Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another Brick in the Korff Con
Creation Date: 08-Aug-2013
Expiration Date: 08-Aug-2014
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1-2013775952
Admin Name: Manish Tiwari
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Admin State/Province: chandigarh

We start this new thread with the information associated with the latest Kal K. Korff web site to support his new scam, Headmaster of a non existent school in India. Korff started this scam back in August of 2013, he then "employed" the Ink Web Solutions company to build the web site for him, because Korff is an IT expert...

When you look over the web site you'll notice a very similar look and ploy that Korff used when he put up his web site to support his iPad's For Peace Scam; many pages, containing almost no content. 

Also, it's obvious that Korff wrote all the text that can be found on this site, the Administrators Page being the most obvious and funny. Among other self-penned whoppers, Korff is now an "industry pioneer in the field of e-books, an obvious reference to his still not released e-book or series of e-books.

It should also be noted that nothing has happened over the last year since this scam was launched; no teachers have been hired, no students have enrolled. A few months ago, Korff did mention that he was "on the road" and helping out a "school"; rebuilding or building new (whatever), and that he'd "post photos soon". Is it a stretch to imagine that this new scam is this school that he was referring to? We think not.

Korff's behavior is very consistent; "just" being a "husband" and a "international, military vetted reporter and journalist" is not good enough for Korff... neither was having a son, his fake son had to be a genius son as well

We could go on and on but we thought we'd ask Korffer's from around the world to look over the information for themselves, maybe send out a few e-mails to the links listed above, and to enjoy themselves while they review the latest lunatic behavior of our favorite Village Idiot and Wide Load Supreme, Kal K. Korff.


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    Hey Korff, you might want to get that neck goiter looked at... or maybe not.

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    Oh my gosh, Kal Korff really is fat now.

  3. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, AlexJune 05, 2014

    "Noble World School" FB page, and naturally their first image upload not only features a very rotund Korff with his hair freshly dyed darkest brown but the graphic's design attributes eerily similar to the Prague Express layout.

    So has he dropped the bullshit accredited journalist scam now in favor of this? We see Feb 8th 2014 as the hallowed day the page was launched. Nothing done to it since, another typical Korff attribute. Just enough to link it up for one day, get some "Likes" and then go find fried food to indulge on.

  4. I guess those of you with Facebook accounts can get to work ...

    I just sent the fat pedo a greeting via his online form.

  5. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    Perfect cover for a pedo. Set up a school (sorry, Professor Korff -"skool")

  6. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    "So has he dropped the bullshit accredited journalist scam now in favor of this? "

    Nope. He's posting "articles" every few days, though generally without any humbled introduction.

    I sent off my e-mails to Korff's school, to his web site developer, and any other e-mail listed on this great thread.

    Have you?.... :-)

  7. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    "Noble World School-Dedicated To Excellence"

    and run by Kal Korff? (Oh my god, I just blew coffee out my nose! Whew!" Oh yes, I am so fucking sure!

    LMAO ...

  8. We all know Kal is a head master because he'd suck and swallow for half a euro. I wonder how long it will be before Kal gets ran out of India. Good work lads!!!!

  9. AnonymousJune 05, 2014

    The Syndicate is very happy this new thread has been met with laughter and joy. We hope that the next ones will be greeted with more of the same.

    Korffing for Life

  10. happy red mogul balloon!June 06, 2014

    lol kal! i guess you're missing those islraeli super duper services exercises every morning! and that website is nothing shy of creepy, feel sorry for the children being exploited by appearing on it. hope they catch on to you soon!


  11. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    The portly Mr. Rogers routine won't work, Kal. Makes you look even more like a jerkwad pervert using the internet to scam victims. And as noted above this time it involves children. Eww.

  12. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    Wow, he has really gone off the deep end. Up until now, everything he claimed to be only existed somewhere on the Internet. On blogs, email, Facebook, S3, meta organization, etc... This is actually supposed to be "brick and mortar" type of scam. Meaning, someone could actually drive to the address and verify it doesn't exist.
    He is really delusional on this one. I think his pedophilia is really starting to show.
    That wife of yours seems to be feeding you well.

    Keep Kalm and Korff On!

  13. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    Keep Kalm and Korff On!

    t-shirts on order!


  14. Brit_in_PragueJune 06, 2014

    When he was in the Czech Republic, Kalvin once had an e-shop selling ... oh, I can't really remember now. I do remember that he offered T-shirts printed with his mock-up of the Kurtis shooting scene ("proving" that Kurtis couldn't possibly have had a clear shot at the officer in question).

    There was a mobile phone number - I rang it once, and the number didn't exist.

  15. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    Korff is evil, isn't he? Not just a buffoon. Not just mentally ill. Evil.

  16. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    Mr. Korff's latest fantasy. Headmaster of a 3rd world children's school. Good work on that recruitment ad putting administrative executives in the same category with bus drivers. Any cute chicks sign up? The mention of the punjabi wife is priceless just as the claim that Korff's experience with education dates back to his teens. Well yeah, that was the last time he was enrolled as a student.

    Voted "Most likely to be confined to an insane asylum later in life". You'll like it there, Kalvin. Nice pudding every day, they won't make you exercise and you can lecture to a row of attentive, polite empty chairs every morning in the activity room.

  17. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, AlexJune 06, 2014

    you can lecture to a row of attentive, polite empty chairs every morning in the activity room.

    Sounds like a video series Kal made while living in Prague.

  18. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, AlexJune 06, 2014

    Notice the emphasis on English language on the website -- there is no viewing option for Indian dialects or any other language translation. Just English with an admonishment that "Good spoken English" is a must for all job applicants. Wonder where he got the pictures from as they were obviously taken by a professional. Stock pix purchased from an online image service? and not one view with any signs or iconic images of the NWS campus in them. They could have been taken anywhere.

  19. AnonymousJune 06, 2014

    "As of December 2011, Prometheus has consistently stated that it has no manuscript in hand, even though Korff has made various claims (2006 to 2011) ranging from: the manuscript was being turned in by Korff himself; the manuscript was being hand-delivered by someone named "Captain Franks"; video will be released of the manuscript being mailed; chapters have been sent off for peer review; and so on.
    Prometheus Books has gone so far as to state that they "aren't in the Kal Korff business anymore" ~ "there are no plans to publish that book" ~ "the book has been put on indefinite hold"."

    WELL LARD ASS, ANY COMMENTS, STATEMENTS OR REMARKS? Nah, didn't think so you lying PEDO.

  20. AnonymousJune 07, 2014

    Okay, here is what Korff says in his very latest SCAM ....

    "Kal Korff: Head Master
    Kal Korff, an American citizen who is married to an Indian Punjabi woman and is a resident of India, has educational experience going back several decades. Kal first started lecturing and teaching when he was just 13 years old, and completed his high school graduation requirements in only three years.
    Korff is a well-known international author of books and expose articles, lecturer, and is a Columnist and Journalist for Daily Post newspaper in Chandigarh, India, Punjab’s fastest growing English language daily.
    Kal has lived on three continents, has traveled to dozens of countries, and has a lot of international experience. Prior to moving to India, he spent a full decade in Europe as an analyst, broadcaster, columnist, executive, IT professional, journalist, media personality, producer, teacher, and counterterrorism specialist.
    Kal Korff has appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live!, Discovery Channel, FOX TV, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, and has done production work for National Geographic. Some of his past employers include Atari, Apple, Claris (Apple’s software subsidiary); Boeing, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
    Korff is considered to be an industry pioneer in the fields of eBooks, interactive computing, hypermedia and multimedia, his work has been featured in the press."

    What the fuck?!!? Nothing about designing an A-bomb at 14?? Not a word about being so desirable that women bid on him for celebrity dates? No 219 IQ brags? No fast track promotion in S-3 from Captain to Colonel??? No mention of secret Ops to IRAQ hunting for Saddams weapons of mass destruction? Korff ... YOU ARE SO VERY HUMBLE Fat Ass ....

  21. AnonymousJune 07, 2014

    Notice that he said this:

    "and completed his high school graduation requirements in only three years."

    This may well be true. From what we've uncovered, he wasn't very popular or well liked and he did a load of extra credit work, a huge portion of that kind of work was his Billy Meier pamphlet, the UFO speaking engagements he did have and working on the school paper.

    What this DOES NOT MEAN, is that he GRADUATED a year yearly, he did not. Korff attended his entire senior year.

    We have first hand proof and documentation on this fact.


  22. AnonymousJune 07, 2014

    So you say McCain flip flopped...

    Kettle black, ass wipe.

    "I never said nanobot", among many others, documented on the amazing Korffie Leak web site:

    Kal Korff: I would be "surprised" if McCain did not pull a John Kerry and flip-flop. At least he is exposed now.

  23. AnonymousJune 07, 2014

    Everyone knows, Karlton. You are a kreep,

  24. Bless the Beasts and ChildrenJune 07, 2014

    Definitely the biggest Korffing leak of them all going back to when I started paying attention to this loser. Bonafide evidence of a scam touching on our cultural fear of creepy older men having unwholesome aims in mind when it comes to children. In this case children of what would be regarded as a developing nation hosting a misfit on the run -- Gary Glitter has more credibility than Korff and he did real prison time. He also sought out help & therapy for his sick issues, making him more sympathetic as well.

    Did young Kal ever share this website will his beloved Face Book supporting cast expecting them to praise him for it with humbling honor? Did he ever give anyone a chance to point out "Kal this is going to make you looking like an aspiring child molester gathering victims, or at least a confidence scam aimed at their parents." A lose-lose situation for El Kolon to have it publicl broken like this with no ability to control who comes in contact with such a vile proposition whichever the truth may be. Kal Korff has tried to exploit children in India for profit or other reasons too stomach churning to contemplate. Disgusting either way you slice it.

    Only thing that is for certain is that there is no "Noble World School" and the 80 individuals who "Liked" the Face Book page for it were all victims of a peculiar scam job. Did anyone write any checks to enroll their kids? Is that how Kal has financed that newly bloated, overweight frame? Looks like he packed on at least 75 pounds since leaving Prague and all that vindaloo had to be paid for by somebody.

  25. AnonymousJune 08, 2014

    You are right, that first scam is the big one for many, if not most people and now he's going down that very same road.

    Good post.

  26. AnonymousJune 10, 2014

    I play cricket with a bunch of Indians here in Prague.

    Great athletes(unlike Kalvin), but (like Kalvin), all the middle-aged ones dye their hair.

  27. AnonymousJune 11, 2014

    I didn't look that close. You're right. His book convention photos show him with graying hair, and here, not so much. Good call.

  28. I am that "secret" Martina. I WILL CONTACT certain authorities about the LIES in this freaking "story"and your mispublishing of my personal pictures and misuse of MY NAME!
    Martina Týčová- Prague

  29. ..I wanted to say/write:
