Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kal K. Korff and his INTOLERANCE and HATE

Kal Korff continues his hatred of the gay community with his continuing anti gay slurs. Kal just got through posting "Not surprised they blew this with both lips." Kal has said that being gay is wrong and that he used to like the lead singer from Judas Priest until Kal discovered the singer was gay. This is HATRED and INTOLERANCE pure and simple. Kal claims to promote peace and understanding yet he is an OPEN HATER of a particular group. You are a HYPOCRITE of the worst order Kalvin. Stop spreading your HATRED Kal. Just stop!


  1. AnonymousMay 21, 2011

    FB Post regarding the end of the world claims...

    Kalvin, you're a fraud as well.

    Kal Korff: I continue to be amazed that anyone covers this, especially the media. This same bozo predicted this years ago and was also wrong. I guess the 75 MILLION bucks he has, because he is such a "humble" servant of Jesus, has him so bored, like the Koran burning "man of God" he needs to find something to amuse him. He should be arrested and tried for fraud.

  2. AnonymousMay 21, 2011

    So deep, so dumb amd so misguided. Your Mother must be so proud.

    Kal Korff: I disagree, if scripture means anything. Do you SERIOUSLY think that God "blessed" Hitler and protected him? No, the refusal by the "civilized west" to stop Hitler when they COULD have directly caused his empowerment and guaranteed the star...t of a world war. Remember, Czechoslovakia was given to Hitler, no one bothered to ask the Czechs.

    I believe that if you worship statues made in a factory, or engage in human sacrifices like Baal worshippers did, "God" will not protect you.

    When I am in India, I keep telling "religious" Indians, who mean well and "love" God, but worship statues made in a factory, to conduct a simple test.

    I then take, with their permission, their little idol or statue of their supposed "God" which they have in a small shrine in all their houses, and I simply put it on the ground, FACE DOWN.

    I then ask them a simple question: HOW LONG will it take for this "God" statue to pick itself up off the floor and right itself?

    Of course the answer is never and forever, since the statue is not a "God" and never will be, it is MANmade and the product of human handicraft or industry.

    The point in all of this, is that God (again if scripture means anything) blesses those who follow His rules and guidance. Those who do NOT, suffer rightfully as in cause and effect.

    This is a key tenet in Judaism, as you know Jerry. And yes, I DO pray for Israel, not only that it may survive and thrive as a great nation, but also so that it may be protected by those who wish to harm it, and Obama in my opinion is now one of those.

    He's not a terrorist, for sure, he's just wrong. It's not the first time Obama has been wrong, and it certainly won't be the last.

  3. AnonymousMay 21, 2011

    not much time to write that 64 book series but lots of time to lecture people on flakebook

  4. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    On many occasion, Korff informs people by posting a Youtube link about a singer, entertainer, that kind of thing, using a tag line similar to this, “I enjoy this video, please watch what most other will never be able to do, at all of nearly as well.”

    It could also be that Korff is trying to subliminally plant the thought in our minds that, just like this person and their unobtainable talent level, you will never be able to match my (Korff’s) massive talent level, IQ, etc.

    Kal Korff: Here's a video you might like, this guy can REALLY jam on the guitar. If you click on the link above, it goes to the guitar video where this guy "Jerry" jams like most never will be able to.


  5. AnonymousMay 22, 2011


    I need to put together the Top 10 Kalvin Karlton Korff List of Lies.

    I would like to have these lies be already confirmed as lies or lies which can be assumed to be confirmed by using simple common sense.

    Example of a common sense confirmed lie:

    Kalvin still claiming he's single on Face Book, while claiming that he's married.

    Common sense says it's a lie.

    Please start listing your choices and please include your confirmation as well.


  6. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    A Kalvin Korff video interview will happen after the Top Ten Korff Lies is completed.

  7. AnonymousMay 22, 2011


    I know most of you don't bother to hit up Korff's temple web site. Just an FYI, Korff pulled nearly everything off his site (no iPhone style and not working images, no news feed links, no mention of UFOwatchcat, Martina, zero) but the following items:

    An image and link to the 3 Kal Korff Show episodes and a little text on his books (4 book cover images, one magazine and interestingly enough, a single book cover image of his “Secret Wars” book(s?) and a single youtube video.

    As I've stated many times, the cease and desist that Korff received from Face Book worked; it pretty much shut him down.

    The Don Ecker Show, exposing Korff as the liar, fraud and thief that he is, worked.

    The KIAI You Tube Channel further exposing Korff for the lair and fraud that he is, using Korff’s own works; posts, e-mails and videos, have worked.

    Kalvin Karlton Korff is running away from his fake solider and fake legal – lawyer persona as fast and as far as he can.

    Korffer’s our work is not yet done because we must have Korff make a few public apologies and he must come clean in a public manner regarding his fake persona; gay hater, identity stealer, stolen valor, etc., and not allowed to just not comment of this material and hope that it all just vanishes and he can start anew.

    Kalvin, until you grow up and accept the responsibility for your immature and in some cases, illegal behavior, the Korffing will not stop.

    The next round of videos will only turn up the heat and focus and even brighter light on your shenanigans and deceitful ways.


  8. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Kal Korff Show(s) get an average of 70 views per month and then after a few months the hits die off to just a few per month.

    If you have 400 Face Book friends, why aren't you getting a few hundred right out of the starting gate?

    Don't answer that Kalvin; you'll only humiliate yourself even more.

    Isn’t mediocrity fun?

  9. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    More PROFF that Korff monitors this blog.

    Korff has posted the "new" video he promised over a month ago.

    It's hardly a "Korff" video. It's Korff's presentation of Langdon's Meier work. Lazy ass.

    And, interestingly enough, it's not Kal Korff Show #4.

    And, it's a "promo", only 49 seconds long. I predict that this video will spike in viewership and then drop off, just like every other Korff video.

    Langdon's channel:

    Kal Korff: Here's a promo PREVIEW of a new Internet video series dedicated to Xposing the Billy Meier UFO Cult and scam in Switzerland. Each segment shows you how to fake "Pleiadian beamship" photos and films using the SAME methods Meier did. My sincere thanks to UFO WatchCat and Phil Langdon for helping on this. Hope you enjoy it.

  10. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Korff, trying to make ME a liar.

    Korff has added back "most" of the past material to his template web site.

    Interestingly enough, the threats against F1 Racer and JimmyD are not there.

    It was all horse shit Korffer's.

    No law suits, ever.

    No iPads, no i nothing.

    Still a one page temple entrance page:

    Still a liar, a fruad and a thief.

  11. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Does this Langdon fellow realize Korff is a fucking crazy man? Just like Korff to continue using the work of others as a means to his own. Keep reading here Kal. The truth hurts and you are doubled on the floor in agony.

  12. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    I tried conacting Langdon once or twice. Nothing.

  13. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Kettle, black....

    Regarding the end of the worlds klaims...

    The mirror doesn't lie Kalvin, you do, but the reflection you're seeing and responding to is your own...

    Kalvin Korff: "He should be arrested and tried for fraud."

    Kal Korff: "I continue to be amazed that anyone covers this, especially the media. This same bozo predicted this years ago and was also wrong. I guess the 75 MILLION bucks he has, because he is such a "humble" servant of Jesus, has him so bored, like the Koran burning "man of God" he needs to find something to amuse him. He should be arrested and tried for fraud."

  14. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    A promo video clip of a 'new' TV series? Copyright 2010. New?
    Keep living in the past Kal, and it'll eventually catch up with you!

  15. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Kontinuing the sprint, or limp, away from his past fake persona....

    "This series is part of the UFO WatchCat family of videos, which help protect trusting consumers from hoaxes and scams."

    But wait! Korff stated on many occasions that UFOwathcat was specifically started to protect people against the claims of RMII.

    Was that a lie, or is this a lie?

    So many lies, so many lies.

    Kalvin Karlton Korff; living his life over the internet.

    Kalvin Karlton Korff; living a lie over the internet.

    Run away liar and Gay Hater Kalvin Karlton Korff, run away.

    You can't escape the Korffers.

  16. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Notice, it's all gone from; UFO's, Meier, Meyers, Don Ecker, F1 Racer, JimmyD, law suits, identity theft...

    ... to Obama, Apple and hating the gays....

    Developing into a new fake persona, indeed.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! The Taliban has announced that their "leader of the faithful," Mullah Omar IS DEAD, and apparently died TWO DAYS AGO. Parties in Pakistan are saying "We killed him," but it ultimately does not matter, as long as he is dead. Developing...

  17. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    "Korffer’s our work is not yet done because we must have Korff make a few public apologies and he must come clean in a public manner regarding his fake persona...."

    ---Yes, indeed: painful lesson after painful lesson. That is all that awaits you, Karlton, until you ... well, learn your lesson.

    You are scum, Korff. Iredeemable scum.

  18. Oh yes, agreed: I believe it is no exaggeration to state that "Colonel" "KalIsrael" Kalvin Karlton Korff is evil.

    He may not be in a position to wreak the kind of evil for which the great monsters of history were responsible.

    But he is nevertheless - in and of himself - pure evil.

    Does anyone agree/disagree?
    Squonkamatic? We haven't had the pleasure of reading one of your thoughtful commentaries for a while...

  19. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    LOL The one Kal video I had on my You Tube channel got pulled because Kal filed a DCMA.



  20. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Wonder if he'll try that with some of the videos on the KIAI youtube channel?

    I hope so! If he does, we can use his actions against, him.


  21. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    im just gonna upload it again under a different account


  22. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    I was just now checking some of Kal's 79 Secretxwars videos. I noticed something very unusual regarding the number of views for each episode. They normally have been running several hundred or so, but suddenly they are in the thousands for some of them.
    The 'Kal Korff gets buzzed' one is now over 40,000. A mighty big jump from the 1200 or so just a day or two ago!
    Seems like Kal is playing games again.
    But he is not yet done with Don Ecker per his latest video. His usual nasty comments.


  23. sqladksfhjva;kshaqswdgvqbcvMay 24, 2011

    so MR. KORFF, not a colonel after all, what other groups are you prejudiced against other than Americans and homosexuals? what other surprises await your loyal flock of flakebook stooges? you fucking fraud.

    that's about all i can manage jimmy. cheers!

  24. Brit_in_PragueMay 24, 2011

    Ah, but is he evil? I'd say so.

    Definitely a psychopath. There's a fascinating article about psychopaths in today's Guardian:

  25. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    You know that manipulating You Tube views is against their TOS and could get him banned


  26. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    Is there a way of asking YouTube to look into his channel view numbers?

  27. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    Kal's trip to the India-Pakistan border per his video:
    Spent the night before in a local pub. Showed at least 25 people the NanoDust he was taking to the border on a SECRET mission to spread it into the soil there. Then later he empties the 'viles of NanoDust' onto the ground.
    'Viles' of NanoDust??
    English 101 says 'vials'.
    Sounds like 'udder' nonsense to me. LOL

  28. The Unknown KorfferMay 24, 2011

    Definitely 100% pure unadulterated evil, so evil he likely believes he is actually doing positive things when in fact he is so inept that we give thanks that his ability to do harm is so limited.

    Spent the night before in a local pub. Showed at least 25 people the NanoDust he was taking to the border on a SECRET mission ...

    Facepalm! Kalvin K. Karlton Korff, klassified info liability, consuming alcohol in public and bragging about being on a secret mission. Fail.

  29. AnonymousMay 25, 2011

    Korff's rising youtubeviwer totals.

  30. The Unknown KorfferMay 26, 2011

    Wow BUSTED, Kal! This from the comments section on the article:

    YouTube allows a mere HEAD requests count as page views. With several persistent connections (or a BotNet or however you want to slice it), you can give someone hundreds or of views a second without using a lot of bandwidth.

    Exactly the explanation I had conjured up: Just telling a bot to "view" the video an infinite number of times. Hopefully he'll overdo it and give himself a million hits. There's only one problem with this solution -- Kalvin K. Karlton Korff is not intelligent enough to think of this and too lazy & inept to actually implement such a scheme. That means he's getting help from some pigeon he suckered into being an accomplice. Kal Korff's inability to not do evil is sickening.

  31. AnonymousMay 26, 2011

    Dozens of Obama and Apple posts today.

    Nothing new.

    Run away kalvin.

    What of Ecker, Meier's, Meyer's, UFO's nanodust?

    Run away faker.

    Run away fruad.

    Run away liar.


  32. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    kal really is woefully out of shape, likely gets zero physical exercise and spends a LOT of time sitting around. funny that he made some post last week or whenever about how he would be "away" working on his "book series" and it amounted to all of three hours. not a lot of time to get some decent exercise or write books when you post on facebook dozens of times every day. kal korff is fat, lazy, stupid, and a liar.

  33. Happy Red Mogul BalloonMay 27, 2011

    and no decent woman would bed him.

  34. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    Kal Korff: I'll be done today with a Xpose of "investigative" journalist Annie Jacobsen's new book on Area 51. She promotes the delusion that Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele "surgically altered" two kids for dictator Stalin, put them into a captured jet from the Horton brothers, launched them to the USA where they crashed near Roswell. Since I wrote the bestselling Roswell Xpose book of all time, I can't let her get away with this BS.

  35. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    Look what Korff posted on his template web site. Too little, too late Korff.

    • • •

    *Note: The Hebrew word "Kiyd" from which "Kidon" is based, means bayonet, dart, javelin or something to strike with. It appears in ancient texts as old as the Bible. Kal is NOT associated in any way with Israel's Mossad, and has never claimed to be. Kal has never worked for Mossad nor the Israeli government, and Kal is NOT an "agent" nor a spy. Kal does not even watch James Bond movies, and has zero interest in them. His work in counterterrorism analysis, trends and operations has no relation to Israel's Mossad "Kidon" units. This information is mentioned here only because Billy Meier UFO Cult leader and spokesman, Mikey Horn, (and others) have FALSELY claimed that Kal is a member of Mossad's Kidon Units, which engage in assassination and kidnapping. Horn is typical of the public ignorance on this subject. Unfortunately, some people "think" that James Bond movies are real. This is THEIR problem, not Kal Korff's.

  36. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    You realy should check out Korff's templte web site!

    He "attempted" a format change;

    three columes or frames: a top section, left to right to post his personal lies,

    and then two columes, top to bottom, with many, many, MANY youtube videos.

    Crazy and usless format.

    Good job computer expert.


  37. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    Korff, lying again. Korff is attempting to give his Face Book friend(s) the impression that his column is "back on"; hosted on some kind of third party web site, or a newspaper or periodical’s own web site.

    Not so.

    Korff is using the name and self-publishing it on his own template web site.

    Notice that Korff is telling people to "go to this web site" as if it's not his template web site.

    Another sad attempt to distant himself and to run away from the failure and fully fake persona Korff has spent the last decade manufacturing.

    A persona which in part is a hater of the gays, and women.

    ... "it's back by popular demand." More lies.

    You we're FIRED from the last throw-away subway newsletter this sad excuse for an "article" was last published in.

    More lies, half truths and horse shit.

    Run away Little Kalvin. Don Ecker challenged you to stand up like a man and confront him, debate him.

    You little chicken shit, feeble excuse for a man.


    Kal Korff: My syndicated column, Kal's Korner, which has been running off and on since 1998, is BACK again. If you go to this web site, you can read the newest installment. It's called WHY the Democrats and Republicans will Never TRULY "Reform" Themselves. Kal's Korner, like my show, covers everything from Politics to the "Paranormal," and it's back by popular demand. THANKS everyone, for being so incredibly patient.

  38. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    Korff has really pushed things around on his template web site. He looks to be setting his site up for something big.

    Notice how Korff has padded his job experience with a few security guard jobs and now he publicly states that he’s several books, not 10, or 50 or 500. You’re no longer lying about the amount.

    Korff, here’s a breakdown for you: several means more than two but not many. Although it is impossible to state a threshold value that separates the two, five or six is a reasonable value; a rough scale would go as follows: one > two (or a couple) > several (3–5) > half a dozen > many.

    BTW, do a web search on the following “jobs” Korff’ states he had: Syberdine Systems, Dublin Computer Systems, WJM Consulting, Capital Idea, and BookBrowser. If you know anything about Korff history you’ll find much to amuse your here. Korffing 101.

    Korff Employment History – Copied from Korff’s web site May 27, 2011

    An author of several non-fiction expose books and over 10,000 articles, since 1975 Kal has lectured to more than 300,000 people worldwide. Kal's past employers include prestigious companies and educational/research firms such as Artari, Apple Computer, its software subsidiary, Claris; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Boeing, Xerox, Montgomery Wards, Service Systems, Fox Security Services; American Patrol Services, Well Fargo Guard Services, Syberdine Systems, Dublin Computer Systems, WJM Consulting, Capital Idea, BookBrowser, TotalResearch, Prague Post, University of New York — Prague, Europe Online, Mafra, a.s., Metropolitni Expres.

  39. The Unknown KorfferMay 27, 2011

    Yeah that's pretty slimy of Korff to imply that Kal's Krapper is being hosted legit. He cannot do anything without lying. Case in point:

    *Note: The Hebrew word "Kiyd" from which "Kidon" is based, means bayonet, dart, javelin or something to strike with. It appears in ancient texts as old as the Bible. Kal is NOT associated in any way with Israel's Mossad, and has never claimed to be. Kal has never worked for Mossad nor the Israeli government, and Kal is NOT an "agent" nor a spy. Kal does not even watch James Bond movies, and has zero interest in them. His work in counterterrorism analysis, trends and operations has no relation to Israel's Mossad "Kidon" units. This information is mentioned here only because Billy Meier UFO Cult leader and spokesman, Mikey Horn, (and others) have FALSELY claimed that Kal is a member of Mossad's Kidon Units, which engage in assassination and kidnapping blah blah blah loud gross farting sound

    No, KALVIN, we here were accusing you of PRETENDING to be affiliated with a make-believe Israeli founded (or Israeli funded, your use of the terms has been interchangeable, likely because of mistakes in your typing more than intent) and implying that your "Kidon" krap was some sort of elite assassination squad. Not because we have nothing better to do with our time, but because that is exactly what you began crediting yourself with ("Kidon Unit Commander") after becoming obsessed with Steven Spielberg's MUNICH. You may not be obsessed with James Bond, but you are unhealthily obsessed with Steven Spielberg by evidence of your past public behavior.

    You also cannot run away from your theft of valor from the men & women serving in the Israeli defense forces regardless of branch, and the men & women of all nations fighting the war on terror as well. You are a sniveling inept little COWARD compared to the lowliest sub-private peeling potatoes. Your pathetic SAPSTOE costume is forever enshrined on the internet in a way that is beyond your ability to control. You are a wannabe fraud and a dirtbag loser with some sort of fucked up psychological problem which compels you to lie about everything to everyone. You are a human mess, nothing more.

  40. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    Unknown, I'm in awe and happy to read your thoughts and missives.

    Korffing par excellence.


    Korffing for a Korff Free Internet

  41. AnonymousMay 28, 2011

    If the list of Kal's previous employers according to Kal, posted by Anon above, is correct, then Kal just 'Xposed' himself. As what? An unreliable, incompetent and worthless employee. He probably had been fired from most, if not all, of those jobs.
    So what has he been doing these past few years to 'earn his keep'? Nothing.

  42. AnonymousMay 28, 2011

    To further this Korffing exchange about Korff’s employment resume. Who of us would be so proud of our past “menial” jobs to list out positions we had at the equivalent of fast food jobs, remedial security jobs, etc. to continue to list them out on our personal web site?

    I’ve had a few jobs, back between 16 and 25 that were just stepping stones or “for the money” jobs while in collage, etc. They certainly weren’t not worthy enough to mention 30 plus years later.

    Maybe worthy enough to mention at parties with friends in regards to funny and outrageous things we may have done while working those “forgettable” jobs, but nothing a potential employer would care about, or even a publisher… hint, hint.

    To sum up, there’s nothing “forgettable” or “mundane” or even common place about Korff’s life, in Korff’s demented brain. It’s all been one long path of note worthy accomplishments.

    Accomplishments which Korff himself must endlessly and continuously post, and repost and remind people about ad nausea, because not a single journalist or reporter have found Korff’s accomplishments worthy of covering in any way, since the late ‘80’s.

    Again, why would a person like this “hide” his accomplishments from the press while posting it all on his web site and on Face Book?

    The answer? It’s all horse shit.

    Behavior Kalvin, we base our entire “Korff Thesis” on your behavior and your internet posted life.


  43. AnonymousMay 28, 2011

    The attempt goes on....

    Korff, attempting to scour the minds of anyone who has ever done a little Korffing, hoping beyond hope that ALL forget his past misdeeds.

    We won't Kalvin.

    Notice Kalvin is now a "practitioner" in the art and not an "instructor" in the art. Korff likes to muddy his waters of truth.

    Kalvin, you're lying again, or at the least, using the wrong word again. Kalvin, see if any of this fits you and your "practition" of the art.

    "A practitioner is someone who engages in an occupation, profession, religion, or way of life."

    I didn't think so. Unless you’re telling the world that it’s your occupation to teach the art or that, like Kung Fu, it’s your way of life. Yahweh would not be happy.

    Kal Korff: It should say "This has some," I don't know why this typo exists, it must be the Pleiadians trying to get me again! :-) Anyway, here are some amazing scenes from Israeli Krav Maga. As a practitioner of this martial art myself, I promise you it is truly the best from of self-defense which exists. Hope you enjoy it, DON'T try this at home.

    Krav Maga - The Best In The World
