Sunday, July 10, 2016

I'm A Shiny Star!!!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2016

    Where's your wife Korff? You love to surround yourself with women and call them out as the highest form of being on Earth, etc.

    And yet, you haven't made mention of your wife in almost 2 years now.

    Kalvin, where's your wife?

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2016

    Facebook is all about creating false images for people to "Like" for social feedback rather than dragging them through the mud of one's actual life. Its not real, its Facebook, anyone with any common sense knows that and will react with amusement at the sight of Kal trying to look 35 & knowing that it will all just rinse out in a week. The turtleneck during summer months is poor costuming and a sad choice for such a plump individual. The internet isn't real, its the internet. All Korff has done here is to try and create another false internet moment to manipulate his Fakebookers into "Liking" it.

    As for a "Kal Korff TV show" where have we heard THAT before, and just recently? Oh that's right, there's "episodes" of a "Kal Korff Show" still on his old Kernel Klown YouTube channel, and they are the definition of pathetic internet crap by a mental patient. He even admits that it will be uploaded to the internet, which is not television. Those who aren't fooled by his deceptions will see right through all of this bullshit and like this Chris chap correctly ask, "What about the book / film / radio show / myriad of other promised projects that were dropped after a week once the trickle of "Likes" dried up?" He didn't "stop working on his Soundcloud uploaded "radio show" for the TV show", he just stopped. After two installments of mouth breathing, talking about himself, and coming off as a pompous deluded mental patient who fled to India to avoid court-ordered psychological evaluations.

    Sorry Kal but it won't work. Failure will tag everything you do as a loser for the rest of your days. You squandered the promise of your youth shamefully and can't just re-apply it out of a bottle in five minutes.

  3. AnonymousJuly 11, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    As expected....

    Dayton McNeil: Lucky you, getting to work with such beautiful women. I'm sure some will take that as sexist. That's ok though. They're probably the same people who think Bruce Jenner deserves the "woman of the year" award. Nothing but respect Kal. Hope things keep going well.

    Kal Korff: Hi Dayton, thanks for your kinds words. YES they ARE BEAUTIFUL. It's NOT "sexist" what you say, it is a SCIENTIFIC FACT, and YES I am TRULY BLESSED in my life to be able to do work like this. Wishing you the best.

  4. AnonymousJuly 12, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    First up let us look at this statement again:

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone., thanks for your interest and support. Link will be up as soon as I get it, recording went great.

    How many times have we heard this before. Korff likes to try and convince people that a whole team is behind his projects. My adjunct will be contacting you, the links will be sent to me, the web site will be built, etc. Bullshit Korff, it's you, and only you.

    Like the movie and the previews, the fucking movie and previews, What a lying loser.



    So we have Korff's Aunty Suzanne checking in. Poor sad Aunty Suzanne, doesn't know what kind of a lying thief Korff is. You're such a nice nephew aren't you Kalvin.

    What a huge piece of shit you are Kalvin.

  5. October 19, 1973July 13, 2016

    LOL mom's coming for a visit. Yay! Maybe he can interview her for his hit Indian YouTube channel? Or do a special on how she bailed his ass out after he tried to swindle Cables & Simms using poor V0jt3k as a pigeon. How did that go again ... Fuck You, Milos Bartu? I think that was it. How did it feel to find out you were about to be deported, Kal? Was that the "terrorist threat" you used to excuse chickening out on debating Kevin Randle? Heard you trashed your Czech apartment and fled Prague in haste, leaving behind lasting bitter feelings in people who had trusted you. It is interesting that you never refer to your tenure in Prague to your Facebook buddies. Maybe something you don't want them to know about.

    Does your homeboy Manish know how you bamboozled an icon of international humanitarian kindness for your own personal gain? Worthless ratfucker.

  6. AnonymousJuly 13, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff, professional broadcaster and reporter at work.... Fucktards, yes, fucktards.

    Kal Korff: Just think, folks. There are actual fucktards who "think" that the Holocaust never happened. Thanks to Vicki for originally posting this. NEVER FORGET! These photos capturing a dark time in history are gut wrenching.

  7. AnonymousJuly 13, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    And the "Playtime with Kal" kontinues.

    Art Levine: congrats! who is sponsor and on what web page?

    Kal Korff: Hi Art, always nice to hear from you. The show will air shortly, it is one hour, covers everything from Politics to the Paranormal, not necessarily in each episode, but a wide spectrum of issues and topics for example. It is Daily World TV, owned by DailyWorld, which is an international communications and media company. As soon as I know the link for the dedicated channel, I certainly will post it.

  8. AnonymousJuly 13, 2016

    It is Daily World TV, owned by DailyWorld, which is an international communications and media company.

    Oh so Kal Korff doesn't know who sponsors his own television show. Daily World just lets him do it sponsor-free for ... what. Being a great janitor? All broadcast media have sponsors. Advertising is what drives broadcast media, with the exceptions being community access and public broadcasting which are funded by public donations. Nobody just makes television for free and all legit TV hosts are delighted to rattle off their sponsors.

    Kal Korff's new "show" is magical. It doesn't cost anything to produce, there's no broadcast fees, and nobody needs any practical experience, especially the host. It's just Kal and whoever is hanging around for him to "interview" like his roommate the receptionist. So why would it need a sponsor? You just upload the video file to you tube as soon as i-movie exports it. But then again that's not television, its you tube, making the whole story a LIE as usual. And he can't admit that to his good close buddy Art, can he.

  9. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    Here's an article Levine wrote about Korff:

    Art Levine is a contributing editor of The Washington Monthly, and a former Fellow with the Progressive Policy Insititute. He has also written for The American Prospect, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Slate, Salon and numerous other publications. He is the author of 2005's PPI report, Parity-Plus: A Third Way Approach to Fix America's Mental Health System, and is currently researching a book on mental health issues.

  10. October 19, 1973July 15, 2016

    "Show was a success" -- Since there is no live audience and no critical review, I wonder how "talk show host" Kalvin K. Karlton Korff -- based in India, on what would allegedly be Indian television -- gauged that success factor, since it apparently hasn't been uploaded (or "aired" as he might put it).

    Was it "a success" simply because ...

    Nobody walked off in disgust?
    None of the equipment failed?
    The set didn't fall down?
    Manish hasn't told him to get the fuck out yet?
    He hasn't been told he is being deported?

    Or, is it simply the case that there wasn't a "show" at all. That it's more lies and the photo with his guest and producer babe is a misrepresentation of well meaning innocent people Kalvin took advantage of. Like his former Warrant Officer Lieutenant Tychova, who was just some chick who worked in a bar & spoke just enough English to tell Kal to fuck off after realizing he had been using her as a prop in an elaborate fantasy.

  11. AnonymousJuly 16, 2016

    "... a prop in an elaborate fantasy." Nice.

  12. AnonymousJuly 16, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    One honored and humbled piece of shit.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored and humbled to report that I have a full page article Special in today's Daily World newspaper, it is about the terrorist attack in Nice. The piece is very blunt and recounts France's shameful history not only allowing terrorists to operate in their country, but also allowing them to spread their extremist doctrine. France will continue to be an easy target for terrorists unless the French make changes in their society that have never been reality before.

  13. AnonymousJuly 16, 2016

  14. AnonymousJuly 17, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    One humble POS...

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am honored to report that I have another full page special in today's edition of Daily World newspaper. This time it is about the failed coup in Turkey. I hope you find it of interest, as usual your comments are always welcome. As a journalist, broadcaster and columnist, it's always humbling and a genuine honor to write full page specials and get them published. Thanks for your continued support and interest.

  15. AnonymousJuly 17, 2016

    WAG, whatever...... An example of what's wrong, so wrong, with the education system in America....

    Ron Garcia: Kal you do some fantastic work your journalism is unmatchable all your articles and stories have always been without a doubt an awesome display of what you're about ....The real stories the truth ...thanks kal for sharing your work your journalism ... Very proud to be your friend keep up the good work buddy

  16. "they weren't green"July 18, 2016

    what a humbling honor!

  17. AnonymousJuly 18, 2016

    This just in.

    From Kalvin's High School buddy.

    Raj Reddi‎ to Kal Israel: So Kal posts "Like Syria, Libya, the coup in Ecuador, which no one talked about, where democracy was destroyed Kissinger, Nixon, Allende Chile style..." a few hours ago. And I reply what coup in Ecuador? He replies "you guys weren't paying enough attention, it was Honduras!" Yeah but you were talking about Ecuador. Typical Kal, trying to blame others for his mistakes and failures.

  18. "they weren't green"July 19, 2016

    how humbling! and what an honor.
