Thursday, September 11, 2014

Same Behavior, Same Results

Poor, dumb, Kalvin K. Korff. Try as he might, he can't stop himself from making promises, setting deadlines, humbly bragging and coming up empty.

As we wait for Kalvin to make some kind of excuse regarding the release of his book, or series of books, and as we ready a few new posts to keep the energy up, we present Kurtis Korff, circa 2014, beard and all, with his Family in tow, although no Kalvin, because he's in self imposed exile in India.

We do not post this to engage in any exchange with Kalvin's extended family, notice we don't name any other names. It wouldn't help the cause and it would only bring us down to Kalvin's level of behavior to call out family member's in the lame attempt to piss people off to get a reaction.

No, we present this for no other reason that to prove to Kalvin that we will not stop monitoring him.

We will never stop.

WAG Update 9-16-14
Korff, still using this photoshop image on his .PDF articles...
Korff looks like this now


  1. Apart from the dirtbag felon on the right, I don't believe anyone in this photo deserves to be posted on this site.

    How about you leave it up for a couple of days - just to let Kalvin know we're always watching - and then take it down?

  2. .... it was sent to us from a family member who posted it on Facebook. So, while I see your point, it's already on a public web site and, did Korff or his Mother care about "that" family when he stole that Apple equipment? Or when Korff messed with people at their place of business? Did they apologize, when given a chance, on McConnell's show? No they did not....

    We see your point.

  3. How's that edit work for you...?

  4. Looks good to me!

    Just my ten cents', though.

  5. "They Weren't Green"September 13, 2014

    How humblingly honorable.

  6. Do you get it now, Kalvin? For as long as I live or for as long as you live, I (together with my fellow Korffers) will never stop checking up on you, wondering what scam you're cooking up, and generally keeping you under tabs.

  7. Well, it looks like Kalvin is persisting in his Noble World scam. New photos have been added. Further text (i.e. lies) has been added.

    We must remain vigilant.

    You are lying scum, Korff.

  8. "They are also taught about basic etiquettes, table manners etc"
    ---"etiquette" isn't "countable", you buffoon. "Taught basic etiquette", not "etiquettes".

    Weren't you supposed to be an english teacher?

  9. "Besides intellectual ability, we aim to imbibe the virtues of goodness..."

  10. " and completed his high school graduation requirements in only three years...."

    So did I, basically. I got all my main course work completed. I did have a few minor things left so my daily Senior year went like this:

    8:00 AM to 11:AM and them off to work, college prep, and play time...

    Just like you Korff. We proved this.

    You fucking liar.

  11. Nothing like spell and language check, right Wide Load. Ha, ha, ha!

    We are setting up a school thast will turn our children fully enabled and equipped to face the future, and take the competition head on.

  12. Right out of the Head Masters lying mouth.

    January 2012

    Kal Korff: Speaking of universities, unless I delay my plans, I intend to finish my Master's Degree in about a year, once I resume it.

  13. You know, it is funny as I look at those two photographs of Wide Load on this most recent thread. That "slack jawed, vacant nobody is home look" on either photo. The only thing missing is the drool running down his mug but I assume it was "photo-shopped" out.

    You do got to give Wide Load credit for one thing though ... regardless he keeps trying to run those scams no matter how many times the dumb ass is caught. Never give up Wide Load, Never Surrender! And while I think of it .. lay off that fried food, will ya?

  14. ... never pass up a meal either.

  15. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 17, 2014

    Scotland votes on its independence tomorrow. I wonder if the Great Man has pronounced on this ...

  16. WAG

    Nothing yet. he's been using FaceBook very little over the last month....

  17. Where's the book, Karlton? The one you promised. It's late.

    Where is it?

    Where is it?

    This isn't hate from one of your kritics. It's a perfectly fair question.

    If there's been a hitch, let's hear about it.

    Where is it, Kal?


  19. ... almost 13 days in the life and lie of Kalvin K. Korff.

  20. Ha, ha, ha! Great post! And so fact based.


  21. From the front page ...

    "As we wait for Kalvin to make some kind of excuse regarding the release of his book, or series of books, and as we ready a few new posts to keep the energy up, we present Kurtis Korff, circa 2014, beard and all, with his Family in tow, although no Kalvin, because he's in self imposed exile in India."

    If I may suggest, Kalvin "shit for brains" knows better than to address his broken promises regarding his "book or series of books" because he knows we will fry his lazy ass. The best he can hope for is that "we" will eventually "forget" his broken promises. Never fucking happen lard ass, never fucking happen.

  22. You are correct fellow Korffer.

  23. We are watching, Karlton. We are always watching.

  24. Okay, I "borrowed" this from an earlier thread but I felt that it needed to be posted again ...

    "This posting was so "on the money" I decided to re-post it today. Ladies and Gentlemen ... from June 17th, 2014 I give you ...

    "In short this is why Kal has attracted the kind of attention he has, Because Kal K. Korff has:
    ~Claimed he was a spy for a non-existent Israeli military intelligence agency
    ~Claimed that he would sue and have people who disagreed with or exposed him sued and arrested
    ~Stalked people claiming that his agents were following them and it was just a matter of time before they went to jail or lost their jobs. I think he called some peoples employers too.
    ~Said he had a 500 book publishing deal
    ~Told people he was employed by Lawrence Livermore national Labs and worked on the Star Wars Project when the truth was he just did low level technical support on computers
    ~Made up a story about creating something at Apple that he had nothing to do with
    ~Took advantage of a philanthropist and used this person's name to foot the bill for electronic products. Kal stole Apple electronics and sold them.
    ~Told people he was a CIA agent
    ~He's a complete homophobe, all around liar, proven thief, delusional dickhead and all around fucking asshole."

    And, allow me to add ... those are this fucking fat little Troll's ... Good Points!"

  25. "They Weren't Green"September 19, 2014

    So much humbling honor.

  26. All you have to do is STOP, Kal ...

  27. Korffing Phrase of the Day

    pimply troll

  28. Another Korff Historical Wrap Up Post coming soon.

    Nothing you don't already know, but from time to time the Korffing Syndicate likes to sum up for clarity and purpose.

    Suck on it Pimply Troll.



  29. Look at the difference between KK now and when he fled the Czech Republic. I'd say he has diabetes or something. If I were him, I'd definitely get myself checked out.

    Of course, he can't, because he won't have access to decent medical care.

    I confidently expect KKK to predecease this 50-year-old by a couple of decades at least.

  30. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff is averaging much less time on FB than as is usual.

    A bit of Apple (but far less than I would expect before and after the iPhone 6 launch), and a few political posts.

    Nothing, zero remarks regarding his book, or series of books.

    Maybe he's working his little chubby fingers away trying to finish a .PDF book or some sort?

  31. Where's the book, Kal? You PROMISED.

  32. WAG FaceBook Update

    A few Apple posts today.

    Thanks for checking in Wideload.

  33. Very shortly it will be 3 weeks "past due" and Wide Load's book (or series of books) is nowhere in sight. Just another FAIL for Kalvin Karlton Korff with a lifetime of failures behind him.

    After all, did we expect any less from the Kolonel Klown??

  34. "They Weren't Green"September 23, 2014

    Such humbling honor, or a series of honors.

  35. Yes, a boner, or a series of boners...

    Ha, ha, ha!

  36. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: CONGRATULATIONS to India for successfully launching their first space probe to Mars. It is now in orbit. Instead of shooting for the Moon as China has done, India has said "Let's go to Mars instead," and they've done it, joining an American spacecraft as well. Kudos to India for this amazing achievement.

  37. Kalvin - I've asked you nicely. Now I'm demanding to know: WHERE. IS. THE. BOOK?????

  38. You know, Kalvin. A favourite pastime of Empire-era British cavalry officers in India was hunting wild pigs with their regimental lances. They called it "pig sticking". They'd have had a ball with you, "Colonel".

    Look at the state of you, man. Don't the Special Secret Services (snigger) conduct regular medicals?

  39. Special Secret Snickers... Federal Bureau of Twinkies, Internal Ho-Ho Services.... and so on.

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Tick, tock....

    Oh, whatever.

  41. It does appear to be 3 weeks Past Due Lard Ass. That is 3 weeks and NO Book or series of Books. Wow, why am I not surprised, eh Turd Boy? Why am I not surprised?

  42. WAG FaceBook Update

    No mention of the book and very little else for that matter.

    Type away Lard Ass, the wold awaits....

  43. As a month approaches with no book or series of books released, a new post is being readied.

    We're not being lazy, or with nothing to say or report....

    No, we're just enjoying life (we have a life Karlton; full of family, friends and humbling honesty and honored love), and we are enjoying the count up clock as well.

    We will never stop...

    No Law Suits Filed.
    Korffing for a Korff Free Internet.
    Korffers Unite.
    God Bless Don Ecker.

    The Korffing Syndicate

  44. WAG FaceBook Update

    I know you Korffer's like to see the humble and the honored...

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that I have three articles published in the Daily Post newspaper today. The first is a one page special on India's incredible achievement sending a probe to Mars on their first attempt for a price so cheap it might shake up the entire space industry; second article is on Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming meeting, last article is a travel piece on the beautiful city of Basel, Switzerland, -- one of my favorite cities. I've always loved Switzerland.
    I'll post higher resolution jpeg images of these when I get them. Thanks!

    On beer. Can you believe anything this guy says? No, you can not. In any case, Korff, adding calories to his ever widening wait line...

    Kal Korff: I AGREE. I enjoyed some Czech beers this evening with my cousin here in India and with some friends.

  45. Memo to a certain lying pedo criminal:

    1/ run hot bath
    2/ disrobe, step in
    3/ open vein
    4/ lay back, await much-deserved oblivion


  47. “He died shortly after birth, BUT was tested for intelligence and he came in at just over 200 IQ, just like his Father.”

    --- If this quote is accurate, then god damn you to hell for making such a claim, Korff. Jesus Christ, I wish I could get my hands on you. You disgust me more and more each day.

  48. None of that post is true....

    "Kalvin Karlton Korff answers our questions... not really, follow along:"

    Just an exercise in Korffing.

  49. That short URL goes here:
