Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kal Korff FAIL!

SYNDICATED MY ARSE. Kal must have received his "accredited journalist" license from a cereal box prize. I'd asked that bloated sack Kal to post links to his published material and by whom it was published through but we all know this is just more hot air coming out of Kal's own ass.


  1. I can confirm that Kal's journalism accreditation was recieved at the very same carnival where he was bestowed the young atom bomb maker of the year award.

    He will allow that badge to be carbon dated too if you agree to pay for the tests.

    Tickety tock, lying liar.

  2. This must get very annoying for Little Kalvin?

    Every time he makes some kind of claim or pretty much any kind of movement at all these Korffers are all over it.

    From what I can tell the Korffers are doing a very good job, because Korff's attempts to legitimize himself are not working nor will they work.

    Good job Korffers.

  3. There is nothing wrong with Colonel KalIsrael Karlton Korff that a good, sustained beating wouldn't cure.

  4. has anyone checked to see if the lying scum joined the new google version of FB?

  5. Lying liar.

    What papers? He's NEVER EVER posted a SINGLE link pointing his FB "frinds" to ANY newspaper.

    Kal Korff: The last page of these articles usually shows at least one example of how they appeared in the papers.

  6. Regarding Face Book Google. Why should we care? Isn't this just a plug-in which shows the Face Book feed? What is to be gained?

  7. Apologise publicly and unequivocally to Mr S*dl*c*k, Korff.

    How many times to I have to tell you, you maniac?

  8. Korff, posting political crap on Face Book, like a mad man, and nobody cares.

    Move along.

  9. Kal's latest news article on Scribd, posted today. That's news?
    I read all about that 4 days ago from a number of sources!
    KopyKat Kal still trying to impress people with his great knowledge, as if anyone really cares what he writes... LOL

  10. (Raises hand and stands when called.)

    Mr. Korff, Sir? How exactly are you getting your print copies of these "international" newspapers to scan and post on the same day they are supposedly being published?

    Seems like you actually have them in advance of publication, handy to toss up online but with zero byline or indication of where they are being published.

    Also, how did you swing getting them published in English?

    Thank you for your answers, I will sit now.

  11. lol Korff.

    Well done.

  12. This is the same Kal Korff who claimed Don Ecker was going to be exposed in the international press and the clock was counting down. Nothing ever happened.

    Kal was a failure in the United States and now he can add failure in a foreign country to the embarrassing list of his worthless life.

  13. Kalvin Karlton Korff: Foreign Kountry Failure.

    I like.


  14. This is the same Kal Korff who claimed Don Ecker was going to be exposed in the international press and the clock was counting down. Nothing ever happened. Kal was a failure in the United States and now he can add failure in a foreign country to the embarrassing list of his worthless life.
