Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Village Idiot

Kal K. Korff is an ignorant, self obsessed little prick. Need more proof? Here we have Korff posting a totally inappropriate image on Facebook. The accompanying text is just plain insane;

Well, women seem this find this men funny....

Drunk or just stupid?

 Less "loopy" than stealing valor and posing as a ranked member of a fake secret army.

Korff and Good... does not compute, asshole.


  1. Reminds me of this blast from the past (see - http://kalisanidiot.blogspot.cz/2010/05/banal-and-facile.html):

    "Yesterday, I saw a woman bend over to feed her dog. She had a min-skirt on, and well, I could see everything. No complaints, she was commando style on top of this! :-) Two kids came running by me, chasing each other, grabbing my legs. If I stayed there enjoying my view of God's creation, I'd be in their way. If I moved..., I'd lose my perfect view. I chose the kids. Now, ALL of my MEN friends say I was stupid. Bozos!"

  2. Reading over that blast from the past, it makes zero sense.

    Korff give one the impression that the kids are his or in some way there with him, but he also presents this like they we're just kids playing.

    So why would he choose the kids.


    Lying Liar

  3. Colonel Fatass had a brainfart I see.

  4. As posted a few days past... Korff has been posting his "new" article" on Facebook, like a mad man.

    Actually, many of these "new" "articles" he posted before, he's just adding a couple of "new" ones to his already posted ones to pad his output.

    Lying Lair

  5. Y'know, no-one has ever reported sight nor sound of Kalvin's little sister, Kyra. Doubtless she's married and taken her husband's surname - and changed her first name for good measure.

    Can't say I blame her.

    Imagine having a pair of brothers like Kalvin and dirtbag Kurtis.

    I'd love to hear about Kalvin's neo-nazi dad, though. Any Internet material on him?

  6. Behold, the disintegration of Kalvin's jailbird derelict brother.

    Half-way passable:

    Scary: http://pdxmugshots.com/josephine-county/mug/kurtis-kern-korff-1

    Scarier: http://oregon.arrests.org/Arrests/Kurtis_Korff_8859745/

    Doubtless Kalvin would send him a Christmas card once a year, but since Kurtis got out of his latest stint in the can, he hasn't had an address to write to. (Snigger.)

  7. Korff's been off Facebook and very quiet for a number of days.

    Expect him to release a batch of his "articles" soon.

    Where's the book or series of books Korff.

    You lying liar.

  8. The grapevine shouts, there may be some very interesting information coming out shortly....

    Kalvin, you listening...

  9. Kal Korff speaks....

    There is no "wrong way" when doing what is right. There is no "right way" when doing what is wrong.

  10. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!January 21, 2014

    Great thinkers of the ages:


    The Buddha,

    Jesus H. Christ,


    Kalvin K. Korff.

  11. KalIsrael - so hot right now - KalIsrael.

  12. Kal "Israel" Korff.

    Right ...

    What was the point of this lie, Korff?

  13. Kal K Korff, a walking and talking argument for "post-abortion."

  14. What is Twitter-speak for the opposite of "Kalvin Korff is trending" (i.e. no-one gives a s*** about KKK)?

  15. Colonel Fatass a good person? Didn't threaten to sue all his critics?

  16. Does Korff even see the shit he pores on others with his threats?
