Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Well well well if it isn't everyone's least favorite military impersonator Kal K. Korff looking more dumpy than ever!  So how did you spend this New Year's eve "kernel" Korff? Did you trade in your tshirt and camouflage pants for some real clothes that adults wear? Likely not. You probably spent the evening wondering around dreaming up your next scam or personality to foist upon the unsuspecting in whatever foreign country you need to flee to next after you've burn all your bridges there in India.

Happy New Year to you Kal you pathetic twat.

A sincere Happy New Year to all the lads who have made this blog shine a light on Kal and his nefarious doings!!!!!!!! Keep it up chaps!!


  1. I remember when Korf said he lost 50 pounds when those shower photos were released.

    By God, it looks like he'll have to lose a full 75 or better to get back to his shower photo weight.

    Good luck with that Fatty.

  2. You know, Kalvin. If I didn't already know that she didn't exist, I'd fear for your "Punjabi princess wife". If you rolled over in the night, you'd squash her flat.

    Piggy Kalvin. Chubby little loser.

  3. Jeeze, that huge bloated belly is just so huge, and bloated, and huge.

    Damn Korff, for all that bragging about special forces, martial arts, taking down people with machine guns...

    My God man, you're just an over weight, middle aged, has been, so out of shape you're not even reliving your past and oh so fleeting glory (hole) days.

    I can see that you're very tired.

    And Fat.

    And bloated.

    How's it feel old man?



    No children.

    No family.

    No country.

    No fucking kidding.

  4. Why is Kal K. Korff so bloated?

    Here's an example...

    Kal Korff: Dal Kachoris and Nestle 3-in-1 "fire and forget" coffee for breakfast. I'm so blessed


    Dal Kachoris

    Deep fried goodness.

    Way to go Korff. Keep eating that deep friend goodness.

  5. Korffing Facebook Update

    Posted 10 hours ago. No likes, no looks, nobody cares. Nobodies reading.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's the first of several pieces on Global Warming I will be writing over the next few months. Future installments will contain more info and responses from various experts and scientists as we try to separate fact from fiction and reconcile contradictory data.

  6. Oh my God! I feel so blessed!! Fat Ass is going to do some op ed's on Global Warming!! Way to go Ass Wipe!!

  7. With the arrival of the New Year I had time to do some researching on that liar and fraud, Kal K Korff. The following is from January of 1999. This proves that Korff was a lying and scheming scum bag from the beginning and Art Bell's "slap down" never made an impression on Korff. Korff is an evil and mentally ill shit bag and the following will prove why he can't ever openly come back to the United States. A legal suit awaits the "Fat Ass" and as a result Korff must remain living in a 3rd World poverty stricken country. The item I am discussing will be in the next post.

    Korff, you have legal cross hairs on your fat, wide ass. Happy New Year you fat, bloated Slug.

  8. From: Jim Dilettoso
    Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:57:27 -0700
    Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:52:48 -0500
    Subject: Jim Dilettoso: Retraction-Apology Required from

    Mr Korff,

    Regardless of what you think of me, regardless of what you think
    of what I do, or how I do it,

    You are not allowed by law to publish lies.

    Mr. Korff, you claim to be a journalist, investigate the facts,
    adhere to a journalistic code of ethics then you state (among
    other things) in a widely circulated e-mail which was written
    by you "it has been proven in court records that Jim Dilettoso
    swindled/conned investors out of millions of dollars"

    This information is false. It never happened.
    No investor complaints.
    No lawsuits from investors.
    No accusations of fraud from investors or anyone.
    Only _you_.

    Where did you get that information?
    Where are the court records of which you speak?
    Who gave you that information that you have circulated as fact?

    In fact you take great care to circulate your e-mail lies and
    pretend that it is news and then... _You_ submit them to search
    engines so that they will be found when people search my name.

    I just received a call from someone who is soliciting my
    expertise in the computer field. Just because it is the way
    things are done, he submitted my name to the Alta Vista and
    Yahoo search engines.

    What he got was that 8 out of 10 were documents created,
    posted, distributed, by _you_.

    The documents are a series of e-mails and responses orchestrated
    by you with certain and specific information about Jim Dilettoso.

    This information is false: created by you to defame me.
    Your actions and refusal to comment to me are interesting.

    I demand that you answer the above questions concerning the
    source of information that you have globally submitted as fact.

    Jim Dilettoso

  9. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 02, 2014

    Really? Korff did that?

    That is outrageous behaviour.

  10. Outrageous? You bet. That is why this site will never go down until Korff has left the stage.

  11. FYYPOS


  12. My God he has tits! I am sure he gets off playing with them. He looks absolutely pregnant

  13. My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!My God he has tits!

  14. AnonymousJune 14, 2015

    Fatty liver.100%.
