Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kal Korff, still making promises

days past last promise to release

Listen to Kal Korff drone on and one. Better yet, wait for the Korffing Syndicate's edit to be released soon. You go Kalvin, by the looks of the soundcloud page; no comments, no downloads, I'm sure this "radio" show will further along your world domination.

Also, many of you may remember that we reported on Korff's Facebook wall and that he no longer identifies himself as married. Korff's high school friend asked him about this and Korff responded that he's still married and that this part of his life has nothing to do with his public life, and he removed it from his profile. Now following the bouncing ball... During the first 19 minutes of his "show" Korff thanks many dozens of people in his life. Who didn't Korff thank... that's right folks, his Punjab wife.

More of the same horseshit. Ask yourself; why wouldn’t Korff know the web site address, now? Of course he does, he had to sign up, to get locked into whatever web site and platform the “show” will be “broadcast” from. Korff goes  on to say he'll post the locations... Remember when Korff said he had many web sites and they all hosted different information, lie. I wonder what Korff means by "locations"... iTunes, Youtube, a link to these from his locked down Facebook wall... See how this works Korff, you've been at this game for so long you can't even lie very well anymore, if ever.

Lauri Eid: Waiting for instructions on how I listen to you over here in Northwestern Iowa, USA. Showtime is getting very close. Are you excited? For the throat...pineapple juice and honey. Break a leg!

Kal Korff: I will use Cayenne Pepper, my old standby. Using it in Prague (where I learned about it) kept me from getting a cold for eight years. Then I finally got one after I came to India, despite Prague's Moscow type winters.

As soon as I have the link info and locations I'll post it.


Posted on November 25 - Korff states that in a “couple days” he’ll have more details. 8 days later, no more details. The Syndicate is hoping, beyond all hope, that this “radio” show will happen. Let your imagination run wild about the phone and Skype calls Korff will receive. 2 days to go in America, 1 day to go in India... Korff, make this happen.

Kal Korff: Thanks everyone. Thanks for your kind words, private messages, emails and support, I really appreciate it. In a couple of days I will have more details, I'll be covering everything from politics to the paranormal, and there will be many exposes as a regular feature. More info soon...
Like · Reply · November 25 at 9:53pm


  1. They sell their cars in a holistic way? Wow.

    So while 95% of the country wallow in piss and shit covered streets and their teeth fallout because they can't afford the cost of a street vendor dentist, they get to watch these bank vaults run down those very same streets.

    This is just what India needs, holistic car sales.

    How long until Korff posts a photo humble bragging that the Benz people gave him a free car...

  2. A beard will not cover the goiter neck Korff.

  3. Korff posts his first photo on Facebook and nobody cares... Some might think this is a sad response. I see it as a blog that has done it's job.


  4. WAG FaceBook Update

    The lies and thinking process of Kal Korff. Kal Korff: JUST RECEIVED a WARNING... Did you? Really, and why would they send YOU a WARNING...


    Korff is pro bringing in any all refugees to America, regardless of their vetting. He's also for Bernie Sanders. His stupidity knows no bounds.

    Kal Korff: Since 63% of all mass shootings are committed by whites, let's deport 63% of the white population or jail them. You cannot have selective morality.

  5. I have said it many, many times before. Korff is not only delusional but also a screaming and raging insane man. Insane and walking free. My God! The mind boggles.

  6. But you can have selective truth... right Korff.

    So honored, so humbled.

  7. How long before Kal befriends another unsuspecting philanthropist and has the Mercedes dealership send that person a bill for Kal's new car? I wonder where Kernal Korff was when Paris was attacked? He was sitting on the pot jerking off dreaming of being someone important.

  8. WAG FaceBook Update

    Gee, where have we heard this before? The uneducated might wonder; why doesn't Korff set up his own Apple "store" to bring Apple products, at a fair price, to the peoples of India...

    Yeah, I wonder way....

    Kal Korff: While the world's largest democracy, India, has NOT A SINGLE REAL, DEDICATED APPLE-OWNED STORE, in the meantime, Totalitarian (Capitalist) COMMUNIST China is opening their 27th. SHAME on India for this stupidity and charging as much as 50% more for Apple products than the rest of the world.

  9. A Korffer checks in with some interesting and palm to forehead material from Korff... Korff is still fully engaged in the lunatic mindset that people other than the Syndicate is interested in his life. Remember when Korff said he hid his marries from the press... Now, years later, Korff thinks its a good move to not keep in the "public record" his "marriage" and his FAKE Jewness.

    We couldn't make this stuff up people. Korff's mirror doesn't lie to Korff. It's as obvious as the goiter on his neck, Korff is out of his mind.

    Korffer: Someone made the observation that your FB doesn't seem to mention your relationship status . Are you still married?

    Kal Korff: Yes, absolutely.

    People must REALLY be bored and desperate. I presume this "someone" has a name? I changed it because I don't think it is relevant publicly or not. Neither is my being Jewish so I will soon change that as well and finally finish my bio/background across all the sites I have stuff posted on, because I never bothered doing it before. I will also be using Twitter a lot more, never have really used it all these years.

    What a joke.

  10. Someone should tell Korff if and when he starts using Twitter "more" that he'll enjoy the back and forth Twitter is known for.

    I can't wait. Twitter away Kalvin.

  11. Does this surprise anyone... Kal Korff, kontinues to hid.

    @KalKorff's Tweets are protected.

    Only confirmed followers have access to @KalKorff's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

  12. Ha, ha, ha!

    Design Name: Kal Korff
    Description: This is Kal Korff's official public and media photo.
    See more designs from: Kal Korff's Online Store
    Created on March 07, 2015 at 8:24 AM

  13. No discussions on Korff Amazon page... yet....

  14. Korff has crowed about the ranking of his books for decades. He claims his Roswell book is the #1 book on the subject, etc. I don't know about any of that but I did check their ranking on Amazon and here's what they say:

    Click the pairings button to see that many similar books rank much, much higher than Korff's.

    Keep up that humble bragging Korff, nobody else is.

  15. Wow, great Korffing fellows. It seems there's a never ending well of material on this guy.


  16. Tilting at windmills while the breeze kontinues to blow....

    Kal Korff: Unless I misunderstand this issue, here's how f*cked up Indian law is...again! Dowries are ILLEGAL in India, yet the SUPREME COURT (this is the SAME "tolerant India" Supreme Court that made homosexual consenting sex a 10 year CRIMINAL ACT under the CONgress Party!), has now ruled this...It makes no sense. If Dowries are ILLEGAL there should be NO RULINGS SUPPORTING THEM. Duh!

    Supreme Court of India: Legal Ruling Decides Women Separating From Husbands Can Claim Dowries Back

    The court ruled that a woman does not have to be officially divorced from her husband in order to make the claim. Refusing to return a dowry could subject parties to criminal prosecution.

  17. Wow! The Kalvin Karlton Korff blab fest!! I can HARDLY FUCKING WAIT!! I wonder if he will update we "FANS" on his "shit picker upper" in the streets and alleys of India? What is on-going with the hunt for Isis terrorists? Has he taught his genius level kid how to use a knife, fork and spoon and how to wipe his little bum? (Oh, and where to use his little bum?)

    What is Lt. Tycova up to? Did Kalvin get that new shiny car ... for free? Is he now the CEO or CFO of that India Media Giant? Damn, my mind is swirling ...........

  18. WAG FaceBook Update

    Just a quick look at Korff's radio show post from 8 hours ago.

    A few people have asked him about their options to listen to the show... Korff is currently quiet on this... Surprised, not in the least.

    Angelia Joiner: I hope I can listen!!
    Kathy-David Bonadonna: how to hear you?
    Howard Konikoff: Any Canadian radio stations?
    Warren Royal: How can we hear it in the U.S.?

  19. As far as Korff having a "radio show", how many want to bet he bought a "used tape recorder" will figure out how to turn it on, babble into it for a bit and then somehow digitize it ... and post it on line! Ergo ... Kal Has A Radio Show!!!!

    Right on Kalvin ... fuck me for shure ....

  20. So, Korff is now bleating he is going to host a radio show, eh? And he is using a photo of himself from 10 or 15 years ago? I just have one word to say about this;

    Fucking Trainwreck (oops .. that's two words!)

  21. Hey Korff, where's the books and the movie you've been humbly bragging about? Oh yeah, that's right, lies, all lies.

  22. Having Turkey with the troops Kalvin?

    I didn't think so.

  23. Well Korffer's, we are fast approaching 450 Days PAST DUE on Kalvin's book or series of books being published.

    Where is it Kalvin? We are waiting Kalvin. Where are your books Kalvin?


  24. It has been awhile since I have dropped by my favorite Korff spot but Oh Boy! I am pleased as punch to see that our favorite Fat Ass still manages to be genuinely honored and sincerely humbled by every little thing.

    His own radio show? Hot Damn! This ought to be good!

  25. WAG FaceBook Update

    ... and I'm a Krav Maga instructor, and I play a number instruments, and I speak 7 languages, and I wrote over 50 books... and I have a genius son, and I'm married to an Indian Princess and I write for a media giant....

    Kal Korff on Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Kal Korff: Oh I totally understand and agree. I know all about him and his life story. I had the honor of training with one of his former training partners in Fremont, California when I used to live there. Learned a lot. I have always been an admirer of his, but I do NOT admire the fact he cheated on his wife and destroyed his marriage by doing so. But I have read all of his books and used his methods to gain muscle myself. I will always admire him. I finished reading his last book earlier this year.

  26. Don't drop in here too often these days, as my new emplooyers wouldn't understand.

    Just dropping in now to assure you, Kalvin, of my continued and undying loathing.

    You are worthless scum, Korff. One day I will make you pay for what you did to Mr S*dl*cek. Oh yes, "Colonel", you will pay.

    I will make you pay.

  27. WAG FaceBook Update

    Because I said so, they did it... I am, Kal Korff....

    Kal Korff: Yes, global warming advocates have always typically underestimated both the role of the sun and clouds and their effects on temperatures.

    The UN basically finally admitted this in their last major assessment, but only after being pressured to come clean by critics like me. Years ago I noticed a precise match comparing the so-called "hockey stick" to sunspot cycles. The match is so precise there must be a relationship. The HS is a perfect example of a contrived set of data, since it made a point to exclude the medieval warming period, where naturally things got so warm, they were growing grapes in Scotland and making wine!

    Most people don't know that in the past, thousands of years ago, where the UK now resides, there was also more land above sea level and that is how humans migrated there, they could practically walked. It then collapsed and got bored after the ice age passed, making the UK an island.

    By the way, on a different subject, you are absolutely right about the PKK Kurds and Erdogan going after them.


    Both CIA and US Govt. were "thankful" but of course, I was not officially "ordered" to do it. They did not need to give me that order, Royce, I am Kal Korff. Ritter doesn't even know I helped lure him to Prague under the guise of paying him to come give a lecture. "

    --Korff in an e-mail alleging to have given former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter information about Saddam Hussein's WMD secret labs. Korff even sent a picture he alleged was taken by a camera hidden in a flower pot

  28. WAG FaceBook Update

    Yes, Kal Korff to the rescue.

    Kal Korff: This breaks my heart. This is in India, in Kolkata. I hope something is done to help this woman. I'm going to try to look into this and help, it's the right thing to do. I think fear of dying is very real with everyone. Also, she obviously has never had complete proper diagnostics, meaning it might be a tumor which is another thing entirely. I will look into this and see what I can learn, and take it from there.

  29. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff, barking at the moon... what a lunatic. He can't even keep a web site up and working and we're to believe this lie...

    Kal Korff: In the past I fully admit (and I still do this on occasion) that I engage in Internet search patterns to throw spying entities for a loop so that they don't know what to really think. It's my way of quietly protesting the Orwellian nature of the Obama administration which falsely claims that it is the "most transparent administration" in history when it is precisely the opposite. The shame is that no one seems to care. I am all for legitimate and justified surveillance, unfortunately we will never see it in our lifetime.

  30. WAG FaceBook Update

    Yes, Kal Korff isn't lying about this, problem is, it's so last century. Korff, ask yourself, why haven't you been asked to appear on any TV show since 2000? Roswell Week, no invite, the death of JFK, no invite, our ongoing terror world, no invites.

    Any by the way, reporter...

    Pink Floyd "said" this; "Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from."

    Bruce Springsteen said this; "Fifty-seven channels and nothin' on"

    Choking Victim "said" this; 500 channels waste my life away, away... 500 channels of a day-dream stimulation.

    You see, reporter, you lazy ass journalist... try a little research before you open your pie hole.


    Kal Korff: Having done a lot of TV over the years, I have lost much respect for what passes for "TV" nowadays. As Pink Floyd I think once famously said, "500 channels of shi* to choose from."

    What bothers me is when networks like the History Chanel or Discovery Channel present nonsense as if it had any scientific or historic credibility when it never has. They used to not be like that, same with National Geographic. But those days are gone.

  31. WAG FaceBook Update

    What a lazy asshole... So this guy dies, he took some Clinton documents... here what Korff had to say about it:

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Sandy Berger, national security adviser to former President Bill Clinton, died last night at age 70. Berger, who had been working as a political consultant, also served as a foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.

    Kal Korff: Yes, he was busted for stealing documents. I am not saying I liked him, just was passing on the death of a noted individual. Somewhere in my files I have some data on what we DO knew he stole, but of course not all of it. I'd have to check my files.

    Here's what 10 seconds of research came up with:

    Of course, Korff is looking to humble brag, to bait people into saying something like, "Gee Kal, you're so involved in everything..."

    Of course, nobody did.... Nobody cares.

  32. One day, one day left.....

  33. Hmm, lets see .. back on November 24th I noted;

    "As far as Korff having a "radio show", how many want to bet he bought a "used tape recorder" will figure out how to turn it on, babble into it for a bit and then somehow digitize it ... and post it on line! Ergo ... Kal Has A Radio Show!!!!

    Right on Kalvin ... fuck me for shure ...."

    Seems like I called it! He is gonna "do the show and upload it to the web so anybody can download it and listen at their leisure."

    Yup, the Lard Ass nevers fails to live up to our expectations. Go get em' Tons of Fun.

  34. So let me see if I understand what Korff is getting at....

    It looks like he's going to do a one on one Skype interview with the person of his choice, and then he's going to post it on Youtube. Or maybe he'll just post the audio because God knows, nobody want's to look at Korff in his present state.

    So... Generally the term "radio" is used to promote an interactive medium; a form a media which utilizes audio, a web site, social platforms, e-mail and phone connects, and sometimes video.

    Much like Korff promise to have a reality TV show (remember those shower frame grabs) and many other TV shows, which were in fact posted (if ever made) on Youtube, which is not TV as we continue to use the term, Korff is lying once again.

    No never mind to me, I'm happy to enjoy whatever the Idiot posts to the web and I'm very happy to know that Korffers will then take that material and edit in the truth.


  35. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff high school friends chimes in:

    Raj Shekar Reddi: Are we supposed to do a Google search or will you be providing a link?

    Kal Korff: They will be available on the market soon and when I have that info as such I will post it. Right now they're not publicly released yet, but when they are very shortly, they'll be available like any normal books are and as my current ones are that have been out for years since the 1980s on forward.

    The first one coming out is the expose of Jacobsen, long overdue, second is the wisdom book, third is CIA book.

    Thanks for asking.

    Raj Shekar Reddi: Actually I was referring to your radio show which apparently doesn't stream live.

  36. Oh my God, using that current Korff mug photo in place of that photoshopped Korff mug is so funny! Truth indeed.

  37. Captain Obvious.... How else would one listen to it "on line" except via the internet.

    So painfully lame.

    Kal Korff, "People everywhere around the world will be able to listen to it online via the Internet."

  38. During this presentation Korff states that he was a friend with one of the people who died in the recent Southern California mass shooting.

    Does this surprise anyone. I think not.

    If anyone wants to look into this claim, here's a link regarding the person Korff says he was friends with:

  39. So I fast forwarded through this so boring "show"... At the end Korff thanks people for "tuning in" and to please tune in next week at 9:00 Pm for another show.

    What the fuck are you talking about?!? These are prerecorded, we can't "tune in" until you post it to soundcloud and then we can "tune-in" any time we want.

    Korff, you do understand that this isn't a radio show like Art Bell, Don Ecker, Larry King and the rest. Those are real radio shows in that they are live, they have callers, e-mail, twitter and Skype input.

    You have none of these, you have you (and guests in the future we suppose) with no outside influence.

    Gee, I wonder why this is... I wonder why Korff prerecords his show... Maybe to control it's contents, maybe because he knows that if and when he opens it up to a true live broadcast that he's get over run with people pressing him to prove his claims and to discuss his proven lies.

    Yes Kalvin, we will "tune in" and download every show.

    The monitoring will never stop, combating your lies with the truth will never stop.

    At some point you will be forced to debate your claims and lies Korff. For this to happen on your own "show" makes this inevitability even more sweet.

    Merry Fucking Christmas Korff

    Korffing Syndicate

  40. Okay, as I KNEW it would be, an exercise in watching paint dry! My God! What a boring blab fest as Tubby babbled on! This asswipe does not have a clue, does he? This is a radio show? Hahahahahahaha!

    Hey "tons of fun", were are those books? Hmmm?

  41. And please keep this in mine. Much like when Korff was crowing about his Youtube views and his ScribD reads, soundcloud add's a "play" each time the page is refreshed.

    This morning his "play" count is up to 30... how many of those are page refreshes done by our own Village Wideload....

    And of course, how many of those are actually fast forward listens by Korffer's a round the world.

    Failure Developing...

  42. I tried to listen to this "pile-up" and here is what I noticed. No car chases, no gun shots, no T&A, no explosions (except for my head) .. and most importantly ... no, nada, zero engagement. Korff just babbles on apparently intoxicated by his own voice. Oh you betcha! The advertisers will be lining up to be associated with this show! (Can I call it a show? Korff babbles into a mic into his (I assume) computer and he posts it up on what ... Soundcloud?

    Looks like Marconi award material fur shure ...

    Korff ... well blubber butt .... another fail ....
