Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Loser....

52 years old and just as ignorant, arrogant and clueless as the 51 years before. March, 13, 1962... A date of endless hope, lost in a life of lies, succumbing to the reality of fact based exposure LINK .

Since no Facebook “Friend” can post on Korff’s wall because Korff took that option off his Wall, Korff must wish himself a Happy Birthday to give a few others the chance to chime in. (NOTE: his "wife" is not among them... again) Exactly like he did last year…. 

Korff's 2013 Birthday Selfie

One must ponder; would anyone shoehorn a Birthday greeting in, under another Korff post, just because they care so much?

Korff's 2014 Birthday Selfie

Experience tells this Korffer, no fucking way. Even the vile Kal K. Korff will get a few salutations on his wall if he solicits it. Like the humble and honored Kal K. Korff of old… and current;

… the humbled and honored to be “writing” for the “media giant”... that he solicited a “job” from…. 

Kal K. Korff practicing Modest Boasting because he has nothing else left to boast about but those “successes” clanking around in that empty head of his. Even when Korff boasts about his Punjab Wife,
 he is left to second person love notes and distant reference to his Soul Mate... for reasons known and unknown.

Happy Fucking Birthday


Another Korff Facebook post which we can use to illustrate the lies of Kal K. Korff. Korff made the claim that he knows a number of languages, up to 7, blah, blah, blah. This is not true. It is a proven lie. For the interested, you can see this proof for yourself ~ ~ LINK

We will not stop Korff.
Korffing For A Korff Free Internet
God Bless Don Ecker


  1. Korffing Facebook Update

    March 14, 2014.

    After calling out Korff for Modest Boasting yesterday, Korff posted a number of images of his "articles" without out any presentation text or remarks.

    Thanks for stopping by Korff.

  2. Worthless, lying, evil pedo vermin.

  3. 52 years and absolutely nothing to show for it!
    Quite the career!

  4. Korffing Facebook Update

    Oh really. And what about your iPads for Peace scam. You little lying fuck wad.

    Kal Korff: No "surprise" here. Many "charities" run by celebrities are just frauds. They should be prosecuted for fraud or denied their non-profit status.

  5. I find it interesting that Korff, the man who knows all about everything... hasn't chimed in on the missing 777 flight. It's out in his part of the world....

  6. Nobody cares Korff.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my latest international piece in today's paper. Hope you like it.

  7. ...sadly, the Kernel was aboard MH370...

    ...expect him to return as:

    Fal Forkk!!!!

  8. "Tries communicating with ghosts in a 500-year-old German castle..."

    ---whoah - that's the first I've heard of this. Could we have some details, pls?

  9. Nothing more than a joke. His remake after posting the image.

  10. More ignorant Korff remarks....

    "U.S. Must Demolish Thousands of Its Vehicles in Afghanistan from the"

    Kal Korff via Laura Ferolino:
    What a frigging waste of money and basic Brain Common Sense 101. They could PAY Afghans to destroy this stuff CHEAPER than $10,000 PER VEHICLE.

    Heck, give me $5,000 per vehicle and I'll fly to Afghanistan and destroy them myself. Laura is right, a can of gasoline and a Bic lighter would do the job.

    How about putting a rag in a gas tank, let it hang out of the tank and light it on fire?

    Just look at this stupid DELIBERATE WASTE while Obama and the DUMBoCrats claim that they need to "save money."


  11. "... even since I found research..."

    Fuck you.

    Kal Korff:I have ALWAYS said ever since I found research at the University of Berkeley in the 1980s, that the speed of light is NOT a "constant" and that it was once FASTER than it is today.

    Now, there's more verifiable evidence of this always obvious (at least to me) FACT!

    What is NOT being said now, because this automatically means it is an Inconvenient Truth, is that the AGE of the Universe is MUCH YOUNGER than science has been wrongly claiming for decades.

    The problem is simple: if the speed of light was FASTER in the past, and it was, and we are measuring "age" by the present SLOWER rate, objects appear OLDER due to present rates when they were really much younger having been created faster.

    This is Basic Logic 101....I predict it will be YEARS before the mainstream scientific narrative corrects their obvious errors, same ego and stubborn and denial problems with global warming claims.

  12. Ho hum. Another working day. Get up, breakfast, shower, into the office, turn on the computer, check the KIAI blog ...

  13. Ya, checking the KIAI blog these days is kinda tame. Colonel Nutso, AKA Fat Ass, is laying low. Geeze, I wonder just what it would take for Wide Load to get his "crazy" on? Hmm, gonna ponder that....

  14. I ponder that as well. The problem is, the Syndicate did to good a job. By shutting down his youtube site, more than anything else, Korff was shut down.

    Korff knows if he ever releases a new video (of note anyway) that we will take it and edit in the truth. If he makes any kind of move (worthy of our attention) we will pounce.

    The Korffie Leak site just crossed the t's and dotted the i's. With all that info out there, he really had no other choice than to stand down.

    I miss those lunatic days of old as well.

    It made my day to read and watch now Korff material. My day was full of laughter and glee as I watched this wide load, cupcake eating lozer display himself on the internet.

    I really miss those days.

    Then again, when I so a search on the name Kal Korff, I continue to laugh and laugh and laugh.

    We will never stop.

  15. What a wonderful way to close out this thread and move onto a new lunatic Korff thread!

    Thanks Korffer, that's one klassic post, right there!
