct 28th via MySpace

    Sounds like she's talking about Kal - LOL


  23. Good Lord there are hundreds of Chander Parkash's via Google.

    However NONE link up with KKKal's little fantasy NGO


    still free as a bird!

  24. The anagram for Chander Parkash is Search Had Prank.
    No wonder we can't find him.

  25. Fuck you Kalvin. You "gave nanodust" to Rob McConnell too, didn't you, you little troll.

    This is why we stay on you Kalvin, because you do lie. Not about everything, but you do lie and we catch you in those lies and them you lie about those lies.

    Do you see Kalvin Kern Korff?

    Do you SEE?

    Kal Korff:

    Hi everyone, there will be a video uploaded shortly which shows the appearance at a school for young kids I did here in India, at the request of their teacher. The kids learned about the Meier UFO Cult scam, and I gave them all NanoDust samples, (my poor "Kritics"!) which they went wild over. We also danced, it was REALLY fun. Spreading peace is invogorating, and the job is eternal.

  26. You couldn't stop yourself from a little bit more self promotion could you Korff?

    And, by doing this little bit of Korff promotion, "Look at Me"...

    You've given yourself away.

    A HUGE lie, once again.

    "I'm the CEO of"

    Look under the "About Us" link and guess what's there?

    About Kal Korff.

    What an egomaniac.

    So much so that he confirms his own lie.

    >>> has affiliate offices and partners in several countries: India, Israel, United States, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Yemen, Lebanon, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Canada. <<<

    Ha, ha, ha!

  27. Youtube Viewer Total for Korff's newest video attempt:


    Posted a day and a half ago.

    The total: 17 views.

    Of those, more than half are from Korffers.

    "But wait, that video posted on Face Book doesn't have a counter."

    Doesn't matter, Kalvin. Look at the comments total on Face Book:

    On Korff's Wall =
    2 people - Like
    2 people - posted a comment

    On the video page =
    0 people Like
    0 people posted a comment

    Failure. Udder failure.

    On to the next video please.

    Only 49 more to go.

    Jimmy D, you must be very affraid. I wouldn't want to be you right about now....

  28. Have a look at the latest video (

    That zoom in on the young woman on the scooter (2:49) is a hallmark of Kalvin's pervy camerawork.

    I think he may well really have been in India. Not necessarily last week, though. Not even necessarily this decade.

  29. At 10:38 the Indian sharpshooter lady is in unseasonably warm clothes (it's summer now in India, no?)

  30. I think the explaination of the Indian thing is Kal pooched some generic footage for the car ride THEN filmed the paintball outing in Prague with some Indian company he teaches English for or something. The interview with the sharpshooter could be Kal saying "ok to practice lets roleplay like you are a REAL military sharpshooter" or something to that effect.


  31. So, Korff posted a "memo" of sorts (sent to admin), which Korff himself wrote. This memo is pretty much the same information about Dr. Chander Parkash already posted here.

    Interesting that this memo refers to Dr. Chander Parkash as, Chander Parkash, dropping the Dr., and there's no "membership" identifiers on this memo, zero; no logo (expect that shortly), no letterhead, no address, nothing at all referring to

    There is an e-mail:

    This e-mail address goes directly to Korff, because Korff is the creator of

    Kal Korff:

    Here's the official Biography sheet for Dr. Chander Parkash, who is's Director of Worldwide Operations. Dr. Parkash will oversee, manage and supervise the various Director of Operations we have in our partner countries such as the Czech Republic, Israel, Yemen, Lebanon, India, Pakistan, UK, Switzerland, etc. Life and YHWH's blessings just keep getting better!

    Samantha Carr:

    How does someone access the free ipads.. who is eligible and how is that going to promote more peace?? I'd be happy to pass on the link but need a bit more info.. thanks

    Kal Korff :

    Hi Samantha, I will send you info soon, we are still creating our staff and ramping up. There will be more announcements shortly of course. The fact Dr. Parkash is who he is and one of the tent poles in this new group is arguably historic.

    This is also worldwide, because we WILL help change this world for the better, the cause and things we will do are bigger than any single individual, which is only right.

    Please send me a FB msg so I can reply and send you more details.

    Wishing you the best, thanks for your interest and patience as we get things going here, coordinating things with our partners around the world.

  32. Temp in India, average, on Thanksgiving Day, 2010 = 70

    Also, is it me or is there no location mentioned on Korff's War Game video?

    Not by Korff, not on the video?

    Just a genric location but no specific location.

  33. Melt Down....

    Kal Korff:

    More GREAT news: We have REACHED AGREEMENT with the first Church in India who is one of our new Peace Partners. I personally asked their pastor about Jesus being Jewish, if they had "problems" with Jews. He said NO WAY! He said Jesus was a Jew, and "the Jew for all of humankind." Because they do NOT engage in blood libel, we will partner with them. Praise YHWH, video to be posted later this week.

  34. Oh my...

    Information is flowing in today regarding our fav focus of attention.

    So much so that we'll have to give the "lines" a chance to cool down. Afterwhich we'll sort through all of this info and pass it around for review.

    Korffing has not been this "hot" for many months... maybe ever.

    Kalvin Kern Korff

    The wave, the wave....

    Michael Horn laughs at you.

  35. Somebody please e-mail this address:

    Use a fake address, Korff will answer... as a policeman, you know the drill.

  36. You don't own a TV Kalvin because; you can't afford one and you don't speak another language, so you couldn't understand what was being said on that TV you can't afford.

    >>> as a journalist myself who is internationally accredited, <<<


    Kal Korff:

    Katie Couric is the most over-paid non-inevestigative journalist on the planet. If I am ever interviewed by her, I won't be politically correct, and I would pepper her with questions concerning her inane "reporting" over the years.

    Kal Korff:

    You are right, as a journalist myself who is internationally accredited, I didn't mean to insult my fellow comrades. :-)

    I disagree she is "adequate" — not for the money they overpay her. I find her to be a farce, a botox-laden cosmetics diva, if I had to "choose" between watching her an Oprah I would throw my TV out the window first. I do not own a TV, and have not for ten years. I don't miss it.

  37. The only difference between Wendell Steven and Kal Korff is that Kal just hasn't been caught.

  38. Well, I just emailed

    The following message bounced straight back:

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 No Such User Here (state 14).

  39. Of course. Korff, jumping the lie before he got it all set up right.


  40. ... I spoke to soon. The email cited above ( is spelled wrong. Should be without the "l" - logically, as our imaginary guy is supposed to be named "Chander".

    Sent again - minus the "l" ... and no bounceback yet...

  41. Chandler, understood.

    Maybe Korff likes the TV show "Friends"?

    Oh, wait... Korff doesn't have a TV and he doesn't like TV, or James Bond.....

  42. The world awaits...

    >>> Kalvin Kern Korff: "This is a win-win for doing what is right," said Kal Korff. "Because these people will always attack me and based on their behavior they have YEARS of spreading lies, hatred and deceit, we will be able to raise lots of money and as long as they continue to spread hatred and intolerance, we will be able to laugh all the way to the bank per se and use money from the sale of these Xposes to further a great cause. It's like forcing evil to pay to further what is good. I'm loving it." <<<

  43. A brief check on Dr. Chander Parkash:

    St. Thomas School in Ludhania, India -
    No record of any such person as a student or graduate, dating back to 1965.

    Arya College - (also in Ludhania) -

    A very small college that awards Bachelor Degrees, not 'Graduation Degrees'.

    Pennsylvania University -
    Doesn't exist. There is the well known Pennsylvania STATE University, aka Penn State.
    (Wouldn't a former student at least get the name right?).

    MBBS in Alternative Medicine -

    A complete fake. Commonly used by 'quacks' in India.

    Sounds like Kal has either another imaginary associate, or that he has been conned by another fake!


  44. Digger my man! Wonderful Korffing!


  45. Bring on the chest waders!!!!

  46. I hear a rumor that a media apperance may be in the works....

  47. The Unknown KorfferDecember 13, 2010

    Samantha Carr:

    How does someone access the free ipads.. who is eligible and how is that going to promote more peace?? I'd be happy to pass on the link but need a bit more info.. thanks

    Kal Korff :

    Hi Samantha, I will send you info soon, we are still creating our staff and ramping up. There will be more announcements shortly of course. The fact Dr. Parkash is who he is and one of the tent poles in this new group is arguably historic.

    This is also worldwide, because we WILL help change this world for the better, the cause and things we will do are bigger than any single individual, which is only right.

    Please send me a FB msg so I can reply and send you more details.

    What an absolutely bizarre exchange! Why would this Samantha have to message Korff first so he could reply? I also love the implied significance of this Dr. Parkash's involvement, and that whoever would be reading it would already know who he was. "Oh, wow, Dr. Parkash! That's like having Bono from U2 onboard!"

    The most telling aspect of the exchange though is that he replies with no substantive information to her specific questions, just vague generalities & flim-flam pep talk. Typical confidence fraud "will send you info soon", and shamelessly exploiting someone who genuinely seems interested in helping.

    Because Kalvin asks her to private message him first one can only presume that was a manipulation to make sure she was the one who initiated the personal contact. I.E. if the interaction sours at an unwelcome request he can respond "Well you were the one who messaged me first ..."

  48. Unknown... that's some deep thinking. Bravo.


  49. Face Book Smackdown kontinues...

    Kal Korff:

    When Guy Weddle admits he LIED when he says I "never exposed anyone," (just view my books long available since last century on I will be happy to volunteer to help where I can, and try to focus discussions.

    Until then, I'm standing on principles...I will be merely an honored guest on your show.

    I sincerely thank you, Jeff, for being neutral and only professional about this. It is too bad your counterpart chose another path, since no one "forced" him — not even the Reptilians. :-)

    Jeffery Pritchett:

    lol Kal you still can come post on the forum. There are many people there. Perhaps you and Guy can debate there that would get about a gazillion new posts. ha ha You could post a message there calling out GUY to build hype for the show in February. I've always liked you because a lot of people bitch about you. ha ha Thanks Kal.

    Kal Korff:

    Well I am not into hype, sorry. Guy lied, period. He has been exposed. There is NOTHING to "debate." Since I am the author of only expose books, he lied. Period. Anything else is UFOOLogy. Of course I will post over time, I promise. But right now my main focus is on Islamofascism and fighting against it, because until Little Grey Leprechauns start committing suicide bombings, or crash their saucers into skyscrapers, my priorities are here, not in UFOlogy. I am simply updating all my expose works Guy lied about so they're up to modern snuff per se, then I am OUT of this CONspiracy insanity.

    There is NO difference between a Islamofascist who wants to harm you just because you don't believe in their twisted form of religion, versus a UFO extremist and hater like David Biedny, who also threatened to "harm me" on at least two occasions just because I don't believe in Little Grey Leprechauns.

    What unites these haters and extremists is their hatred, the specific subject is just a detail. The subject has to be something...

    Hope you are well, Jeff, look forward to chatting with you again, buddy.

    Jeffery Pritchett:

    Nothing wrong with Hype Kal to get more people to listen to something to raise awareness and to entertain. The art of Public Relations. I'm taking that course now in College. I see what your saying and definitely interesting. I am curious to see both sides in February and to learn more about you with our listeners Kal. Enjoy the holidays and yes do come post sometime. Take care.

    Jeffery Pritchett:

    Kal you blocked GUY? lol He said you blocked him on Facebook?
    Jeffery Pritchett:
    Kal Guy is talking smacking about you on the forum now.. We need to let our listeners know you two got beef for the debate in February. We have 100,000 plus hungry listeners who wanna hear both sides of the story now. Here is the link of GUY talking smack about you KAL. I'm just the referee remember.


  50. I noticed that the Windows 7 Phone commercial that was put up on YouTube in October ahs near 1,900,000 views. Kal Korff stuff, double or triple digits.

    Mike Horn laughs at Korff, as does the rest of the world.

  51. Failure on an epic scale.

    From: secretxwars | December 10, 2010 | 19 views

    Still waiting for any of the 49 other videos Korff.

    Michael Horn is waiting.
    Jimmy D is waiting.
    F1 Racer is waiting.
    Kevin Randle is waiting.
    Royce Meyers III is waiting.

    I'm waiting for my iPad.

  52. The only pad Kal has is the one between his legs.

  53. Kal, I can't seem to find any information on any sharpshooter named Isha. Please give us more information. You seem to find a lot of people who don't exist. Maybe only in your mind.

  54. Kal, your own YouTube site documents your lies. You have been promising a "Reality-Based" show for over 2 years. Where is it? You have nothing but small snippets of drivel. Just what does "reality-based" mean? It is based on reality but not really reality. Some of it is reality. I think you have hit on it. Your life is reality based. It is based on reality but is not really reality. What a dipshit!

  55. That Indian sharpshooter girl looks a LOT like the girl Kal is in bed with in that vomit inducing photo he put up.


  56. The Unknown KorfferDecember 14, 2010

    Get ready for "my good friend Richard Holbrooke" stories. Inevitable.

  57. Korff's been silent on Face Book since 9:00 AM on December 12th.

    Expect a huge announcement soon.

  58. "That Indian sharpshooter girl looks a LOT like the girl Kal is in bed with in that vomit inducing photo he put up."

    That's Martina in that photo. Doesn't anybody recall his bloobers video filmed in Washington state. It's the same flipping person. You can tell the Kal in bed photo is recent. Checkout this video that came out at the same time.

    You can see he has the same ridiculous flowbee suckcut hairstyle because he can't afford a barbar.

    We should really put this part of his life to rest. Martina is his woman no matter how hard it is to believe.

  59. Martina has been sent various messages through Face Book. As best as I've been able to tell, she won't respond, or if she does it's in a very remote, not caring way.

  60. Regardless that's her in that photo besides the fact that she can hardly speak English! This is her face book page.!/profile.php?id=1535724487

    The two of them have always played at not having a relationship when clearly they had something going on. Besides Kal did mention getting married in Washington state and that corresponds to the bloopers video where they are filming in Seattle together and seem to have more than an average repoire. Now I'm not saying she hasn't left his ass but if so, it must have been very recent. But my opinion is that she tries to keep a low profile when it comes to Kal's shenanigans. That's why she doesn't have him as a friend on face book. For the most part she doesn't want to be involver with that shit. But if you look at that photo, that's her without a doubt. She's in her late 40's and has a slight beak of nose. The old photos of her with Kal's books behind her she is heavily made up but you still tell she's in her 40's at that time.

    Now I'm not trying to give validity to kal when it comes to his bullshit but this is like a no-brainer.

    And It also seems to me that she likes embellishing herself as a supermodel, so she has similar delusions of grandeur. Why wouldn't they make the perfect pair.

    Besides who else would share a bed with kal besides someone who had been totally conned by his bullshit? Martina has been conned and used to help sell them.

    Does anyone remember the infamous video where Martina says I cunt belieb dis could hoppen in Amerika, Regarding his brothers shooting in Oregon?

    Kal Refutes the relationship simply to protect her but when it gets down to it he can't help but show them in bed together.

    Now maybe she fauns disinterest strictly to avoid the onslaught of criticism she would receive from others on face book.

    So If you really don't believe this find the old bloopers video and the photo of her in front of Kal's books and make a comparison to the kale in bed photo.

    I just don't see how anyone following this site could not have come to this conclusion by now.

  61. I know fist hand kal and Martina are not together.

  62. Martina Týčová has been posting music video links on FB like crazy today. And many of them are marijuana related...?

  63. Well please let us know how you know this. I'm telling you that's her in that photo. They might not be together but they are definately fuck buddies. The Indian sharpshooter girl looks Nothing like the old yenta in the photo!

  64. Some of us long term korffers have access to info that we don't publish here because it would blow peoples covers or reveal too much info of uninvolved parties. I'm not saying the girl in the bed is 100% the Indian girl, just that she looks like her.
    And kal and martina are not together and kal was never married.

  65. Its amazing that so many of you invest so much of your life on someone so few know or care about. What does that say for you? I expect you all believe this guy is a fool and not worth giving the time of day to but then you allow him to take up a front row position in your life, emotionally anyway. Makes me wonder if Korff just closed up shop and was never heard from again what you would do with your lives.

    Its funny, he has been spreading his crap for years and you have been following him for years like some kind of reverse Cheer club called the Korffers. He bashes you you bash him. Its like watching an old married couple that hate each other but can't live without each other.

    Its amazing that he can't seem to write even the simplest thing without working in some bashing of the flavor of the week "Hater" but at the same time you guys seem to be grasping at straws at some of the off the wall stuff you post here. Anyone with half a brain will discount anything Korff says about anyone he labels a "Hater" and by the same token anything posted on this site is suspect for really the same reasons. The truth is someplace in the middle I guess.

  66. The Unknown KorfferDecember 14, 2010

    It's an alternative form of entertainment for us to watch Kalvin spiral out of control every few weeks. This latest round is nothing new other than he's doing it with Face Book.

    The two of them have always played at not having a relationship when clearly they had something going on.

    Uh, no? Or rather, how did you arrive at that conclusion? If anything I'd wager to the opposite. Kalvin has done nothing but try to misrepresent his interactions with her to imply unwholesome things. It's part of his fantasy.

    I also cannot recall Martina "playing at" anything, and regard her as a target or victim of Kalvin's just like every other woman to surface who's been involved with him. He hijacked her identity after she was kind to him, or had agreed to work with him after falling for his con of being a media professional. We have never heard one word from her that wasn't filtered by Kalvin in advance to say exactly what he wanted her to say. Whatever relationship they had was just as much a fraud as his new global peace ambassador CEO job. The guy leaves nothing but broken promises and hurt feelings in his wake, and is nothing more than a disgusting parasite. But an entertaining one sometimes!

  67. Hi kal!
    F1 racer

  68. >>> Its amazing that so many of you invest so much of your life on someone so few know or care about. What does that say for you? <<<

    First off, there aren't that many of us. Maybe 6 to 8 posters of note here and of those maybe 3 major posters.

    You miss the point. It doesn't matter how many people know about our chubby little loser. We use this for our entertainment, much in the same way that Korff uses this blog and his life.

    What this says about me is; Korff is a liar, and a stealer of valor and the good works of others.

    Korff lied to me, and many times at that, personally.

    That alone gives me the right to bash the creep, and too enjoy it, up and until he sulks away.

    Other than that, I'm doing the world a favor by ensuring that the world knows and are informed and kept up to date on the lies and fantasies of Kalvin Kern Korff's activities.

    Live the life of a public liar and user and pay the price.

    Simple as that.

    Oh, and if he does go off and stay silent. I'm down with that. I, unlike Korff, have a life beyond Korffing. Although it is a kick in the ass, to kick his ass.

  69. "Its amazing that so many of you invest so much of your life on someone so few know or care about. What does that say for you? I expect you all believe this guy is a fool and not worth giving the time of day to but then you allow him to take up a front row position in your life, emotionally anyway. Makes me wonder if Korff just closed up shop and was never heard from again what you would do with your lives."

    And Blah Blah Blah!

    Mr. Hand, If I'm here and your here, doesn't that make it our time? And there's certainly nothing wrong with a little Korfing on our time, is there?

  70. >>> And there's certainly nothing wrong with a little Korffing on our time, is there? <<<

    There you go.


  71. "Mr. Hand, If I'm here and your here, doesn't that make it our time? And there's certainly nothing wrong with a little Korfing on our time, is there?"

    Guess I cant argue with that....

    Still it seems like you are trying to tear down a house the fell down all by itself years ago.

  72. The Unknown KorfferDecember 14, 2010

    Quite to the contrary! Kalvin Korff has never been as much of a threat as he is now. Those 600 people he suckered on Face Book are hotwired to him and living his fraud with him -- or, completely ignoring it all, take your pick. He has a direct channel to their lives as well and seems to be on a daily quest to find new ways into their daily affairs.

    Which on its own isn't a problem, that's what people go to Face Books for. The problem is that Kalvin is suckering them with a con, and using this military wannabe rap to divert their attention away from those who really have dedicated their lives to such causes. Every story or post diverting concern and attention away from the men & women of all nations fighting the war on terror is a disgrace, and he must be stopped. Or exposed, repeatedly and as often as needed.

    It's also fun to do the right thing, always better than sneaking around trying to get away with a con. So I've enjoyed the majority of my Korffing time. It's going for a good cause and usually generates a few laughs. It's all so absolutely stupid! The Super Duper Services, LOL. SAPSTOE! haha. "Never accept a promotion." LOL! KPMG audit, lmao! Hand in glove with the police ... Kal, new tactic: Identify the law enforcement agency, at least with a made up name. "Prague Internet Metropolitan Police International Task Force Union." See how easy that was? Sounds official too. You could even use one of your idiotic acronyms too: PMPITFU!

    You're not even really trying, Kal. Some CEO.

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