Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Military expert weighs in on Kal Korff

Much thanks to FN for this information from a REAL military expert.  Ace lad!!!! I shall not reveal who the person is but his credentials are rather impressive chaps. Here is what FN gives us about a military professional's expert on Kernal Krumb.

This military expert and professionals background includes thirteen years as an enlisted Marine; was in Vietnam in 1965 and from 1967 through 1970 surviving 31 major combat operations.
Military honors: include three Purple Hearts for wounds suffered in combat.

Subject: Korf Kommando
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 10:39 AM

Hello, FN.  I've got a few spare minutes this week, so I'll try to be helpful regarding your query.  You've run across something that I've seen numerous times in my dealings with the military and military support agencies through the years.

Namely, an expat Israeli who has discovered an American fascination with all things super-secret-spooky-paramilitary, as long as it seems to have Israeli provenance.  For some reason, Americans - uninformed or just plain ignorant Americans - have become convinced since the IDF raid on Entebbe that the Israelis are the end-all and be-all when it comes to clandestine, paramilitary operations. 

The folks who are setting themselves up as bona fides in this regard are usually Israelis living here who did their required time in the IDF and nothing more, but they're driven to set themselves up as Super Spooks.  There are usually two reasons for this:  They have huge self-esteem/ego problems or they are fishing for a way to make money by misrepresenting their background and expertise. 

As your guy doesn't seem to be demanding payment, investment or a job, I'm prone to put him in the latter group.  I think you're dealing with a whack-job.  I've done some cursory checking with my genuine sources and gotten nothing but laughter for the inquiry.  The outfit he's claiming to be a member of just doesn't exist, except perhaps in his mind. 

That's my take.  As to what to do about it? Ignore him.  Don't feed into his fantasy by challenging it.  Guys like this thrive on controversy and challenge to their dream-state.  When that disappears and it's obvious no one is taking him seriously, or paying any attention at all, they just disappear.


  1. test post, blog is messing up again....

  2. Part one

    Yes fellow Korffers. As we Korff away, we will, at some point, stop and allow Korff to go quietly into the glaring shadows of his mediocrity.

    However, before this can happen, confirmed and solidified information must be released, refuting EVERYTHING we can which Korff claims.

    I have many more items to release. Many will have to wait, as I have it on good authority that Korff will be making some “grand” announcements, and pronouncements very soon.

  3. Part two

    I KNOW he’ll try and circumvent our information release with one of his own because I KNOW he KNOWS where a lot of this information initially came from. Sad for Korff, this information has been filtered through and vetted by many sources and resources.

    Korff’s attempts to lessen the impact of revelations will not work. Our confirmation(s) comes from reputable sources and from some other than from Korff himself.

    The truth will win the day.

    The wave continues to wash the truth ashore.

    Michael Horn laughs at you.


  4. Everything good out there Korffers? Did Korff succeed in having the police arrest you....

  5. YouTube Update

    Last video posted (Korff never posted his latest video on Youtube)

    40 views in 20 days.

    Udder failure.

    From: secretxwars | December 10, 2010 | 40 views

  6. I still havent been served


  7. Korff, more lies....

    >>> but I am leaving for Prague to do what I have promised. <<<


    Kal Korff

    Hi everyone: I wish you all a Happy New Year and only the best. Sorry I have been very busy and not online much, but I am leaving for Prague to do what I have promised. I'll be online as time permits after the New Year. Got too much to do, especially filing paperwork against three parties, and almost no time to visit friends, but otherwise things are just fine.

  8. Such a liar....

    It's News Years Day in CZ, and Korff has the nerve to post this, treating his FB friends like idiots.

    Oh wait, he sent them an e-mail... That must be it? Just like the Obama letter.

    Also, Korff should "look into" exactly where these people live.

    Lastly, I support these guys, where's my contact Korff?

    Oh, F1 and Jimmy D, have you been contacted, at all? On News Years Day for that matter? Let me guess....


    Kal Korff:

    Update: James Dalyrumple (JimmyD), & Francis Underwood (aka F1Racer) were officially reported to Czech Criminal Police for "threatening to kill" me; Czech Criminal Police are now acting on this. They have contacted them. Those who supported these extremists/haters are now also being dealt with, such as David Biedny. Praise YHWH, thanks Czech Police, and happy new year everyone. Update soon.

  9. ROFL

    No one has contacted me


  10. LMAO FAIL.

  11. "Americans - uninformed or just plain ignorant Americans - have become convinced since the IDF raid on Entebbe that the Israelis are the end-all and be-all when it comes to clandestine, paramilitary operations."
    ---I don't believe the Israelis are the end-all and be-all - particularly these days, when (just like the Americans) they prefer dropping bombs from drone planes to putting themselves in harm's way. But you'd have to go back to World War Two to find an example of the American military pulling off something like the Entebbe raid. Whenever the Americans are sent in to rescue hostages, they usually end up shooting them rather than saving them.

  12. >>> they usually end up shooting them rather than saving them. <<<

    In this case, only Korff is shooting himself in the foot.

  13. Well, Kalvin, I had a marvellous Christmas. My parents came over and joined my family for the Czech Christmas Eve carp thing, then the 25 December turkey thing, with various friends invited. Then on 26th December we headed off for our usual trip to the mountains, staying (as always) in a cottage with 15 or so friends (families with kids). Lots of skiing, wine, guitars/singing, and heaps of snow. Just got back today.

    How was your festive season alone in your squalid one-room slum, Kalvin?

    You lying, worthless piece of dung...

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