Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Kevin Randle checks in with the Syndicate to answer a few of our questions. Thank you Mr. Randle, for your service and your honesty. Kevin Randle's: Blog 

1. When did you become aware of Kal Korff?

When he inserted himself into the Roswell investigation as "one of the major players." I did read some of his nonsensical book but didn't see anything of value in it.

2. What event or issue started the feud, threats and accusations?

I think it was when he wrote to me as a colleague and fellow military officer... and I basically ignored him. He then began to challenge me to a debate about Roswell on the Rob McConnell show, suggesting that I was avoiding him. I wasn't aware of McConnell or the challenge. I did accept and eventually a date was set by Korff bailed some two hours before air time.

He was annoyed that I didn't recognize the source of his commission, and it was right after I had mentioned that I had been promoted to major that Korff promoted himself to colonel.

3. Did you ever receive any communications or documentation that was the result of Korff’s threats?

Lawyers, Government, the Police? There were all sorts of threats of legal actions if I didn't take my posts about Korff off my blog. Never did, and heard nothing.

He claimed that KPMG was going to audit my work to prove that I had been wrong about Roswell, but I can't see an international accounting firm would waste their time on something like this. Never heard a word about it.

4. Did he ever follow through with any of his threats?


5. Why did you bother to take Korff on and expose him on the internet?

Because he claimed to be a military officer, wore the insignia but offered nothing to prove that he was entitled to wear them... Given the situation of "Stolen Valor" this really offended me.

6. I know you’re not a mental health professional but, given your experience and history with Korff, what is your best assumption as to why Korff behaves the way he does?

Ego... childishness...

7. While I understand that you don’t associate yourself or even think about Korff very often anymore, what would it take on Korff’s part for you to put all this behind you in the public forum? Could Korff rectify this situation?

No. To do anything like that would validate Korff. The best course for me is to ignore him.

8. What is your take on the Korffers and the Korffing Syndicate and on the vast amount of material they have published regarding Korff’s behavior?

9. Any final thoughts of Korff, Korffing and in general, the characters found in Ufology and paranormal research?

Korff reinvents himself, moving from one arena to arena to another when he is exposed as a charlatan.

The Koffing Syndicate thanks Mr. Randle for taking the time to answer our questions. We know he is a very busy professional, and a REAL hero with better things to do. You hear that Korff... A bonafide, authentic, genuine, real, true, actual... hero. Mr. Randle's Blog - LINK


  1. Another example of proof that Korff never sent, or had anything sent, to anyone from a vetted, bonefide source.

    That 10 plus years (very much missed for its entertainment value)... that Decade of Lunacy was all fake, a huge phony ego trip for our favorite Village Idiot to revel in.

    You still enjoying this asshole?

    Way to go Wideload...

    32 days to go...

  2. "They Weren't Green"August 05, 2014

    Thank you for your service to our country Kevin! and for all the superb writing. Plus the television work, your presence in so many shows & specials is always a welcome relief from the curtain of ridicule.

  3. "Hear, hear!"


    "Here, here!"

    In any case...

  4. Korff has never been anything except a clown, a poser, a wanna-be, and even this blog gives him more notoriety than the shit deserves. However, there must be someplace where the public can discover and learn what a train wreak this clown is. In that regard, this blog does the public a huge service. Korff on my friends, Korff on.

  5. Well it appears to be just 30 days until that huge book release ladies. What can I say .. I simply can hardly wait! Well, if the book releases as our favorite Colonel promised. Yeah, sure. However I ain't gonna bet the fucking farm on it. 30 days, right? Yeah, you just fucking bet!

  6. A notorious pedophile and scam artist should not be allowed near a school, imaginary or otherwise.

    I hope the Indian police have been informed.

  7. "Well it appears to be just 30 days until that huge book release ladies. What can I say .. I simply can hardly wait! Well, if the book releases as our favorite Colonel promised. Yeah, sure. However I ain't gonna bet the fucking farm on it. 30 days, right? Yeah, you just fucking bet!"

    --- I wonder if it'll have lots of pictures.

  8. Korff, referring to Obama, and himself....?

    Kal Korff: Not surprised he referred to himself, his favorite subject ass usual.... Doing it more than ONE A MINUTE is really "special" isn't it, folks?

  9. Once again, hiding from the lie...

    Kal Korff: Well, I scored in the highest bracket. As I've said before, many rimes, the fact that I score high on these things proves to me that IQ tests are bullschlachen. This one was fun, but easy.

    Highest genius 181 - 220 (from What is your I.Q?)

  10. After changing out his Facebook wall image.

    Lying Liar. Pedo Fuck.

    Kal Korff: Hi, I understand. No worries. This is my personal page and I am a Jew. My reporting has nothing to do with this, I think the graphic is neat. I have a series of them, flags from different countries, similar art stye. I get bored with photos of myself, never have liked them, but people send me emails sometimes asking me to post photos from TV appearances and stuff like that, so I do.


  11. Kal Korff:Hi everyone. I have received some info that this Facebook profile is NOT real. Just passing it along. If I find out info it is REAL and not another cyberstalker or game player, I will certainly pass that along of course, whatever the facts are.


    Hari Kumar

  12. Me,me, Mine, Mine, I, I....

    Lying Liar

    Kal Korff?: I'll never forget the summer I spent at NASA as an intern in between 9-10th grades in high school. I also got to know many fine scientists there, amazingly, through UFO research, found out many of them were also logically fascinated by the subject. I even did some field investigations with them, including reporting to NASA my own sighting along with the witnesses who were present. Today it still remains unexplained, I have no idea what it was we saw, yet I am familiar with most of what's flying in the skies. I've long followed aviation through UFO research, since many sightings are misidentifications, and I also worked at Boeing and did work on both Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group and Defense and Space units. Just some brilliant people, still in touch with some of them today.

  13. Part 1 of the 1274 "brief" post by Wide Load

    Now remember, this sighting took place at the same time Korff was fighting terror after speaking at the World Affairs Council (A huge and proven lie).

    Korff, "So by the time 1979 rolls around, I am getting ready to leave high school finally and Khomeini takes over Iran, and Russia invades Afghanistan, and I am invited to the World Affairs Council meeting over the event and I just lay waste to the Russian delegation visiting there (it is in the first chapter I am sending) and I got secretly involved in fighting terrorism at that point and also fighting against Communism."

    August 3, 2014 Post:

    Kal Korff Yes I did. It's been a matter of public record days after the sighting took place in February 1981, it was in the Bay Area region of California.

    Briefly, this is what I saw and what the circumstances were, we observed it for 11 MINUTES, whereas most "UFO" sightings last less than one minute.

    I was traveling home with two friends of mine, Al and Barbara Reed. We had just finished the final edits and artwork designs for the revised edition of my first book which I had written in high school, and I was so burned out on the subject of UFOs I wanted nothing to do with it. I was told it would be six weeks before the new printed version was on the market, so I told my friends I am DONE with this subject for six weeks, they felt the same way. This was in the days when desktop publishing did not exist, instead it was shooting and developing stats, halftones, paste up and layout with an exact knife, word processed text via typesetter or for the bulk of it back then, we used expensive Artec 2000 word processors with metal daisywheel printers.

    So we are on our way home, and to our left was a bright light that did not move, it was about 45 degrees elevation in the sky per se.

    So Barbara says, "Look at they funny looking airplane over there," so Al and I looked over and we both said immediately, "That's NOT an airplane!" and pulled the car over.

    Now we are on the side of the road on the connecting road that is south of Milpitas and leads up to Highway 17 or the the Nimitz Freeway.

    The object was a solid red light, but we could see a METALLIC REFLECTION bouncing back from its surface. It looked like a SPHERE.

  14. Part 2

    So it hovered there for a bit, did NOT move at all, then it discharged a second object which looked like the first, only smaller and not as bright, as if it split into two like a cell dividing under a microscope. Then after this object was discharged, the primary larger object got a bit brighter and started to move, flying across the horizon to our right and sway from us, heading north. So we got in the car and drove very fast to try to stay up with it, keeping it off to our left side. It was not flying a straight path, but a diagonal one. So as we approached the intersection of Hwy 17 where the two roads meet, we got on Hwy 17 and followed it now heading NORTH towards Fremont.

    Then after these few minutes, the object STOPPED AGAIN in mid air and we were now DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH IT, looking up at it. This was near the old Ford plant, which we could see the tower of off to our right in the distance.

    Then this object did SIX CIRCLES as I recall, as in it would fly in a tight circle, stop, repeat this pattern again. Then it ROSE UP STRAIGHT VERTICALLY into the CLOUDS and we never saw it again. There was low hanging cloud cover that night, it had been BELOW THE CLOUDS the entire time we saw it until it rose up through them and we lost it.

    Now, the three of us just were blown away. We also said we would NOT report it, because it might not "look good" having a UFO researcher report a "UFO" sighting, so we decided to keep it to ourselves FOR NOW!

    Then the next night, at 6:30 PM , I was randomly flicking through channels when news reports were breaking that a "UFO" was being reported. SAME descriptions from people, which is actually very rare. Round red object, splits into two, main craft takes off.

    And by the way, the smaller object it discharged just faded out and disappeared before out eyes. It could have switched off its "lights" or whatever, I don't know, but it disappeared.

    So the news report showed two NASA SCIENTISTS out in the area where it was reported. I KNEW BOTH OF THESE MEN, and contacted them that night and and the next day and told them we had seen it the night before. Our REPORTS ended up in the official final reports which was written by these NASA scientists, I helped contribute to it.

    Bottom line: Over a SIX WEEK PERIOD, this "UFO" kept showing up night after night. Then it started being REPORTED DURING THE DAY, which is very interesting because it must have been fairly bright to even be NOTICED in the bright blue sky.

    I worked with my longtime friend Paul Cerny on the reports as well, he had a group of investigators and researchers which were part of MUFON< he was their Northern California Director and we were friends, he was a nice man and investigated thousands of reports.

    I made a point to do field investigations, travelled all over the Bay Area meeting witnesses at the locations they reported this thing, but I NEVER TOLD THEM I had seen it as well, because I did not want to contaminate their report by discussing details of our sighting.

    Also, I made a POINT to investigate the DAYLIGHT REPORTS, so I could contrast and compare them with our sighting and most of the others, which were reported at night. Two of the witnesses I interviewed has also SEEN IT THROUGH BINOCULARS and reported a METALLIC SPHERE that was red colored from some light source.

  15. I love myself. Look at me, LOOK AT ME!!!

    Part 3

    After about six weeks and dozens of extremely consistent reports from all over the Bay Area, which is very unusual, (it's called a UFO Wave, in this case we dubbed it a "mini-wave"), there were no more reports.

    I have no idea what it was that we saw. What I CAN say is that it was NOT natural phenomenon, was under artificial control, perhaps even intelligent control, and while I cannot prove it was from another planet, because of the nature of the sighting, it does remain unexplained. Especially this consistent pattern it would exhibit: split into two or discharge something, then quickly leave the area.

    We started joking when every time we would hear these same descriptions from witnesses, that maybe the "aliens" came here and were dumping their trash before they left.

    IN our sighting, it was over the waters off of the Dumbarton Bridge. So whatever it "dropped" or discharged, logically, would have had to fall INTO THE WATER. It wasn't practical nor possible to go try to dredge up anything, IF there was anything.

    If NASA/AMES launched it, then it must have been VERY Top Secret, to the point where no one (not even topi scientists there) seemed to know anything about it, and IF the Govt was behind it, after DOZENS OF LAUNCHINGS in the same area, well that's risky if SECRECY is a factor.

    Or perhaps they did it to measure public reactions? Or maybe it wasn't from Earth at all, I honestly do not know.

    So because of this, I never got my "six week break," I found the timing just one of those Murphy's Law things in life, as in I really didn't want anything to with the subject, was completely burned out on it and needed a break and then...BAM! All of a sudden I see one, and well I could not take my break and instead helped MUFON and several investigators hunt down reports and meet with witnesses.

    This is the short version of our sighting, hastily typed from my memory.

  16. Korff, taking foods, because you can believe a bloated, wide load who turns nothing away from his fecal coated plate.

    Kal Korff: I don't eat bacon because it's overloaded with salt and saturated fat and it's high in cholesterol. I don't eat red meat as a rule,. just because white meat is easier on the colon, heart, and is considered to be better for health than red meat.

    As far as eating pork is concerned, science has shown that it is one of the more unhealthy meats. Hebrews knew about tapeworms as well, so pork was avoided also for this reason.

    There was always a chronic shortage of refrigerators in the rock quarries of Pharaoh

    By the way, I learned this in India. Speaking of which, because of the uneven hygienic levels of food here and food processing in India, it's risky to eat pork compared to other foods in India.

  17. Commenting on another one his travel "articles". Now watch while Korff blows with both lips, hoping to keep people interested in his "reporting"....

    I thought of you, really, it's true.

    Kal Korff: Hi, thanks, I will, believe me. I am branching out the series to include more than just touring the sights, other things like what do you do there for fun other than seeing main sights?

    I remember these trips very fondly.

    I honestly thought of you when I wrote it.

    We will have to go fishing sometime.

  18. "They Weren't Green"August 07, 2014

    How humblingly honorable.

  19. WAG says....

    "I wish I could give you Korffer's a Friend count and trend. Sadly, though expected, Korff hide his Friends list many years ago after Korffer's started messaging them and cluing them into Korff's lunatic behavior".

    Thanks for the update WAG.


  20. happy red mogul balloon!August 08, 2014

    lol now watch kal baby post a picture of a cat. we know you're watching, kal! lol you copycat :p

  21. Coming up next, Kalvin's weight-loss tips.

  22. "This is the short version of our sighting, hastily typed from my memory."
    ---The SHORT version, you bloated bag of wind?

  23. "This is the short version of our sighting, hastily typed from my memory."

    For anyone new to this blog, this statement by Korff helps to sum up what is wrong with, and why Korff needs to be hounded.

    Not only is Korff very honored and humbled with himself but, you should be as well, and he'll tell you as much... over and over again... and back that up with half truths and outright lies.

  24. Thank you Mr Randle for detailing your experiences with that pathological narcissist Kal Korff.

  25. ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist, ... pathological narcissist...

  26. Well, years after the launch of this website, and years after the fat assed blowhard ran away, I find that this Kal Korff site is still going strong. I know that the lunatic must be keeping an eye here, hell he probably checks this multiple times a day, so kalvin I am going to give you a tip .. free of charge. First, have you wondered why years after you evaporated back into your troll hole, these guys still have you firmly in their sights? Okay, I am going to tell you, you fucking lunatic...

    Do you remember how you went out looking for people to verbally abuse from the comfort behind your keyboard? Mostly because they questioned you on your many and numerous fantastic claims? For example your highly elevated IQ from a test you claimed you took from Omni Magazine? Boy! I remember that one. Remember those photographs you sent Royce Myers showing you running around Prague in your army "costume" wearing Captin's bars, and allow me to add incorrectly? Then you took on two real military veterans, Don Ecker and Kevin Randle, when they called you on it? Kalvin Korff, a fucking military poser. Just that is enough to get you a real ass whipping.

    Then you abused a man's trust, a man that went thru the horror of a communist dictatorship, a man who was only trying to make things better for those less fortunate than he, and you abused him by stealing computer equipment and charging him for it? All without his knowing about it ... then you have the gall to scream "fuck you Bartu" when you got caught? That deserves an even larger ass whipping that the stolen valor. You are a piece of shit.

    Then you waddle around Prague, shoveling shit to people who do not have a firm grasp of English .. and for a short while convince them you are something special. You used them and their names to try to hog-swallow people that you are going to sue them for calling you the pond scum you are, and once again run and hide when you are called on it. God damn kal, there is another ass whipping you got coming.

    Oh, I could go on but let me just say that this latest scam, the Noble school is only the latest icing on the cake. Looking for young children to scratch that itch you got in that twisted blob you call a mind, huh? Well toad boy, we got you in our sights for sure and just think ... there will always be someone here keeping tabs on you while you waddle about India. Oh yes, keeping tabs on that fat boy ...

  27. Korffing line of the week...

    "... children to scratch that itch you got..."

    The Korff reach-around.

    Klassic post!


  28. ... there will always be someone here keeping tabs on you while you waddle about India. Oh yes, keeping tabs on that fat boy ...

    Oh Brother, you hit that square on the head! Hear that "fat boy"? Hahahahahahahahaha!!

  29. Fellow Korffer's, this radio show really tells it like it is! Oh Korff, you wacky little duck, you!!


  30. 26 days....

  31. Kal Korff: One of the things I like to do with my Indian friends is show them examples of American culture, for better or for worse. I understand some of these things are relative. So over the past several months I have shown episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo, The Simpsons and Beavis and Butthead.

    I'm pleased to report that NO ONE "liked" anything involving Kim Kardashian, they did NOT like Honey Boo Boo, but they loved The Simpsons and Beavis and Butthead, the latter two of which basically tied in popularity.

    This is undeniable scientific evidence that there'e hope for India, and that its future is only going to get better. Not sure I can say the same thing about the USA

  32. Korff likes living in shit....

    Kal Korff: I simply advocate avoiding polluting where possible. The last thing we want to do is harm our host, Earth. Living over here in India, it saddens me to see Indians use any space they want to throw whatever trash they want. It's everywhere. Houses inside are clean and often spotless, but outside.....

    I've never seen such a contrast in a culture. IN Europe when I lived there for a decade, I was happy to see very old places still very clean and neat, Switzerland looks like it was manicured by God.

  33. It's really getting bad for kal. Just put

    Kalvin K Korff or

    Kal K Korff or

    Kal Korff in any search engine. Holy Shit! I'm really glad my name isn't Kal Korff or Kalvin Korff or Pudgy Korff or ....

  34. Kal Korff; I, Me, Mine.

    "I'd like to thank the YouTube users, on FaceBook, for watching this video..."

    Idiot. Any video will get many thousands of hits if it has JFK in it's title. Same with big boobs, fail, dancing cat, etc.

    Fucking idiot.

    Kal Korff: I'd like to thank the over 20,000+ people who have watched this video. It was an unscripted speech, (I never use notes, which is why I laugh at those who "need" teleprompters) I had to look down to see the images before they would project on the screen, and I had not lectured on JFK's assassination in years, so I was delighted to do this before a live audience in the UK. Hope you find it informative, this is Part 3, the most popular segment.

    This is Part 1, the intro, talking about going to JFK High School, when I got called out of school one day to go to the Principal's office concerning the JFK research I was doing along with my best friend at the time, etc.

  35. Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall die while Kal Korff continues to infect the planet....BAH

    F1 Racer
    still not sued

  36. This just in....

    Kal Korff: This is for my cousin, Lonnie Franks.

    WAG Update

    So, Korff calls out this Franks person as his cousin. A cousin Korff lied to the world about reharding his manuscript and book or series of books.

    From the web site:

    Of interest regarding this image is that we found it being used as a Face Book profile image for a man named, Lonnie D. Franks. Mr. Franks is a well known military professional. Information about Franks can be found all over the the web.

    Also, it is of high interest that Kalvin Korff is a Face Book friend with Mr. Franks, and even more dubious is a claim that Kalvin Korff made in a e-mail he wrote to his "publisher" regarding the imminent release of his manuscript for his Secret Wars book (or series of books).

    In this e-mail Korff stated that a man named, Captain Franks, would be hand delivering the manuscript to Korff's publisher, Prometheus Books. That delivery never happened but more to the point...

    Is it too much of an assumption to assume that Korff likes nothing better than to ride on the coat tails of real military men like Mr. Franks, an airman in the intelligence division of the 432nd TRW? And then use their name and the city of Dayton, Ohio to further his book (or series of books) and his iPads for Peace? We think not.

  37. Fuck You Kal Korff.

    Kal Korff: I'm sorry to hear this. Nothing like going to bed and taking a short nap before going into the newspaper to do reporting and writing, then waking up and finding out that comedian great Robin Williams has apparently killed himself. He was such a great talent, and did some really great movies.
